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Am I Just Imagining It?


I' sorry if I get out of order I'm very good at telling people about this, and well I am kind of rushing on it and it just jumbles up my mistake k:) so I will try my best...

As long as I have known I've been having these things happen to me but would pass it as nothing more than my imagination... When I was about ten years old I would always hear voices calling my name and it would always sound like one of my family members, and every time this would happen I would be alone so just like any kid I would go check what they wanted but I would find out most of the time it not them that was calling me so I would put it as me just imagining it... But now I'm starting to believe otherwise because now I'm 14 years old, and still hearing them call me but I'm also getting this kind of feeling every time I'm alone and try to go inside my room or try to go to my favorite spot in my backyard... When I get this "feeling" it makes me tremble my heart starts pounding and it feels like someones telling me to just run I don't know (I'm just writing what happened to me and its already sounds stupid to me) but just two days ago I was about to go to sleep in my living room, and my family was there just talking and then I got that "feeling" again (its never happened to me when I was with someone) and when I could finally sleep I woke up again about two hours later I just felt drained like all my energy was gone I tried to stand up and I just couldn't, and when I finally could I went to the kitchen were my brother was, and he told me "dude your F***** eyes are blood red, and when went to look in the mirror I don't even know what to say all I can tell you is you should have seen it and after that it was then I started to think it wasn't my imagination all of this was real the voices the way you feel like someones watching you no matter where you go. I don't know what's going on with me and I'm kind of scared if anyone I mean anyone knows anything about what's been going on with me please tell me... Oh yeah and after that day with the red eyes I have been having trouble with remembering how to even spell my own name and I have been forgetting my family members name to...





1.what is it that I'm so afraid of?






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The following comments are submitted by users of this site and are not official positions by Please read our guidelines and the previous posts before posting. The author, aim23, has the following expectation about your feedback: I will participate in the discussion and I need help with what I have experienced.

branby1994 (1 stories) (3 posts)
13 years ago (2011-01-25)
i used to live at a place where I seen shadow people all the time. They I didn't know what they were to reading the other comments. I haven't seen any in quite a few years. But I get the feeling you get at least once every couple of days
Joe631 (2 stories) (89 posts)
14 years ago (2011-01-22)
And you're not crazy. You're special.:)

One other thing: When I start feeling threatened, or like something is with me, I like to turn on loud music that I can sing along to. It's a great form of expression and it gets me feeling much more relaxed. Put on something cheerful. And really belt it! Sing out and feel that you're empowered, you're beautiful, you're strong, you won't take anyone's crap!

DO THIS! What great advice that is! DO NOT PASS THIS UP!

My method is a lot scarier and dangerous. I put myself in the deepest darkest places to channel those of the shadow people that are the most feared and then well then I scare them LOL but I wouldn't try this as I'm definitly not your "normal" psychic by any means what so ever lol
Joe631 (2 stories) (89 posts)
14 years ago (2011-01-22)
1.what is it that I'm so afraid of?
The Shadow people do this, they set the stage for fear and then they feed off it. Simply be strong and have no fear young one. The way I look at it? We all gotta die sometime right;)

Like others have said they are trying to contact you for help or to help you. Mine only helps I guess I'm not allowed to help the dead:P

Do you want to be? Hey I'm getting paid now for it;) no I'm kidding your not crazy but I am still getting paid for it;) LOL

Most likely you went to sleep afraid and the shadow person that gave you that "feeling" drained you of your energy. Its not nice when it happens to you but think about how you helped the Shadow people that night. Ah never looked at like that did you?

Again id see a doctor on this one. I don't know what could explain not being able to remember to spell your own name or that of your family members.

Your more intune to your psychic abilities then others are:) a gift and a curse all rolled into one little girl;) so tread lightly from here on:) consider yourself lucky your here at such a young age. I had to go through all this the hard way...

I have faith in you and ill do my part with the Shadows to see what can be done. I don't know if it will help though. I live in NY and I don't know how many of the Shadow people I come in contact with are locals or from out of town you know? Either way ill see what's up on my end:)
62704 (1 stories) (3 posts)
14 years ago (2011-01-20)
That happens to me, but very rarely. When it does, I'm TERRIFIED. 😨
sun_smile (1 stories) (12 posts)
14 years ago (2011-01-20)
Oh, honey, how scary for you! I'm familiar with the "feeling" you're talking about. I get it too, and almost always when I'm alone. You don't sound stupid at all.:) It sounds to me like some sort of spirit or negative entity could be preying on you. Self empowerment is key in that situation. Remember that you are much more powerful than any lower level being that's making life difficult for you. Think of this being like a mosquito: They're annoying and stressful and they try to take control of situations, but once you swat them they're done. You are a human being: strong, spiritual, good. Let your positive energy flow out from you and this thing will cower. I'm sure of it! You can do it.

