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Psychic Experiences in Category: Channeling / Guides: Page 1
Met My Spirit Guide For First Time by Myth
This is my first post here. I was advised to post this here. I'm looking for some advice about the situation as a whole. I will start off by saying I've always been interested in the "other things" in the world and beyond we can't see but never figured myself to have any ability. This all changed...
Looking For Help by TaraTaylor
I need help in getting some closure! I am in search of a person who can reply and honestly connect me to my deceased husband! He passed in 2018. I am 29 years old now and he left me with 3 beautiful children. I feel he is trying to reach out to me through the kids they see him and play with him a lo...
I Told My Spirit Guides To Go Away by Treehouse10
I told my spirit guides to go away. And now I'm worried I won't ever see them again. How do I know when I'm ready to bring them back and how do I tell them to come back? It was a 22 months ago I told them to go away. I sat on the edge of my bed when I woke up one morning. I pleaded with them. My...
Tarot Channeling by dandydaffodil
Tarot readers, from my experience, rarely talk about the ability to channel messages of those who have passed on. I never knew it was a possibility, until my accidental stumbling upon. When I perform a tarot reading, the results are often very different from person to person. I can focus my energy o...
Is Someone Watching Me? by Abby_S
I have a big imagination, so I feel like that is a part of it. I was writing a script about the Holocaust and hope to submit it to Hollywood etc. As I was writing a scene where the main characters arrived to Auschwitz 2, I began to feel like there was someone behind me. I immediately turned a...
Crow's Visitiations by ManwithHead
I have been going through a rough patch in my life as of now, not counting the previous years. I have not been so lucky with people and certain situations when it comes to "life". However, having to go through these trails in my life, taught me to become a spiritual person. I have had some spiritual...
Sprit Guides And Unknown Spirts by SamLove
I believe I had the gift of seeing spirts my entire life. I recently saw my great great grandmother, great grandmother, and grandma so that's 3 generations from my mothers side. I'm told they're my protectors and they control who I'm able to communicate with spiritually. How do I know who my spirt g...
First Experience Trying To Contact My Spirit Guide by Tayc1998
I believe I'm submitting this to the right place. Here lately, I've been interested in meeting my spirit guide. I've been studying my spiritual self for years, and I think I'm ready to reach out. My experience however was unusual from what I've heard, and I'm not certain what to make of it. If you h...
Are My Guides Reaching Out To Me? by estycat35
I am 23, almost 24 (female) and I wanted to share an experience that I have been having lately. This past year has been very hard for me. I have had bad depression and health issues and I also left a religion I grew up in and have just been feeling lost. I grew up LDS (Latter Day Saint or Mormon) an...
Spiritual Attachment Or Spirit Guide? by neeshaar
I'm going to make this as short as possible. As a young child I remember sensing, seeing, and hearing spirits. I use to be terrified at the sight or experience so I would often block it out my head and try to act like nothing happened... Growing up I was always fascinated with the thought of bein...
Doubting My Guardian by Sofiia
This story has waited for a long time to be posted here. But I wasn't ready to before now, I always thought I could handle it, and I would drag my friends in to this, resulting in, well, undesirable outcomes. So, now I'll ask you guys for help, since I honestly don't know where else to go. I don'...
First Time Meeting A Spirit Guide! (unprepared) by OedipusCry
I did NOT know that there are other things to do to prepare to meet your spirit guide! I always knew that I had spirit guides and they exist, but I never really reached out to my own spirit guides. Someone recommended that I listen to 963hz frequency for me to open my third eye. He didn't tell me...
Spirit Projecting Through Me by taylorms_
My boyfriend recently lost his father on Christmas Day. It was very tragic and he's broken up about it obviously. He knew I could do "weird things" so he asked last night while we were laying in bed if he could talk to his dad because he wanted to ask him questions. Beforehand, on Christmas Day when...
Overwhelming Display Of Prescience by vegdev
On Friday September 7th, 2018, I worked for the first half of the day, and then I took the afternoon off to go to the Las Vegas Strip with the intention of enjoying the pool and a room at the Four Seasons Hotel. The room for that night was a gift from my Brother who had overbooked by one night while...
