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Real Psychic Experiences

A Psychic Experience


I recently had an experience with my friend. We had just reached her music class, after a long day of shopping. Her class is on the second floor. I was way too tired. After reaching the floor, I just sat on a bench outside... We had reached half an hour early. I was tired and thirsty,so, I asked if she'd go to buy a bottle of water, which she agreed to. As soon as she'd exited the building, a thought popped in my head,"What if something or someone follows her back?". I dismissed the thought. She came back. I thought it was her, but I also felt weird, like I was getting ready to fight, like my hackles were rising,also,her footsteps didn't match. When she reached the top of the stairs, I was honestly expecting something or someone else and was honestly surprised when I saw her. That's when I realized, her eyes didn't look right, they seemed lost,glazed. She handed me the bottle and just sat down, her face to the floor. Then suddenly, she raised her head and said,"Who is screaming?",it was dead silent there. Then she said,"Ow,ow,my ear. Who is screaming? It hurts." She actually started crying a little. As soon as that happened a thought or command popped in my head,"STAND UP. COVER HER EARS. TELL IT TO GO AWAY." My body just reacted. I simply stood up and did just that. Covered both her ears and also shook her head a little while telling or commanding whatever it was to go away. As soon as I'd done that, it left her. When I let her go, she raised her head and looked at me. I asked if it stopped and she said it did! Also, for some reason, I asked if it said something and she said,"It said,'I'm going away.'". She said, she didn't really remember climbing the stairs or giving me the bottle.

After her class started, something happened again. She was playing Sitar,but, her left hand, with which she was pressing the strings,wasn't working well. She said, it felt frozen and heavy. I asked her to give me her hand but, as soon as I held it, she kept saying it hurt and kept trying to pull it away. I let it go. I went to stand by the window. Suddenly, her eyes glazed over and she started talking to her left hand and smiling. As soon as that happened I heard,"GO TO HER. HOLD HER HAND." and so I did, I went and held her hand. Then I heard,"CALL IT TO YOU.",so, I did just that. When I held her hand I felt like I was holding ice, though her hand was of normal temperature. I felt the sensation that you get when you hold ice cubes in your palm and your nerves kind of feel like being pulled or something. It was then, I was told to call it to me. After I did that, the sensation vanished. It happened in like seconds. I felt it, heard the voice and called it and it vanished, within seconds. She said her left hand no longer felt frozen or heavy, when I asked her, if it was fine after that. She also said, she didn't remember talking to her hand. So, can anyone tell me what it was? And can anyone help me with accepting the concept and accepting myself? And also helping my friend?

Other clairvoyant experiences by CrazyCat

Comments about this clairvoyant experience

The following comments are submitted by users of this site and are not official positions by Please read our guidelines and the previous posts before posting. The author, CrazyCat, has the following expectation about your feedback: I will participate in the discussion and I need help with what I have experienced.

Jubeele (2 stories) (53 posts)
6 years ago (2018-07-31)
The pain and the feeling of being partially drained could be your body telling you that the "spirit" is willing, but the flesh has limitations. I think Mayank, another member on this site, mentioned about being very hungry after one of his experiences.

Expending all that energy will demand a lot of your body's resources. After all, our mind and body are connected. Like how tired we feel after studying hard for exams or concentrating at work all day. Just be mindful of what your physical self is telling you.

But as you grow older, you will probably get stronger. Until then, you might wish to pace yourself and take care. 😊
CrazyCat (3 stories) (74 posts)
6 years ago (2018-07-28)
Hi Jubeele! Well, when the incident started, both of them, my body felt like it was getting ready for a fight. I also felt strong and was sure that while it was important to remove them, I could easily take on both of them. Well, I can't say nothing happened after that. I was actually drained. I guess, I was half drained. My whole right part hurt and I slept like a log. The pain is the only thing. I was fine in a day though.
Jubeele (2 stories) (53 posts)
6 years ago (2018-07-28)
Hi CrazyCat, after you held your friend's hand and called it to you, did you notice anything else apart from the ice cubes feeling? Did you feel different after that in any way?

It seems like you were a conduit at the time to channel the power of a Higher Being. I'm you weren't affected when you helped her. But shielding for yourself might be a good idea too.

Do take care. Keep grounded and continue to grow stronger. 😊
CrazyCat (3 stories) (74 posts)
7 years ago (2018-07-13)
AbigailNelson154, must be an entity. Sounds like an entity. I've seen things too. Sometimes I think, I must be losing it, but then, no reason to see things like that. I saw a little flame once, then, a shadowy thing like a person, just bigger than normal. Then recently I saw two gaseous, greyish white things. One had human form somewhat, the other was small, like some small creature. I don't know what they were. They both vanished or hid when I noticed.

Hey, maybe think about shielding yourself? Maybe, you are awakening? So, these things are happening? I've heard attacks come or you know, entities follow when you are vulnerable, and I believe you become sensitive in the beginning, when things start.
AbigailNelson154 (1 posts)
7 years ago (2018-07-13)
I'm not sure if this is psychic or not, but this isn't the first time something like this. What I mean is that I see shadows. I see black swirling smoke, out of nowhere. It takes shape. I've never seen anything that wasn't built of shadows, which brings to my question. What is a dog made completely out of black and gray smoke? I saw it one morning, standing 20 feet away from me. It was a dark dark gray, with a black outline, so I could see the dog so clearly, but it was made of filmy smoke. It had no eyes, just darker pits of black. When it opened its mouth to snarl at me I saw each smoky gray tooth. It ran at me, then when it got 10 feet away it vanished. I don't know what it was, or what it means.
CrazyCat (3 stories) (74 posts)
7 years ago (2018-07-13)
Thank you [at] emmy007! I've been telling my friend to keep her faith strong and to learn to make a shield. I don't know, how else to help her. I believe, she has to learn herself?
emmy007 (23 posts)
7 years ago (2018-07-13)
[at] CrazyCat, a demon is trying to possess your friend and your guardian angel or spirit guide is using you to protect your friend from harm. The only one I know who can help her permanently is my Lord Jesus Christ.

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