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Real Psychic Experiences

A Terrifying Nightmare


My English is horrible but I will try my best. I selected a country casually because I don't want any problems.

I do not know from where to start so I will start from the beginning. Ever since I was little (two or three years old) my 'abilities' started to appear. Usually it was nothing big, I used to make precognitive dreams and I was able to use telepathy with animals. These 'abilities' grew stronger with time. I remember juggling with fire when I was four, when my mother and grandparents found out about this they made me stop immediately and I never used them, until I became 11 that is. I remember my own mother beating me up several times, strangling my neck. I had to go to school for a year with a scar on my eye. From where I am, people believe that it is possible to manipulate someone with magic. I do not believe in magic but I neither believe that my mother would do that on purpose. Any way on my eleven birthday I met someone who later became my best friend and my 'master'. I call him master because he didn't see evil in me unlike my family, instead he helped me re-develop my powers. Thanks to him now my precognition is back to normal. I possess telepathy like before, I discovered Retro-psychokinesis. I'm able to control breezes and rain (also lightning), I still can't control fire like when I was little but practice makes perfect. Anyway 6 months after I met my master my mom had us moving to another country! It's impossible that she know about my master or my new powers. Now I live in another country for almost 3 years, I go back home every summer though.

I have a problem I REALLY NEED HELP WITH: my dreams have always come true, and I do mean always, even about surprise test at school! Well it's been a few months since I've been having the same dream: I'm usually home (sometimes hear others in my old house) and I see cars parking around my house. I get a horrible gut feeling and try to escape. I start running and they come after me wanting to kill me. I have been dreaming this every night for a week and I'm scared to death.

I know this all sound ridiculous, crazy, impossible whatever you want, but it's true and please can someone help me figure out this dream, I don't know maybe a meditation technique that helps you remember dreams better? I remember my step-dad mentioning the name of the leader of those people, I remember it starts with 'M' but nothing more

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The following comments are submitted by users of this site and are not official positions by Please read our guidelines and the previous posts before posting. The author, Madara, has the following expectation about your feedback: I will participate in the discussion and I need help with what I have experienced.

