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Real Psychic Experiences

Year 2012


In past stories I have submitted, I have told how I had a gift from when I was in grade 8 with receiving my first vision until I was 22 years old when I became overwhelmed and turned my back on the psychic realm. I have regretted this deeply. I have asked for my gift back and declare I want to help if I can.

My gift was with contact with spirits as well as knowledge of future events that were warnings of danger. Most of my future broadcast was immediate, but I suffered for years of constant nightmares of nuclear war and environmental disasters.

What happened is I have become overwhelmed yet again with information about the future. I must say it is very scary... Has anyone heard about war and events of 2012? Please tell me I am not alone, I understand that we need to practice our abilities to center our beings. We need to find enlightenment and that we can have contact with higher spiritual beings that can help us. It is fundamental that we turn away form the media and its brainwashing influences. It is fundamental that we discover our inner beings and seek truth from within. All knowing is within us, we can turn this reality on and change our world?

Please tell me I am not alone.

Other clairvoyant experiences by monarch1975

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The following comments are submitted by users of this site and are not official positions by Please read our guidelines and the previous posts before posting. The author, monarch1975, has the following expectation about your feedback: I will participate in the discussion and I need help with what I have experienced.

Timfaraos (426 posts)
9 years ago (2015-02-23)
My friend, the year 2012 has come and gone, and nothing has happened! LOL!...despite the numerous dire predictions of psychics and mediums! We have to understand, that the past, the present and the future, is in God's strong and loving hands, not OUR hands! In the old testament, God told the prophet Jonah, that He will destroy the great city of Ninevah, because of the sins of the people... And Jonah told this message to the king and people. The king then ordered that the people, and even the animals, should fast from food for days, and REPENT! And they did that, and God didn't destroy Ninevah! See, we can even change God's mind, and even the course of history, if we REPENT! When Jesus told the Apostles of the comming destruction of Jerusalem, they asked Him 'when, Lord?'. And He answered: 'no one knows, not even the angels, but only God the Father.' all you psychics, CHILL OUT, RELAX, and pray, and trust God... We are NOT God!
Becky666 (124 posts)
13 years ago (2011-11-26)
I am not religious however in such dire times I agree... Pray,love❤,medidate and ALWAYS blessed be 🤔
Haruel (10 posts)
13 years ago (2011-09-30)
something that I learn a dream or spiritual message it's an advice whatever we things change our reality always we have to had hope and faith starting with that our reality change and give us opportunities to solve we need always be positive and intuitive the intuition will help us to solve the problems the intuition and faith in GOD
AnandaHya (guest)
13 years ago (2011-01-30)
so those of you who are having predictions and dreams of destruction, do they look like this?



Riots in Egypt to oust the 40 plus dictator: cell phone and internet turned off for the whole country Friday Jan 28, 2011 to try and stem off organized protestors efforts to gain freedoms and political reform. Started in Tunisia when they successfully ousted their dictator after a man set himself on fire in protest to the government taking his livelihood: a fruit stand. The movement is spreading...

My dreams do resemble these images. I am trully worried. I will praying and hope that the other dreams can be diverted and do not become true, but sometimes God ask His people to be watchers and warn the people of the coming disasters, I higly doubt it. However I will keep the light of Hope burning because all things are possible through the aid of the Holy Spirit. Please if you can pray with me, I worry for our world.
AnandaHya (guest)
14 years ago (2010-12-25)
what is need is this train of thought is something postive. The world like is suppose to be:

Peace understanding knowledge, space flight

That's what I see. Any POSITVE predictions, if we succeed in our various differing missions?

We need to meditate of the positive energies of the world instead of letting the dark suck us dry. Remember to laugh love and live joyously for GOD LOVES YOU! We all have different spiritual gifts and we are suppose to be a family to help each other learn and develop. We are the elohim of this world, the judges. That does not mean we CONTROL this world. It means we can help it continue existing or be destroyed. We decide with the vote of our lives to see it continue or damn it to hell. We do NOT control what happens to us, we control OUR reaction. So do you choose to love the world NO MATTER what happens to you, even if you are cruxified, or do you chose to damn it for the crimes commited to you? One vote amongst millions. Don't complain. ACT in love and wisdom. Peace to all.

Please be careful how you judge others.
AnandaHya (guest)
14 years ago (2010-12-25)
rook he was just upset because he felt like he lied since his predictions didn't happen. I've had some prophecies (I told the church I joined that one of the member has a demon stalking her. It is a demon of pride. Common now even with out their third eye chakra open they should have seen the signs:

2 child molestation charges (one done by her 26 year old son to a 15 year old girl in sunday at the church while she was sunday school director because there were only one person in each classes room. I fixed that one by talking to hte newly hired pastor)

The church burnt down

Has been struck by lightneing three times since I started attending as a member

Flooded after I declared war on the pulpit on all demons in my area (most thought I was speaking "figuratively" about demons. Se my profile fore newspaper links to the event

And many many more. She is the sunday school director and her husband head deacon. The other church members are too "nice" to ask for their resignation (which they should have handed in after their son was put in prison in my opinion) now I have to convince them to pick up the sword of truth and stop being "nice" and get rid of the demons power by removing them from office. They can still do other things, but they should not sit in the high places or highest seats of the church.