I Think I Met My Spirit Guide by Sei
I was sitting on this beach I went to years ago in north Carolina, just watching the waves and the stars. Someone sat next to me and I turned to look and it was freddie mercury. He didn't say anything, just stared up into the sky. I looked up at the sky and it was moving like the waves, all these pu...
Spirit Crow/raven by Lana74
For the past three months I have been taking nightly walks at the park for exercise and to just gaze at the night sky and every night I went on these walks I keep seeing either a crow or a raven taking off and flying over me just out of the side of my eye. Sometimes, I even see a Crow/Raven perched ...
Angels And God Speak To Me/visions Of Heaven by jenelleann1112
I am delighted to tell you my story. As early as I can remember I can recall dreaming of Heaven. I would visit sacred Temples, and the Hall of Wisdom, and The Book of Life and I would dream of Heaven every night. I have always been clairvoyant, and known things without having anyone tell me which is...
The Tall Lady In A Black Dress by Blueblarg
I recently had a dream where I was in a dark room could not see anything except, a tall woman in a black dress and long black hair I was not afraid, I felt calm she got closer and I noticed she was beautiful she reached out her hand, I reached for it, and I woke up sitting on the side of my bed with...
Columbine Spirit Experiences? by MysticalPendant
Recently I've been having dreams relating to the two perpetrators of the Columbine Massacre. I'm not even sure why, as I don't have an interest in this, but let me go on to say it anyway. Hopefully I can get some answers or at least some help on this! For two nights straight I dreamt of Eric and ...
So I'm Connecting With Amy Winehouse? by Missdelaney
I have always been empathic, but lately I I've been dreaming about Amy. When I talk about things I cry randomly, as if I feel her sadness. We both suffered addiction and I'm worried I'm either crazy or we're connected in some way. It's really bugging me. My body feels her sadness, happiness and love...
Laurel And Hardy by studentoftheuniverse
You may have noticed the title of my story is the famous comedy duo 'Laurel and Hardy'. I would like to begin by stating that, of this comedy duo, Stan Laurel is a first cousin three times removed! I was born in the year 2000, so I am still quite young. This story is going to be short and it is open...
Receiving Messages In My Dreams? by ZooeyMcdonald
For a while now I had this hunch that I may be related to a distant family friend. I had no way of confirming it without stirring up family drama but during the time I was learning about Spirit Guides so I decided why not try and contact my guides for answers. I reached out and contacted them severa...
Rita by Damond
When I was 12 we moved to south Texas from Indiana. The first day there I went to a rodeo and was being introduced to all the local kids and I saw a group of cowgirls standing behind the bleachers and one in particular stood out. She was tiny, with skinny little arms and legs but red hair down to he...
Supernatural Power - Or Is It A Guardian Angel Over Me? by lailamar
This is what has happened to me today (01/31/18). That story will lead to next below to prove it to you that I am not crazy or imagining things. I am a librarian. As I was shelving a book I had it in my hand and was looking at the alphabetical order, so I could put it in a right place. As I am ho...
Intense Spiritual Abilities And Channeling by jquig17
I've been trying to reach out to a community who may be able to understand what I have been going through for a while lately. I have had a number of different spiritual experiences that I am struggling to understand. I've always known it's been there but I think I blocked it out for a long time. It ...
Lady Jane Grey And Me by JacobEvr
I have never posted on a site like this before, and have been drawn far, far out of my comfort zone by this whole ordeal, so I will certainly be interested in any helpful information. This initial experience happened around 4 or 5 years ago by now. I got home from work one day and laid down on my...
Is There Something Inside Of Me? by Teco
I'm an only child and I have a broken family. I grew up with my father who is amazing. My mother had better things on her mind. Ever since I can remember I have had a dark feeling that has followed me. I have no religious background but I always fantasized about the darker side of life. I was alone ...
Can A Negative Energy Follow You? by SakuraKittenx
I live on the east coast of Canada. There's an island just outside the city I live in. It's called Partrige Island. It's not entirely safe, or legal to walk the stone break water path across but I think that's some of its attraction. That and the history behind the place. When people got the plague ...
