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Real Psychic Experiences

Am I Like Psychic Or Something?


Sorry about it having to be this long. I didn't write everything

I'm 16 years old and well I've been having dreams about what was going to happen since I was a little girl, It started to get stronger when my grandmother died. I had a dream that she was going to die in the hospital, and at that time just shook it off saying It was because she had cancer. The same day she died I had that dream but even more vivid and I got a sudden feeling that something bad just happened.

She died that very day. My dreams they either start off slow like within certain time periods until it actually happens or is going to happen, which is associated with the feeling that something 'is' going to happen. They stop the day it happens and then that's when I get the feeling that something either is going to happen [to the point where my entire mood changes to a sad bad depressing uneasy feeling] or it has happen [I don't know how to explain the feeling clearly enough yet but I can distinguish them]

I was at my friend's driveway and had a bad feeling and told her that we should go to my home because I felt uneasy. When we left my friend's man calls saying the block we were on a car crashed onto her driveway into her dad's car. It creeps me out knowing that could have been us and how lucky I really was.

When I was crossing the "highway" to go to my school I got a bad feeling that something bad was going to happen, and that day the vocational building burned down when me and friend were going to skip to another teachers classroom but I had said let's just stay in class because once again the feeling came back stronger than before. I don't if it has something to do with this but the week starting on Sunday I had woken up sweating, feverish gasping for breathe that whole 4 days until the vocational building burned down, then after that nothing.

I had dream my mother would break up with her husband and kept telling that I had the dream and exactly how it was going to happen, the day that it happened, I didn't dream but I had the ' Oh my god ' something is happening today feeling, the uneasy sad bad depressing feeling.

I don't know but I think I can feel people's emotion on the internet, when I'm reading something someone wrote. My voice inside my head it would turn to sweet, or content, and this one time angry way I would be speaking. Sometimes I would make my voice more female like or male like. I don't know if this is normal or not, my mother sure as hell doesn't do this.

When I think of a person I want to see they would popped by like weeks later or days later. The song that I'm dying to hear, same thing applies with them. I don't know if this is normal also.

My mother said I used to talk to my teddy bears or stuff animals things like that but I feel content when I'm around them, the make me feel happy but them when I'm mad I have to cover their eyes because I feel like they're watching me.

Feel like I belong in nature, I'll chose animals over humans. I don't even feel human at all, like I know I'm human (and I know for sure that I'm not one of those furry people or those other people, sorry if I offended) I feel like I was sent here for greater things.

I can sense, feel when something is walking towards me or next to me.

It's mostly human but then sometimes no one is their and if I really concentrate I feel like I'm not alone like there's people next or around me. I hate it. It scares me especially when it feels hostile.

Right now I'm in Baltimore, Maryland and I feel scared like theirs something in the kitchen in my cousins house next to were I'm typing at now...

I don't know but I think I was writing for someone else one day not from this world, but it said horrible things that I hate to mention and like my cousin was there when I was writing it but I don't remember so I just shrugged it off cause it only happened one time don't know if this is useful information or not.

Are there any like medical issues that I should know about like being psychic or some stuff?

Thanks for helping or hearing me out... No one in my family really listens to this "nonsense".

Other clairvoyant experiences by create_inspire_me

Comments about this clairvoyant experience

The following comments are submitted by users of this site and are not official positions by Please read our guidelines and the previous posts before posting. The author, create_inspire_me, has the following expectation about your feedback: I will participate in the discussion and I need help with what I have experienced.

WanderingWayne (4 stories) (107 posts)
15 years ago (2009-08-29)
Hi Thanks for your comments on my feeling energy story. About moving the energy around, it is very easy for me. I was told by a girl psychic that two people could share energy over distances and it could open energy flow and be good for a person. So we tried and it seemed to work. That was how I realized that I could feel the energy. Then I realized that I could do it on my own. I found I could move the energy to my ankles, knees, all the energy points from my throat to my feet and after reading some of the comments to my story I've found I can run it into my hands also. I also love the woods, mother nature and animal as you do. I spend a lot of time walking in the woods with my dogs. I can call up the energy as I walk though the woods. When I feel the strain of it is when I focus hard and increase the intensity of it and hold it. So far the only bad effects I feel are just the strained feeling in my forehead and temples. I haven't experienced any spinning feelings or anything like that. I don't know what to think of that. You may be trying to hard. In one book a lady was saying to picture a place in the woods that is special to you. Imagine the energy of the love of the universe entering the center of your chest from this image and then being breathed out to the world. You can try that in different energy centers and you can imagine breathing in white light at those points and breathing it out your mouth. I do these things sometimes and feel the energy physically as I do. Just relax and try to be easy and natural with it. It may work that way without the vertigo. Liking being in nature and being around animals more than humans is a trait of many empath I've heard. There is some interesting info on the net about empaths. It sounds like you may be sensitive to different kinds of energies. I would think it might be good to learn how to control some of this somehow. I would ask on this site about energy sensitivity if you think you might be. Bye
Saikatanas (40 posts)
16 years ago (2009-08-13)
Let's state this. Everyone is psychic. The difference is that some have mastered it and others don't. They just reject it in their true scents. It's normal.

What you are having it's pretty normal in my way of viewing things. Your vibrations are arising and thus your are being aware of certain things. Your guides and your own soul are giving you messages so you can defend yourself and to prevent your and others harm.

