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Real Psychic Experiences

The Watchers


I have always been different. Since I was a baby, people would comment on my aura, telling my parents of how special I was. My father was special, too, and so it was never considered a strange thing when I could tell who was calling before the phone rang, or saw people walking around in the house when we were alone.

It was what we considered normal.

Throughout my younger years I experienced many strange things, but none stranger than the beings that would wake me up in the middle of the night. The ones with the green eyes... The Watchers.

I would see them at the foot of my bed, or next to my bed, always just watching me. They were dark, with ears like a chihuahua (the best I can describe, sorry) and glowing, green eyes. I would see them but was paralyzed each time, as though I was wrapped in some blanket that rendered me motionless. Night after night I would see them, hear them scurrying about, feel their breath on me like the frost on a freezer door. I never feel fear during the experiences, only wonder.

Then one night one appeared near the window, with its jowl exposing rows of teeth, smiling at me with almost a sense of satisfaction. It was tall, hunched over, and it clenched its hands. Lightning flashed, and then it was morning.

Meanwhile, my mother was visited at work by a woman who would tell her that I was in danger. She would give her Bible verses to read to me, mostly about putting on the armor of God, but she dismissed her as a quack. But one day she came to my mother, pleading with her to pray for me. Something in her eyes must have struck a cord with my Mom, because the next day she came to me asking if there was something I needed to tell her.

It was the night after the large one came. So I broke down and told her, shaking. We prayed together and hung rosaries at my bedposts, and sprinkled holy water around the bed... An attempt at taking control of the situation.

And then they were no more, at least for a few years, but as I grew older, those dormant abilities began to awaken. I studied all materials and have learned how to hone them to the best of my present wisdom, but I have so much further to go.

I still see "The Watchers" at times. They come seeking entry, seeking a domain, but I no longer will entertain their presence. Their lights show me their intentions, their spirits unable to completely mask the deception behind their insatiable need to interfere with those who justly seek truth.

Those who know me know that I tell the truth, for they have all experienced these phenomena at one point of time or another, just for being around me.

My husband can especially attest to this.

To some I am labeled as a witch; to others an empath or psychic. I can read thoughts and see those who don't want to be seen.

I suppose for now, I am a warrior.

Any other warriors out there?

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The following comments are submitted by users of this site and are not official positions by Please read our guidelines and the previous posts before posting. The author, searchingandknocking, has the following expectation about your feedback: I will participate in the discussion and I need help with what I have experienced.

Timfaraos (426 posts)
9 years ago (2015-03-27)
I'm so glad, and I feel refreshed, when I read that people like you, ask for help from a higher power, our loving and powerful father: God, Jesus! (see: "angel stories" and "miracle stories" on internet. AMAZING!) Sometimes people- even children- who experience these deceiptful and malicious entitities, (who try to force their way into their life), are afraid to, or don't know how to, ask for protection! It's like a girl being raped or robbed outside a police station, and not shouting for help, just letting it happen! LOL! God is the king of the universe, and His Angels and saints are the policemen. Satan and his sorry a*s demons, are the criminals and rapists of the universe, going after God's children, to hurt them, harass them and decieve them! We need supernatural help from God and his angels, to guide and protect us, against satan, who was once God's most powerful and glorious angel!...How can we little humans, fight against his trickery and power? If we pray, fast, read the bible and psalms, and PRACTICE the bible... We can count on God to guide and protect us, day and night! A psalm sais: "THOUGH I WALK IN THE VALLEY OF THE SHADOW OF DEATH, I WILL FEAR NO EVIL, FOR THOU, MY GOD, ART WITH ME!" Read my other posts and prophile for more info. Good luck! God bless! Seeya!
colin1216 (10 posts)
16 years ago (2009-01-02)
all I gotta say ios no offense and I am not saying I don't believe you but it sounds like you are telling a story like a make believe story " the ones with the green eyes... The watchers"

Anyway sounds interesting good luck
searchingandknocking (1 stories) (15 posts)
16 years ago (2008-09-03)
Many do shun it, and others are seemingly repulsed by it. I think it's because it opens them up to the notion that they are not the ones in control, and that's a big issue for a lot of people. Bubbles are only as strong as your ignorance level. Growth, expansion, and awareness causes the integrity of the bubble to be comprimised, and that's not exactly a pleasant thought for the average human.

