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Do You Think I'm Psychic Or Just Imagining?


I sometimes feel that I have psychic powers but I'm not sure if it's just my imagination or if I truly am psychic.

Sometimes I get gut feelings about what will happen that day. I'm only right about half the time though. Sometimes I get a feeling that something bad will happen and then that day something happens that is not extremely bad but not good either.

Sometimes when I think about something, someone else will bring up that topic a few minutes after I am thinking about it. Sometimes I can even have a pretty good guess at what my friends have on their mind and sometimes I'm right. I don't hear a physical voice but I can just look at them face and have a pretty good idea about what they are thinking about.

I can usually tell when someone is mad at me before they actually tell me that they are mad at me. One of my friends and I will sometimes think almost the exact same things at the same time. She might say what she was thinking and it will be exactly what I was just thinking.

One time I had a dream where my best friend came up to me and said "We can't be friends anymore" and she didn't tell me why but then I was in the car and I looked over and she was next to me and she was crying and wouldn't answer me when I asked her what was wrong. I woke up thinking that was a really odd dream but then a few months later we got into an argument after school and the next day she was really mad at me still and didn't forgive me for another week. But during that week I would still be with our group of friends at lunch and one of the days I was sitting next to her and I looked over and she was crying. She didn't answer me when I asked her why.

Then a few days later I had a dream that I was at school and I walked up to her and said "Is there any chance that you might forgive me soon?" when I asked her that her face got really sad and she just nodded yes. And then the very next day at school we were playing a review game and she had to be on my team and she sat down next to me and I turned to her and asked the same question from my dream and then her face got really sad and she nodded her head like she did in the dream.

Also, a few years ago my cat died and occasionally I'll hear clawing at the front door like she used to do when she wanted to come in and I'll hear her meow really quietly.

So do you think I'm psychic? I would really appreciate help. Thank you. =]

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The following comments are submitted by users of this site and are not official positions by Please read our guidelines and the previous posts before posting. The author, Jaime2295, has the following expectation about your feedback: I will participate in the discussion and I need help with what I have experienced.

Kamex1111 (guest)
12 years ago (2012-07-29)
I also think I am psychic and would like advice on what I should do. I always know what is going to happen before it does from a feeling in my gut- and I can connect emotionally with mostly animals and babies- maybe because their minds are weeker than grown humans. I can also sometimes sense auras and spirits- and I also get a feeling in my gut around some of my friends- and I have a hunch they might be supernatural in some way- its like I just can feel it in their auras that they are different. If anyone knows about these abilities and/or how to inhanse them please let me know.
Jaime2295 (4 stories) (19 posts)
15 years ago (2009-05-07)
Thank you so much for your help Blindwind. I'll try that tonight and see if it works! 😁
BlindWind (2 stories) (35 posts)
15 years ago (2009-04-27)
Hi, you do sound like a psychic, now you just have to start practicing your abilities.

Ok, you asked me about contacting your spirit guides. It's different for everyone, but here's what I would try.

First sit down in a quiet place where you won't be interupted. Then relax your body and mind, try not to think at all. Now call out for your spirit guides. You can say something like, "Can all the spirits who guide and protect me, come here now?" You probally don't want to use that wording, it's not very good, but just say what you think.

Now see if you can see or hear anything other than the normal stuff. You might be able to sence something odd in the aria too. If you see, hear, or sence anything, try asking a simple yes or no question. Sometimes the answer comes out loud, other times you'll hear it in your head, or you might not get an answer at all. If that happens, just keep trying, oventually, something will happen.

If you have anymore questions or anything, just Email me at, yuhoshimnw [at]

Good luck!
Mariah 😊
aribx3 (1 stories) (11 posts)
15 years ago (2009-04-10)
Thanks everyone! You sre helped me a lot with my problem. By the way, this girl is my friend Jaime! Woo Hoo 😁
sarah12375 (6 stories) (106 posts)
15 years ago (2009-04-07)
You are most likely psychic, though everyone is. It's great that you can identify these things.
The deja' vu thing is called precognition: When you see the future.
And the thing with your grand-mother is probably a type of clairvoyance or something of that sort, look these things up, the more you know the more it helps. Try meditating that helps too.