There will be a time that everyone will be just like you as the New Earth ascends.
PS. I don't know if you are familiar with it but just ask yourselves about it.
CuriousPsychic13 (16 stories) (141 posts)
16 years ago (2009-08-11)
Hey, I'm new, and I want to tell you that I had my first psychic encounter when I was three, but I didn't realize it because my mind had repressed it, and I had a long break until I was nine, and in those six years, I got nothing more then feelings. There is a risk of not feeling well when your psychic-sensitive, but it shouldn't be anything more. And don't feel bad, your not crazy. I like being psychic, and your lucky, (believe it or not.) I see demons, I'm clairvoyant and clairaudient, I get feelings, and I remember things from past lives. I think I influence things, but I'm not sure yet. And I agree with lilmissgigi96, you might be able to save people 😁. Best wishes.
Artine (4 stories) (52 posts)
16 years ago (2009-08-10)
RE: Create_Inspire_Me

Yes, it is possible to be a Hybrid of both Crystal and Indigo energies. There are several instances of this where the soul can pick up and hybridize with the two energies as it transcends into the most recent one, thusly retaining some qualities of the prior. If you have traits of both Indigo and Crystal, then you are likely a Hybrid of the two.

May Love,
And Light,
Guide Your Path.
Follow Your Heart.
jbrown9384 (100 posts)
16 years ago (2009-08-10)
Okay! Thank you! So do you know anything about America's future? If you don't then that's okay 😁 My second question is that can you do a reading for my other cat. Junior, black and white splotches and his eyes are a little abnormal, not to be mean! But something happened to him when he was young. He is not our cat, but we take care of him as much as we can! ❤
Thank you!
cyopathic (5 stories) (513 posts)
16 years ago (2009-08-10)
Hmm a myspace is easy to use and I do not use g-mail or facebook or twitewr I just find it to much of a hassle but I can do it here.
jbrown9384 (100 posts)
16 years ago (2009-08-10)
Hi cyopathic, can you do another reading for me? Do you have gmail, because I do not know how to use a my space and I'm 15! 😆 😁
cyopathic (5 stories) (513 posts)
16 years ago (2009-08-10)
Yes I know I was right but what is your question? And if any one else wants a free reading that is okay just msg me on myspace or on here please do not clutter up the storie people will lose track on what's happening.
jbrown9384 (100 posts)
16 years ago (2009-08-10)
HI CYOPATHIC, THIS IS JBROWN! Sorry about yesterday. I couldn't post anymore omments because I had too much. I read about the reading and that was AMAZING! Thats exactly how my cat acts! Great job! 😲 😆 Anyways, if you get this comment, please comment back, I have more questions to ask you (if that is okay with you). Thank you soo much for that reading. I hope you comment soon! 😁
create_inspire_me (5 stories) (146 posts)
16 years ago (2009-08-10)
I need to start learning how to use them then

People said that I was Crystal, then an indigo? But I have many traits of both.

It is possible? 😕

I would mind talking to you 😁
cyopathic (5 stories) (513 posts)
16 years ago (2009-08-10)
very good and they are right your abbiltys can go away if you don't use them the right way think of it as defective if you don't use it the right way. No one used a T.V. As a car. 🤔
VictoriaRose (3 stories) (39 posts)
16 years ago (2009-08-10)
Hey there!
Maybe you should try what I'm starting
To do, write your own Grimiore of psychic
Experiences and things you learn over time.
So maybe you might be able to get better at it, and if you keep trying at it, you'll probably be able to control it and I don't know do something effective with it. 😁?
A few hourss ago I was histarical and worried out of my mind about all of this happening to me.
But I did a lot more research and when I say a lot I mean like alot. I've been on the computer ALL day looking up things and stuff.
I'm sure if you weren't supposed to have it it wouldn't have ever come to you. 😕 Although if you ignore it and do nothing it might go away, if that's what you want. Or it might not, I ignored it and it still didn't go away.

I think your an Indigo child.
Which is pretty cool. If you type it in
Your search engine then you will come up with so much information. You should check it all out.
And of course you can always talk to me
About it 😁 it's weird to say that to a stranger, but there's something "good?" about you. I like it.
Email me huh? Horrormurph [at]
create_inspire_me (5 stories) (146 posts)
16 years ago (2009-08-10)
I don't know about people saving... Is it possible for your abilities to go away over time if you don't know how to use them 😕
lilmissgigi96 (1 stories) (20 posts)
16 years ago (2009-08-10)
Wooow! You are going to be a VERY good psychic when you are older 😁 I bet you could save some people...maybe.
create_inspire_me (5 stories) (146 posts)
16 years ago (2009-08-10)
OK thank you... I will be sure to not take any medication and stuff like that. The website was useful.
Artine (4 stories) (52 posts)
16 years ago (2009-08-10)
Firstly, we must stress that this is not "nonsense". Secondly, you are not 'Like' psychic, you Are psychic. Your mind is more open than the people around you, which allows for the supernatural, preternatural, and psychic events to occur, for you are more atoned to them with a more-opened mind.
You could also be a Crystal Child, from what it sounds like, per how you used descriptors. Check this URL for what we imply by this:

The visions that are snippets of the future that you receive, during the sleep status, are called Precognitions. They are very real, and if are Pleasant are Guaranteed. If Unpleasant, then they are changeable.

To feel people coming near you is to be more sensitive to the energies around you, and to be atoned to them to the point where you are aware of a different energy in the area around you, should one approach.

To answer your question, there are no certain "medical issues" that are associated with being Psychic. To be Psychic is not to have an Illness or Condition, it is simply a higher atonement to that which surrounds you, because you have a more open mind. However, should you be diagnosed with being ADD or ADHD, do not take the medication if it is Only because you are Psychic, as this can harm your mental activity, rather than help.

May Love,
And Light,
Guide Your Path.
Follow Your Heart.

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