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What Kind Of Psychic Am I? Or Am I Crazy


Where to begin, well I have a lot of random things that I can do, most are not consist but some are. I feel people's emotions alive/dead. I can hear things like mumbling or talking very low, sometimes hear music that's not playing also I hear my name a lot but no one is around, sometimes I joke around about things happening and they actually happen. I'll get a feeling and then I used to say "oh my god imagine if this. Happened and then it would happen. I can see little orbs of light different colors though this happens randomly. Recently I've been trying to learn to see auras and I saw like a rich deep purple off a car driving the opposite direction from me (thought that was really cool). I know when someone is pregnant or bout to be and if its a boy or a girl. I usually dream that I'm pregnant and if it's a boy or a girl. I thinks really weird and so do my friends they think that I'm just guessing. But it happens ALOT. Ill get into dreams in a different post) I sometimes feel a presence and know if it's a man or a woman, if they are tall or short and how they feel. I can almost pick up "vibes" off people bad/good.

When I was younger I used to live in an apartment and in that apartment a older lady died at the time I didn't know this. A lot of weird started happening it one night I was sleeping and out of now where I woke up and looking at my closet and saw a figure shaped like a women and she was dressed in all white grown I got scared and hidden under the covers I wasn't of her more scared of seeing something that wasn't really there. When we moved in my current home I always felt like I was being watched, I knew it was a tall man and he was really angry. Don't know how I knew I just did but I was always scared to being alone. I would hear foot steps and voices. But my mom said it was just my imagination and that I was crazy. So I just tried to ignore it.

The past few years I've been trying to figure out what the hell it wrong with me. Two years ago I moved in with my aunt (she moved to the apt I lived in when I was younger) to help her out. She was telling me all things weird like something evil around my uncle and his family. Every night I had a feeling of being watched, one night I couldn't sleep I had my back towards my aunt and I was looking towards the end of the bed and closet. I started to "see" an image of a figure in the shape of the "devil" it had horns on it and every time I looked in that direction I would feel a very strong feeling of evil or being scared. I turned around facing my aunt and I had this urge to look towards the end of the bed when I did I felt an evil presence there when I closed my eyes I saw the image of almost a cartoon version of the devil dancing and laughing like mocking me that's when I got really scared so I hidden under the covers and got closer to my aunt but the feeling of being watched got stronger to the point where I felt like I was suffocating. I couldn't take it so I woke up my aunt and as soon as she woke up the feeling when away. She was so freaked out she called her spiritual advisor and he said that I picked up all the evil energy coming off my uncle (this was very weird because he wasn't living in the apartment at the time). He also said that there is a older lady attached to me and my sister. I can smell her sometimes it's really weird.

When I moved back home I started to research all this. And now I think my abilities are getting stronger, I feel there are two people in my house one is a the very angry man (I think he's dead) he comes and goes but I know when he's around because I also get angry but I know it's not me, and I think its because of my overactive imagination I can see him sometimes. There's also a older lady I can't see her but I know when she's around because I get really sad and depressed. I know it's not me but sometimes I can't tell it apart from mines. I can also pick up how people are feeling, like I feel what they feel. Thats why I don't really like to be around ALOT of people. One night my mom asked my to sleep with her when my dad was away. The next day I told her I could never sleep in her room because I felt nauseous and very crowded like there was a lot of people talking around her bed. When I closed my eyes I could see the shadows. She said she felt something weird and that she wanted me to see if I picked up anything. And I did she now believes me and said that I have a gift but I feel like I'm crazy or that it's just in my head.

I know this is VERY long, these are just some of the stories and abilities that I think I have. What am I And if I really do have these abilities how can I make them stronger. HELP PLEASE

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The following comments are submitted by users of this site and are not official positions by Please read our guidelines and the previous posts before posting. The author, Mrodrig, has the following expectation about your feedback: I will participate in the discussion and I need help with what I have experienced.

RainbowRobinGirl (3 stories) (21 posts)
12 years ago (2013-07-04)
I think your and empath and you are not crazy also could you do me a favor and please comment on my story I'm trying to figure out what I am and I have had no comments yet it would really be appreciated. 😊
carolina (1 stories) (3 posts)
12 years ago (2013-01-27)
I just wanted to comment on the dark that you mentioned. I too am trying to develop my abilities better and I have experienced some of the things your have. What works for me is being spiritually stronger than they are and not letting them in. I feel like they want to cause fear or corrupt only because they can. Protect your mind and make a decision that you are in control and better than that. Keep telling yourself that you are in the light and you only answer to the light. In my experience they get bored and leave you alone. You will always have darkness around you honestly. Unfortunately they are a part of this world. And if you seem weak at all, they will jump on the chance to cause chaos. You have to not fear it, and that is one of the hardest things you will ever have to do. Stay strong, and don't forget to have faith. I hope this helped a little.
vergil117 (guest)
12 years ago (2012-11-28)
i responded to your email. Hopefully I can help you get better at controlling this. 😁
Mrodrig (2 stories) (10 posts)
12 years ago (2012-11-28)
I send you an email vergil117. Thank you everyone here is soo nice. I am very new to this and it's good to know I am not alone in this
vergil117 (guest)
12 years ago (2012-11-28)
Hey, how are you doing? I am an Empath as well and I can feel others emotions. I have helped a lot of people handle there abilities very well and got them to control it. If you want to talk or anything at all. Email me at biohazardzombie17 [at] and I will try my best to help you!
Mrodrig (2 stories) (10 posts)
12 years ago (2012-11-28)
Ohh THANK you. I would love to know more. Yea I always call myself crazy, because I don't know anyone else who can do the things I do. I will definitely contact you, I've always being interested in this I knew I was different. I would also like to learn how to spereate others emotions from my own. Yes, I guess I do have a connection. I haven't talked to them, but I can feel them and smell them, I can also tell if it is good or bad. I can hear like some words not a full sentence. I think I can see them but I can only shadows but not a ful detail figure just like the outline. This doesn't really happen often. I'm hoping if I can strengthen my ability I can help people and also help myself how to know their emotion from my own
Brandon6996 (1 stories) (27 posts)
12 years ago (2012-11-28)
Im interested if you have any connections with spirits in any way. Can you feel when they come around, sense their emotion or feelings? Can you see them? I can feel when they come around and feel if they are good or bad and how they feel. I can't see them though, which is an ability I would like to gain.
Brandon6996 (1 stories) (27 posts)
12 years ago (2012-11-28)
You can practice on strengthening your abilities through meditation. At least half an hour a day if you can just find a quiet area and clear your mind. Taking a few deep shallow breaths before you begin helps. Among the other things I could help if you like. You can contact me here or through email if you like. My email is rushauer6996 [at] yahoo. And the BEST advise I can give you is not to believe than anything you can do is "crazy" If you put your beliefs into what you are doing you can do it.
Mrodrig (2 stories) (10 posts)
12 years ago (2012-11-28)
Really!...I mean what do I do about this. Do I ignore it or how can I make it stronger. These are just some of the "things" I can do. I sometimes feel like I have more ablilities but it's feels like block or something I don't know maybe it's crazy talk. I wish I had someone to talk to, I mean my friends know about this stuff but they just think it's weird and that's it... Should I go to a spiritual advisor or psychic to see what other abilities I have, I feel like there's more
Brandon6996 (1 stories) (27 posts)
12 years ago (2012-11-28)
I can tell you first off that you are an empath. Like me you can sense emotion, whether living or dead, and sometimes depending on your spiritual strength, you may hear or "feel" earth calling out to you. I have some of the same abilities.

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