I have problems with churchs and was pressured to join this one so I could teach sunday school (which they relieved me of later but that is another story (i'm at the church for the children the demons want to close the church and kill a child. God is activating his angels in flesh because others are "joining" the church we are planning a coup
RookDygin (5 stories) (324 posts)
14 years ago (2010-12-25)
Daryll = Wayward Elementalist got it.

Happy Christmas to all!



bbdeathspark (4 stories) (617 posts)
14 years ago (2010-12-24)
Bingo Shinigami~ You got another answer correct~ And Merry Christmas when it comes.
Shinigami0 (2 stories) (204 posts)
14 years ago (2010-12-24)
Rook, to answer your question, I believe Daryll is Wayward Elementalist. It is on Wayward's profile, and Sparky reffers to what I'm guessing was the "debate" (if you would be as general to assume THAT as a debate), that occured last night.

Or at least, that's the conclusion I came to. 😊 ❤
RookDygin (5 stories) (324 posts)
14 years ago (2010-12-24)
AnandaHya and NaturalScience

I'll quote you both so there is no misunderstanding...

(From AnandaHya)

"I wish I could do a Jonah and just jump inside a whale. Perhaps Nevenah will repent..."

(From NaturalScience)

"Right you are AnandaHya! All kids here listen - what he feels "I'd like to be Jonah and jump into a whale then Ninivah would repent"

Ninivah 'got it'...THEY did indeed repent, but WHAT happens to Jonah? How does that story truly end?

Darryl? Who is this Darryl?

AND last but not least...

NaturalScience...Thank you for that rousing public service announcement...


bbdeathspark (4 stories) (617 posts)
14 years ago (2010-12-23)
Aaah, Hello there Rashidah~ Nice to see you haven't given up on your "anime" trend even though I already told you I don't watch it. Have a nice day~ AND LOL, WaywardElementalist? God? LMAO. You always entertain me Rashidah~ Merry Christmas.
Rashidah (guest)
14 years ago (2010-12-23)
'Aaaah, all the tension... I can't wail until Darryl gets home, and proves it to you all~. But seriously, not beleiving is one thing, but saying I'm lying? No. Just wait for the debate~'

Bbdeathspark sigh... Darryl isn't God and he does not have all of the answers.

You are making this sound like another cult like group on this site. If you cannot defend the stuff you say on the internet by YOURSELF then that proves that the information that you are giving us is very shady.

And I thought I told you to lay off the anime.

If you actually took advice from the adults here, there would not be anymore spats. This is tiring.
NaturalScience (229 posts)
14 years ago (2010-12-23)
As to 2012, the real subject here, I never had any idea of this date being important, but when I was ten years old I had a time when I "made up stories in my head" as I called it, and those stories were about some big disaster occurring and me being among the few survivors, and me going out to seek them, and me collecting a group of them at my home.
Of course in these kid's ideas I was the one to lead them. In reality it could also be that I collect them but another leads the group that emerges, and worst-case I will be just some little Lizzie Miller, one more sheep in the herd, afterwards.

