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shapeshifter78 (2 stories) (169 posts)
12 years ago (2012-02-13)
Truely-unknown, you are really a idiot. I mean this fully. First, wether a demon and spirit with harmful means are the same is just a hypothesis that has no proof to go with it. Have you even met and fought a demon or powerful spirit before? I very much doubt that. Also the world will not end on that date. Just that something big will happen just like the last time it ended. Yes, it has ended before already and it started up again with the mayan calender. You also say this post is a joke when interpritation of a dream which even AnneV, the practically runner of this
Site,dreampt of a happening also. We also stopped talking about politics already so you are just bringing up a old conversation.

Evil is not only darkness,
Ladfyhawke (1 stories) (103 posts)
12 years ago (2012-02-13)
slirpie125 I did not see the earth ending this year...Y'all,...that doesn't mean anything,...A twisted sense of humor would bring the end two days earlier or a month later when everyone sighs the big sigh of relief... I want to believe in the 'pure land' teaching of Buddhists. I want to believe in the descending mind of God entering all minds and corporal life, as we know it, transcending at the same time. That the spark of God inherent to all is amplified so brightly, no shadows can be cast... The enlightened will no longer have need of mankinds words and interpretations of what is obvious... And never needed our interpretations to begin with... We are,still,small children scared of what we don't understand. Fierce to survive,protect... Yet, we all have the craving...homesickness,the calling. Like a homing beacon to the All Parent. Tho I wish and pray for these things... I believe we have been standing in heaven since the beginning. That we have, like children...misunderstood,misused,and abused what we have been given to learn from, care for, and eventually share with as companions beside our creator... Lover of our souls. Let me rest some (working horses in the cold can wear a body a little), and Ill come back to discuss this more... If you don't mind... ❤ Ladyhawke
truely-unknown (10 stories) (106 posts)
12 years ago (2012-02-13)
Hahaha, very true. In this place you probably won't need a plane to fly since you will likely be energy, so much more fun. 😁 That made my night of being stuck awake worth it.
barry2962 (2 stories) (104 posts)
12 years ago (2012-02-13)
Seems that an "end of times" question will always lead to questions of the hereafter... After all... If it does end... Then what? In my opinion death is a spiritual transformation... Which is a psychic experience that can neither be proven or denied... If the world ends, we will go somewhere else to play:)
barry2962 (2 stories) (104 posts)
12 years ago (2012-02-13)
At are very wise... And choose to think for yourself instead of following a book of instructions.
barry2962 (2 stories) (104 posts)
12 years ago (2012-02-13)
There is no devil. The invention of a devil was simply a good way for having someone else to blame when something bad happens in your life... If it is good it is from God, if it is bad it is from the devil. That way instead of taking responsibility for your own life... You have someone to blame. It is simply relativity which the earth is based on... There can be no up without down... There can be no cold without hot... There can be no good without bad... Even if something bad happens to you, you learn from it and in doing so... Become more... It is your perception and judgement that make something good or bad.
truely-unknown (10 stories) (106 posts)
12 years ago (2012-02-13)
I really don't like the word demon, a demon is only a spirit with harmful intentions. I personally do not believe the end of the world is in 2012. In fact the day it is supposed to happen if I am alive 1 week after I will smile and say "wasn't the end of the world last week?'. Many believe I'm crazy, but I kind of do to. If there is a judgement day the way I'll explain the way I lived my last years I will say "I was doing my best to keep the mood light and near careless about beliefs' and accept the consequences. I also have no personal belief system regarding religion other than it should not be forced upon anyone. Barry, companies do not take buildings down with airliners. Not everything is god and government, I couldn't care less about politics. I will follow my heart and suffer the punishment if any later. I say this not in anger but as an expression of my feelings on all of this. Ladyfhawke, this seems wrong to post on this site. Most if not all on this site never had harmful intentions except maybe to the one person messing with them too long. We also control ourselves so we never do cause them harm and let them drift out of our lives. Nobody can live physically or spiritually with no enemys, not even a god. But it is us who choose to be wize and peaceful rather than hotshots.

