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Real Psychic Experiences

Progress In Dreaming Future


Since I last posted here, and shared my experience, I made a lot of progress and change in my abilities, always trying to find the magic key to make them accessible when you want and not randomly.

Now my dreams come to life a lot more often (every day 2 - 4 times)

I noticed that they are in some sort of row like a chain of events. For example if I dream something 2 months back and in the time I have a second dream, the first on to come to reality is the one that was first, doesn't matter what gap it would be in between of them. Sometimes it makes me feel that were all tide up in some kind of of matrix, and time is running in spiral form which is repeating it's self at some point (s).

My latest dream was - Yesterday I was on a bike trip, and had an accident, could of injured pretty bad but passed through whit few scratches on arm and leg, in the moment of the bike crash 4 seconds (was going really fast) before it happening everything ran through my eyes (remembered it in a dream) and a nipping feeling crossed my chest (as always when it starts) I dreamed that I didn't manage to make a turn on slippery road and slide of a cliff at the same place I fell-I jumped of the bike before cliffs side. SAFE!:D

In my opinion people who can dream future have slightly stronger brain half on the right side, and when dreaming something happens that brain completely shuts down all the process in the left side of brain and leaves you completely rely on your right half, I am not sure it's probably just my own opinion of what happens perhaps scientifically its not even possible.

I think it is a big part of upcoming evolution that people can see into what will happen, now it's only at a stage were only exception people can do it, but in time I think these abilities will grow into something like telekinesis.

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The following comments are submitted by users of this site and are not official positions by Please read our guidelines and the previous posts before posting. The author, oceanblue, has the following expectation about your feedback: I will read the comments and participate in the discussion.

darkassassin92 (1 stories) (216 posts)
11 years ago (2013-08-02)
I believe in afterlife that's if there is ghost or astral projection I do not believe in a god anymore. There is a lot of crazy stuff out there.
oceanblue (2 stories) (3 posts)
11 years ago (2013-08-02)
Somehow, I think there is no such thing as a castle up in the sky waiting for you to die and live there - I mean after life - the god thingy, I think humans created this story because they are afraid to die, and much rather started to live in a lie, that after dieng they can live another life somewhere else:)
darkassassin92 (1 stories) (216 posts)
11 years ago (2013-08-02)
Im not scared scared of it like I used to. Maybe I can live long to see if the anti aging experiment works sorry for the off topic I know it doesn't go here but just saying it would be nice to see it accomplished.
lilylove (3 stories) (362 posts)
11 years ago (2013-08-02)
You don't lose your memories when you die.
Don't worry about dying just enjoy the present.
darkassassin92 (1 stories) (216 posts)
11 years ago (2013-08-02)
I almost got killed before don't know how many times. I'm kind of afraid of death because I do not want to lose my memories if you don't lose your memories I will not be afraid about it anymore.
lilylove (3 stories) (362 posts)
11 years ago (2013-08-02)
At DarkAssassin
You will probably figure it out when you least expect it.
darkassassin92 (1 stories) (216 posts)
11 years ago (2013-08-01)
Thats what I think to. Off topic I have a friend they are Christians he said they could of forgot they died. Even though I'm an atheist now I still believe in something just can't figure it out.
lilylove (3 stories) (362 posts)
11 years ago (2013-08-01)
I believe there is an afterlife.
Everyone experiences their near death experiences differently.
Why do some see things and some don't?
They all probably did see something but some will remember consciously and the others remember subconsciously.
darkassassin92 (1 stories) (216 posts)
11 years ago (2013-08-01)
Off topic do you think afterlife is real or hallucination? Because I read when the person died they had an out of body experience for an example one person said they saw a letter on the table when the person was revived there was no letter or table. Another one a girl diet and saw her teacher or classmates when revived there was no one.
lilylove (3 stories) (362 posts)
11 years ago (2013-08-01)
I agree with you eating healthy and exercising is not only good for your body but for your psychic abilities but what I meant was you don't develop psychic abilities with your body, its with your mind.
oceanblue (2 stories) (3 posts)
11 years ago (2013-08-01)
Yea, dream journal helped to prove my abilities to my friends. I think your body should be no less then your mind:)
lilylove (3 stories) (362 posts)
11 years ago (2013-07-31)
You have a very interesting opinion.
Have you considered keeping a dream journal?
Its a useful way to keep track of dreams and writing your dreams tells your mind that remembering dreams are important.
You should try meditation.
You can only improve psychic abilities with your mind, not with your body and meditation puts your mind in a relax and receptive state.

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