I have always had dreams which have told me the future. Not in exact detail, but to the rough point of telling me exactly what is going to happen to me. With any huge event that has happened in my life, I have a dream 2 weeks prior, which has given me warning to everything that was about to happen to me. But also I was reading an article on parallel universes, and in every dream I have ever had since I was a child, all of my dreams have always been in the same city.
I know my way around this place, like it was where I live naturally. I know its beaches, bays, islands, country, theme parks, libraries, shopping centers, schools, bridges, suburbs, casinos night clubs, airports, everything I could draw a map its always there and always has been. What ever I have ever dreamt, it has always been in this city. e.g. if I dream of being at the beach it has always been the same beach. I can't explain it. In reading a theory on parallel universes, and my premonitions in dreams, could it be a parallel universe my other self is living in, yet going through the same life obstacles as I am?
What's is your thoughts? I don't know much about this stuff, and don't know if I have made much sense, but I have always had strange encounters with things, and I'm just looking for some answers.