Hope this helps
aribx3 (1 stories) (11 posts)
15 years ago (2009-04-07)
Am I psychic or not?

A lot of the time, I can tell what my friends emotions are, only if they are a close friend or a relative. Sometimes I'm not even in the same room, but I can tell that something big happened and then I say something along the lines of "I wonder if place name here is okay."

My grandma died about twenty years ago, before my parents even met. My mom can feel and smell when she is with us and I can smell her. She smells like cigarettes (no one in my family smokes) and the perfume she used to wear. Sometimes I can sense her before my mom does, and she only comes on special occasions.

I have dreams about events or things happening and then a couple of days or weeks later it happens. Its kind of like a déjà vu but I have dreamt it not felt like it happened before.
Jaime2295 (4 stories) (19 posts)
15 years ago (2009-04-04)
Is there anything I can do to make my abilities develop faster? Also, is there anything I can do to develop abilities that I don't have?
ChristallyneChild (11 posts)
15 years ago (2009-04-04)

No, being empathic and being intuitive are two very different things. Empathic people can be intuitive, but not always. And being intuitive doesn't guarantee you're an empath at all.

-Val [3rd Vendetta]
SamSkellington (7 posts)
15 years ago (2009-04-04)
I think I understood.
Oh, is being an empath and intuitive the same thing?
opart1 (2 stories) (35 posts)
15 years ago (2009-04-04)
thanx Sam. You should pay attention sometime you may find that you may actually have more abilites than one... I think I do. Remember not eveything can have an explanation for to not understand is to understand and to understand is to not understand. I f you can understand what that meant then that will help you in some form of way. Good Luck 😁
SamSkellington (7 posts)
15 years ago (2009-04-04)
opart1 thankyou:] I hadnt actually thought that I might be until I was watching a show and they were talking about it so I did some research and a lot of it was very close if not the same way I am. I think that I am an empath. Thankyou so much for your help and I wish you luck on your self discovery:]
opart1 (2 stories) (35 posts)
15 years ago (2009-04-04)
Sam an empath is one of whom can feel anothers emotion. Or you could influence what you would like the individual to feel. You seem to have some type of empath ability. I too am on a path of self discovery and I think I'm finally finding answers for the first time. As you can see on the comments below the one I just made, 😁
SamSkellington (7 posts)
15 years ago (2009-04-03)
uhm, I kind of need alittle help.
I believe I may be an empath or intuitive, but I'm not really sure.
Ive read somethings and they all describe me. Like feeling what other people feel whether it be mental or phyical I have always been able to do that since I was a kid. And then I also read that empaths are born writers and are creative because they can tap deeply into the emotion they are trying to create, I'm the only person on both sides of my family that can write poetry and on more than one occasion a peom of mine has made someone cry and this is another reason I think I may be an empath.
If anyone can please help me it would mean alot.
Jaime2295 (4 stories) (19 posts)
15 years ago (2009-04-03)
Thanks Val! 😁

One of my friends and I both think we are psychic and it makes it so much easier because now I have her to practice trying to figure out her emotions =]
vendettaBabes (3 stories) (335 posts)
15 years ago (2009-04-03)

Empathy is just part of you. You really can't force it. And believe me, once you get it, you sometimes wish you didn't have it. Be patient, and hmm...fine, here's a cheatcode, looking into someone's eyes helps.

Jaime2295 (4 stories) (19 posts)
15 years ago (2009-04-03)
So, does anyone know how I can develop my abilities more? If I try to feel someone's emotions when I'm around them would that help at all with my empathic ability?
vendettaBabes (3 stories) (335 posts)
15 years ago (2009-04-03)
Yes, it is a type of psychic ability. It's called clairilience. The ability to smell, taste and feel people, places, actions, someitmes even emotions. Alive, or dead. Ghosts, whether it seems as it or not, can feel emotions too. Don't treat them as if they are not human. And yes, animals are almost always "gifted".

BlackHeart (16 posts)
15 years ago (2009-04-03)
Today 2 things happened:

1) We had a talent show today and I was really tired, but when I looked at the two people up there singing (I could never do that) I thought I saw their auras. But they where mostly blue, isn't blue the color of calm? Anyway, they stretched out from their bare skin the farthest I ever saw it. Did I see an actual arua?