Last but not least, darkness is not always evil.
Sisyphus_Of_Comprehension (2 stories) (69 posts)
12 years ago (2012-02-13)
I found an incorrect detail, the devil as you know him does, in fact, love god, and god loves the devil as well (nowhere in the Bible does it instruct you to hate). The illusion of anything but pure love, which is the devil is false, he only asks you to recognize the falseness in your life and in yourself, then to turn towards the truth. Don't hate the devil. This is the mistake man has made repeatedly over the eons, this happens over and over again like a cycle in countless form and WE have a chance to make the right decision. King Siyphus has spoken, roll not thy boulder again, move on and let go and be one with everything.
Mubashir (285 posts)
12 years ago (2012-02-13)
[at] Gerry. If you have a person's id which you can see in his profile, then you are able to contact that person easily.
Mubashir (285 posts)
12 years ago (2012-02-13)
Well gerry thanks for the advice. I will make sure nothing bad happens next time. God bless you.
Gerry (1 stories) (87 posts)
12 years ago (2012-02-13)
Can anyone advise me on how to get a message to Black Angel, or to anyone specifically?
Gerry (1 stories) (87 posts)
12 years ago (2012-02-13)
Mubashir read Psalm 91 every day. This is not only a prayer but in incantation against evil.

Also you have mentioned you believe in God, so does the devil, what you must say is that you love God. You know who is with God if they admit they love Him, if they can't, walk away they are the ones that will deceive you.
I love Yod He Vav He with all my heart and being.
Also if any one else is reading this go to the section on top of the page in articles. It's all true, Love you all, Gerry
Mubashir (285 posts)
12 years ago (2012-02-13)
[at] Gerry. I am really sorry if I said stupid things. I think I didn't properly explained myself. Well I meant that I truely believe in God and there are people around me who try to confuse me everytime. So I want to be firm in my beliefs and don't want to be confused by anyone. As for knowledge I pray to God to bless me with wisdom and knowledge. I will make mistakes and will learn from them and won't make those mistakes again. Well you are right that I am not spiritually that strong that I am able to protect myself from the attacks of devil. So I pray to God that He protect me from the devil who means harm to me and everyone and you know I am still learning. If you have any advice for me, I will be greatful to you.
Gerry (1 stories) (87 posts)
12 years ago (2012-02-13)
Dear Mubashir, I am disappointed in you on many accounts.
Firstly you believe yourself to be spiritaul, this means to be with God who Protects us. If you are with God who can be against you?
Secondly you say no one will sway you, this is a sign of stopped learning this too is dangerous. I always ask Questions and search for answers, mostly I get them from Heaven. In scripture it states blessed is he who seeks knowledge, How do I know it's from Heaven? Because evil will not say they love God, and unless they can say that I don't listen.
If you are being attacked by evil it's because you are on the wrong track and they know you have no defence.
Yes you must protect from everything said, but when you know how to discern you will know who speaks clearly.
Mubashir (285 posts)
12 years ago (2012-02-13)
Well I can't exactly explain it but it feels like someone is grabbing me really hard that my body is going to break apart. Intense depressions and strange visions, whispers and strange stuff like that. Sometimes I see strange dreams from which I force myself to wake up. Maybe you know what's happening to me. Honeslty I don't feel like talking about this more. I will try to deal with this myself.
Mubashir (285 posts)
12 years ago (2012-02-12)
[at] Shapeshifter78. Well I am sorry about that. You are right that everyone has different point of views. But you see I don't know I feel sad when someone denies the existance of God. Well I don't want people to be confused and lose the right path and suffer because of it. Anyways I will listen to others what they think.
shapeshifter78 (2 stories) (169 posts)
12 years ago (2012-02-12)
[at] mubashir, I give you kudos on being able to stick with a system of belief which has worked for you. What I am also curious is that you posted that the devil is trying to get after you. What I am curious is what the precise happenings that have happened to you because this might be a powerful spirit or a demon. Has it ever tried to inflict physical or mental pain on you? And what shape does it show you? I am only asking you this because I have dealt and even fought with spirits and demons.