Messages From Guides by Karlieann
I have no idea what I am. I have guides that I've always talked to. Mostly just chit chat. Sometimes they alert me to problems. But the messages are vague at best. This spring I was saying hello to a canine friend of mine. My guides kept saying the dog would not be here much longer. The last three v...
My Savior by kimbodanno
I don't even know where to start because I have so many true life events that has happened to me. Unfortunately these events happened to me at the worst time of my life. One of these events never leaves my mind even after all the years past since it happened. I was 38 years old at the time I ...
I Used To Feel Them, Now I Feel Lost by Kimbo31
Growing up I always felt like someone was watching me no matter where I went. I would always see shadows, usually in the corner of my eye. Eventually I realized my dad and I would always see these shadows but my brother and mother did not. One day I was sleeping at a friends house and went to put my...
Spirits, Demons, And Spirit Guides Oh My by empathca123
I knew I was different from most people because I could see what they couldn't. Even from a very young age, I had spirits, entities all around me. I've even been kicked out of a house that I was renting a room in because I attracted spirits to it. I am an empath. I have always been very good at read...
Spoke To My Higher Self In A Dream by starsofclay
I had a dream last night where I talked to my higher self. It was not a lucid dream, but when I got to the point where I was asking the questions, some lucidity must have crept in. This is what happened: I was having this completely ridiculous dream when all of a sudden I started flying and got a...
Looking For A Psychic Or Remote Viewer by Briss
Blessings. You can call me Briss, I'm 32 years old and I have had many psychic experiences since I was a kid, these ranged from seeing or sensing spirits, communicating with spirits and occasionally other beings, to making things happen, premonitions and empathy and during the past 3 years seeing n...
Snake Releated Guardian Spirit? by serpientina
Dear open-minded spiritual Readers, I am glad I found this site and I would like to share my story. I came from a science background, but I always sensed there is something out there, something I can't prove, analyze or even explain. Most of my life, I have been afraid of snakes, but oddly, s...
Guardian Angel by AngelOfToday
There is something that almost makes me feel safe. I had a dream years ago about an angel. I woke up and I knew to look up angel's names that started with an 'E'. So I did, and I found Eremiel or Jeramiel. A watcher. I wondered if that was my guardian Angel since in my dream I had been crying in an ...
Hanuman by Manredly
It has been years of living in this world, although now I'm more aware of what's within me but communication is still not so clear, it's like trying to listen to distant voices carried in the air, it's not sound but thought that seems like speech. Now let's get into the story, Hanuman is a Hindu dei...
Guide Around Me? by ainslei
I've had a few odd things happen to me and I am hoping to get some advice regarding what I believe could be my spirit guide. When I was young, my parents often noticed me talking to and interacting with someone that they couldn't see. I would always look up at "them" from my crib and I told my mothe...
Schizo Voices Or Spirit Guide by Ccaster6107
This is my first time posting here. So let me tell you about my self. When I was young I was always able to find thing with out being ask where some thing was. Example, My grandmother ask me to find my grandfather check and a second later I was able to find it under a desk in the bed room. I always ...
Who Are You? Why Are You Here In My Meditation? by PristineChristine
I'm Christine and I made this account just to ask this. Today I did a guided hypnosis meditation for the first time on ridding the subconscience of negativity. Well, I while I was pretty much at the end of the session, I imagined myself opening my eyes to a black, tall skinny figure starring, ...
Who Is This? by Saige
I'm not one to sugar coat or draw things out so I'm going to cut straight to the point-- who is always with me? I've never put this down in writing before, or have even spoke of it. I feel like there is always someone or something with me. It's consistently in not able to grasp, whether it's good or...
What Is This And How Do I Make Contact? by Concerned_Princess
My name is Daysie, I am 18 years old, and I have a something. I don't know what or who he is, but he's there. I can feel energies, which is one of the ways I know he's there, he's made entirely of energy. I say he because I get this feeling that it's a he, I still don't quite know why. Every time I ...
Getting Help From A Spirit by themanthemyththelegend
This happened in June of 2016 when I was a sophomore in high school. I met this girl, I don't want to say her full name so we'll call her T. So towards the beginning of the year me and T had began to get close, she started getting comfortable around me and we had gotten so close that we became bes...
