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I Think I Might Be On The Brink Of Insanity


Being in high school I have enough problems with math and let's face it, my social life. Then, one day I zoned out in class and started drawing a symbol. I looked it up and found out it was the Eye of Horus. I started having visions around October, but they're getting stronger as my seventeenth birthday is coming around the bend in a few weeks. I can't look at someone directly in the eyes without getting a history lesson on their past or without feeling their thoughts rush through my mind the moment I see their eyes. I can't control this... This thing, but one day I was in chorus I saw nothing but white light and I fainted and had to be escorted down to the nurse. I didn't just faint, but I saw a vision of sorts. I saw that something bad was going to happen to my sister and that day she called from the hospital. I was so freaked out that I locked myself in my room and cried. I was terrified of what I saw and that just made me more freaked out. I need someone to talk to about this, but my mom thinks it's just my overactive imagination. I'm not so sure. Sometimes I draw my visions out or at least write them down in a notebook. I'm not a very good artist and my drawings never come out right, because they're stick figures mostly. I also sometimes hear this static in my ears and it only happens every once in a while and lasts for maybe a week or two. Does anyone know what that would mean? I can still hear, but the static really makes it hard to focus in school. Sometimes I meditate and that helps, but I really need some answers. I was searching the internet and found a book called, "They Saw The Future." I bought it and it mentioned Edgar Cayce. He seemed to go through some things that I mentioned, but this is too weird. I'm not a believer, honestly and it just doesn't make sense as to why some people can see the future and others can't. I just don't want to go to a mental institution, because I think I'm going crazy. I hope that someone will know what's happening to me and give me some answers I've been demanding for months.

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The following comments are submitted by users of this site and are not official positions by Please read our guidelines and the previous posts before posting. The author, cayce17, has the following expectation about your feedback: I will participate in the discussion and I need help with what I have experienced.

cayce17 (8 stories) (192 posts)
8 years ago (2016-05-08)
SGE, of course I can help you. Anyone who needs help that is willing to use their abilities for good is worth my time. Anyone who needs help can always e-mail me.
SGE (1 stories) (32 posts)
8 years ago (2016-05-06)
Cayce17, I do believe I require your assistance. Check your email if you will. Also, the girl I mentioned you probably have seen before. White skin (not pale), long black, brownish hair, blue - white eyes and white night top/gown thing. Thank you for your time if this catches your eye.
darkassassin92 (1 stories) (215 posts)
9 years ago (2015-11-06)
I want help to control my anger because I am hot headed. I tried techniques they didn't help me at all maybe a little but not much as I can tell.
cayce17 (8 stories) (192 posts)
9 years ago (2015-06-09)
I've been there before. At school I'm pretty chill and then whenever I'm with my sister we're fine one minute and the next we start yelling at each other and she punches me. I have the bruises to prove it, but it's like I'm on autopilot and don't even realize what I'm doing. A part of me knows how to fight, but a part of me hates fighting with my sister. I'm very mature for my age and I don't like to physically fight or verbally fight, which is why I have to stay away from my sister all the time. She even threatened me with counseling. Do you know how to control your anger yet? That might be helpful.
darkassassin92 (1 stories) (215 posts)
9 years ago (2015-06-09)
Im neutral in real life but sometimes I feel like very angry for no reason and other times I feel like a good guy. I have like 2 different personalities.
cayce17 (8 stories) (192 posts)
9 years ago (2015-05-23)
[at] darkassassin92
I don't think I have the ability to control minds, but I do seem to get my way a lot. I'm also pretty lucky, but I don't think that's an ability and like I said before I have no understanding of what I really am, because it could be an empath or a clairvoyant, I don't know, but thanks for telling me what you think.
darkassassin92 (1 stories) (215 posts)
9 years ago (2015-05-23)
Just courious and off topic do you think it could be mind control because I think with mind control you can know things or was it see things can't remember exactly. I believe in conspiracy theories. And Iam a cconspiracy theorist because I hear ringing sounds in my ear Ilike a quick ring I don't believe its tinnitus and I think when I hear these ringing sounds I feel more angry and rage I think but not too sure.
cayce17 (8 stories) (192 posts)
9 years ago (2015-05-22)
[at] Drakoreo
When I started seeing and writing the number sequence 127 I started doing it in ninth period Spanish every time and I always feel a sense of fear, because I never remember writing the number. Maybe the number is like a house address or something like that? Or maybe it has an even more significant meaning, what do you think?
Drakoreo (2 stories) (37 posts)
9 years ago (2015-05-22)
[at] cayne17
I think you are comfusing what I meant by 'supernatural' with the television series 'supernatural' I was refering to anything superstitious, including psychic abilities and spirits. Supernatural was a common term for it before the tv show was a thing.

