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Real Psychic Experiences

An Experience


Things have become absolute turmoil in the last few weeks. I started having a recurring feeling that my birthday is going to be absolute chaos on Thursday. I keep seeing the same thing a burning candle, me, and another black out occurring in front of my family. My family already thinks I'm a real A-class freak. I don't want to disappoint them any further. I just want to be normal and have more normal teenage experiences like Prom, or homecoming dances. I just want the visions to end and for things to go back to normal where I had friends and was less weird and more sociable than I have been. I used to have a lot of friends, I used to be popular. I've also noticed that I'm more angry and aggressive lately, is that a side effect of this thing? I also keep seeing random symbols that pop up at random times, is that normal? Another thing that I saw was whenever I try and watch a movie or read a book the ending is always spoiled with me by this, how can I stop that? I used to always wish when I was younger that I had super powers, typical for a nerd like me, but now ever since this has started happening to me I wish I never made that inane wish in the first place. Not that that would've helped my situation now. My friend, Sophie I asked her one night what she would do if I had a superpower and she said that she'd think that it would be too much for her and that we'd stop being friends. I dropped the conversation entirely. I want to talk to someone face to face about this, but I don't know who I can trust these days. My family definitely isn't an option. I used to have no idea what this was, but I used to watch a lot of Teen Wolf and I always felt like such a Lydia, the Banshee. I felt like her because everyone thought that she was going insane, but she was just becoming a Banshee and everyone thinks I'm going insane, but I'm becoming something. Also sometimes when I'm in school my vision will get really blurry and I black out for the rest of class. How can I control when I have visions? If anyone has any suggestions thanks in advance.:)

Other clairvoyant experiences by cayce17

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The following comments are submitted by users of this site and are not official positions by Please read our guidelines and the previous posts before posting. The author, cayce17, has the following expectation about your feedback: I will participate in the discussion and I need help with what I have experienced.

cayce17 (8 stories) (192 posts)
10 years ago (2015-07-13)
Sorry it took me so long to respond, but I would like to know some ways EFT is more effective. Thanks in advance for the help. You've been super helpful.
only (1 stories) (8 posts)
10 years ago (2015-06-27)
I'm sorry for not responding soon! I can't really provide you any answers myself, because I simply don't have them! I posted a long story I believe you might have actually commented on...? But to sum it up, I'll experience these moments where I can predict what someone will say, will have gut feelings, moments of deja vu, etc. It's hard to explain but I believe I am mostly a clairvoyant.
LauraVT (23 posts)
10 years ago (2015-06-22)
I am glad to hear that this has been helpful. The EFT for most people is to reprogram negative thoughts. For people who have a high level of psychic ability, it can clear energy blockages. You are processing a TON of energy and it is exhuasting. Sometimes it gets stuck. Let me know if you need some help with it to make it more effective.

cayce17 (8 stories) (192 posts)
10 years ago (2015-06-18)
The headaches started around October before I even realized what I could do and sometimes they'll be chronic for a few days. I do believe it does have something to do with my psychic abilities growing stronger over time. I haven't had a good nights sleep in months because I'm scared to sleep because I may have another visions while I sleep.

I think that sleep has helped with some of the headache issues that I've been feeling when I actually can sleep through the night.

I think that in some way I was picking up on my sister's head pain after and before the accident actually did occur. I will try EFT, though and see if that helps. Thanks a lot this has all been super helpful.
LauraVT (23 posts)
10 years ago (2015-06-18)
I was out of town for a few days. Just wanted to let you know because I do not want you to feel abandoned. Let's start with the basics: the lonliness and isolation you feel is exhausting all in itself. Then add the psychic stuff!

Remember that you are doing nothing wrong. This is who you are and, on some levels, who you chose to come in as. There is probably a higher purpose waiting for you, but the big questions are when and what. It is so hard to be normal with these abilities. When did the headaches start and do you think it coincides with the change/growth of your psychic abilities? Are you able to sleep at night? Or is your sleep constantly interrupted?