Actually, I've only just started sharing my experiences within the past few months or so (with someone other than my husband.) Writing about my particular experiences, whether in blogs, my personal journal, or responding to others' trials, has been quite liberating.

And although I know in my spirit that I'm not alone, talking to people like you gives me reassurance that I'm not the only one who knows when the phone is going to ring, who it is, and what they want. I'm not the only one whose dreams come true, or serve as metaphors for what I need to be doing more with my life.

I'm not the only one searching.
GlendaSC (5 stories) (1475 posts)
16 years ago (2008-09-02)
searching - Loved your comparison to the pool or creek or lake. I do remember as a little child doing the tippy-toes thing. I think what you do is natural for you, in whatever place you are at now, and you are learning in your own way. We all go there I guess. It's never easy. Being sensitive is not understood or accepted. My husband laughs and tolerates it - that's the best I've seen so far, no matter how much I've helped, mentally or physically. Be careful how helpful you are - some shun it. Poet and didn't know it.
GlendaSC (5 stories) (1475 posts)
16 years ago (2008-09-02)
searching - had company but gone now. I'm somewhat open to what happens, but know I have preconceived expectations, limits, all that. Perhaps that's what "trying harder to see" means, letting go of those - but it is hard for me. It felt a little like I wasn't concentrating or focusing enough too. Maybe I didn't expect to be able to see clearly and limited myself. Thanks for the advice!
searchingandknocking (1 stories) (15 posts)
16 years ago (2008-09-02)
That's awesome that you are using it for a purpose! I know the sigh of relief when I se that the warnings go out to more than one recipient, and at least one of them listens. And you're right, letting go is easier said than done... For most of us, anyway. I'm still not there yet - I often forget that what I see is just temporary. I get caught up in the moment. I am still human.

When I go looking, I often see things I don't really want to, so I usually stick with what I can handle, only venturing out to where I can still touch bottom with my tippie toes. But maybe that's a good thing? Still trying to figure that one out. ❤

Be careful next week... But you all ready know that;)
GlendaSC (5 stories) (1475 posts)
16 years ago (2008-09-02)
oddly after Katrina, when others were in a panic, I told in-laws in florida to chill, no biggie. This year, months ago, I wrote here that it was a bad hurricane year but I wouldn't worry those in FL. Now I see storms in AR, my home state (and a few of my relatives are in low areas) and one that might hit SC, my state now. I wrote a friend this a.m. - telling my friend to get her daughter out of Charleston. My daughter lived there and rain flooded, not tropical storms or anything close to hurricanes. She wrote that her daughter was coming home Wednesday. *sigh of relief* It is low... The few times that I've "gone" looking, I've seen. That's a little odd really. Letting go is easier said than done for me.
searchingandknocking (1 stories) (15 posts)
16 years ago (2008-09-02)
glenda...oh, absolutely! Quite a bit of the time, really. I use those as a guide to life, as they are more tuned to everyday things now... The trick is to listen and then DO when you get it. Let go of what life, and even your own pre-concieved ideas, tell you.

Decide that you will listen, every step of the day, and then get ready! You will be doing some pretty wacky things until you begin to decypher what is coming from where. Once this is almost automatic for you, you will begin to get things more in-depth, more along the lines of what you're looking for.

The hardest part is the letting go.

I'm far from attaining. I have a long way to go yet, but the more I condition myself, the more these occurances just make sense. I am realizing that I had to learn to stand before I could walk, and fall down a lot before I could walk well (I'm still working on that!;)
GlendaSC (5 stories) (1475 posts)
16 years ago (2008-09-02)
searching - I think that I'm part of that "Star Trek, beam me up" generation. A "person" in a voyage told me that I needed to "try harder to see" and that I was a "questioner." What have I done about it - not a lot or nothing even. I'm not even sure what it means honestly. Now I do joke around sometimes. A few days ago the hubby was goofing around, and I knew he was focused on two ballgame, football, so I told him who would win. He put his hands over his ears and started making noise and I laughed and repeated it. I was right, and it was a form, maybe, of trying to see, but silly stuff. Do you have any insights?
searchingandknocking (1 stories) (15 posts)
16 years ago (2008-08-29)
one more thing... The media is playing on our deep-seeded understanding of these occurences and trivializing them to just a matter of fiction. This is why their presence is so easy to dismiss as just our imagination.

We say to ourselves "It was just like in the movie..." and then don't think about it anymore.