Mubashir (285 posts)
12 years ago (2012-02-12)
Well shapeshifter I totally agrre with you. I don't see anything psychic but politics. If you want say something like that, say it on a political site and you just can't take such greater things so lightly because if you take them lightly, you will only regret later. I will stand for my beliefs and no one can change my beliefs. I will bear the results of my beliefs with courage. Even I have to face criticism for them. People around me tried to change my beliefs but no one was successful doing that.
shapeshifter78 (2 stories) (169 posts)
12 years ago (2012-02-12)
[at] mubashir, please be kind and don't start saying that people might be influenced by the devil just because they have a different way of thinking than you. If I told you my way of thinking you would literally have a heart attack compared to what Barry put down. This is a site to let different ideas flow instead of advocating someone you don't agree with. Although god has shaped us in many ways it is even said in the bible (which I have read front to back two times) that god let us have freedom of thought and this lead to differences in ideas. It is not the devil or a demon that let's us have differences in thought, it was literally god himself.
shapeshifter78 (2 stories) (169 posts)
12 years ago (2012-02-12)
Barry, it isn't that I don't believe you but what proof do you have that she is the reincarnation of a scene of disaster of two manmade buildngs? Also I wouldn't be so suprised since the government has already done many horrible acts that we don't even know the extent of, including to it's own citizens. Anyone who still believes in patriotism maybe should wake up that their government is just a act and even their money is printed out by a company only affialated with the government by the bribes they give bigshot Senators. Now enough of that icky politics and let's go back to the psychic stuff.
Mubashir (285 posts)
12 years ago (2012-02-12)
[at] Barry2962. Well that's what your belief is. If you think this way, you are only inluenced by devil, because he will make you believe that there is no one like God and the judgement day. God existed before the creation of the universe, He exists now and will exist after the end of everything. Well it is just as I mentioned earlier, some are afraid of judgement day and some say it don't even exists. If that's what you believe then so be it. But remember there are sometimes you feel you are right but in truth you are wrong and watch out for devil. When he knows you are walking on the right path, he will confuse you and will take you to the wrong path. You see its dangerous, very dangerous indeed.
barry2962 (2 stories) (104 posts)
12 years ago (2012-02-12)
At Mubashir... People who do that for a living stood up and spoke... But were quickly shut up. I probably shouldn't say more... Except to watch the videos when the buildings were falling... And compare them to buildings that were dropped by companies...
barry2962 (2 stories) (104 posts)
12 years ago (2012-02-12)
As for judgement day... There isn't one... Other than the judgement we bestow on ourselves and others. We are part of ALL THAT IS... Why would He judge himself? It is simply another humanized aspect we have placed on God. It is the old energy that has changed... A new consciousness has arrived. It is the ending of an old way of thinking. No need to fear my friends.
Mubashir (285 posts)
12 years ago (2012-02-12)
Well then tell me what you know, its not that I don't believe you at all. When I know the truth myself then I will be able to say anything. Well if its possible for you to share your knowledge with me, I will be grateful. I will be looking forward to your next post.
barry2962 (2 stories) (104 posts)
12 years ago (2012-02-12)
My daughter is a reincarnation from the twin towers... If the earth was going to end, I don't think she would have bothered to come back here. Oh, by the way... How would you feel if you thought your own government imploded the twin towers... In order to point the finger at someone else?! Buildings don't fall straight down without being set up to do so...
Gerry (1 stories) (87 posts)
12 years ago (2012-02-12)
Mubashir, somethings and knowledge we are given, when we connect with the God spirit world many things are revealed. By saying God it to indentify the two types, one evil one God's. We must have the ability to discern with which we communicate with. When you do wrong its because you are listening to the evil, when you do good its God you listen too.
If I told you what I know you would not believe me, if I need to tell you what I know then God is not ready for you to know, the result would be that you would not believe me.
