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Are Psychologists Purposely Hurting Society?


Are psychologists purposely hurting society?

I ask this because in nearly every world religion outside of the West, a psychic ability is a sign of being connected to a higher form of existence, and in the case of unique abilities, the status of being close to ascending - ascending being a concept common on both sides of the divide.

Though in the West there's a movement known as Psychology which spends its time destroying psychics by drugging them, shocking them, and generally torturing them until their spirit is damaged. Though I don't think they ever succeed, as the soul of a psychic goes on into another body, as psychics apparently re-incarnate over and over until they fully ascend (Indigo children sometimes remember their past life vividly).

But what psychologists do succeed in is bringing down bad karma among those near them. As in no culture are populations rewarded for the killing "bodhisattvas," "enlightened beings," or "people with halos," which is what many psychics are or will become.

And though the spiritual titles of psychics vary from culture to culture, I gather that the end result of such a vivid rejection of psychic people can't be good for the collective welfare.

More thoughts than an experience, though I wonder if such thoughts pass the minds of other psychics?

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Timfaraos (426 posts)
10 years ago (2015-03-12)
Einstein said: 'There is no case of: 'religion VS science', because they compliment each other.' Psychology is a science, and deals with the 5 senses, that's why it is too shallow, to deal with the human 'psyche' (greek for 'soul'). The soul is something deep, supernatural, eternal, that survives after the death of our body, (see NDE stories)...and can only be healed and understood, by it's creator, God. Just like the car manufacturer knows the car, better than anyone else. And the human being, has a manufacturer's user's manual, just like a car has, which is the Bible, given to us by our loving father and creator, God. It tells us how to live, what to strive for, what our limitations are, our strengths and weaknesses, why are we alive, and what happens to our soul and our body parts after death. It also teaches us that: 'man will not live on bread alone, but on every word that comes from the mouth of God', because we are soul and body!... It tells us much more about ourselves, than any psychology book, which is based on the limited observations of Freud, Carl Jung (spelling?), and their likes... God bless!
Archangels1111 (3 posts)
11 years ago (2014-06-29)
Hi everyone, I have been a gifted Psychic Medium for over two decades and I have a few supernatural abilities. I believe Psychologists,Psychiatrists,Doctors and Scientists are completely skeptical of The Spiritual World, at the same time I also think some so-called skeptics even if they believe to a certain point they will never reveal it publicly. From a realistic point of view they may feel quite threatened with people who have genuine Psychic and Supernatural gifts. There are so many areas that Scientists are still trying to find out about for example Dimensions and Vortexes and many more, Spiritual people working with the light have all those answers and several others. They choose not to believe so they get left behind with all those who put their trust in them. The Board of Psychiatry develops generalized conditions and labels people with a Diagnosis quite often which helps them more than their patients, we all need to keep food on our table. Just keep your eyes and ears wide open and become more aware of the world that surrounds you, thank you for your time I wish you all the best through your journey in life xx.
Adaryn7 (6 stories) (460 posts)
15 years ago (2010-06-26)
Interesting conversation guys, and I agree with a lot of the things you said. Blessings to you both
Rashidah (guest)
15 years ago (2010-06-26)
Ok then GoodNight. Nice talking to you.
Unfortunately I cannot go to sleep now for I am finishing off some assignments 😭
Kahlyn (4 stories) (311 posts)
15 years ago (2010-06-26)
Somewhat. My abilities are more medium if anything else and drawing upon spirit energy of the Verse.

I am Clairaudient and Clairsentient. I can see the chakra system easily and there soul progression.

I am sorry I need to rest tomorrow.
Rashidah (guest)
15 years ago (2010-06-26)
Well ain't you a psychic. This is another natural abillity of yours. And yes it is very possible for you to know something before you actual read about it 😊
Kahlyn (4 stories) (311 posts)
15 years ago (2010-06-26)

I am sure they do not practice true chaos magic...

Chaos is neither good or bad and light or dark. For a person attempts to controlling it will transmute the magic from chaos to something more refine. All aspects such as time, space, and time are just mere facets of Chaos Magic but there are things beyound what described.

Wrote the kind of magic in to fiction story once but what I wrote what was what I was sensing. I read about Chaos in books and even knew what they got wrong and not. I called the Void and this term from Druid studies. How can a person know without reading something as such as this?
Rashidah (guest)
15 years ago (2010-06-26)
What I understand about the word chaos is that magicians claim it to be the state in which space was before anything existed. You know when everything was in disarray without any formal structure.
As for the magical part of it I do not understand even though I have read countless books on it. 😕
I never meat anyone personally who practices that sort of magic.
Kahlyn (4 stories) (311 posts)
15 years ago (2010-06-26)
Lucifer Sigil... An interesting choice. Raw magic... Might explain some things about the Chaos Users I found online. Practicing magic without rules and structure does not mean it is Chaos Magic.