I Think I Talked To My Spirit Guides/ Guardian Angels? by AriLuna
Every time I have an exam I cannot sleep all night because i'm scared and nervous. I had an exam 2 days ago so I took some medicine to help me fall asleep. Like every other night, I set my alarm and put my phone on charging next to my pillow. My phone had 3% battery and it turns of if it goes to 2...
Is This My Guardian Angel? by scaredteengirl01
I think I am going crazy but I have seen this figure like 3 years and last night I saw it but I also heard something or some one crying and begging for something, and he walked towards me and throws his synth down and sits at my door and begs me to forgive him or something, but every time I see him ...
Guardian Angel Experience by meltedroses341
It started off as I met one of my mom's friends, who had explained that she was a psychic, I was skeptical. Then she explained in detail what my guardian look like and I was so freaked out because, that was how he looked. I always knew someone was watching over me, it was him, but I always only had ...
White Stag Spirit by Quenn
I'm usually not the one to post something on here asking for advice. Yet, last month I experienced something I don't completely understand. I've never encountered animal spirits before so I wasn't sure how to take the appearance of the white stag. I had woken up late at night around one in the morni...
Spirtual Awaking With A Partner by HelloMotto
Since I was a child I always felt different like I didn't belong and I could sense things that others couldn't. As a child I didn't do very well in school because I spent most of my time daydreaming and thinking of the world. When I was a child I could talk to spirits and could see the energy in the...
Seeking A Medium Mentor Or Spirit Guide by Moe444
My last experience happened a few days ago. I had woke up to the sound of Footsteps in my room. Soon, I felt someone on my back, sitting on my bed, and for a few moments I laid directly across from him. He spoke inside of my mind. My room was pitch black, my blankets were white. I could see my cover...
Teach Me? by Muggle
I live in India, a country most of you know is full of mystics, sages, black magic practitioners. For the longest of times, paranormal activities have been happening with people around me, but nothing supernatural has ever occurred to me. My mother can do astral projection (she has no idea that she ...
I Could Really Use A Teacher. by Krysta
I've been told by my elders that my family comes from a long line if Athabaskan shaw women. The women in my family have gifts and we can feel spirits. All my life strange things have happened to me from reading my sisters minds to dreaming the future. Do I really have a gift or am I just crazy? ...
Message From My Spirt Guides by laurencat
I had a peculiar "dream" a few nights ago. My room looked mostly the same, but there were these cats that somehow entered in from the doorway. They were tabby cats. These cats kept rubbing up against me, and they did not have any pupils in their eyes. At first, I thought my father let our cat in my ...
Awakening & Wanting Mentor by paradroid
Unsure where to start. I have been having psychic experiences throughout my life, however as I got older I repressed them because I saw things that scared me. I've always been a strong dreamer and this seems to be my strongest gift. As of late, my gifts seem to be coming back. About a month ago, ...
No Guardian? by Arcuslux
My name is Arcuslux. I am a Dreamweaver (creator type spirit) and wander spirit of a great vibration. As far back as I can remember, I was born to this earth to watch over dreams of others. I, as a dream weaver am able to go into a dream and weave a part to show a small image of it. It's very powerf...
Something Different While Meditating by whitedove
I'm am a 49 year old mother and wife, I am also a Reiki Master. I would like to start off by telling you I have on many occasions connected with spirits in many ways. Last night I was listening to a guided meditation about connecting with your past loved ones, one I have never listen to before, as I...
Spirit Guide And Guardian Angle Communication by Tundra
I've wondered this for a while now. For my whole life, I've always felt so limited and weak, until last summer. That was when my psychic abilities grew and I felt amazing. I went through a lot of mental and physical changes. But during the winter, when it's super cold and dark here, I didn't connect...
Ascended Masters Visiting by EthralHeart
For about a month and a half I have felt that an ascended masters presence has been visiting me. I couldn't tell which one it was. So last month I looked up the names and pictures of all the ascended masters and I kept looking at Yogananda's picture and getting this weird vibe. Though I ignored this...