It makes this no less real, though.
searchingandknocking (1 stories) (15 posts)
16 years ago (2008-08-29)
TT...yes, I believe they're only doing what they are told to do. Their heirarchy still astounds me, as there are so many levels, many who do nothing but observe and report back (I know that sounds wierd;) with little to no attatchment whatsoever, and there are others who seem to have a deeper connection with us... Some with good intentions, but most who do not.

The majority of us feel them at some level or another, and, like Vincenzo noted, they are indeed there, lurking, creeping, creaking. The problem seems to lie in our willingness to (or not to) acknowlege their existance, to recognize that the earth has so much more to offer than the next Coach purse or newest 1st person shooter.

It seems that most of us are so easily conditioned by the mainstream societiel "norm" that to look outside the bubble we live in would be to acknowlege that what we percieve with our eyes is not actually what is there.

Even the Bible talks about the whole other realm (it's a great read, btw) when it states "We do not look at the things that can be seen. We look at the things that cannot be seen. The things that can be seen will come to an end. But the things that cannot be seen will last forever..."

I think that as we step outside what we consider to be reality, or, what we see before us, and follow that "gut feeling" inside of us, which is that living essence that is really us and is connected with God, we will become more aware of this whole other plane that exists before us.

Then it is up to us individually whether to confront this reality, learn from it, and mature ourselves within those new perameters.

Happy journeying! ❤
Arken_Heart (2 stories) (14 posts)
16 years ago (2008-08-29)
I am a warrior
Me and a group of my friends
If you want to know more message me
I can't talk more publicly
At risk of giving out to much info
TimeTraveler (3 stories) (30 posts)
16 years ago (2008-08-27)
Hi searchingandknocking,
I haven't posted lately, mostly traveling. I have noticed in my travels that there are also watchers. Lately I have been in the habit of reaching back behind me where I feel they are and grabbing them by the throat or shirt or whatever I can grab. I then turn around and just look them in the eyes and let them know that I know they are there. Since I've done this a couple of times they seem to be keeping their distance. I think they are just doing what are told to do - watching to see how we are progressing. I know this may be different than your watchers but I thought I'd through it out there.
As for me, I've been told that I am a third level master healer/teacher. No warrior here, but I do remember a life where I was a gladiator about 2,000 years ago; that's another story for later.

Vincenzo (19 posts)
16 years ago (2008-08-27)
...Intresting to say the least. I have always had sort of feelings, like I'm being watched. Or like when I turn my back, something will be there. For instance, when I'm in the basement, you can hear the floor creak when someone is walking over you. Well, whenever I'm in the basement, you hear the creeks, and I know my cats can't make the floor creak like that. I'm guessing these are urmmm "Watchers" are looking for a urmmm host? Or maybe power? I have no idea, I'm goin off of things I have been reading lately, so don't grade me on accuracy. I soppose you should keep doing what your doing, seeing as youve dealt with this for awhile. But... Very intresting.
GlendaSC (5 stories) (1475 posts)
16 years ago (2008-08-27)
Probably. It felt that way to me with them, those other kinds of people. I kept wanting to touch them and not understanding. It felt a little silly, but not. I knew it was a natural feeling. It felt very peaceful. Holding hands and patting are not bad, a little embarrassing perhaps, but sweet. Perhaps it is worth the time.
searchingandknocking (1 stories) (15 posts)
16 years ago (2008-08-27)
As far as what I see, that's a matter of perception, but what I can tell you is that I see something worth reaching for, worth all the pain in the world to reach.

And He's reaching back. ❤
searchingandknocking (1 stories) (15 posts)
16 years ago (2008-08-27)
You're right... We (as a whole) are not even close, and we feel that seperation in our spirits. That's why there are so many trying to fill it with the most mundane of things, the most damaging of habits, that they become completely preoccupied with the ramifications of their choices rather than the exhileration of growth. They fill themselves with "busy work..."

I don't feel the fear, not most of the time anyway, but definately the pain of growth. I can get testy, too, because being in this body- and learning to "pilot" it- is tough.