Mubashir (285 posts)
12 years ago (2012-02-12)
Sorry about my question but who are "they" and can you tell me where did you read this. I want to see it myself. I don't know but I am not convinced by this theory, maybe I am wrong about that. Is that even possible that this world was kind of restarted. If that's the case then, would it be possible that humans have to go through the troubles of this world again after the world is ended and re created. God would never want His humans to go through such trouble. This world was created once and will end once. I don't know whether its your belief or you read it somewhere.
Gerry (1 stories) (87 posts)
12 years ago (2012-02-12)
Hi let me explain something important and keep close to your hearts. There will be things happening soon but not the end of our planet. There are things happening behind the scenes, yes we are in a matrix and shown only what they want us to see.
The truth about time, (future) everything has already happened we are living in the past catching up to the end to which has already happened. People such as yourselves are not seeing the future but are remembering the past.
P.S. Can someone explain how to sen individual messages, such as to Dark Angel? Love Gerry
Mubashir (285 posts)
12 years ago (2012-02-11)
Well God has decided the fate of this world and the people who are born in it. The time from birth to death is decided already. I can't argue on religions because each has diffrent point of view on life and death. Its true that our world is facing many crisis minor or major. But humans who possess greater spiritual levels, can only see glimps of the end. No human can tell the exact time and date of the end. Its possible that everything will end in centuries or even tomorrow. So no one can pridict the time and date of world's end. If a person is afraid of judgement day then set your self from the sins and the shackles of devil. Why is it called judgement day? On this day each and every human will answer his actions before God.
NaturalScience (229 posts)
12 years ago (2012-02-11)
Master Muni Raji, the Guru who reigns the adherents of Master Haidakhan Babaji in India and world wide, was asked about the 2012 world-end idea in 2006. He said that it were "just another rumour". But on the other hand he said last year that the time of great turmoil which has been predicted by Babaji and which will even include nuclear warfare now has begun. This time is called Mahakranti, which means Great Revolution - in a literal sense, a time which will turn everything in our human sphere upside down and inside out, a real cataclysm... But not the end of our planet. And of course not the end of the Eternal Law of Karma. Whatever good deed one does even if it be one minute before the end of Universe itself, not just of one planet, will be recorded in God's perfect memory and rewarded; and every bad deed will reap its adequate fruit too. Thus Ladyfhawk you are absolutely correct. We are right to be scared today - but we should make our justified fear of the future into a fuel to do more good and less bad actions, to do honest work, to try to be useful for our fellow humans and all other living beings. Martin Luther said "if the world should end tomorrow and I knew it, I'd go out and plant an apple tree." So it be. Amen!
Mubashir (285 posts)
12 years ago (2012-02-10)
Well you can't say that earth is going to end in 2012. His meaning is there are mishappenings this year. Maybe they are major or minor. Even the world ends this year, people should live thier lives to the fullest. Not wasting their remaining time worrying about such things. I see many dreams that come true later. Sometimes I tell others about my dreams and they laugh it off and call me crazy.
slirpie125 (2 stories) (21 posts)
12 years ago (2012-02-10)
Ok, just trying to get this straight: Are you saying or not saying that you "foresaw" the Earth ending this year? Thank you =)

Mubashir (285 posts)
12 years ago (2012-02-10)
Well no human can pridict the time and date of judgement day. Only God knows that. People are fools that they believe that everything will end in 2012. Its totally irrational. Because of this stupid so called pridiction people really think that everything will end in 2012 and some people say that something called judgement day even exists. Thats what I have observed for a long time. Anyways I say never believe what fortune telles, torat readers and people like that say. Fate is in God's hand. Humans have no power over fate and the Will of God. If end is near then we should avoid sins and beg for forgiveness from God instead of commiting more sins.
Explosion123 (33 posts)
12 years ago (2012-02-10)
Nothing that big is going to happen in 2012...
Why do people still believe in this?
PathR (4 stories) (1274 posts)
12 years ago (2012-02-10)
Ladfyhawk truly appreciate your words.
Thanks for you post!
AnneV (4 stories) (1064 posts) mod
12 years ago (2012-02-10)
Very well said. A great reminder to us all to live in the now and love those aroud us. Thank you!

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