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Real Psychic Experiences

Rain, Thunder And Lightning


I need some help with this. I can call on thunderstorms. I have witnesses to this (one instance when I was very angry and another when someone else was and my father and I talked about it once, I would LOVE to tell those stories here one day.) I can not control the rain, it is a force of nature and if I ever try to call on the rain as a "parlor trick," if you will, then I suffer physically for this i.e. Headaches, dehydration, sometimes a streak of bad luck and intense fatigue. I learned that very young, about 13 or 14, I am 28 now. I need help now because I am stuck. I am always suffering from headaches (been to the doctor a lot, they have nothing for me,) and I believe that they are caused by the pressure outside where I am living neither going up or down. I think I also suffer from psychic headaches but with nobody around like me, how can I tell? When there is lightning outside I can feel it coming and I feel better when the thunder is rolling. I have tried to call on thunderstorms just to relieve my headaches, but I get no answer. I can barely focus most days, so visualizing a thunderstorm can deplete me of any energy I have stored up. I do meditate, exercise and eat healthy. I'm positive I have a blockage somewhere, but I can not tell where or how to clear it. Anyone else who has a relationship with the rain please give me some insight:) My father can also do the same thing, but I don't know where he is and I can not ask him for advice. I have an aunt who is psychic, but she is different than me. Anything helps here, thank you. Also just hearing that others can do the same thing might be just as reassuring:) OH! I should add that before I started to call on the rain just to relieve pressure, it never crossed my mind that the weather may be the cause. I don't recall trying to show off in the past 2 or 3 years. I do live in Colorado and it is very dry. I did try to call the rain when my city was on fire a few years ago... If that helps.

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The following comments are submitted by users of this site and are not official positions by Please read our guidelines and the previous posts before posting. The author, cosmic_crab13, has the following expectation about your feedback: I will participate in the discussion and I need help with what I have experienced.

cosmic_crab13 (1 stories) (9 posts)
11 years ago (2014-07-05)
what do you mean you feel like there should be at least two more?
uncertain13 (2 posts)
11 years ago (2014-07-04)
I feel weird talking about this too because I almost don't believe it, but I've proven it to myself and still don't fully believe it. I noticed when I was really young I was out side jumping on a trampoline and I was hot and just laid there thinking how hot it was then a breeze came, and I thought wow that felt nice but the sun was beating down on me and their was a small cloud by the sun and I imagined the cloud blocking the sun and I thought my eyes were playing tricks with me until it was in front of the sun. Later in life I've noticed I can do it quicker. However, I still don't know if it's just a coincidence when I try it, but I am glad to hear I'm not the only one, but I feel like I knew this already and their should be at least two more.
cosmic_crab13 (1 stories) (9 posts)
11 years ago (2014-07-04)
those are very helpful comments uncertain13... Thank you for the meditation tip. I do run next to a river sometimes. The reason I have never really talked to anyone about this, others than those who have seen it, is because I know nature is not mine to wield. I can borrow... This is why I think my head hurts also. I borrowed too much:/ "eye for an eye," if you will. I don't think you are silly at all, its refreshing to hear the same thing from someone, even the silly feeling. I can feel the pressure drop a few days before the rain comes. I've heard of many people being sensitive to the weather, but none who can send a lightning bolt or create more rain or even ask for it to stop... And it does! I felt this way my whole life, I can't remember a certain age where I suddenly became aware, I just do it.
uncertain13 (2 posts)
11 years ago (2014-07-04)
Your story is interesting to me because I'm 27 and I notice that it rains when I am sad. It is weird like I feel it coming though I am inside and when I am outside I think I can push and pull the clouds, sorry I feel odd saying this to someone.

As for your headaches I have a feeling I am suppose to tell you to meditate outside by the moving water?
And to not try and do this all the time because your taking away what was meant to go somewhere else.

Sorry if this doesn't make sense, I don't get it either but I feel I'm suppose too.
cosmic_crab13 (1 stories) (9 posts)
11 years ago (2014-07-03)
I know my head isn't supposed to hurt if my third-eye is opening. Sometimes it does tingle and I can count how many times that has happened on one hand in the past 3 years. Those types of headaches are in the middle of my forehead and are very distinct from other types I get, which is every type sadly. Tension, sinus pressure, injury related, stress, dehydration and hunger (I have to eat every 2 hours), hormonal, migraines... It sucks. More so because some types eventually trigger another one, but the psychic ones are not triggered and do not trigger another kind. They are isolated and very painful, unbearably so.
PsychicJR (8 stories) (541 posts)
11 years ago (2014-07-02)
Earths energy its hard to explain read earth energy on this site it helps explain alot

cosmic_crab13 (1 stories) (9 posts)
11 years ago (2014-07-02)
what do you mean by use natures energy? In what ways do you mean using natures energy?
PsychicJR (8 stories) (541 posts)
11 years ago (2014-07-01)
Wow it sounds like you are openin your third-eye and it is important to not use your own energy use nature's that's why you feel a drain

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