But in troubled times the social position is second rank - survival is what matters. I tell this to the kids here for any of them could be in the same situation as I imagined meself to be, as soon as times really run wild. Don't limit yourself by the expectation of a leading position after having helped some people out of trouble. Do it when trouble comes, no matter what comes after, or how you get "rewarded"!
NaturalScience (229 posts)
14 years ago (2010-12-23)
Right you are AnandaHya! All kids here listen - what he feels "I'd like to be Jonah and jump into a whale then Ninivah would repent" is something you all should learn to feel too, if you still don't, and act according to it.
This means for you as youths, Do whatever good actions come to your way! Especially help those in trouble.
If for example a grandma in your neighborhood has thick snow before her door and is unable to shovel it away - go and do it for you even if she does NOT offer you a mug of cocoa afterwards; or if someone in your class gets "mobbed" defend him/her or if you (still!) don't have the guts to get a bit laughed at too if you try to stop the mobbing, at least keep away from any kind of support for this kind of maliciousness, no matter whether you think him/her to be ugly, fat, old-fashioned, a "nerd", or whatever. Remember Einstein was a nerd, and got mobbed, and even was a bad student... You never know WHOM you mob!
Another thing to learn is economy, I mean especially, not buying anything you don't really need, and no more running to McDuff and CF--K and all those fast-food stores, but eating normal things which are not overprized as those "Burgers", from the supermarket, from a good bakery, and - mainly - from your own cooking. LEARN HOW TO COOK! But not with half-ready things from the industry (ugh!) but with potatoes, flour, rice, milk, butter or oil, untainted spices, regional season veggies - if you don't you are in danger to starve whenever logistics for industrial food should fail! But if you do you could be called up during times of failing order to feed and save others! If you want to be first-class try to become vegetarians.
Those who have the advantage of living in the country, or in a house with a garden, start exercising in raising veggies and potatoes, and in all kinds of yardwork, as soon as possible. You'll need such skills in the future. Perhaps MUCH more than anything you know about computers and the WWW - and perhaps even more than your real or alleged psychic abilities. And your fathers will be happy to see you finally start helping to carry the autumn leaves away, or the snow, WITHOUT them offering you five dollars per hour for that job to get it done at all 😆
This brings me to the other half of the cake: to keep from bad karma. The worst of bad karmas are those done by NOT doing the good you CAN do, just from laziness or lack of thought. I showed you a common example above 😉 Those bad deeds one has to DECIDE to do are known to you all - avoid them no matter what is promised to you! No "drinking up to coma" or any similar things which are perhaps even illicit in addition to the harm they do to the body, no fraud, blackmail or stealing, no fist- or knife-fights in the street or in the schoolyard. And if you are boys and date girls let THEM decide if they want more than just a kiss. And if you are girls don't lower yourself to offer your precious body to changing partners (uuugh!), be absolutely sure to avoid unplanned pregnancy, and never have sex without condom except you are true to your boyfriend and he is true to you too. Keep sane, keep clean, thus you will also keep relatively safe in troubled times.
AnandaHya (guest)
14 years ago (2010-12-23)
hey am I voice crying in the wilderness here? I'm a scientist I'm trying to go about it scientifically but everyone just wants to make it into a joke or a game. The date isn't important. I'm trying to prevent what I think where the world is headed. I don't want to see another mass genocide. THIS IS NOT A GAME at least not for me. My dad survived the killing feilds of cambodia. He hears voices and is diagnosised with paranoid schreophena Ok its mispelled. But then I'm upset. If you want to talk seriously just email me. I'm tired of the immature mind games. BE SERIOUS people. No wonder people don't believe me. I wish I could do a Jonah and just jump inside a whale. Perhaps Nevenah will repent...
DCinAZ (guest)
14 years ago (2010-12-23)
Cosmo, you see here they say that YOU have to prove THEM wrong. See, they say there's no way "scientifically" to prove them wrong so they will just go on insisting they're right. Then when offered scientific proof of them actually being wrong they say "Just because you say it's impossible that doesn't mean it didn't happen" and after that it's all moans and wails about how we just follow them around and ask so many questions to make them look bad. It's just a viscious circle. But it does make me laugh!
DCinAZ (guest)
14 years ago (2010-12-23)
Aah Sparky! What tension? This isn't tension sweety, it's anticipation. BIG difference! You see, if it were tension we all felt you would not hear so many people speaking in 'smiling' tones. What you hear is anticipation, that "ooo, can't wait to see this" attitude is what you feel. It's actually more of a happy feeling, like waiting for Christmas morning to open your presents. That is what you feel from all of us. 😊
bbdeathspark (4 stories) (617 posts)
14 years ago (2010-12-23)
Aaaah, all the tension... I can't wail until Darryl gets home, and proves it to you all~. But seriously, not beleiving is one thing, but saying I'm lying? No. Just wait for the debate~
NaturalScience (229 posts)
14 years ago (2010-12-23)
I agree with amarasamara thet the date of 2012 is not the important point, and also that Armageddon is NOT near yet. Well, they have started to mark humans as if they were beasts of burden, with electronic chips, and this is similar to the Mark of the Beast at first look, but the details are different in Revelation of St John. It says the mark of the beast is given upon the forehead and the right hand, and it causes a painful ulcer where it has been put. No trace of such side effects are known in animals or humans chipped the way they do to-day, and there is also only one chip per individual, and it is no visible mark but a sub-cutaneous thing only visible or readable by some technical item.
There is also lots of predictions in ST John's writing which have not come true, or even have shown in traces.
The only predictions which seem to have come true are some from the beginning of the Revelation.
All the rest still is "future's music" and far away.
Including the Beast. I am SURE that before REAL Armageddon this bad entity will show up, literally as predicted, from the sea.
Remember St John says there will be a time of peace on Earth lasting thousand years during which Jesus and His Saints will be on Earth and work as our world government. After this time only, for which we are still waiting and praying, the Rise of the Beast and all the awful rest will occur.
Me I think we are at the dawning of those awaited 1000 years. Let us look forward to it! The chaotic things we see now happening are a pre-taste of the Times of the End but not the real pre-End time. And this is for all the Christians here: take the position that we still have to learn to understand Jesus, that we did not understand him during all the last 2000 years, that the real Christian time is still to come, then you will go, and show, the right way. Don't stick to dogmas, churches, popes, or even to literally following the Bible. What is reliable is the story of the Life of Jesus, how he behaved, what he did, and the Law of Charity ("Golden Rule"), and the Lord's Prayer... If you take this and forget ALL the rest you know about Christianity, you will be among the fittest for the future in spiritual terms. Mahatma Gandhi knew this about Christianity but not much else, and integrated it into his meta-religious path, and thus, behold!, he became a pattern of practical Christianity - without even being baptised and in spite of him calling God "Krishna" and "Ram" according to the Hindu religion of his forefathers. Follow him! He was the first Third Millennium Man to live.
cosmogal926 (3 stories) (73 posts)
14 years ago (2010-12-23)
Hey DC: I don't know but it just amazes how we are expected to believe without question or reason. Why...? Becuase they said so... Sorry but that isn't enough. 😕
AnandaHya (guest)
14 years ago (2010-12-23)
sorry I might miss out on the fun. I love watching debates lol. Ok bbdeathspark i;m not opposed to you being taught by your TRUE spirit guide. But then you don't listen to the voice God placed in your heart, why would you listen to me? Ok back to family and presents. Merry Christmas everyone. You know Jesus came to save all of GODs children and read my posting about the word OM. If you don't want to praise God stop breathing.:)
DCinAZ (guest)
14 years ago (2010-12-23)
Cosmo! Wassup? I'm mainly curious about who they think they're fooling. It is fascinating to watch as they morph their lies into something even more unbelievable. It would make an interesting case study I must admit. 🤔
Shinigami0 (2 stories) (204 posts)
14 years ago (2010-12-23)
Cosmogal- It actually reminded me of Thunder Cats, but maybe they're trying to one-up Storm? LOL, and you are welcome. I always tend to look stuff up that come from this particular site, you know? 😆 😆 ❤
cosmogal926 (3 stories) (73 posts)
14 years ago (2010-12-23)
Hmmm Lightening Deva? Is that a new X-Men character? LOL 😆 Shini my friend I was thinking that these things sounded like they were from a video game. Thanks for doing the google on that. 😊

