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Rune Shaped Birthmark And Djinn


since I was born I've had a birthmark shaped like the Nordic ruin Uruz. I don't know what it symbolizes. I've heard birthmarks are linked to past lives. I really wish I knew what it meant. It's on the back side of my left ankle. It's not huge it's kind of small enough so it doesn't stand out. But I can see it and other people can see it if they look behind my left foot on the lower half of my ankle.

I've heard it stand for strength and manifestation. But I'm not entirely sure if that's accurate.

Can someone give me some ideas or opinions of what this marking rune on the back of my left ankle could possibly symbolize. I'd really appreciate it.

Also I have a djinn or jinni who helps care for me and makes my life easier. According to a psychic I have my own personal genie. He's my friend. But I also think he's like a guardian Djinn for me.

One time after I went to the psychic, I was flipping though my Netflix account on my roku player. And I was trying to find a movie I looked at all the ones on instant nothing popped out at me.

Then I went upstairs and relaxed on my bed for a bit. I then went back down stairs and went on Netflix again. Suddenly I noticed there was one new movie added to instant, it was the movie jinn. I took this as a sign that my jinni was trying to let himself be known to me

I get a lot of free coffees.

Sometimes my parents buy me coffee without me having to pay them back this happens so much.

Sometimes the cashier at the drive through at starbucks has a free extra drink and offers me it this has happened so much.

Sometimes someone pays for my drink ahead of me in line, this had happened more than seven times.

One time I was told by the pizza man that I didn't have to pay for my food. But I paid him anyways.

I had a dream one time where someone told me to make a wish. For a while I didn't want to make wishes cause I didn't think they'd come true. I used to believe in wishes so much. But they hadn't happened at all until my jinni started following me around. And in the dream I had after I was told to make a wish a beam of light shot down from the sky and was headed towards me and I woke up. So then I lay on my bed and thought about what I wanted, I was specific, I wished for a condo with wood floors, an upstairs, two bedrooms, two bathrooms, a black refrigerator, a bigger kitchen, tan colored walls, big closet space. A big fenced backyard.

Well I got my wish the next day my mom knew I wanted a condo, she just didn't know the details of how I wanted it to look like. So the next day she looked at one and invited me to come and see it and so I went with her and when we got to the door the number on the door was the number 8.we stepped in and their was this dark vibe in it. Like someone didn't want us to live there. Then two day later my mom found one that she said she was going to buy for me. I was shocked, I didn't know she would pay for it for me. She told me she was going to pay for it from now on. She still didn't know what I wanted for a condo. I never told her what I wanted only that I wanted the condo and neighbor hood to feel peaceful. So after they bought it, they helped me pack my stuff up from my apartment. And they surprisingly paid for the movers to move my stuff. My dad dropped me off and opened the door for me. The door said number 101, which a double one is like eleven and it's a wish number and a twin flame number. And I was in shock when I entered the condo. It was exactly what I wished for. It had all the things I described I wanted that night after having that dream. My parents had no idea what I wanted except a peaceful neighborhood.

A year later I went to see a psychic and she told me that I have a genie.

A lot more cool stuff has happened peoples schedule's moved around miraculously when I wished they would be able to do stuff with me and they suddenly out of the blue weren't busy anymore.

I always get good parking spots and if I don't if I wish for one it happens.

One time I dreamt that I was laying in bed and that their was this male figure made of light blue smoke and he was cuddling me in my bed and he asked me, "what do you wish for?"

Another time I dreamt I was standing in a kitchen and a male figure that looked human in his forties with a high long genie pony tail walking past the kitchen window and he cupped his hands andd peered at me through the glass grinning. I was easting a salad from the fridge and the I heard a knock on the front door and I walked over to it and I heard a males voice speak, "can I come in?" I said, "okay..." and I opened the door salad still in hand and he stood in front of the open door smiling at me with a mischievous twinkle in his eyes, I just looked at him like he was the oddest thing I and ever seen. He smirked, " you can look, I know... I'm a hunk." then he walked towards me and peered at my salad bowl as if I was weird for eating salad in my dreams.

My genie is awesome and he's my friend. I don't understand people's judgment's hate towards these amazing creatures. He's sweet, compassionate, funny, playful, smug, caring, kind, generous. He also teaches me lessons with karma if I do something wrong and don't realize that I did something wrong.