Like I said, you are capable of deciding for yourself if you are 'crazy' and what you define 'crazy' to be.

Just because someone says you are something, doesn't mean you are.

In numerology frequently seeing specific number sequences are symbolic of specific things occuring or unfolding in your life, in relation to the chakras, one may decode 127 to mean:
"1-root chakra, personal fears or needs in relation to 2-sacral, your creativity and shadow self which may be causing difficultly or leading to improvement in 7-crown, your connection to the psychic/spiritual realms"

I usually see 11:11 - 1:11 - 2:22. 2:22 is an angel message meaning persue your dreams, 1:11 and 11:11 are 'angel wings' and meaning 'awakening' or 'angelic guidance' but that is to my perception, someone else might say, 'doesn't exist.' Decide for yourself what is real.

However perhaps it means something different to you. When does "127" occur and what feelings does it arise? Perhaps it's some kind of message. Perhaps not. You have to decide, you are the only one who can know for yourself.

I have studied psychology, and I have been 'diagnosed' sane. I use to take medication for depression & ADHD but I no longer do, they did nothing for me anyway, I fixed myself by working on my own value and perception of life. Most adults tell me I am wise beyond my years, and many adults even look up to me for advice, I am healthy, active, and happy. One might say I am the 'ideal' picture of 'sane' and 'self-actualized.'

And, I do not believe mental disorders are bad (I might go as far to say they don't even exist, but are either emotional issues that need to be worked out, or psychic abilities.)

As long as no one is being harmed. I believe they are a result of being more connected to the 'other side' not to be comfused with 'brain damage' however I feel the weaker someone is connected to their body physically (such as blindness) the closer they are in that way spiritually. My friend's autistic kid is brilliant and insanely talented at drawing for his age. He can draw a perfect bee that looks like it was photographed, although he has physical and mental disabilities, he is also very sweet and tells everyone he loves them. There are many other 'savants' like him. (Another example, blind person might not be able to see physically, but may be able to 'see' spirits as some blind shamans can, non-blind shamans will even go into trances in darkness to induce visions.)

Whatever you believe you be-live. If you believe something, you essentially become it, live it, and expirience it as your reality. If you believe you are insane, you are, and you will expirience that. Same with a depressed person, if they believe they are depressed and worthless, they will feel and act that way, but if that depressed person takes a placebo pill (fake pill) and believes they are cured, no longer depressed, and have worth, they will seriously be cured and suddenly value themselves. For me, I cured my depression by the relation my inseurites were irrational, that it was absurd to think I meant less than every human on the planet, that is as irrational as thinking one is more superior than every person on the planet. I also cured my social anxiety, panic attacks, and addictions in a similar way, believing in myself, changing my perception, loving who I am. And being brave.

Insanity is essentially the state of mind of believing you are not sane. It's unfortunate so many spectacular abilities are surpressed and so many people are drugged into mindless states, it's sick. The only time I support this, is when someone is seriously a danger to themselves or others, usually caused by intense fear, paranoia, or in my opinion, cruel spirits.

There are 'mentally ill' people who have been cured by shamans usually spiritual practices to remove unwanted spirits.

There are also 'mentally ill' people who no longer 'hear/see' spirits or have emotional problems after being drugged so harshly their brains are damaged & they are zombified to a feelingless degree.

I only support this in the situation nothing else is effective, after trying emotional assisance & compassion, enviroment, home & relationship iimprovement, practing esteam & self-confidence, fixing life-style & diet, meditation, energy clearing, controlling abilities or learning to say no to 'evil' voices, and if they are still struggling and violent, then yes, then, only then, drugs.