But so worth it. ❤
GlendaSC (5 stories) (1475 posts)
16 years ago (2008-08-27)
I apologize. Lately I'm a little too testy because I'm in a learning phase - not the most comfortable thing for me really. I voyage now easily which is really weird; I came here scared of it and now take it for granted. That is a little striking to remember. I'm ready to voyage again, farther, and scared. That's it. The piddly human fussing is easier, but I'm ready to move on. That's a little tough maybe. Thanks for writing. We are not even close to that fathest knowledge. Those that pretend it are the biggest joke, but I like humor mostly. When I get closer, and I plan to go there, a little afraid. It's about connecting and understanding and seeing on the other side. Perhaps some are far ahead. Who do you see over there and what do they say? Happy voyaging.
searchingandknocking (1 stories) (15 posts)
16 years ago (2008-08-27)
Glenda...Perhaps you misunderstood me... I did not say that we are God, nor are we little gods. I know who God is, and it has nothing to do with the majority of what's being taught out there. I know because my life is a living testimony to the wonderful nature that He is, and I live my life according to what He dictates. Sometimes that means doing things that others find strange or unnecessary, like taking a different route home or giving a total stranger something precious to me, but I know that all of these things are resulting in a trust for God - a seperate entity from myself- that grows with each passing day.

My understanding of these things does not change based on others' opinions. I do, however, feel just a bit more free having written about my experience. That's why we're here, isn't it?

GlendaSC (5 stories) (1475 posts)
16 years ago (2008-08-27)
I've heard the "we are god" thing before. Years ago. If you ever, ever leave your body and voyage (fly) and meet the others, I will assure you, we are not God. Take that as you will. I'm not particularly bashful. I do like that you are articulate though. I like hummingbirds, I'm not a warrior. But I know some confusion exists.
GlendaSC (5 stories) (1475 posts)
16 years ago (2008-08-27)
I know they are real. I've been married over 20 years to the same science person who laughs and feels weird and knows they are real. My biggest problem is learning boundaries and not getting bored.
GlendaSC (5 stories) (1475 posts)
16 years ago (2008-08-27)
searching - I assure you - I never make kind gestures. I do ease things up for newbies who haven't written much, but I can go there... I see you are new here and ease up but if you want to go there, I will. That's not meant to be unkind, but just how I am.
searchingandknocking (1 stories) (15 posts)
16 years ago (2008-08-27)
glenda...I appreciate your advice, but these things are real and ignoring them or pretending they don't exist has not been and will not be a viable solution. I have had many experiences, not unlike yours and your daughter's, and found that they have brought me closer to God and who I really am, as well as the reality that is around all of us. But thanks, really. I appreciate your kind gesture!

Hardtoremember...I know what you mean! I feel the bad or negative side much stronger and more frequently than the good or positive. But your wife is right... We have nothing to fear, and with persistance, effort, and faith (the belief that something hoped for will come to pass), we can overcome anything!
hardtoremember (37 posts)
16 years ago (2008-08-27)
Thank you for your story!
My wife and I have always seen, heard and felt things. I suppose we are warriors. We can both tell what someone's intentions are. I am better at seeing bad than good. Which I suppose is a very good thing but it is almost haunting.
When I was a kid I felt presences that were very similar to yours. They came nightly and no one believed me. I learned to deal and when I met my wife she taught me how to get rid of them and not be afraid of them.
Does it seem like there are more now than ever?
GlendaSC (5 stories) (1475 posts)
16 years ago (2008-08-27)
I meant "Not hurt" each other. Freudian slip maybe. I'm trying to figure out the physical part as well as the psychic part. Physical things do happen as well. We go through tons of light bulbs, mostly when my daughter phones. She is a risk taker and always comes out smelling like a rose despite herself. My sister laughs so hard that she has trouble talking sometimes. I'm trying to laugh, but get very aggravated.
GlendaSC (5 stories) (1475 posts)
16 years ago (2008-08-27)
searching - Once at 17 had dated a guy a long time and out popped something helpful. Later he asked me if I was a "witch..." That was the end of our dating. I'm a peaceful person. Hate violence and am soft hearted. A few times have been almost hurt or threatened by people in real life, and protected myself, but even then felt bad for awhile because I don't like hurting anyone. Usually scaring away is my way if possible. Once when I was upset, my mom was sick, I went walking in a very bad area. Some dude with a weapon saw me (I had a purse with a flower on it) and came at me. I knew to run away, but in the end, it's not what I do sometimes. I waited for him. When he got close, I looked at him. He turned around and nearly ran away. It upset me and I almost called him back - but didn't. Let it go. That's my advice. If possible. My hubby who is tall and large thinks it's funny. I guess, but still I think all people matter and we should help and hurt each other.

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