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Real Psychic Experiences

I Think I Made Progress


Let me start out with saying if you have read my other stories you know that I am an empath and my ability to see spirits has been improving. I tried meditating a couple of times but it is very hard for me to sit still. But even with those few times I did I think I made progress.

Well let me just start by saying my mother and I went to a Psychic a couple of days ago (my mom has always been interested in things like this) and the first thing that the psychic said (she read Tarot cards and stuff like that) was that I would do very good at stuff like that. I thought it was interesting I did not even mention anything about what I can do. But lately I have been noticing really weird things happening. My dog was laying with me and I heard some weird music I did not know where it was coming from and why (it as late at night) and my dog apparently heard it because she started barking too. Well the first thing that came to my mind was quiet down dog! And as soon as I thought that my dog literally calmed down and laid down. Then I thought to myself take away the calmness my dog jumped up and started barking again. This happened over and over again until I pretty much got sick of it. I also tried it with people, To my surprise it worked the same way. What is this? How did I get it? And ho do I use it?

- Liz

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The following comments are submitted by users of this site and are not official positions by Please read our guidelines and the previous posts before posting. The author, 123hope123, has the following expectation about your feedback: I will participate in the discussion and I need help with what I have experienced.

123hope123 (8 stories) (124 posts)
15 years ago (2010-03-10)
Thanks everyone... Has anyone else experianced that? 😁
- Liz
JVALLE24 (guest)
15 years ago (2010-03-10)
Well you have a fun gift lol Liz. Your a mind reader you can tap into peoples minds and that's a good thing. Right now your in trainning but later it will be so much more. As time passes you will find out the purpose of your abilities and what your ment to do with them. Dont rush anything live and enjoy your life and little by little it will come. Ok don't worry and learn on how to control it. If its a bit to much block your mind from entering yone elses mind. Also you need to meditate but your boby will let you no when you need it so don't meditate if you don't feel like it.; There will be a point in life were meditating is a must! Or else you will be going off on people or even feel powerless. You don't want to go through that lol ok good luck and enjoy your wondferful gift and allow only positivity in your territory for now becouse your not ready for the bad wrold ok blessing and take care hope I helped! 😁
Athena_and_Kej (23 posts)
15 years ago (2010-03-09)
You are a good Mind Bender... Smiling... Try it like a salesman... They can mind bend you into buying things you don't want... Look it up on google "Mind Bend" or "Mind Bending"...athena
123hope123 (8 stories) (124 posts)
15 years ago (2010-03-09)
Please please help! I really need it right now... 😁
- Liz

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