Nevermind it is not important...
Rashidah (guest)
15 years ago (2010-06-26)
I am sensing that you have raw magic that is why you are able to not rely on a tool for summoning. That is very rare.😲 Unfortunately I need tools to summon. I use Lucifer's sigil as aid.
I have to charge it from time to time though.
Kahlyn (4 stories) (311 posts)
15 years ago (2010-06-26)
I summon with out much assistance of a tool. As with any tool it acts like focal point to draw spirits to this world. The tool will act like a bridge or portal. It why Psychics use cards and other items. The cards in themselves are not special but the energy that goes to them. In long answer it is possible to use a Star of David to summon a spirit in fact it is easier. A lot of energy is already focus on it already through prayer.

This also holds the same to The crucifix, Pentagram or any object of religion. The more a person puts in energy of their spirit more the object can act as conduit.
Rashidah (guest)
15 years ago (2010-06-26)
I meant form not from.
I can understand why the church does not allow people to read those books and label them Apophryca. To me they go hand in hand with the bible.
Well I was always a renegade. When someone say not to do something I usually do it. 😊
Rashidah (guest)
15 years ago (2010-06-26)
I believe that you feel at peace at the synagogue because places in general that have a lot of prayers in them gives out that peaceful energy.
I watched a documentary on the History channel where people confess that they feel at peace in The Dome of the Rock in Israel.
I read about Metatron in the books of Enoch. I believe him to take the from of that angel when God took him.
Some occultist say that you can summon spirits using the Star of David. Is that true?
Kahlyn (4 stories) (311 posts)
15 years ago (2010-06-26)
Mine are similar to that experiance. Call it a gift a divine which they would like to join their congregations. I admit that I go to the Synagogue because of the sense peace and quietness. In exchange I strengthen the sigils the Star of Davids with my own gift. I have ability to tap in to divine.

One of my Guides is Metatron so perhaps I feel the welcome there.

The Rabbi says the Synagogue change
Rashidah (guest)
15 years ago (2010-06-26)
I still read the bible from time to time. I have some versions of the bible still in my room. But I take it like a pinch of salt. I do not fully believe in its validity.
All spirits are not evil. There are a lot of spirits out their who would love to develop the human race without a price 😐
Rashidah (guest)
15 years ago (2010-06-26)
I was a minister at my church so I broke a lot of people hearts when I left but I was not happy there at all.
But my spirit guide is like my best friend. Whenever I feel depressed and lonely he always appears to me.
That is why I call him my guardian angel ❤
He never judged me like my church did. I feel very free when I speak to him.
Kahlyn (4 stories) (311 posts)
15 years ago (2010-06-26)
With Churches I made some observations about them. Most people who truly believe in the church and the bible without giving lip service. The Church does serves a benefit but most use it to sanitize the world people who are different and consider strange.

I decided to read the books and beliefs systems of Judiaism, Christianity, Islam, Budduism and Taoism... So many others. It helps me understand why there are religions but not the emotions of the people in general. I can sense the feeling of others and not understand why they feel that way.
MirrorsO (1 stories) (150 posts)
15 years ago (2010-06-26)
I used to be forced to church and thank God that I eventually got fed up and told my mother exactly what I thought of the place. (it was a pentecostal church). She eventually realized that instead of helping me, she was harming me and getting me even more rebellions. When I began to study further into spirituality and getting closer to my guides and all spirits, that was when I did a complete turn around. Now I help others with my experiences and those that I have witness firsthand with people close to me. Spirituality balanced the darkness in my life for the better, but I still have to say that I'm neutral since all spirits need help and comprehension for why they do the things they do.
Rashidah (guest)
15 years ago (2010-06-26)
I had to leave the church to have some sanity in my life because they wanted to exorcise me. My spirit guide never did anything wrong to me. He is just trying to help me elevate myself. Not sit down in church and listen to everything like if I am some dumb robot.
Rashidah (guest)
15 years ago (2010-06-26)
I had problems concentrating on meditating. And my spirit guide actually nagged me into to practicing it more. And after awhile I am able to be in a trance state with ease. 😊

Sadly most psychologist believe that anything spiritual is considered an illness 😢
MirrorsO (1 stories) (150 posts)
15 years ago (2010-06-26)
Out of all of the psychologists I have met in my life, only two seemed to understand the difference between gifted and dillusional. It was kind of sad when those two wonderful people retired... Instead of critizing me or telling my mother to burn all of my books and to take me to church (like one had adviced in a unorthodox manner), these other two spoke to her and said that they actually saw me getting into something that went beyond them. I wish more phsychologists would learn to see the difference.
Kahlyn (4 stories) (311 posts)
15 years ago (2010-06-26)
When I look at Psychologist today I would say yes.

there are two distinct groups where one wanted to use a term to describe the person and try to make that person fit the label.