My husband and I have three daughters. The younger two and myself are all very psychic. We have different abilities and abilities that overlap. The three of us know all too well about this exhuastion that you are experiencing. Just try to catch a few catnaps in the day, if possible. This should alleviate the headaches.

There is another technique I use to rid myself of the psychic headache pain, it is called EFT. I looked for something simple to share with you on this and this is the easiest. It is not hard and I wish that I could somehow show this to you. But check out this link and let me know if you have questions. Http://

I am sorry to hear your sister was in some type of accident. Karma is interesting and we may never know why she needed that experience. You did what you could to stop or change things and, in the end, it was not yours to do. But you tried and that is what is important. If your sister has a head injury, I have to wonder if you may be picking up on her head pain. If so, remind yourself (and your subconcious) that this is not your pain. "This is not my pain. I cannot help my sister by taking on her pain. I release this pain as it is not mine." Try saying this over and over to see if it helps.

cayce17 (8 stories) (192 posts)
10 years ago (2015-06-17)
Okay, I'll try that thanks for the suggestion.
Psychicheart (1 posts)
10 years ago (2015-06-17)
Yes it is normal.

If you are reading someone's mind and you know their name, try tellng youself to disconnect from them using their name. This is what do to connect, and disconnect with another person at distance.
cayce17 (8 stories) (192 posts)
10 years ago (2015-06-17)
I hope this gets easier in the future as well. If it didn't that would kind of suck.
Nightingale (145 posts)
10 years ago (2015-06-17)
You're very welcome. I hope that in the future this will get easier for you. Just remember that you're not alone.
I am happy to have been able to help you,
cayce17 (8 stories) (192 posts)
10 years ago (2015-06-16)
Thank you so much. You've been such a big help through all of this
Nightingale (145 posts)
10 years ago (2015-06-16)
I am sorry that you are in such a difficult situation. Honestly, that is up to you. If you decide to persue it in the future, let your mom know how hurtful it is that she would say you were making this up. People are afraid of anything different that's hard to explain or understand.
Although it may be painful for you to keep this to yourself for now, it may be more emotionally taxing to keep pushing now. You may be able to bring such things up in the future.
Should you experience another situation as occurred with your sister, perhaps before the situation arises in reality, you could casually say to another person that whoever it is should be careful of ___. If this is something you can say in passing, they may either remember it and change what would have happened or ask you after the event has occurred what you meant then. For example, mentioning the necessity of seatbelts or avoiding walks on train tracks are some. That seems to be your best shot.
Even though your family might not believe you at the moment, you are who you are and you don't have to prove that to anyone.
I hope that the rift with you and your dad can be mended and that your family will become more open-minded in the future.
You have been very brave for the explanations you have already triedv to make, and I applaud you for that.
cayce17 (8 stories) (192 posts)
10 years ago (2015-06-15)
My mom thinks these type of websites are scams. And me and my dad don't get along. Well yesterday I was outside with my sister and I told her that I'm pretty intuitive and that she can come to me for advice. She doesn't believe anything I tell her, though. Should I continue to pursue it?
Nightingale (145 posts)
10 years ago (2015-06-15)
I am so sorry. Are you comfortable showing her this website?
Calling your Dad might be your best option. Had you discussed specifics beforehand with your sister?
cayce17 (8 stories) (192 posts)
10 years ago (2015-06-13)
I tried to tell my mom about my recent experiences and she said that I was just making stuff up.
cayce17 (8 stories) (192 posts)
10 years ago (2015-06-13)
I told my sister to watch where she's going and to pay attention to her surroundings yesterday before it happened. My sister should make a full recovery in a couple of days, though. My father won't be around, I tried to call him yesterday, but he never picked up. He did mention a few months ago that he wanted to see me and he doesn't live that far away, I could probably even drive to his house if I really wanted to. The good news is that my sister didn't get terribly hurt and that it didn't land her in the hospital like the last incident I saw with her.
