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Seeing, Feeling Energy



My name is Joshua. I'm 19 years old and I know I have a gift I just need help finding it I know you can see better with your eyes closed.

When I was like 16 I use to get really bad headaches and I thought it was because of my eyes getting bad but I always had 20/20 vision so I got glassed but they didn't seem to help It seemed like high school drained my energy too many people. I would have people always tell me that I calmed them when I was around and had some say I would be glowing green or they could tell when I was really happy.

My spiritual experiences started really happening when I moved to Arizona with my best friend it was a new area and a new start.

One night we were going to sleep well he was already (we shared the same room) and I laid there tossing and turning like usual then I started feeling this wave of energy going through my body from my head to my toes and back up too my head for awhile it seemed like I was controlling it than I tried closing my eyes and when I did I saw three figures in a triangle and as I focused it was Three people exactly the same reminded me of Buddha and I saw that the person (all girls) had three eyes and I knew it was there third eye than they started rotating over and over. I couldn't handle what I was seeing and I opened my eyes to intense energy I looked at myself and I was glowing than I looked at my friend as he was sleeping and he was glowing blue and I had to wake him up because it freaked me out but I was kind of excited.

I feel energy around me I can't tell if it's good or bad it's just there it bugs me because I like to be alone sometimes I know exactly what others are going to say or doing the I just thought it but you said it and there's a lot of times I just know which way to go or thing to pick but for some reason I go against it and I end up getting lost or I back track I seem to go against my gut feeling but I'm trying not too.

Thank you for reading I just want to help.

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The following comments are submitted by users of this site and are not official positions by Please read our guidelines and the previous posts before posting. The author, JJ, has the following expectation about your feedback: I will participate in the discussion and I need help with what I have experienced.

AJBENN123 (guest)
15 years ago (2010-05-21)
umm thanks I have seen it a few other times this year it is mean and come for me a lot why is that.
Lyro (468 posts)
15 years ago (2010-05-21)
[at] AJBENN123 I'm having my "sister" look it up for you. She said she had an idea of what it could be, but she's checking on it. Ok?
AJBENN123 (guest)
15 years ago (2010-05-20)
lyro this thing went for my core soul and was trying to kill me from the inside. It was tough but so was I it eventually couaght on to a higher spirit pressure and went for what ever that was. And JJ I hope you do it was so calming and peaceful she was.
Lyro (468 posts)
15 years ago (2010-05-20)
I have, and did, and still do. She loves me, and I love her, but we can't be together...: (And [at] AJBENN123 You would have to tell me more then that. You don't know how many creatures and things are out there. I would have to go look up the name of it again, but there is one specific that can't stay in the physical world, but can only appear, do some things, then goes back to the spirit plane. It can't stay here. But others can travel at will (kinda like me "/). So if you could tell me more, I could try and find out. Not everything, even if it looks dangerous, will hurt you. Not everything is bad.
JJ (1 stories) (12 posts)
15 years ago (2010-05-20)
Ajbenn-Wow that's awesome I wish I had that connection with someone atleast felt that it was there
AJBENN123 (guest)
15 years ago (2010-05-20)
jj I have felt my soul mate well connected with her and I don't know where she lives or who she is just that she was there I felt the connection instantlly lol.
JJ (1 stories) (12 posts)
15 years ago (2010-05-20)
Lyro- So its possible to meet your soulmate than something causes you to fall apart and you feel like your missing something in your life because I had that feeling and I dreamt of her for months after it was like she was needed in my life so I had dreams about her because I couldn't be with her in real life
AJBENN123 (guest)
15 years ago (2010-05-20)
well what I mean is big huge very freaking looking monsters that are huge and lurk in the shadows of the physical and sprirt world what are they? I saw one and they are really wierd what is it?
Lyro (468 posts)
15 years ago (2010-05-20)
[at] AJBENN123 When I'm out of my body, I can see whatever I want. Other people, and what they are doing. Spirits, demons, anything. I'm supposed to.
Lyro (468 posts)
15 years ago (2010-05-20)
It's ok. Basically my soul mate left me causing me to feel horrible. Enough to where I had enough negative energy that my dogs looked at me and barked like I was a ghost. They were actually scared. I'm already a target, but I was open and weak... So that's why it's here ready to kill me. Kill me now, and not have to be threatened in the future... Good move on it's part... "/
AJBENN123 (guest)
15 years ago (2010-05-20)
and hwen I say kill I mean get it out of my life. And lyro when you where out of your body ever did you ever see something other than a soul or demon...
AJBENN123 (guest)
15 years ago (2010-05-20)
lyor mine is to weak to do anything it is really annoying lol. What should I do kill it or what...
JJ (1 stories) (12 posts)
15 years ago (2010-05-20)
Starlight-Oh that sucks hes probably just jealous or something the one I felt made me really nervous and I know its from my older brother I sense a lot of evil in him for hes addicted to drugs and may have sin'd alot

Lyro- I'm sorry ill send some good energy your way to help you with him
Starlight22 (11 stories) (166 posts)
15 years ago (2010-05-20)
if the energy is good you may feel safe or happy or just feel that it does not want to harm you... But if it is bad you may feel scaired or very nervis and not know why... There are good and bad spirits around me, the bad one never want to hurt me... He just doesn't like it when I'm with my friends 😕
Lyro (468 posts)
15 years ago (2010-05-20)
Forget all the feeling dark energy and all that, I have a Demon that literally is trying to physically kill me. It already wanted me dead, and right now I'm wide open and weak, so it's trying really hard. It almost succeeded once, but I turned around and it went into the darkness outside. I'm Lucky I have people looking after, and over me though.
JJ (1 stories) (12 posts)
15 years ago (2010-05-20)
Ajbenn- Well you would love the one I have here because last night I felt this energy from the other room where my brother was sleeping and it was really heavy and dark I tried protecting myself and asking for assistance but it was overwhelming me so I had to go upstairs when I heard someone whisper my name I slept on my moms floor lol