Eagleclaw (386 posts)
13 years ago (2012-06-23)
You did a great job with working with your dream. You should be very proud of yourself. It is almost over for you. You see, your master came into your dream to take you out of your dream. He opened a portal where you can escape. He probably knew that you were in trouble. Next time keep following out of the portal with the with light coming from it. And, whenever you are in trouble you can call on your master to come and help you. Now you know what to do. Your master and you are connected so you never have to worry about him not being able to help you. And, it does not matter how far apart you are. You can connect to each other from afar. Remember to follow what your master does and to continue to face the ones in your dream that are chasing you. You will become stronger as you continue to face your fear in your dreams. Oh, and congratulations on your ability to contact your master through dreams.
Madara (guest)
13 years ago (2012-06-22)
ok,this entire story of my nightmares is getting weirder and weirder. I think I'm finally loosing it. Last time, like always I was chased by someone who was in the shadows, I didn't knew who he was, but I knew he was coming. Like in previous dreams my parents knew that that 'person' was after me. My step-dad didn't hesitate and stayed away, my mom also stayed away. I was running in some building, but this time I wanted to see the person (thing,or whatever) in the face and banish him. I turned around and waited a few seconds for him to come, just a moment before that happened my master appeared right in front of me, (I didn't want that to happen and I didn't think of him) and in that moment the entire dream changed. We were in what appeared an old abandoned house near the sealakeriver (I don't rimember which) The inside of the house was wooden with holes in the walls every where. There was a skeleton of a man that took life and stabbed itself fith knifes and cut away his left foot. My master went to search the house for something. I followed him. There was something like a small dining room with dead people over the table, The lights were flickering, there was a door that led to another room with a hole in the sealing (big enough for a person to pass). The last thing I remember was the strong white light comming from there. I think I'm loosing it, this is just getting crazy, if I leave the dram like it is... Well last time I woke up screaming, if I change it this happens, please does anybody have an idea how to end this?
Eagleclaw (386 posts)
13 years ago (2012-06-19)
For me, eye color is not the best way to judge if someone will have abilities. My eyes change colors. They are blue, green and an ice like color which scares a few people at times. I know that when we pass the next person to take over is chosen to take over. Some people don't have an awakening until many years have passed and for others it is quick. Your destiny is already chosen for you before you are born. I was given last rights so I know a lot about this. And, learned many things about the beyond as well.
For now, I need to log off because I need to take care of some things. I will check back tomarro if you have any more questions. I'm not on this site every day but I try to go on this site when ever I can. I also put you as one of my favorites. So, I'll be watching for updates.
Madara (guest)
13 years ago (2012-06-19)
I'm glad that someone thinks like me.I've heard from a reletive of mine that my great grandmother (it sure skipped some generations) had abilities, and that parents in my family will know if their child will possess them by the color of the eyes. If its black it's a 100% sure any other color is averege. As you might have suspected reading this, yes my eyes are black and that's why my family treated me like that. The only other member alive (or at least I think he's alive) is my grandmom's brother. Is there such a thing in your, or if you know in other families?
Eagleclaw (386 posts)
13 years ago (2012-06-19)
Thank you, when you get older you can pass your abilities to another by mentoring them. For me, I had abilities but when my aunt passed she gave me all of hers too. Abilities are passed down from generations before. Not all siblings get them and sometimes it is passed over a generation. Many times a person is chosen to defend the family against evil spirits/entities. At least it was in my case. I am the strongest in my family. I also have two other siblings who have abilities but they are a fraction of mine. I would teach my nieces and nephews but that is frowned upon in my family. Yet they don't mind when I protect them from the devil when he comes around. Such is life right.
Madara (guest)
13 years ago (2012-06-19)
i know that and I just said don't surch it because it's actually imossible to find.It's like the town has became only a legend that old people tell to little kids. No one knows any more what odessos is or the meaning of the name.It's sad when something like this gets destroyed. I also agree that there isn't anything abot abilities in internet or in book. I was lucky to meet someone from a family where these things are passed down. I only hope to be able to share the little that I know with people who also want to learn how to control their abilities.
Eagleclaw (386 posts)
13 years ago (2012-06-19)
I am familiar with only a few green stones. I'm sure if this stone holds the energy it will stay in the stone and keep you safe. Just don't share it with anyone except your master. Just so you know, you can ask your stone for protection when you need it. It will protect you. Every stone/crystal has a spirit that dwells within it.
By the way, I have no interest to find out where you are on this planet. I use this site to help all of those who need answers about the unknown. I feel as if I am passing my knowledge onto others in a positive way. Because I remember when I started with abilities. No one was there to help me. As time went by my abilities and knowledge increased. I am still learning new things even now. Like I say, you will have a long journey ahead of you. Just be careful not to tell the witch hunters (those who dispise anyone who has abilities) about your abilities.
Madara (guest)
13 years ago (2012-06-19)
My stone is light green, with 58 sides, my master calls it 'the heart of Odessos',it's sed that it has collected all the positive energy of Odessos (a town) and it'll protect the person like the energy protects the town of Odessos. (don't search where it is,you'll never find the right place).I've sed it already but thanks 😊
Eagleclaw (386 posts)
13 years ago (2012-06-19)
Yes, for you, you are just beginning your journey with abilities. The best stone for protection is the Tiger's eye. It is brown (both light and dark) and has tiger stripes on it. And, if it is not that color than I'm sure that the stone that your master has chosen for you was the best one for your individual needs. You need to start to get to know about stones and crystals. They can be a great asset if used properly. It's fine not to believe in a religions but you should find something to believe in. You will find that one day, I know you will. I was happy to help you with your questions. Take care.
Madara (guest)
13 years ago (2012-06-19)
Ok thanks for the info about this, I used to think that my abilities had already awakened and had reached the max., well I guess I was wrong 😁.To protect my self my master gave me a neckless with a stone that I don't know what it is, but its purpose is to protect the user from spirits, negative energy, demons etc. I wear it since I don't believe in religions. Any way I really thank you.
Eagleclaw (386 posts)
13 years ago (2012-06-19)
I hate to be the one to tell you but the fact that you saw her means that you will see others. You can also choose not to be open to it. That's your choice. Yes, spirits travel great distances in time and in realms. She could also be your guardian spirit. If you see her again you can ask her and she will nod her head to say yes or no. And, just so you know, when you manipulate elements you are directly working with the nature spirits. The main ones are earth, wind, water and fire. I think for you. You are experiencing an awakening of your abilities. As long as you remain in control you should be fine. You also need to protect yourself when dealing with any spirits. Ask for protection from who you pray to whenever you are dealing with a spirit or an entity.
Madara (guest)
13 years ago (2012-06-19)
ok,i'll try next time, but I can't see or talk to spirits, I was never capable of it. I can manipulate the elements, make the lights explode, I can even use chronokinesis and photokinesis sometimes, I see auras but I can't see spirits. And can a spirit travell across towns and also nations? Where I live nobody has such skin. Hers was like a friend of mine who's from Russia...
Eagleclaw (386 posts)
13 years ago (2012-06-19)
That woman may likely be a spirit that is trying to connect with you. Most spirits don't manipulate dreams. They appear to those who have the ability to see them like yourself. You can tell her to leave as well. And, that will solve that. But, since you have this ability to see spirits you may see more of them. Just remember that you are in control not them. You make the rules not them. I am visited be many spirits all of the time and a few entities as well. I have learned to tell them to leave if I feel that they are going to be a problem for me. Some may be difficult to get rid of but you can still tell them to stay away from you. Hope this helps.
Madara (guest)
13 years ago (2012-06-19)
thank you very much. Tonight I'll try that at all costs. If it happens that it is someone that's infiltrated my dreams I don't think it'll be demons or entities because I everytime before I fall a sleep and have that dream I always hear people talking. I don't understand what they say because as soon as I hear them I turn the lights on and 'scan' my house with a meditation techinque that I know. Once I saw someone. It wasn't a dream since I still had my eyes opened. It was like a vision of a women, about 50 years old, with short blond hair,glasses,blue eyes and light pink-red skin. I don't know what this means though
Eagleclaw (386 posts)
13 years ago (2012-06-19)

