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How Can I Communicate With The Ghost That Follows Me?


I first started noticing my abilities about a month or two ago. When I first started noticing them they weren't very strong at all. It was at the point where I wasn't sure if I actually had any abilities at all.

But now I'm sure that I do. I have precognition and I'm a medium. I can sense the presence of ghosts, I just know that they are there. I can sort of hear them. I can't hear them talk but I can hear the sound effects they make, like I can hear if they walk around sometimes. Now I can usually predict the outcome to a situation or I just get a feeling of what's going to happen.

One time my mom told me that if it was raining hard she would pick me up from school but if it wasn't raining or only misting then I could walk home. When I went outside I truly didn't think it was raining that hard so I started walking but when I was about half way home I got the feeling that my mom went to the school to get me. I figured I was probably wrong and let it go. But when I got home my sister told me that my mom was annoyed because she went to the school to get me and I already left.

Also, to test myself before, my friend (who is an empath and has a little bit of precognition and a medium) and I were at a park near our houses and we were trying to test our abilities and we would both guess what we thought the exact time was and then we'd check our phones. Most of the time we were both either right or off by one minute.

Even at school we can tell what's going to happen that day. One of our teachers, who usually yells at the class when more than one or two of us don't have our homework, was collecting homework that I didn't have and earlier that day I felt like she wasn't going to yell even though a lot of us didn't have it... And then she didn't yell or even get mad at all. I was really surprised by that.

Also, I think that there is a ghost in my house, my room specifically. My room is normally the hottest room in the house, especially in May, but not today. I am sitting in my room and I am freezing. I also feel like there is someone right behind me now, but I know there's no one back there. Sometimes when I'm at school I feel like there is someone right there next to me or behind me, even when there's not. I'll also see shadows in the corner of my eye at school but when I look nothing is there. My friend who can hear ghosts and smell them and sometimes see them thinks our school is haunted. I think that the ghost from my room follows me to school.

Does anyone know how I can communicate with this ghost?

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The following comments are submitted by users of this site and are not official positions by Please read our guidelines and the previous posts before posting. The author, Jaime2295, has the following expectation about your feedback: I will participate in the discussion and I need help with what I have experienced.

revsilverson (guest)
15 years ago (2009-05-13)
purplefairy- I didn't write about smelling ghosts in this post but yes you can. Sometimes you can smell perfume or cigarette smoke during a visitation. It's called clairfragrance (a variation of clairsentience). I talk with spirits with my mind or outloud (if I am reading for a client). I see them and they see me- eye to eye. Perhaps you haven't opened yourself up fully to the experience. Fear might be holding you back or your level of sincerity to help spirits. Or as you wrote, perhaps you don't possess that gift.

Love and Light
Purplefairy (10 posts)
15 years ago (2009-05-13)
Revsilverson, I didn't know you could smell ghosts, that's interesting! I can only see them or feel their presence. I always try to talk and ask if I can help but they never tell me anything. Maybe they don't know I can see them or I don't have that ability.

Jaime, maybe that presence is taking care of you. I guess it depends on how you feel when its around.
elculver (4 stories) (18 posts)
15 years ago (2009-05-12)
I think you have "the sixth sense". How can you communicate with this ghost? Well, what I would do is when you feel it is around you, be very nice and polite and just ask it a question. If your sense changes, or if you feel that the ghost did anything, that could mean that it knows what you said. Try this and work from here... 😉
revsilverson (guest)
15 years ago (2009-05-12)
some spirits want to talk and others don't. You can't force that. I had one who stood in the corner of my living room for 6 months. I knew her name telepathically was pietra and I tried to get her to talk but she just stood in the corner with her head down and her bangs covering her eyes. One night some friends were decorating my home with black balloons for my birthday and everytime they put one in that corner where pietra was it popped. They tried 3 times. She just didn't want a balloon there. Finally one night she sat next to me on the couch as I was watching the simpson's and toward the end of the show the sound went off and hispanic closed captioning came on. I thought at first this was part of the show and laughed out loud. But when the commercial came on and it was closed captioned I realized pietra had played a little trick on me. She never did talk to me but we became comfortable watching TV together and then one day she left.

If they want to talk they will talk or they may transmit images into your mind to communicate with you. If they bother you ask them to nicely to leave and move on.

Love and Light
Jaime2295 (4 stories) (19 posts)
15 years ago (2009-05-08)
Thank you guys so much for your help! 😁 I hope I can talk to them soon.

- ❤ Jaime ❤
CeeDee (1 stories) (36 posts)
15 years ago (2009-05-08)
Hi Jaime,
If you feel afraid you may ask the presence of your guardian angel, or whatever entity you believe will help, to protect you. Learn to protect yourself and then it will be easier to get in AND out of relationship with spirits.
XtjrX (7 stories) (300 posts)
15 years ago (2009-05-08)
Jamie2295: I see it like this. We sense a presence we can't see-our subconsious mind pics up on this and alerts you. Simply put your parasympathetic nervous system has been aroused (stimulated). Well, fear and arousal look the same on a brain scan (Like an EEG or PET scan). (I know this becuase I have a degree in psychology) -feel free to check my data. I can TOTALLY understand being afraid that this sense makes you feel like they want to hurt you-afraid, but that may not ALWAYS be the case. It's easy to say "don't be scared" but that is far easier said than done.

I can't know what communication with a spirit may feel or look like for you, becuase the way I experience it is specific to my abilities.

I encourage you as best you can to "fake it until you make it". What? LOL I mean be aware of the non verbal cues you are sending out. Try to speak in a voice that sounds calm and confident (NOT threatened). There are people here almost all hours of the day-I seem to always be here LOL. So if your alone and feeling scared. Post here, or e-mail someone you trust. I hope this helps, we all go through it, but that's of little comfort when one is terrified, and being alone only makes it that much worse. Try as best you can to turn your thinking brain off. It's hard to do and takes a LOT of focused practice, but this is as good a starting point as any. I'm rooting for you.
Jaime2295 (4 stories) (19 posts)
15 years ago (2009-05-08)
Thank you, XtjrX. I've never tried talking to them cause I always assumed that if I had the ability to talk to them I would hear them. I've never heard them talk... Does that mean that they just never tried to talk or is it that I just can't hear them? Lately when I am in my room alone I can feel like someone is right behind me the whole time. If I'm alone at night then I get really scared and start freaking out because I feel like someone is there watching me, and not in a good way. Lately I've felt like this ghost is after me. I've never heard it talk to me though, does that mean that its just had nothing to say before or can I just not hear it?
XtjrX (7 stories) (300 posts)
15 years ago (2009-05-08)
I don't like to be the first to comment, but I guess someone has to go first... This may sound like a really silly question... But have you tried to talk to them? Ask them why they are following you? What they want? I always say when I feel presence "if you have something to say I will listen, but if you have no purpose you must go back where you came from" and say it like you MEAN it!. It's a start.

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