Wow 7 elements? Earth, wind, fire, water, and...? Gee I'm stumped. I'm with Rook on The 5th Element, love that movie. I've seen it like a bazzilion times.

I believe Lyro said it best, These posts about 2012 are becoming annoying. Nobody really knows what is going to happen accept God. People have dreams and believe it or not sometimes that is all they are... Just dreams. I have dreams of disaster, plane crashes, explosions, and death all the time. I'm not going all chicken little claiming the world is going to end. If you take the time to look it up in a dream book you might be surprised that it could just be a manifestion of your own emotions.
RookDygin (5 stories) (324 posts)
14 years ago (2010-12-23)

Deep breath... I think much will be reveled if I get to have this debate that I have asked for... I will start with my questions and we will see where that takes us...

Please look at my request on the 'story'

"Elemental Abilities And Entities 2" by WaywardElementalist.



Shinigami0 (2 stories) (204 posts)
14 years ago (2010-12-23)
DC- You know, when I looked up that term, the only thing I could find, relating to what Sparky was talking about, was on this site. Kind of leads me to believe... 😊 ❤
DCinAZ (guest)
14 years ago (2010-12-23)
Sparky...It seems that around here or is it "this site"? People "knowing" of something doesn't really make that something true, it just makes it "assumed to be so". If you think you can prove something is so because someone else said they saw it through Astral Projection" then I'm sorry but that doesn't hold water with the rest of us. We have no reason to believe this person isn't the same person making the original claim and then backing up that claim via one of their own (extra) profiles. That doesn't prove anything.
RookDygin (5 stories) (324 posts)
14 years ago (2010-12-23)

That is fine... To many voices and it becomes a shouting match... But perhaps a 4 way debate could be arranged... 😉

Please e-mail Wayward, let them know what I've asked on their 'story' "Elemental Abilities And Entities 2"

I can't go... 'post for post' in 'real time' but I will answer a soon as I am able. (I work 3rd shift midnight to 8am so I'm at the end of my day about now...)


bbdeathspark (4 stories) (617 posts)
14 years ago (2010-12-23)
I'm sure he'd be willing to talk about it. Eh, I don't think he would want me to join in though. He knows more about it than em and I don't want to mess anything up~
Shinigami0 (2 stories) (204 posts)
14 years ago (2010-12-23)
I'd be willing to debate this as well. Haven't used my public forum skills in a while. 😆 😊 ❤

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