You create your own reality, why let others do it for you? Define yourself, you don't need anyone else to tell you who, or what you are. You decide yourself, a therapist is going to agree with you. If you say 'I'm nuts I talk to angels, I see auras, I have visions, and I can talk to trees'
They will say "ok, to the funny farm with you."
Go see a shaman or spiritualist you will be told,
"You are gifted."
cayce17 (8 stories) (192 posts)
9 years ago (2015-05-22)
[at] Drakoreo
You mentioned supernatural in the comment, but I don't think the supernatural really exist, because if they did that would mean that banshees or werewolves exist and they just don't. I also don't think that a shrink can help me, because they'll just diagnose me as crazy or unstable and ship me off to a mental institute like I'm nothing. Or put me on pills that will make me act normal or something like that. How can I convince them that I'm normal and not crazy if I don't quite believe it myself. You say I'm not crazy, but I've been called it by my sister even though I hadn't told her about the visions I get when something bad is about to happen. My visions or whatever they are are starting to clear up and I keep seeing this string of numbers 127, any idea on what that means because that would be helpful thanks.
Drakoreo (2 stories) (37 posts)
9 years ago (2015-05-22)
[at] cayne17:
Perhaps the shrink will be helpful, however people in the medical feild are very reluctant about believing in the supernatural, they'll call anything an illness if they can. I think you are capable of deciding for yourself if you are 'crazy' however I don't believe 'crazy' is even a thing. Sane never seemed to do the world much good anyway;)
Drakoreo (2 stories) (37 posts)
9 years ago (2015-05-22)
[at] RebelTweenOsiria:

I hope you don't choose to believe the voices in your head who are constantly cruel to you, over believing the voices of people in your life who might actually love and care for you. You are not required to trust anyone, because yes, some people are not honest, but that doesn't mean no one is honest, I suggest basing your trust on who wants you to be healthy and happy, they are the only people worth trusting in my opinion, I trust you will do what is best for you, whatever you think that is.:)

It feels awful for anyone to think they are not worth being loved or cared for, that they don't belong, or shouldn't be alive, that's very painful to feel, I use to feel like I was worthless when I struggled with depression, but it never did me good, and I always believed everyone else was worth love & care, I just started applying it to myself and I began to feel better.

I choose to feel that anyone with life is entitled to happiness, and being cared for, regardless of who that person is, even if it's me, and even if they are a horrible person, even horrible people are human, and all humans and life diserve love, happiness, and respect, from my perspective.

I was in a mental hospital for awhile, I'm uncomfortable saying why because it is personal, but I knew a boy with a similar condition to yours, he was the sweetest boy I met even though sometimes he would scream and throw things because the voices were so disturbing. Even though he was ill, I still cared about him and loved him dearly, illness doesn't make people less of a valuable person.

I'm trying to be as gentle and non-offernsive as possible knowing your condition may be very difficult and complicated, however I am inperfect and not a professional, I can only hope I haven't made things worse.

I think you are strong for what you are going through, I can only hope it gets better for you and that you become less disturbed by the voices. I would really like if everyone felt secure, happy, and loved, I think that would make the world very beautiful, I personally find those feelings much more pleasant, I think in life, it's important to try to feel happiness and like we are worth something,

I assume because I exist rather than not existing, I must have some value, otherwise, exsistance would have rejected me lol!
cayce17 (8 stories) (192 posts)
9 years ago (2015-05-17)
[at] RebelTweenOsiria
I isolate myself too. I have friends, but whenever they ask me to hang out, I always make up some lame excuse. And plus my mom is making me go to a shrink in a few weeks for weekly sessions. She's convincing me that I'm crazy. And now I'm starting to believe her, but thanks for trying to reassure me: (
RebelTweenOsiria (1 stories) (12 posts)
9 years ago (2015-05-17)
Cacie,darling, your not going insane, I already am, I hear v-voices they tell me bad things like: you don't belong here!, your a freak!, no one cares they just pretend, and other stuff, voices in my head, that run wild and wish me dead, I'm insane,dear.

My eyes are practically silver, I have pale skin and spend most of my time in the dark. I have a lot of 'trust problems' if you know what I mean.

I see ghosts and hear voices, my ears ring, I burst out in sudden rage, I ALWAYS want to smash something.