Nightingale (145 posts)
10 years ago (2015-06-13)
I'm terribly sorry to hear that.
Had you given her any specific information beforehand? If so this could be a good chance to bring it up, but I would wait at least a couple of days. Will your sister recover well?
Will your father be around? This would be a chance for you to talk to him about what happened. If you talk to him first, perhaps the two of you can later discuss it with your sister, and maybe even others.
What happened was not your fault, but you must be as shaken up as your sister. I think you should see how soon you can visit your father. As soon as you're comfortable with it, I believe this story is how you can breach the subject. If you're nervous but still want to tell him, be honest and let him know before you begin that this is important and it's shaken you up.
I hope your sister feels better quickly and that you can speak openly about this with your family.
cayce17 (8 stories) (192 posts)
10 years ago (2015-06-13)
The bad thing happened to my sister. She currently has a concussion. What should I do?
Nightingale (145 posts)
10 years ago (2015-06-13)
I'm glad to hear it.
Happy to be of any help,
cayce17 (8 stories) (192 posts)
10 years ago (2015-06-12)
Thanks for the advice and I'm probably going to see my dad this summer so I can talk to him then. Much obliged.
Nightingale (145 posts)
10 years ago (2015-06-12)
Reading and music are two of my favorite ways to cope with life in general, especially this aspect of it. Honestly I was just throwing out examples of how to deal with it. Any way that's heathy for you is good! Everybody's different.
Honestly, the names can mean almost anything. You may be receiving your own True Name, and in that case you will know because ypu will feel it. You can try looking them up if you'd like, but try to be patient if you don't find anything on them right away. They may make more sense in time or during future visions.
I am glad to hear that you keep them written down. Perhaps in time you will learn to read them or perceive their meanings. Personally, I haven't had too much luck in that area. After almost two years some came with meanings. Yours may slow or stop coming to be replaced by more visions, as mine did. When they do appear for me know, I am often able to pull myself away from the symbols. Sometimes I am even able to delay visions for a better time. I hope this will develop for you as well. It took me years, but it is very helpful.
It is great to hear that your dad is a person you might be able to tell! I know this isn't normally a topic for everyday conversation, but if you can find a way to visit, maybe it would be good to give it a try. You could casually mention something to the effect of having dreams that come true. Maybe you could ask him if it ever happened to him or ask "did you ever hear a song in your head, then hear it on the radio five minutes later?" Then you could compare that to the spoilers for endings or even breach the subject of visions. You can use words like waking dreams or any terminology you feel comfortable with. The conversation will show you what he and you are ready to talk about. Another way to start the conversation is to ask him if you can talk to him about something private. Be as honest as you're ready to and remember that you can stop anytime. You could use a book or a television show as an introduction to the subject.
If anyone asks you to predict something, then be honest. Tell them it doesn't work like that. You can explain as much as you want, but let them know that it's a mystery to you too. People ask for proof sometimes, but they don't need to see the wind to believe there's an atmosphere. A deaf person doesn't need to hear to know there are sounds other people can hear. So, with an open mind, a person who has never experienced something like you have could in theory understand the concepts we're discussing here. If you trust yhe person, you could even show them this website. Just ask whoever you're telling to keep an open mind.
You can ask your dad if you can tell him something crazy or unusual, just to bring it up. If he's already an open-minded person, believing or trying to understand your situation is not out of the question. No matter what someone's initial reaction is, try to keep in mind that he or she is not any more used to hearing about this than you are telling people about it.
Be confident in yourself,