2) During one of the guitar songs (rock, something I didn't really like), and I was expecting this one part in it. It didn't come I waited for it through the whold song, but during class at the end of the day the teacher had music on. Some sort of rock I guess, but the part I was waiting for played. Strange huh (I should't say strange on this site).

For me that was really weird, being that I have now abilities what so ever.

BlackHeart ❤
BlackHeart (16 posts)
15 years ago (2009-04-03)
Maybe you got it from your parents, they could of just blocked it out and never came back. Heard of it before.

BlackHeart ❤
Jaime2295 (4 stories) (19 posts)
15 years ago (2009-04-03)
It's only me and possibly my sister though. No one else in our family that I know of has any kind of psychic abilities. I think over time my sister's abilities might have faded away because now she doesn't see ghosts or anything. We both sometimes hear someone walking around our house at 2am and we know its not our parents and the noises couldn't have possibly came from the cat because the cat always sleeps in my room. We think there is a ghost in our house but we're not sure. I heard somewhere the ghosts are scared of cats but I'm not completely sure. Usually when I feel like the ghost is around, my cat will run into my room and sit by me. Can cats tell when ghosts are around? And also, one of my friends says that the ghost of her deceased grandma comes to her house sometimes and she can tell when it's there because she smells it. Is that a type of psychic ability?
vendettaBabes (3 stories) (335 posts)
15 years ago (2009-04-02)
I believe that sometimes, abilities can be genetic. My family line's are. Other people, are simply the ones who definetly deserved it, who maybe didn't need to have genetics do the work for them, they were just...gifted.:)

-Love and understanding, Val. [3rd Vendetta]
Jaime2295 (4 stories) (19 posts)
15 years ago (2009-04-02)
In my last post I forgot to ask... Is it psychic abilities to be genetic? I don't think any of my relatives are psychic besides my sister. I'm not sure if she really is and if she is I don't think she even knows it. When she was about three and I was still a baby she used to see a ghost in the corner of the room all the time. She was never scared of him or anything. He would smile and wave and she would smile back. And she'd scare the crap out of my parents because everytime we would go somewhere she'd point to him and say "is he coming with us?" hahaha and one time when she was about 7 she had a dream that she walked into the kitchen and saw my mom packing stuff up and when she asked my mom why she was packing she said it was for the new house and my sister asked "what new house?" and my mom was like "nothing, never mind" and then a few years later the exact dream happened in real life. My parents tried to surprise us I guess so they didn't tell us we were moving until we only had a few months left. When my sister had that dream nobody... Not even my parents... Knew we were going to move. But besides that she doesn't show any kind of psychic abilities. And also, sometimes I know exactly when my phone will ring... I don't consciously know it but if I'm expecting a text and my friend is taking to long to answer I'll walk away for a few minutes and as soon as I pick up the phone to see if they texted back... My phone will start ringing... Its kind of scary. Hahaha
Jaime2295 (4 stories) (19 posts)
15 years ago (2009-04-02)
Thank you guys so much. You have no idea how much this helps me. Freakgirl, the internet always has the answer! Hahaha 😁 and like BlackHeart I also think what other people are thinking but only very rarely, mainly only my best friend. It seems like they are my own thoughts but since blackheart said that I'm not sure if they're really mine or not. One time I thought something and she said my exact thoughts outloud. Also, I asked my older sister if she was going to my 8th grade graduation in june and then I tried to guess her answer really quickly before she answered and I guessed "of course" which I was surprised by because she never really says that and then she said "of course". And also I was just IMing my friend and he was like "i'm on your myspace profile listening to your music" and then I was telling him how some of the songs on there are weird versions that I didn't notice until they were already there and he was typing at the same time as me and like 2 seconds after I sent the message he sent me one talking about the band I was just talking about... Is that a coincidence? And Freakgirl, what do you mean my slight telepathy... I never feel anything telepathical. And also, does anyone know how I can develop my psychic abilities because they haven't developed to much from when they started...
techy75 (1 stories) (10 posts)
15 years ago (2009-04-02)
yes, you are psychic. Just know that you have a gift given by god and nobody can ever take it away. Learn to grasp it and keep testing your abilities. Cheers! 😁
Freakgirl (guest)
15 years ago (2009-04-02)
You're going through what most of us did. It's the stage where we're all like, "Am I imagining things? Am I crazy?" Most of the time, the answer is "no" like it is in your case. If you have enough "coincidences" it's a pretty good sign that you have some form of psychic abilities.