Wanderingwayne- Ill be sure to check that out when I get a chance thanks for that info it sounds interesting

Take care
AJBENN123 (guest)
15 years ago (2010-05-20)
man I hate my demon really bad I wish the demon that was after me was a strong one lol. I want a challenge really badly lol.
WanderingWayne (4 stories) (107 posts)
15 years ago (2010-05-19)
I started feel energy at my chakra points as I focus on one, then the other. This lead me on a search for energy related subjects. I bought a book on Reiki on the 2nd of Feb. And was in a class on the 27th of Feb. I question and pick apart everything, but for some reason I felt this was real and I'm glad I took the class. If you haven't looked it up yet, you might give it a look.
JJ (1 stories) (12 posts)
15 years ago (2010-05-19)
Well tell him I said GO TO THE ATTIC! That easedropping is rude lol.

Mine I sense is scaring my dog too my dog deals with a lot of stress and she has panic attacks a lot of the time and like two days ago she came out of the room where me and my mom sleep and she was shivering really bad so I put her on my lap and concentrated on absorbing whatever is making her freak out with my hands over and she stopped shaking I just want to contact mine so I can tell him to leave me alone I feel like he only messes with me when I'm not feeling strong enough
AJBENN123 (guest)
15 years ago (2010-05-19)
o cool if you focus enough and meditate it will become a lot easyer to lol.
Starlight22 (11 stories) (166 posts)
15 years ago (2010-05-19)
i can sense energy of people and spirits if they have powerful energy
AJBENN123 (guest)
15 years ago (2010-05-19)
o sounds bad and no I want try any kind of drugs that would ruin my soccer chances to. Anyways wierd about being pulled out of bed I think I am to I gop to sleep on the other side of the bed I wake up like at 2 in the morning and am laying side ways at the end of the bed I already know there is a demon with me he never goes away he is with me at all times I know he isn't anything good becuase of his spirit pressure. It is dark and very negative he is so pescy and annoying he is breathing on me right now. Lol I tell him to go back to the attic which is where he lives but he never listens lol. He is to weak to poses me and he is strong enough to hurt me and move me lol. I think I made him mad his energy is bigger and more negative he hates it when I talk about him lol.
JJ (1 stories) (12 posts)
15 years ago (2010-05-19)
mushrooms are a fungus and it causes hallucinations maybe opens up the dimentions I don't know it is natural and I felt like it opened my mind more and I realized how beautiful the world is after I did it but I'm not telling you to try them theyre not for everyone and I was definetly out of my body lately I have had experiences with sleep paralysis and I think that was due to a demon I might have caught from my friends house which is a old house I strangely have a photo of what I think the demon is but it caused me sleep paralysis a couple times and the same with my mom something was pullin her out of bed in her nightmare than she woke up too this scary unknown voicemail on her phone and after listening to it many times it sounds like a kid saying his name hes in our closet and he likes to scare us or something
AJBENN123 (guest)
15 years ago (2010-05-19)
wow wierd hmmmm I don't know what you mean by mushrooms, but it sounds to me like you had a premonition and also a lot like you where out of your body.
JJ (1 stories) (12 posts)
15 years ago (2010-05-19)
actually I have had an outer body experience it was when I was in my times of stress and I was trying different stuff with my friends Drugs and stuff but I no longer do any of those.

I was on mushrooms when I had the experience I had fallen asleep on them and when I did I woke up walked to my friends room and he was like you havnt tried watching tv yet (on mushrooms) so I sat down and was amazed than I woke up to my friend saying why are you sleeping you havnt tried watching tv yet and it was like I already did this and we both were kind of freaked
AJBENN123 (guest)
15 years ago (2010-05-19)
you also sound like you can feel spirit pressure too. It really seems like that becuase of the way you describe it.
AJBENN123 (guest)
15 years ago (2010-05-19)
hmmmm wierd I have never seen someone with such great ability before I have met a few here on this website but never in real life. Man you sound like you have been outside of your body a lot to me. Have you ever had that experince before an out of the body feeling. And also I have a had a similar thing happen with the diffrent colors of poeple it used to spook me but I got used to it.
JJ (1 stories) (12 posts)
15 years ago (2010-05-19)
Thank you andya
Yeah I can tell the energy is good but I get the chills maybe because its not normal too me (But what's normal anyways lol)

Thats interesting about that man that you keep have incidents with I would like to know more if that's no problem

Yes about that gut feeling its wierd I know the answer but there is something to say go against it and I always end up in the wrong place so I'm trying not to do that anymore
Andya (5 posts)
15 years ago (2010-05-19)

Good to read your story, I am getting very strong feelings of energy going through my body, usually when I have contacted somebody or someone is about to contact me physically (phone, email etc.) or by thought. This feeling you described has been usually purely good for me, but sometimes, I'm not sure, I start to analyze it too much instead of feeling it and sometimes I get completely cold. I mean, the feeling is like the energy would go through your body like blood but then it turns cold and bad feeling, like something is wrong. Usually these two feelings are separate though.

It's interesting to read about the "buddha"-experience. I met a man couple of years ago with whom I connected in many levels and the night he was travelling away, I had a strong vision of a man looking like him, but he was a buddha and rotating around and around. It was not a bad dream, but it was powerful and when I woke up, I had sweated all my cloths and sheet and blanket, it was more like somebody had given me a shower. Later on there has been more and more weird (or normal, can't say) things happening, especially relating to him.

I was also going against my gut feelings previously, I did not want to admit what was going on I guess, but every single time I ended up in an sometimes even life threatening situation, so I won't do that any more. 😆

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