As for the eyes and memory loss, I've never heard of that happening. However, it could be something as simple as the results of the stress this is putting you under. I recommend trying to heal yourself.

And you're not crazy. You're special.:)

One other thing: When I start feeling threatened, or like something is with me, I like to turn on loud music that I can sing along to. It's a great form of expression and it gets me feeling much more relaxed. Put on something cheerful. And really belt it! Sing out and feel that you're empowered, you're beautiful, you're strong, you won't take anyone's crap!

Good luck, kiddo. Hope I helped some.
NaturalScience (229 posts)
14 years ago (2011-01-20)
Classical Homeopathy could be a solution to the medical side of this too.
To me it sounds like what pre-scientific medicine used to call a "Demon-related disease" i.e. Your symptoms of brain and body are real and treatable by medical means but there also is a spiritual side of the issue, "psychic vampire" or such a thing.
Thus no matter if the Old Ones were right or wrong with this concept I can tell you a gesture of protection that applies most if you are Catholic, or think of becoming Catholic. People in Italy or Latin America would use it in your situation.

Go to next church and get yourself some blessed water, and then recur to that old good custom of signing yourself with the Cross with right middle finger made wet with the holy water.

Think while doing it "In the Name of The Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit" and after this call your Guardian Angel for support. Do this when you have the "run from here" feeling again.
I tell this for my Nun grand-aunt would have said exactly this.

As a Protestant who relies more in the Word of God than in Ritual check the Book of Psalms for a quotation that fits exactly to what you feel and think or say or, if alone, even shout it aloud whenever you feel attacked.

If you belong to another religion, Islamic or whatever, inform yourself about the protection patterns it recommends against psychic attack.

And the others here are right go and have yourself scanned by a neurologist. There is a kind of epilepsy (psychomotoric) that can have signs similar to "paranoid psychosis" and to "demonic attack". The red eyes and the loss of memory after being "attacked during sleep" could point to it.
AnandaHya (guest)
14 years ago (2011-01-19)
have you tried a holistic or eastern practioner? I think it is problem with your spiritual body that has manifested in your material one, perhaps if you tried to get the energy flowing by yourself it will go away? Acupressure or acupuncture simulates the flow of energy. This is the only site, some one sent it to me, perhaps other have more that might help.


I'm still trying to study it myself, but there are others on the site who might see this post and be able to help you more.
aim23 (1 stories) (7 posts)
14 years ago (2011-01-19)
ive been to a doctor that was actually my first thought and its like I could hide that from my parents and when ti went she said I was fine I don't know but ima ask them again...
AnandaHya (guest)
14 years ago (2011-01-19)
the red eyes and memory lose sound like a medical problem, you should go to a doctor and have a cat scan performed to rule out that. They may be able to remove the cause through early detection and treatment.

The voices may be related. In "psychic" terms it sounds like an energy blockage in your optical nerve receptors or vision brain center. It might be treatable through western or eastern medicine. I would have it checked out.

Either way don't let the voices or shadows scare you with their threats they only feed off fear and can not harm you unless you feed them a lot of fear. Trust in yourself and your innate good karma that allowed you to be born human.
Sunspotter (6 stories) (109 posts)
14 years ago (2011-01-19)

1.what is it that I'm so afraid of?
No one can tell you what you're afraid of. I know that many people are afraid of their potential- what they could do.
Why doesn't everyone else hear them? I don't know- I often hear friends and family members calling out my name too, and sometimes strange voices that I've never heard before. I can't tell you why you hear them, only that it isn't a bad thing. Whether it's being a medium, being telepathic, or something else- I couldn't tell you.
Yeah. Everyone is in some form or another.
Your energies were supernaturally drained by a psychic vampire, spirit, or demon is my guess. Try to protect yourself with shields, light, etc., and it shouldn't happen again.
Maybe it's a side effect of whatever attacked you. Maybe it's something else, but if it started right after your experience, I'd bet money that the two are tied together.
There's nothing wrong with you until you convince yourself that there actually is something wrong with you.

A5 (2 stories) (144 posts)
14 years ago (2011-01-19)
It's okay, you're not completely nuts. You heard spirits calling out to you. A lot of them either need you or the other way around. For me it's generally both. Don't be afraid and try to talk to them. They can explain far better than I can.
The memory could be a potential issue to see a doctor about. If you find you remember things you shouldn't, it's past lives.
The drained and wanting to run feelings are what I started with. Stuff like earthquakes and mass deaths usually happened. These things happened to me most often in the beginning for me. Whatever the case may be, I sympathize.
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