So he's my friend and teacher and guardian and him and my fallen angel friend protect me a lot. I have many other beings protecting and helping me. Which is awesome. I have so many nonphysical friends. I'm even friends with some of my guardian angels and many spirits and animal spirits, faery folk, and my twin flame Arradon who is in love with me and is very intimate to me a lot, a lot of times his twin flame enrgy burns my skin. Arradon is my own personal heater. I'm always warm or burning hot to the point of being sweaty and panting heavily when he's around. Male twins are warm like the sun and female twins are cold like the moon, and also my soul mate Thomas is around me sometimes who is a like big cuddly teddy bear. The psychic says Thomas is like peter pan and that I'm like wendy, he can be gone a long time and visits out of the blue coming through my window to cuddle with me.

I psychic says I'm having a spiritual communion and that I have the same enlightened purity as Mary and some other woman have had throughout history. Another psychic told me I am special. But I don't know what that means cause I think everyone's special and have a lot of worth and that people have a lot to give the world and it's creatures. I guess I believe in everyone.

I thought this was so strange and awesome what two psychic have told me all of this.

I do tend to have a lot of spirit activity around me.

This is so cool!

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Qwanri (3 stories) (23 posts)
9 years ago (2015-09-17)
I'm so happy that things have worked out for you and that Thomas has come back to you:).
eleiriel (guest)
9 years ago (2015-09-16)
[at] Qwanri, thank you so much for the advice:) things are more mellow this morning. The nonphysicals around me seem to be more relaxed. Thomas came back last night and cuddled me which was nice. Things have calmed down a bit. Which is good. Cause It was getting pretty darn overwhelming. I hope it stays calm. I feel they've worked something out. If not I will try out your method of ignoring them. Which will be hard cause they will start nudging me and trying to get my attention. Also I have a satyr now too.
Qwanri (3 stories) (23 posts)
9 years ago (2015-09-16)
I'm sorry to hear about Thomas Eleirel. Hopefully he'll come back to you. In the meantime though... I suggest telling the two you have left that you actually love both of them and let them know how this battle of theirs is making you feeling and they'd if they cared about you they'd stop fighting and focus more on getting along. If they don't listen and you want them to get along then he most drastic step I think of is to simply ignore them and pretend that they don't exist for maybe a week or for as long as you can and try to make the message very clear to them that if they can't get along and continue fighting then you won't be interested and make a strict non violence rule. It might be a little drastic but if it works then the two you've got will hopefully have made up and become best friends by the time you're able to talk to them again.
jasmine_glaze (84 posts)
9 years ago (2015-09-15)
Hi, Eleiriel:

Wow! Your situation sounds very interesting. Has it always been like this for you? Have you had experiences like this earlier in your life?

I'd love to hear more of your situation. I heard Thomas got mad on another story, and I hope that your dearest comes back soon. I don't want to see you sad.