Other is truly desire to help a person going through problems and not put them in labels.

I think now the first group is more prevalent now.

As my psychologist wanted to get in touch with my inner child by watching Lion King to understand the role of child and Parent. She merely fed my mother desire for what she consider the Norman Rockwell picture. All in all she was an idoit and I have no regard.

the other psychologist want me to learn who I was and help accept that. Sadly this psychologist is fading away.
MirrorsO (1 stories) (150 posts)
15 years ago (2010-06-26)
Oh I know. Though most of my stuff is from experience I've always looked into books to see if I was on the right track since most of my personalized excercises where given to me by my guides. Some book terms and meditations don't work for me, so I tend to rely a lot of my guides to help me in that area.
Rashidah (guest)
15 years ago (2010-06-26)
I know you never said.
I just meant that not all psychologists are that bad in general. I was not referring to you in that statement.
You seem to love to read a lot. I too love to read a lot. I sometimes read late into the night.
It is very good that you refer to books when you are giving people advice.
People always want to know where your sources are from. Even when you tell them it was from your experience some are still skeptical.
I myself try to incorporate some material when I am advising people. I also like when they refer me to some books also. 😊
MirrorsO (1 stories) (150 posts)
15 years ago (2010-06-26)
I never said that they were bad and this happened over 12 years ago. 😊
Rashidah (guest)
15 years ago (2010-06-26)
That was a very disturbing experience you just let out there 😐
Thanks for sharing it though.
But not all psychologists are bad. There are some that are genuinely nice.
MirrorsO (1 stories) (150 posts)
15 years ago (2010-06-26)
This is definetely going into my favorites list since for years since I was a child, psychologists tried all kinds of supposed 'cures' for my 'illness'. They were actually scared of me, especially one in particular when I told her that her husband was sleeping with her nineteen year old daughter. That crazy woman set me up to take some prozac and yelled at me during the whole entire theropy hour while I laughed at her (I was a really messed up kid at the time. No older than fourteen.). Weeks later the woman quit her job due to 'personal reasons'. A friend of mine who was her neighbor confirmed to me weeks later that the woman kicked both her husband and daughter out of the house because she caught them together in her marital bed. Talk about getting a dose of your own medicine, huh? 😜

But that is all in the past now. I'm twenty-six and I have realized that sarcastically stating her husband's activities with her daughter (whom she had never mentioned during our sessions to begin with) wasn't a good idea. That woman could have really gone nuts and done some damage and I'm happy that she just opted by kicking them out rather than killing them.
Psionic (3 stories) (70 posts)
15 years ago (2009-12-02)
Well said, and I do respect you for not telling people to change their beleifs when you are a therapist.
I think that the people who "think they know it all" has to swallow their pride, and confess that they can not explain somethings. What they can not explain, we can. They must learn that their way is not the right way. We are the next step in evolution, we can bring man into full understanding. Science can be thrown in the bin, it is now time for spirituality, psychic, medium, indigo and crystal to take their (our) rightful place in this world.
ChelseaDawn (1 stories) (13 posts)
15 years ago (2009-12-01)
I know what you mean. I am an 18 year old medium psychic with many different gifts. I feel like people who see us and realize we are "different" are scared. People are afraid of what they can't understand or make sense of logically. I am actually studying to be a therapist. I will NEVER make people feel that they are "crazy" or wrong for what their beliefs are. A part of being one is giving free options to people and not making them try to be like everyone else. I will be sure to do my part and stand up for us psychics!
mystical2 (16 stories) (483 posts)
15 years ago (2009-12-01)
I never heard of the halo over psychics as you say, not saying there is no such thing. I'm open to many ideas since I've had many strange things happen in my life time. It did bring back a memory though, from not long ago. I went and did an investigation recently in a house which had many lost souls. In one room where a woman took her life, I had a strong feeling of something very negative with us. The feeling was over whelming for me and I turned to prayer for help. I called on arch angel st michael to give me added protection and to take my fear away. I felt my fear drain from my feet. A story I will be posting soon enough anyway. A friend of mine poked another friend of ours and asked him if he just saw the huge ball of light over my head. She said it reminded her of a halo. Funny thing is, she didn't know I was praying at the time, since I did it silently within me. The halo thing was interesting and your story reminded me of this.

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