A Spirit Guide Shows Me Himself by spiritwoman1964
My name is Lynda, I am empath, extremely sensitive to the spirit world and this plane, I am so happy I found this website, amazing stories, here is one of my real story. I was working at a Wellness Spa retreat bout 8 years ago, I was a housekeeper/cook, the spa was surrounded by a serene area, I was...
A Spirit Tried To Warn Me by kaitsymone
I meditated for my first time ever the other day. I was reading about how a medium meditates and immediately my ears stated ringing, and the more I read, they started ringing more. To the point where my ringing was the only thing I could focus on. Well, I laid back and closed my eyes while focusing ...
Can You Meet Your Gaurdian In A Dream? by Nero96
One of my main concern is that people won't believe what I'm saying. I say this because I've expirienced things that many people have already seen or heard of. I'm skeptical of many things because of the amount of TV and articles write on most sights, but I now believe. I say this because a relative...
Possible Demon/angel/spirit Guardian? by Antoinette_1996
My name is Antoinette. I'm 19 years old. I'm very Intuned with my spirituality and practice. I am wiccan and have the abilities of, (aura reading, astral projection, clairvoyance, clairaudience, empathy, telepathy, mediumship/channeling and visions). Since I was young, I always felt a male presence ...
My Silly And Cute Angel Experiences by EthralHeart
These are some of the stuff I experienced with my guardian angels. A while back. In 2013, while they were trying to cheer me up when I had ptsd. Which I don't have ptsd anymore so yay! Completely healed. They have a funny sense of humor. Pft! I wrote this on another account I've just added more expe...
Mentor by aliceinwonder
I am able to see and hear spirits. For a period of time my abilities had been turned off and then began to slowly coming back. They are still not fully back but I will hear spirits every now and again as well as getting answers in my mind from spirits when I talk to them although it is difficult for...
Very Strange Experience Today by Yennokia
I'm a fifteen year old girl and I had a very strange experience today. Under these past six months I have developed my psychic abilities and done a lot of psychic readings for people on the internet and friends since I found out about my abilities. And I also helped a very close friend with her own ...
My Guardian Angels by EthralHeart
In 2011 I was very depressed and couldn't get myself out of my sadness. So My guardian angels were the first ones to reach out to me. I went to a psychic fair a couple years back and a medium who did angels readings told me that I have seven or more angels around me. And that four of them are ho...
Night Visitor- Harbormaster by FireWalkWithMe
My brother, who is three years older than me, has recently told me about some experiences he's had within the last year. Ever since he was young, he's had night terrors accompanied by sleep paralysis. He recently told me about a dream he had in which he and I were walking down the wooded road our pa...
Spirits In My Room by InfiniteSpirits
I should start off saying that my abilities include talking to my guide telepathically, sensing spirits energy, and vision I can also make energy shields to protect myself. Every night spirits just hang around my room waiting for my help and they seem to be all good spirits. They just want help and...
Transcended Back In Time To Help A Lost Soul by healinghands80
I have always known I was not like others I grew up with. I was raised in a small East Texas town where everyone knew everyone! The town held me a prisoner for 18 years, which for me was long enough. I've always felt I was destined for greatness, just not sure how and when. I moved about 45 miles we...
Extremely Weird Dream, What Does This Mean? by Lowkey
I'm Lowkey. My dream started with me going to see a medium at a crystal shop. I was just looking around at first and I just started talking to him and booking a private reading session. I left the shop and ended up going to a theme park styled place where I came across this unusually looking man cal...
My Father's Spirit by Lorelei
Four years ago my father took his life. He had suffered years of turmoil due to a demon that firmly seeded in his body. My father was raised Catholic but swore off the church and its teachings many years ago after the death of his father. I could not tell him I saw a demon clinging to him, following...
Met My Spirit Guide- Was This Him? by PurpleCrystal
Last night I did a guided meditation to meet my spirit guide- and I did... Except afterwards I read up for some reason about spirits pretending to be guides and have now somewhat freaked myself wondering if it was really my spirit guide. Before the meditation I was a bit scared so I asked Archang...