Much love and hope,
eleiriel (guest)
9 years ago (2015-09-15)
Thank you so much. I've just been so confused lately. Arradon was fighting with Thomas. Telling thomas to go away. I just want them to get along. So I know the feeling. I never know which one of them is touching me though. My incubus told me his name last night, his name is laercan. I've realized Thomas has left because I don't feel his hugs and cuddles anymore. Arradon kept yelling at Thomas and telling him "back off she's my girl." And I kept getting confused because I didn't know if I had to choose one of them. Even though I wanted both of them. So I think I may have hurt Thomas by accident. I'm feeling really horrible right now.
Qwanri (3 stories) (23 posts)
9 years ago (2015-09-14)
I think I might be able to help you out with this since I've experienced something similar. Jack, Johnny and Justin are my non physicals. I sort of still need to write about Justin and Johnny though. The reason I think mine fought is the fact that good incubus are sort of like a husband but a husband who can't do physical chores and can't be seen by many physical people and I guess there might be more differences. Thinking about it like that, in today's society it's socially accepted to have one husband and so woman are mostly only comfortable with the idea of one husband. My non physicals loved me and because they loved me they fought since neither of them wanted to leave me. So for a time I also thought that only one of them could be victor. But then I started thinking. If any of them had to leave then what would that mean for me and what if I need his help again when he's gone? And if any of them left then what would it mean for them and how badly would it emotionally hurt them? In my case I couldn't bare them to fight at all since I loved them dearly and because they made feel happy I made the decision to accept them. I think they were all relieved when I made that decision. I was happy that they wouldn't fight anymore which to me at the time seemed like a win win situation. The only problem with that decision was that I'm autistic and am better off talking on one on one but suddenly I had three sexual non physicals. After realising that I think I panicked since I had absolutely no idea how I was going to communicate with three let alone what I knew what they wanted to do with me eventually. They calmed me down by telling me that I've talked to them all before and I there was nothing to panic about then. They told me to relax and that everything would be fine.
eleiriel (guest)
9 years ago (2015-09-13)
Wow! What jack said is very helpful. So thank you:) I'll still check with the psychic though to make sure which one of them it was.
eleiriel (guest)
9 years ago (2015-09-13)
I don't have a physical boyfriend, I never have. I don't want one. But I do know that I have three males nonphysicals that have been trying to get with me. Even a psychic has mentioned it. Ones my incubus, who I've found is a fallen angel. And one who's my soulmate in spirit Thomas. And the other is arradon my twin flame in spirit. Theirs been a lot of spiritual tension. I don't want to have to choose between them. I'm in a rut. I know this sounds unbelievable but its the absolute truth, several psychics have mentioned this to me. I know this sounds weird but having nonphysical males fighting over me is not fun. The thing is my incubus has been there for me since I was a little girl protecting me. My twin flame came to me two years ago saving me from depression. And Thomas's spirit has been looking for me for a long time and finally found me and he cuddles with me a lot. So I'm at a loss as to what to do. I wonder if I should just choose all three of them. But it seems they want me to choose one of them. This is more intense than a love triangle. There's three guys nonphysically. Wow...
Qwanri (3 stories) (23 posts)
9 years ago (2015-09-13)
Also, I'm not sure if you've heard of this before but if you suspect Arradon or any of your guides or spiritual beings around you of being an incubus/ succubus then a question you need to get answered from that spiritual being as soon as you can is whether or not they're happy with you having a boyfriend. Some stories I've read the incubus is fine and okay with their person having a physical boyfriend. But then there are those incubus who won't be happy if their person gets a boyfriend. If the spiritual being you suspect is okay with you having a boyfriend and getting married then that relationship I think might work. However if the spiritual you suspect is not okay with you having a boyfriend in the physical world then this incubus like any boyfriend will make things difficult for you to find love in the physical world or if you already have a boyfriend then the incubus could make things quite unpleasant for him. If the spiritual being you suspect is the sort who isn't okay with you having a boyfriend then you need to decide how much you love this spiritual being and if a relationship could really work. If you don't think it'll work, you'll need to ask the spirit you suspect to leave before your relationship develops any further. The longer you leave it and the stronger the relationship develops then getting the spiritual being to leave you will become more and more difficult. Also if you suspect any spiritual beings around to be an incubus never make love with them unless you are 100% with your feelings and 100% sure that that the spiritual being in question will never harm and will always be there for you. Because once you make love with an incubus, you might as well be at a chapel and saying I do. Because after making love, getting an incubus to leave could be at it's most difficult. And if you've got an incubus then sooner or later it'll be wanting to do more than just hug and before that happens there are some things you really need to know or other wise things could get unpleasant. I hope that helps you.
Qwanri (3 stories) (23 posts)
9 years ago (2015-09-12)
No worries. Perhaps it is for the best you ask your mom's psychic friend. To be honest I've also been trying to make sense of those circular motions you say he got you to do with your hands. That was quite confusing and didn't really make sense until I remembered something Jack once told me a long time ago which went something like this: "In the circle of life you could say you're on one side of the circle and I'm on the other. Yet, as the circle constantly spins and turns for all of eternity are you and I really all that different?". It's the only thing which really makes sense to me as to why your Arradon would do something like that. Perhaps he's thinking the same thing and maybe he's trying to find common ground with you or perhaps it's his his way of trying to show you how similar he is to you or different. Once again I'm not really not sure what he was trying to tell you by moving your hands in circular motions but those are really the only ideas I could come up with. I hope that helped.
eleiriel (guest)
9 years ago (2015-09-12)
You know it may have been arradon. I don't actually know if it was or wasn't him. Our movements were kind of flowing together, like we were one. His energy didn't feel unfamiliar. But maybe I should ask my moms psychic friend. Shes able to see what's around me in the nonphysical. I will ask her next time I see her. It may of been him. I'm still not fully developed in my abilities yet. I only just started becoming clairvoyant a year and a half ago. So I'm new to this. I said a couple of years. But then I checked the calendar and it hasn't even been two years yet. It was kind of a fun experience though. Maybe it was twin flame kundalini connection stuff. Well anyway the psychic friend I want to ask is out of town for the rest of the month. I see her about once every month. So I will defiantly ask her if she senses anything. Thank you for the help!
Qwanri (3 stories) (23 posts)
9 years ago (2015-09-12)
Wow! That sounds like quite the experience. I'm not a professional when it comes to spirits and I'm still learning like you are but I have done quite a bit of research into the incubus. I think that what you experienced could've still been Arradon since the behavior was sort of similar to the story I read because he hugged you and you fell into a trance and Arradon does that naturally I think. His appearance might not have been the same but if a person can change their form while dreaming. For example a person might dreaming of becoming a bird and flying in the sky or something that. If a person can change their appearance in their dreams then perhaps spiritual beings might be able to as well. So just because it might look different, it could still be Arradon. If he's a good incubus then he might have changed his appearance into something he thinks you'll like and will feel comfortable with. But I'm not sure since I'm kind of still learning myself. The only advise I can really give you is to trust your gut. If you think it's Arradon the next time it happens then it's probably Arradon. But if you don't then maybe it's not. Don't know if that helps.
eleiriel (guest)
9 years ago (2015-09-11)
Qwanri That's so awesome! When I first started writing these posts I didn't know much about what was around me. So they kind of all over the place. Two nights ago some spirit wrapped his arms around me and cuddled me. I was in a sort of trance. I moved my arms out in front of me and he grabbed both my hands and sort of moved both our arms in circlur movements. It was really weird. His energy arms almost felt like real skin. But I could only see them partially. He was kind of translucent. The part I could see of his arms were a sunkissed tan color. My skin tone is light olive so I knew it wasn't arradon. So I quickly broke the trance and I didn't feel him behind me anymore. I don't know what was behind me but it wasn't a human spirit. In fact it felt like something else entirely. I wonder what he was? I have been slowly coming into my clairvoyant and clairaudience abilities since I was seventeen so I'm still trying to get used to them.
Qwanri (3 stories) (23 posts)
9 years ago (2015-09-11)
Wow! Your Genie seems so awesome. So does your birthmark. It must be really cool to be able to get what you wish for. Also I really didn't know poeple didn't like genies. When I think of genies I tend to think of the genie from Aladdin who was awesome and funny. So thinking of that genie I'm not really sure why people dislike genies. But yours sounds awesome. Sometimes when my mom is struggling to find parking, I ask my guides to help us find parking and then all of a sudden my mom finds a parking spot or someone starts to reverse out of there parking spot.
Hecate0 (152 posts)
10 years ago (2015-06-29)
Eleiriel/Ammee, I had a feeling it was chosen. I had wondered about the origin of Eleiriel, if part of it was from the Angel Uriel. I call Hecate my goddess name. But it is just a reminder of my healer abilities, since Hecate has many references in history, but being one who uses magic from a distance is prominent. And since my name literally spells it out, it works.