Yes, it is possible with certain entities that which are low vibrational. That is why you need to go into your dream and manipulate it to your advantage.
I had this situation with a demon for a long time until one day I decided to fight back and I won the battle. I still see him but he never has attacked me again after that.
If you remember the dream you can meditate on it and try to bring it up again so that you can manipulate it that way too. Also remember, many times our dreams may reflect in some way what we are experiencing in our lives too. If you get courage in your dream you may get courage in your life too. Hope this helps.
Madara (guest)
13 years ago (2012-06-19)
Thanks,I'll try that but this can only work in a lucid dream,right?I know that it's my dream and there isn't anything to be scared of, but I was thinking:is it possible that someone influences my sleep? I mean is it possible that someone that I don't know gets in my dreams and manipulates them?
Eagleclaw (386 posts)
13 years ago (2012-06-19)
If you are up to it I would like for you to try something. I was wondering if when you are in the dream that you might try to change it by manipulating the dream. Next time, when they are running after you stop and turn around. You will be wearing a suit of armor and will tell them to turn around and leave you alone. And, tell them that they are all banished from your dreams from now on. I know it is scary to face your fear in a dream but it has worked for me. If they try to attack you can create anything you want to defend yourself. Ex. A ray gun, a army of warriors and/or give yourself the power to turn them to dust. You get the idea. By the way, fire is a nature spirit. The fire was dancing with you. Hope this helps.
Madara (guest)
13 years ago (2012-06-18)
I stopped meditating and I had that nightmare again last night 😕
Madara (guest)
13 years ago (2012-06-16)
well mine usually come true when I least expect it or when i've forgotten them. Once it came true after an enire year. Now I'm trying to stop my premonitions by using all of my subconcsious mind's energy on meditating so it doesn't influence my dreams. I haven't had that dream for 2 nights and it's a good start, but I don't have time to meditate, because I have to study (8th grade exams). So any ideas?
Snydead4576 (2 stories) (20 posts)
13 years ago (2012-06-16)
My dreams may not come true all the time but I did have some pretty bad dreams that came true even nightmares that came true. With dreams coming true can sometimes be a bit scary and with what bothers me the most is not knowing when the premonition would or if it would happen. Preventing dreams to come true can be pretty hard. But as for having good positive dreams that come true can be really great but sometimes spoiles the fun of knowing what will happen. The only think you can do is if you have a premonition in a dream you can either talk to someone about it or write it down just for memory purpose. And lastly if you don't want your dreams to come true maybe you can try different ways of falling asleep, I'm not sure if it would really work or not but for example before going to bed think of something random like going to a park and relaxing on a bench or think of walking on a beach or something that's random like that before you fall asleep, like I said I'm not sure if it would really work.

Also keep in mind that with your ability you are trully not alone. Just from reading a lot of stories on this site and seen off of tv and the friends that I've met online around the world there are a lot of people that have abilities like this so trust me your not alone.
Madara (guest)
13 years ago (2012-06-15)
I don't know if my gift is 'strong',compared to my master it's nothing, and it's more like a curse. I tried to use meditation, but the more I become unconscious the more scared I get (I don't know why). And I hope that the dream doesn't become reality, yet I doubt it...
Medium-Feeler-Teacher (1 stories) (13 posts)
13 years ago (2012-06-15)
be careful who you tell at your home town, people will think all kinds of bad things about you. I do believe that meditation would help you strengthen your abilities. And I agree that you have a strong gift.
The more you practice the more focused you become, try to recieve the same dreams when you are awake. Someday it may help save someones life
About the people coming after you, I think that it may mean there is something in your life that you don't like and want to get away from, but you just can't because it overwhelms you and basicly drowns you. I doubt that it would be about an actual event.
Hope for the best 😁
Madara (guest)
13 years ago (2012-06-15)
Thanks but I'm not from Africa I just selected a nation casually, actually I live in Europe. In my home land (also in Europe) centuries ago people with such gifts weren't rare at all. The "kings" themselves had such abilities. And now this is happening, I don't get it
jwjl1 (1 stories) (8 posts)
13 years ago (2012-06-14)
I am not an expert by a long shot, and my abilities [if they are abilities] are quite undeveloped, but I wanted to say that I think you have some strong gifts, and I think you should be very careful. I know that some African cultures can go to extremes when faced with the unknown or the paranormal, and I don't want to see you maimed or killed. Maybe avoid your old home for a while? You have these gifts for a reason, even if you don't know it yet.

I wish you the best, and I'll keep your safety in my thoughts.

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