I find it funny how the next step is usually, "Let's look it up on the internet." 😁

Eventually, you may find your abilities growing stronger. If you're like me, there's a possibility that that slight telepathy you seem to have will cause a bit of a headache. Watch out for those. They're usually the effect of having too many "background voices" in your head (thoughts that you can't hear, but can feel). At which point, asprin will not do much good and you'll have to resort to being able to build mind barriers under pressure. I'm just saying this because I think there is a good chance this might happen to you later on in life and I want you to be prepared for it.

Other than that, don't fall into the horrible thing we call "denial" and you should be fine.
BlackHeart (16 posts)
15 years ago (2009-04-02)
I sometimes think what other people will say in a couple seconds, but I don't think of it very much.:D
opart1 (2 stories) (35 posts)
15 years ago (2009-04-01)
I need some help I don't know if anyone can help but it doesn't hurt to try. When I was a child maybe around three my father had died. Several mounths later my mom had found me playing video games for the first time and she had told me that I was winning every game that I had played on the super nintendo she believed that I was communicating with my desease father. My first memories are that of me being able to levatate. For example I have a memory of me running across the living room hall and when I jumped it was like I was levatating for a while until I touched ground again. Ever since then I was really lonley and I use to talk with the wind. Then I had discovered that I can minipulate the wind with will. As I got older I started getting massive de ja vu. Like for example while I'm sleeping I'd see like an image but more like a flash. Then like several days later I'd see that same image. But that hasnt happened in a long time. Since then I'd never really questioned anything until latley. Weird things started happining since I moved into a new house. One day I saw a shadow appear in my room. The lgihts were off and I swore I saw something move like lightning fast. Then after a while I started getting feelings. Like the things that I would talk about or do would become related to something the next day. Then sometimes as off latley when ever I touched someone or something metalic whenever I'm in a good mood I would get electricuted. I don't know if I hve abilites or not. When I took the psychic test it said I was average. But to me it feels like everything that I experience or do is shifting dramatically. I get really tired of it. But I trully do think that it would have to do something with my emotions. I just need some guidence. Also I am able to empathize with people to a deep level where I can never side between people becuase I can understnd things and people like as if they were an open book. Sometime people would get mad at me about them but its like I cn connect with them in ways other people cant. And also at time I enter what my mom calls my zombie state where I'm here but not really there. Like I can do what I was doing but its like I'm opening up to my surroundings in a deep way, but like I said these things choose when they work, and I'm not even sure what you would call them. So if anyone can help me I'll gladly enjoy it.

Thanks for reading and putting up with my horrible grammer, lol.

I know I already posted this before But I'm just looking for answers becuase honestly I'm a bit scared. Also sometime I hear whispering but only when I'm with a bunch of people. Mostly when I don't expect it. The last time was a few days ago and it heard a whisper saying that I or someone else not really sure needed to "stop dreaming".
girlygirl89 (guest)
15 years ago (2009-04-01)
Yea, I also think you are psychic and your experiences are very similar to mine... I am an empath so I do think you are one and sometimes peoples random thoughts will pop into my mind... Sometimes I notice and sometimes I don't because I feel that it is something normal, for me of course. 😁
ssusan (3 posts)
15 years ago (2009-04-01)
Jamie, about your cat, I believe it IS the cat. When my dog died a few years ago and I layed in bed crying and upset, I saw his ghost figure walk up the bed and lay next to me. I felt calmness when he did that. I know I was not sleeping. I know it was a being of my dog sent to comfort me.
ssusan (3 posts)
15 years ago (2009-04-01)
I have just signed up to this site and cannot use chat room yet; I need help with an incident that happened one night this week as I layed my head down to sleep. I heard a loud whirrrrring sound and flashes of faces or lights zooomed past my eyes. My body was paralyzed for a while and it was very hard to make my eyes open or to move my arms and shoulders to sit up. What was that?

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