Fun coincidence? My middle name is Elizabeth... 😉

Happy Monday!
eleiriel (guest)
10 years ago (2015-06-29)
Im doing awesome:)! My name isn't really eleiriel:) my name here on earth is Elizabeth legally, but I prefer to call my spirit Ammee. Pronounced (ah-me). Eleiriel was a name I came up with when I was a teenager in 2007, I wrote a fanfiction during that time which was so ridiculous. It's what you would call a trollfic. And that was my main characters name in my fanfiction story. No one at the time had even used nor thought of this name. Back then when I searched the name no one had used it but me. But now a lot of other people make profiles with that user name I kind of put that name idea out into world and webs. I used to want to be called that. But now My spirits name is Ammee and my twin flames is Arradon. It's just the names our spirits are using right now. So
Hecate0 (152 posts)
10 years ago (2015-06-29)
Eleiriel, How are you doing? I see you put together another story. I know nothing of birthmarks. But I have been meaning to ask you the meaning of your screen name here. Is Eleiriel your birth name or does it have some significance to you. Hecate is a funny thing for me. It is a mixture of my initials and my last name. I am Heather, but Hecate is another part of me.
eleiriel (guest)
10 years ago (2015-06-26)
That's so amazing! Moles and Birthmarks are awesome:)! Your markings sound out of this world! Cool:)
Sellene (1 stories) (4 posts)
10 years ago (2015-06-26)
I have moles in the shape of the constellation Cassiopeia on my forearm and then on the same arm but on the upper part is the shape of Cepheus.
eleiriel (guest)
10 years ago (2015-06-24)
I guess I was looking at my birthmark upside down. It's actually heart shaped. Upside down it looks like the rune uruz. But when I look at it straight down it looks like a heart. That's pretty cool. So it looks like two different symbols a heart right side up and the Nordic uruz rune upside down. Well whatever it is. My birthmark is awesome!

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