Ascended Master Yogananda's Presence by EthralHeart
For about a month and a half I have felt that an ascended masters presence has been visiting me. I couldn't tell which one it was. So last month I looked up the names and pictures of all the ascended masters and I kept looking at Yogananda's picture and getting this weird vibe. Though I ignored this...
Spiritual Pull by anonomous2650
I have been having experiences recently I need some advice on what you all think is happening and why I know I am a sensitive and am able to communicate with my guide using automatic writing and I have been able to for a few years now I am able to clearly see spirits of others and I believe I h...
A Helper In My Mind by TrishaPatel
I am really bad at gym and sports. Basically anything competitive I am bad at but I have a different point of view now. Just today I was picked on a team for hand ball. Dead Last. But there were only three people on our team and six on the other. We lost three kids due to extra lessons for band. Whi...
My Gardian Angel Alden by AJT
Earlier this year I started to be able to feel a constant feeling of a presence that I couldn't see. So me being a believer of spirits in our world looked up sensing spirits, and that's when I found out I was psychic and as I went on with my new gift I could feel a constant spirit lingering and it t...
Friends With Spirit Guardians, Other Weird Things by SoulStriker88
I'll be honest here: I want to know if everyone has a special relationship with their spirit guardians or if mine are just weird. I have two, Brent and Alyssa, and I've always known them. Brent's kind of a weirdo, but he always has a joke and a smile for when I feel down. He's helped me not feel so ...
My Guardian Djinn by EthralHeart
I have a Marid Djinn who helps care for me and makes my life easier. According to a psychic I have my own personal genie. He's my friend. But I also think he's like a guardian djinn for me. I sense him hanging around me a lot. Before I knew I had a genie I got a new channel on my tv and there wa...
My Friend With Multiple Souls by AJT
I have a friend at the same school as me and she claims that she was born without a main soul at birth and since she was around 11 or 12 she started to get visited by these souls and now has around 13 to 15 souls in her and the only reason I believe this is her moods change and sometimes languages f...
Finally Able To Meet My Guides by HyongLeppy
I've had very few experiences with spirits in my life, but I guess I've always had an interest in the subject. Mum and I watch a lot of ghost hunter shows (especially Ghost Adventures, which has been quite educational) I don't think I had any experiences until my family moved towns. It started a...
Coming Back Here With Hope by DerekRene
I've had and used this a few years back and I've felt the urge to come and find people for/to help. Hopefully, this is still and active site with people still sharing their stories and concerns. A lot has happened between the younger me and the now. All I want to really do now is learn from others, ...
Angel Johnny by Qwanri
I'm sorry this story is so long but I had so much to write. The best place I think to start this story is a bit later into it. In the year 2008/ 2009 I was getting concerned because one of my spiritual friends was sort of joking about how he was afraid of the dark at times and was saying stuff li...
Angels Trying To Cheer Me Up by eleiriel
In 2011 I was very depressed and couldn't get myself out of my sadness. So My guardian angels were the first ones to reach out to me. I went to a psychic fair a couple years back and a medium who did angels readings told me that I have seven or more angels around me. And that four of them are hol...
The Death Of An Old Friend. Contacting Me? by Nitus
Dear readers, Only a few months back, there was an article published online and in the papers that a young man by the name of Kevin passed away by a shooting in the location of his own home. I did a tad more research and realized that it was one of my close friends from Middle School. We did not ...
A Feeling To Pass On Prior Ones Time Can Be Channelling by Sini42
Word "the afterlife" or "death" spook people sometimes. When people do die, they are in Western cultures taken away by the ambulance or other authorities quite soon. Death is not a part of commonly seen things, apart from in movies and on TV. To pass on is a part of this journey at its meant tim...
Even Heaven Could Make A Mistake by TheresaGargano
I understand through years of research that I am a perfect target for spiritual attachment. I grew up in a very abusive environment for starters. My father was an alcoholic who suffered from circumstances that took place during his tour in the Army. He refused to follow his orders to wipe out a vill...
Rune Shaped Birthmark And Djinn by eleiriel
since I was born I've had a birthmark shaped like the Nordic ruin Uruz. I don't know what it symbolizes. I've heard birthmarks are linked to past lives. I really wish I knew what it meant. It's on the back side of my left ankle. It's not huge it's kind of small enough so it doesn't stand out. But I ...