That's why I'm isolated, quiet and alone.
And don't say your sorry, that makes me feel bad and makes me feel like I'm drowning in this world.
I've said too much!
IM SoRrY, I'v ToLd ToO mUcH!
cayce17 (8 stories) (192 posts)
9 years ago (2015-05-15)
[at] Zero-oreZ
How can I stop fearing something that I don't understand completely?
Zero-oreZ (1 stories) (5 posts)
9 years ago (2015-05-15)
[at] cayce17 you can't you can't good and bad are like yin and yang a package if you continue to fear your ability will get moreand more and more distorted until its gone

(to comment What if I'm afraid to use them, because some things I've seen are unsettling? How can I stop the bad visions, but keep the good visions?)
cayce17 (8 stories) (192 posts)
9 years ago (2015-05-15)
What if I'm afraid to use them, because some things I've seen are unsettling? How can I stop the bad visions, but keep the good visions?
Drakoreo (2 stories) (37 posts)
9 years ago (2015-05-15)
[at] cayce17 Controlling your powers and using them is linked.
You must use them in order to get a feel of how to use them,
Work along-side what they give you,
Contribute your efforts to working with them,
As a partnership,
And Like a good friend:)
cayce17 (8 stories) (192 posts)
9 years ago (2015-05-15)
Is it a normal thing to have the feeling that you're being choked for someone like me?
cayce17 (8 stories) (192 posts)
9 years ago (2015-05-15)
[at] jyoti-mj
Thank you so much, you've been a big help through all of this. I really appreciate it.
jyoti-mj (guest)
9 years ago (2015-05-15)
It means it will be suppressed for a while but ll reappear. And strong isn't bad. I would suggest not to tell your friends all about it. Rather then saying vision say you have a feeling.
That vision is your gift wield it you never know how much useful it can be. God does everything for a reason.
cayce17 (8 stories) (192 posts)
9 years ago (2015-05-15)
[at] Drakoreo
How can I control my abilities or will my visions always be distorted and will they always come at random times?
Drakoreo (2 stories) (37 posts)
9 years ago (2015-05-15)
[at] cayne19
You abilities cannot be absorbed or taken by others-they respond to your free will-you cannot lose them unless you decide you want to. The choice is ultimately yours, however I encourage you to work along-side with your talents in a gentle way, as you do this, the discomforts will diminish, and you will become much stronger on also an emotional level.
cayce17 (8 stories) (192 posts)
9 years ago (2015-05-15)
You think my abilities will get stronger? How much stronger and should I keep this ability a secret from my friends? Or should I tell people about what I can do? If someone absorbs my ability does that mean that it would become their ability and I would be normal again?
jyoti-mj (guest)
9 years ago (2015-05-15)
I do understand why you want to get rid of your gift as far as I see your ability is getting stronger which means you are going to get stronger as it's your nature there are two ways to get rid of it one is to unmake your self I.e. To change the very fabric of your personality but I would urge you not to try that because it will mean to loose a part of your soul, your soul makes who you are so if you loose a part there is a risk ofbeing restless for ever. Second some people have ability to extract ability from others and absorb it. You could search for one.
There is a third method that is to bind your ability in a spell but I doubt you could find wizard who could do that in you vicinity. You have better chance in finding the second than finding a third
cayce17 (8 stories) (192 posts)
9 years ago (2015-05-15)
Do you think that my abilities will just go away, because that's what I want? I wish that I've never had these abilities and that my life was a mystery which is how it should be. I hate knowing when something bad or even if something good is going to happen. And some of my visions are pointless like last night I knew that my headphones would stop working today and just like that they did. Do you have any suggestions on how to get rid of an ability?
jyoti-mj (guest)
9 years ago (2015-05-15)
You are not crazy. I am 24 and I had my first premonition when I was 3. Latter I also thought that I was crazy but then I realized I am not alone, just like you are not alone who have this ability. You should remember that your ability now is just to see through time not influence it. You are not the cause of any mishaps of future so don't blame your self. This gift of foresight is to help you. There are a lot other things you could do with it like healing and general shielding but for now give it time to sink in. Use the knowledge you receive from the Sight to weigh your options and to make your choice.
cayce17 (8 stories) (192 posts)
9 years ago (2015-05-14)
Possibly, but my parents split up and I hardly see him anymore unless we talk on the phone, but I will definitely talk to him about this next time I see him.
Drakoreo (2 stories) (37 posts)
9 years ago (2015-05-14)
[at] cayne17
Perhaps your dad is the perfect person to talk about this with:)
cayce17 (8 stories) (192 posts)
9 years ago (2015-05-14)
Well, my dad used to be really interested in this stuff and I just never believed any of it, but that was until this happened, but I never told my dad about any of this before.

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