cayce17 (8 stories) (192 posts)
10 years ago (2015-06-11)
You're right this isn't a gift, I don't know why I'd call it that, because it's more of a curse rather than a gift. What will help the energy from draining? Or better question what will stop the headaches and the constant tiredness that I feel during the day. My mom's not a very open person to diverse ideas. When I was little I believed in psychics, seers, Oracles, werewolves, sluagh, Banshees, vampires and all of the supernatural stuff, but my mom told me that they just can't exist and that's that. We're not the most religious family, but when I was younger I went to church with my grandma every Saturday and Sunday. I loved going to church, but my mom hardly went with us and now she tells me they can't exist because of our religion. It seems like a double standard to me. So that's why I wouldn't tell my mom. I'm pretty sure she'd literally kill me or send me away if she found out. My dad seems pretty fascinated in the psychic realm, but he left two years ago and we only talk on phone so I don't think he'd be much help. And I think that everyone I know is pretty judgmental and wouldn't believe me. It sucks, but it's the truth. I even tried to flat out tell my friend once and I told her things that were going to happen that did and she laughed and said I was delusional. I stopped talking about it after that and that was the day after I started seeing things. Do you think I should keep trying to find someone who would believe me or just pretend that I'm still normal?
cayce17 (8 stories) (192 posts)
10 years ago (2015-06-11)
Everything that you mentioned like punching the pillow and all of that I've done and it helps some, but not when I'm really depressed or too far gone to have it be any use to me. I also have a book filled with the symbols in my room and I have them spread out all over my room. Sometimes they aren't just symbols, but sometimes they're names do you know what that means? I've tried meditating as well, but I'm having trouble focusing when I meditate. Reading seems to help more than meditating. I know that my dad really believes in this stuff, but how can I tell him that I'm like this? I don't even know what to call myself. I don't even know what reaction my dad would give. Plus we haven't seen each other in over a year unless we're talking on the phone and this doesn't really seem like the conversation I should be having with my dad over the phone. I also don't know how to control this yet and if someone asks me to predict something for them, I don't know if I could right away. I'm not very skilled yet. Thanks for the advice.
Nightingale (145 posts)
10 years ago (2015-06-11)
Hello Cayce17,
The symbols, the visions, the ending spoilers, basically everything you have described was how my abilities also came on. It must be difficult to have the visions in front of others so often.
With time I have been able to tell some people details of what happens to me. I do not tell them everything, and if it seems they are stressed by the information I give them a break.
Meditation is a good idea, and one of the best things you can do is keep written records in a safe place. Especially with the symbols, it can be less painful once they're written down. With time, the visions will become easier to handle and you may even master viewing some with eyes open. Focusing will come with time. In the meantime, try to be patient and let your feelings happen. Even if you don't always talk about them, you need to keep allowing them. It is okay to cry, or take a walk, or punch the occasional pillow.
It will be hard for a while, but it will become easier once you have accepted it as a part of you. You are not crazy. You are not a freak. You are not alone.
Anytime you feel that you are it helps to come to this site.
I hope that with time you will be able to tell your family. Starting small can be good. Wording like, "this popped into my head," or "I had this dream," rather than using the term "visions" can be helpful at first.
It will be wierd and scary to talk about at first, but try to keep in mind that as much as you feel strange about this, they don't know how to think of it either. They haven't experienced it. So, try to be patient and know that it will be okay.
I hope this helps,
LauraVT (23 posts)
10 years ago (2015-06-11)
Cayce 17,
When you can 'see' the end of a movie or book, try to look at it this way: This is a validation of your skills/abilities. (Note: I never EVER call these 'gifts'.) Gifts are supposed to be fun and, frankly this stuff is hard work and quite stressful at times.