Frodo My Owl Guide by Qwanri
As far as psychic experiences go I think I've had many even though I can only really see my guides when my eyes are closed. I generally get mental images of them but I know that they're there. I don't which of my experiences to start off with but I guess I'll start with sharing the experiences I've ...
Communicating W Et's And Ghosts by wisdom_lamps
For about three years now, after careful and cautious uses of the Oujia Board, I have noticed very coincidental knocks on walls; in the beginning. Now all I hear are too coincidental "kinks: in electronics, mostly T.V's and gaming systems. These "kinks" occur after questions I think of. One night I ...
Communication With An Angel Through A Dream by Gidget15
Last summer, I was at the beach and long story short; I ended up meeting a psychic (we both knew we were psychic the moment we laid eyes on each other) and she was so convinced that I was an old soul (as was I) and even a Lightworker. I'd never heard of a Lightworker until that day, but for some rea...
I Am Confused by Elanandria
About a year ago during the summer I decided to grow a deep relationship with God and spirituality, I began listening as well as slowing down the pace of my life in order to try and make some sort of connection wether it was with my guardian angel or spirits. My first experience was with an angel w...
Use Our Gift To Save Tho World by dreamer97
From the age of 10, I have always wanted to become someone that would help and protect the people of this world from harsh conditions like war, robberies, murders and accidents. However I was always let down by the fact that I can't do anything about this because I am just an ordinary boy with a dre...
What A Psychic Told Me by eleiriel
Last week I went to see a psychic who sees and talks to angels. I wanted to know what's around me. She told me that I have a very bright light surrounding me. And that I'm having a spiritual communion. Those were her words. She said that I'm enlightened and that I have the same kind of light as ...
Can Spirit Guides Be Evil? by morganapd
Last night, I did my first successful meditation... Well, successful was in I did it- not that it went well. (hypnosis In the hypnosis, you were suppose to go up a 'beautiful stairwell' and see 'a beautiful white mist.' I saw different. The stairw...
Demon Wants Me To Know His Name by Procrastination_Queen
My experience began with a dream I had a few years ago. In this dream, I was being pursued by a demon who wanted me to do something for him, although I don't know exactly what. I woke up and, to my fright, the demon was standing just a few feet from way I lay. I could see him clearly. For the most p...
My Soul Guide Is Tormenting Me by Direna
I am very ordinary person who has never before had any psychic experiences. About 1 year, when I turned 59, my soul guides began contacting me after I asked them for help in receiving my divine inheritance through a reiki attunement. I was led to use a pendulum to first begin communicating with my g...
The Fifth Element Or Spirit, I Would Like Training by TheAstroChild
Think what you want of this story, But this is something that happened to me this year. I was sitting in class and I closed my eyes and then saw myself and everyone else in the room through the eyes of nothing, nothing would be the best way to say it because "I" was just there looking down at myself...
My Guardian Angel Experiences by eleiriel
These are some of the stuff I experienced with my guardian angels. A while back. In 2013, while they were trying to cheer me up when I had ptsd. Which I don't have ptsd anymore so yay! Completely healed. They have a funny sense of humor. Pft! I wrote this on another account I've just added more expe...
Lucid Dreaming And Interacting With Beings by Lovesick_Panda
As a kid I used to do lucid dreaming, but never as much as I do now as an eighteen year old. I didn't think much of it at first when it all began - I've done it before, I thought, so it shouldn't be too strange. But that all changed when in one dream I became conscious. I was in an underground subwa...
Angelic Presence? by longdaydarling
Today, something strange happened during the class. I sometimes get a feeling like I should know something about someone and I just focus on that person and his/her aura so I could sense how they feel at that moment even though I always feel this storm of emotions so I can't focus on one person at t...
An Empath Would Be Appreciated For This Post by MattBrimm
It's been 5 years since I've been on this website, so I don't really know what to expect. But I would like any advice from any empath on how to maybe suppress what someone else is feeling from reaching myself. Could I meditate or anything? I'm not even sure if I'm an empath, I just know that I can f...
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