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Guardian Angel Experience


It started off as I met one of my mom's friends, who had explained that she was a psychic, I was skeptical. Then she explained in detail what my guardian look like and I was so freaked out because, that was how he looked. I always knew someone was watching over me, it was him, but I always only had fuzzy details to what he looked like. But when she told me about him its like she opened me up to him though, he knows he has power now and we're both really close. The problem is that he wants to communicate and tell me something and I feel in my gut that it's urgent. I can feel his presence and spot where he is in the room, but its not strong enough for me to communicate with him. One thing about him is that he saved my life before, so I know that he's not a hurtful spirit. The only thing weird about him is that he watches me sleep and sits on the corner of my bed only most of the time. The main point of this post is to ask if there is a way to communicate with him, or even to just ask of his name, every time I try to ask his name 3 pop into my mind. I would state his appearance but I feel as though it is to personal, it may be disrespectful to do so. One thing that makes me suspicious is that I can't see any wings on him and his clothes are only black,there's no white clothing on him. He comforts me a lot, and follows everywhere. He is extremely against using an ouija board, he wants to protect me from bad spirits. His fear from them, is only because of me. A year ago I was haunted by a poltergeist and the damage to me was so bad that, he even was scared of how big the entity was, and the only reason it was there was because I let it in with an ouija board, that's why i'm asking how to communicate with him, is because we both don't want to use an ouija board. Just in case anybody was wondering about what ever happened to the poltergeist, I told it that it had no power over me and to leave my life before it grew on. That was a year and a half ago though, I haven't felt any bad spirits since then. Basically the main question is how to communicate with him to figure out what he has to say. Thanks- Christine

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Comments about this clairvoyant experience

The following comments are submitted by users of this site and are not official positions by Please read our guidelines and the previous posts before posting. The author, meltedroses341, has the following expectation about your feedback: I will participate in the discussion and I need help with what I have experienced.

ian_uk (1 stories) (6 posts)
8 years ago (2016-12-12)
good and bad is "only human" you can be a good hearted person but do one person wrong and to them you are a bad person...
Guardians don't need to be human, they could also be an animal you've never seen before...
Im not suggesting there is no bad spirits, usually if they was an a$$ or jerk in life they usually continue this into death...

The reason why they hold back is that they don't intentionally want to scare you, the way they interact with their surrounings case our senses to heighten and we have the fear responce of fight or flight...
Imagine if you went up to a child or animal that is freaked out by you, what do you do, you hold back and keep talking to calm them while holding out your hand
meltedroses341 (1 stories) (2 posts)
8 years ago (2016-12-10)
Is it possible that a bad spirit can be guarding you? I personally am not afraid of him but I can see him being scary in others eyes. Do they usually wear all black?
meltedroses341 (1 stories) (2 posts)
8 years ago (2016-12-10)
Thank you guys for all of the help, and scaredteengirl01, I hope you get things sorted out. I have also seen many stong spirits in my life, it will get better. 😁
lauterb (110 posts)
8 years ago (2016-12-08)
Dear scaredteengirl01

I suggest you to post your story properly in order not to mix replies and mess up both cases!

Dear meltedroses341

First guardian angel don't have wings this is representation that we created to differenciate in paintings incarnated from not incarnated spirits.
Oija board this is really dangerous since you never know sort of spirits that will answer. You protector spirit is right about it! Most of the time only "bad" spirits will answer since the good ones do play around since they have more important things to do!
You don't need to comunicate with him! If he is really your protector spirit he will tell you nothing, you have your free will and he will not interfere, he is here to help you not do you job or make your choices. Looks you want to cheat in final exams...

From the Spirit's Book by Allan Kardec question 489 to 521

You can free download at:

Guardian - Angels - Protecting, Familiar, and Sympathetic Spirits.

489. Are there spirits who attach themselves to a particular individual, in order to protect and help him?
"Yes, the spirit-brother; what you call the- spirit- protector, or tile good genius."
490. What is to be understood by the expression, "guardian-anger'?
"A spirit-protector of high degree."
491. What is the mission of a spirit- protector?
"That of a father towards his children-to lead the object of his protection into the right road, to aid him with his counsels, to console him in his afflictions, and to sustain his courage under the trials of his earthly life."
492. Is a spirit-protector attached to an individual from his birth?
"From his birth to his death; and he often follows him after death in the spirit-life, and even in several successive corporeal existences; for these existences are hut every short phases of his existence as a spirit."
493. Is the mission of a spirit-protector voluntary or obligatory?
"Your spirit-protector is obliged to watch over you, because he has accepted that task; but a spirit is allowed to choose his ward among the beings who are sympathetic to him. In some cases this office is a pleasure; in others, it is a mission or a duty."
In attaching himself to a person, is a spirit obliged to refrain from Protecting other individuals?
"No; but he does so less exclusively."
494. Is the spirit-protector indissolubly attached to the person confided to his guardianship?
"It often happens that spirits quit their position in order to fulfil various missions; but, in that case, an exchange...
scaredteengirl01 (1 stories) (8 posts)
8 years ago (2016-12-08)
but he also sits and begs for me for some reason to forgive him
scaredteengirl01 (1 stories) (8 posts)
8 years ago (2016-12-07)
but he sits there and begs me to forgive him for doing something wrong and I think he thinks i'm is master or something
RoxoraHope (5 posts)
8 years ago (2016-12-07)
[at] scaredteengirl01 I believe that you saying that he waits for you to let him in is another sign that he is a negative being. You have to allow negative beings in, that is the only way that they can harm you. So, you letting him in is allowing him to have access to manipulating you. I am just getting the feeling that he is not a good being. Especially if he carries a scythe with him.
scaredteengirl01 (1 stories) (8 posts)
8 years ago (2016-12-07)
well the reason I was scared was because it was because I was trying to figure out if I was going crazy or I was just tired but he has a syth but every time he comes to me he drops his syth and waits for me to let him in but I don't know what he wants
RoxoraHope (5 posts)
8 years ago (2016-12-07)
[at] scaredteengirl01
Listen if he gives you terror, if you automatically get scared when he shows up, he is lying. Spirits can pretend, and sometimes they can do well at acting friendly when they are not. He is tricking you and will hurt you if you don't find a way to make him leave. Please, I feel that he is dangerous. I don't want you to get hurt.
scaredteengirl01 (1 stories) (8 posts)
8 years ago (2016-12-07)
But I have never seen something that is scary looking an be so kind but he come as if he needs some thing he looks at me with a help look on his face
RoxoraHope (5 posts)
8 years ago (2016-12-07)
[at] scaredteengirl01
This being does not sound safe, it sounds like a threat. If you feel afraid around this being, stay away. Keep away, and try to ward it off from you. This being could be a demon or some other negative being.
scaredteengirl01 (1 stories) (8 posts)
8 years ago (2016-12-07)
can some on help me with this thing that I saw last night I will tell you what I saw last night I saw a shadowy figure and he could touch me and I could touch him but when he came closer I screamed an the figure said do be scared my friend I am not going to hurt you and I am very scared not sure what to do I can understand him but he is not a ghost or human please help am I being haunted the figure looked like a reaper but of age 15 is what he look liked please help me 😨
Universeteachings (guest)
8 years ago (2016-12-07)
I could try to help you how to communicate with him, but this might take a while. Contact me at universeteachings [at]
If you want me how to teach you how to communicate with him.
Stay determined,
carri (22 stories) (221 posts)
8 years ago (2016-12-07)
not sure just be careful. Pray if you get into trouble. Pray out loud if you see something scary.

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