This leads me to the issue that these abilities really can drain your energy. This is especially true if your abilities are growing or changing. Think of it this way, when you were a kid and you would go through a growth spurt it would make you tired and you needed extra sleep. The concept is similar.

The headaches are probably the expansion of your '3rd eye'. This is where psychics 'see' and it is located above and between your eyes. When this expands you may feel headaches. Most people's thrid eye is the size of a pin head, for people like us, it is more like the size of a large dinner plate. Another part of the headaches could be simple exhaustion. It is sometimes hard to tell.

As for telling your family, I would love to say yes! But I do not know your family. How open do you think your mom would be? Manytimes these abilities run in families. Maybe start small and see how that goes. When you are watching a movie, state out loud how you think it will end.

My daughters and I live two different lives. It is kind of like being a spy or a superhero. Most people do not know what we do. When I was a child I was punished for being psychic. I predicted deaths of friends and it freaked my parents out, espeically when I could talk to them after they died. Because of my experiences I knew what NOT to do with my daughters. Two of my three girls are very psychic. Trying to be 'normal' is a hard balancing act, to say the least.

It is hard to keep secrets and not have a confidant. If you can find someone in your inner circle, family or friend, who will listen without judgement that would be best. You may be able to find that person by simply asking what they think about ghost hunting shows or the Long Island Medium. This will help you find their frame of reference. This is kind of long, but I hope helpful.

All my best,

cayce17 (8 stories) (192 posts)
10 years ago (2015-06-10)
Laura Vt, thank you so much for the help and yes I see the end of the movie or a book before I watch or read it. I was watching the sixth sense before the other day and I'm one of the few who hasn't seen it and I've never even heard of it before, but I saw the ending and I still watched it, because what did I know I could be wrong, but sure enough the ending happened in my vision. Pretty stupid thing to happen, huh? Also my gift seems to drain my energy and makes me pretty tired all the time, is that a side effect like the headaches? And should I tell someone like my sister, my mom, or my friend about what I can do? Because I'm usually not so secretive, but these days it seems like all I keep are secrets even from my best friend and we tell each other everything. Again, thanks so much for the advice.
LauraVT (23 posts)
10 years ago (2015-06-10)
Are you talking about 'seeing' the endings ahead of times in books and movies? I sometimes do that too. I have to do something else with my mind while I watch tv, like play on my phone.
LauraVT (23 posts)
10 years ago (2015-06-10)
I am the mom of two teenage psychics. The 'iamnotpsychic' person is just ignorant and dangerous. I do hope they can remove those comments. You are a teenager trying to find some very personal answers AND trying to be a 'normal' teenager, too. This is a difficult balance at times. Bsuttles3922 is right. You are probably a powerful and good person. There is so much that is out there that we do not know about. Think about it: Before the microscope, people did not believe bacteria or viruses existed. The same can be true for psychic abilities. They are hard to measure and quantify, but it does not mean they do not exist. To answer your question about why a demon would want to influence you (or anyone else) - because they can. It is just that simple. So protect yourself, trust yourself. This stuff can be exhausting.
Some simple ways to protect yourself:

Visualize yourself pouring down a rain of salt in any room that you are in, and over yourself. Salt cleanses- in all dimensions.

Green light bulb. Sounds strange, but if you can get a green light bulb and turn it on at night, that disrupts frequency and any ghosts, ect have a more difficult time getting in (if that is an issue for you).

A really helpful website:

Last, my youngest daughter had premonitions about the Sandyhook massacre for at least one week before it happened. She was 'given' a ton of information. Everything but the name and location and we live in California! Sometimes we are given information and we do not know why. Sometimes futures can be set in stone, other futures can change.

I wish you the best. Yours is not an easy path, but it is a path that can lead to a lot of service and glory.


cayce17 (8 stories) (192 posts)
10 years ago (2015-06-06)
I'd also really like to know on how to not spoil myself for books, movies, TV shows, or anything really. It's really getting on my last nerve considering I was just about to watch a movie and just completely ruined it for myself.
cayce17 (8 stories) (192 posts)
10 years ago (2015-06-05)
What things exactly happen to yourself? Like an example or two would be helpful? And Teen Wolf is also my life. I'm pretty much obsessed.
only (1 stories) (8 posts)
10 years ago (2015-06-05)
This sounds similar to things that happen myself, and I'm still trying to figure it out. I totally get you with the Teen Wolf - that show is my entire life in general. Goodluck, best wishes!

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