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Types Of Psychic Attacks


Mental Attacks- are carried out by spirits or people possessing the psychic ability of telepathy, mind reading, some forms of empathy and others of the like. These attacks can cause light headiness, nightmares, fainting, disillusions and confusion. The best way to block these types of attacks is to set up mental barriers and blocks.

Energy Attacks- are carried out by spirits, people that are psychic vampires, psychics possessing empathy of certain forms, Astral Projectors/OBE users, or other abilities based on spirit energy. These attacks cause tiredness, nausea, headaches, weakness, fainting, sickness, and sometimes death. To block these attacks put psychic shields and barriers. These can be produced by prayer or religious items as long as the person believes that they will work.

Psychical Attacks- are carried out by spirits, people that possess any of the kinetics, Astral Projector/OBE users, or others that can affect the psychical realm. These attacks can cause psychical damage such as bruises, cuts, broken bones and other such injuries and even death. These attacks can be blocked the same way as energy attacks, but more energy must be used.

Controlled Spirit Attacks - are attacks like the ones above that are carried out by spirits that are ordered to attack another person. These attacks occur when someone uses a spell, curse, summon, or makes a deal with the spirit. The magnitude of the attack depends on how much energy the caster uses or what the spirit gets in exchange. If the spirit doesn't get much in return a simply block or shield will block the attacking spirit. While if the spirit gets the caster's soul and something else of high value to the spirit, it will continue to attack the person. The only way to stop the spirit at this point is to put up shields, blocks, and rely on your guardian angel to fight it off or in some chases divine help.

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The following comments are submitted by users of this site and are not official positions by Please read our guidelines and the previous posts before posting. The author, Darkstar, has the following expectation about your feedback: I will read the comments and participate in the discussion.

Ruth (4 stories) (156 posts)
13 years ago (2011-02-05)
Darkstar, please research your advice better either from reputable sites or experience.
Adaryn7 (6 stories) (460 posts)
14 years ago (2011-01-01)
Interesting post and discussion all ^^

I've not heard of spirits killing a living being. I've heard of humans being driven into insanity and sometimes committing suicide, but not of them dying as a direct result of psychic attack. Surely, if this is possible, such cases would be very rare?

Many psychic vampires are not actually aware of what they're doing. They just know that they feel 'good' around certain people, and are often unaware of the fact that they are absorbing energy, often to the detriment of the other person. Human psychic vampires are rare, and the condition comes from problems or imbalances with their own energy, as their bodies for some reason cannot sustain enough, or so I understand.

To put up a barrier requires meditation and positive thinking. Feel free to email me about this if you'd like me to pas on a few techniques that I've learned:)
(adaryn7 [at]

Darkstar (guest)
14 years ago (2010-12-02)
[at] JohnSFR I put my email up on my profile.

[at] Annaleise, to put up a barrior, focus energy into a object of spiritual meaning to you then form the energy into a wall or a dome.
Mel33 (guest)
14 years ago (2010-12-02)

Are you sure your mother is an energy vampire? Both my mother and I are empaths and if one of us is feeling bad for whatever reason it's like a downward spiral. For example if I meet up with her and she's in a bad mood it puts me in a bad mood, then she feels my bad mood and everything just intensifies. However, if one of us is in really good spirits it can be very uplifting.
Have you tried talking with your mother? Maybe ask her why she's feeling so down? Ask her if there's anything you can help her with to take some of the load off of her.
We all get overwhelmed at times and the daily monotony of life can really bring us down. Maybe she needs a helping hand and to know that someone really does care about her. And I'm not saying that you don't care obviously you do. Otherwise, you wouldn't be concerned about your relationship with her. I'm just curious to know if you've tried these things first?
Annaleise (1 stories) (3 posts)
14 years ago (2010-12-02)
hi could you help me with a question please

I went to see some mediums a few times and joined in with there classes and was told that my mother is a engergy vamp and takes energy off me all the time without realising.
She's always going through a rough time, shes always moaning about something and in a stress and she just makes me feel so tired, quite and even depressed its so strange! How do I put up a barrier so she can't take my energy and we can have a normal relationship again?
Mel33 (guest)
14 years ago (2010-12-02)
Ah, I was about to say I don't think I'm a psychic vamp. And I would try to replace the negative energy with positive energy. However, I don't believe it was because I had extra amounts of energy. I would just ground the negative energy I received from them and recycle it back into the earth. When transferring energy I usually would make myself pretty sick. And I would need a lot of time to recoup. However, as of late I've been a bit off balance. Pregnancy and giving birth can do that to you.
JohnSFR (7 posts)
14 years ago (2010-12-02)
Hey dark do you have anywhere else I can contact you at like email or facebook?
JohnSFR (7 posts)
14 years ago (2010-12-02)
WhT do you mean by other things? Like an animal or a place or what?
Darkstar (guest)
14 years ago (2010-12-02)
It might be a light form of healing. I would mess with it more and see if you can heal anything else.
JohnSFR (7 posts)
14 years ago (2010-12-02)
Well I don't know if this counts but I can make people feel better when they are depressed or feeling down I really don't think that's much but hey If it's something it's something xD
Darkstar (guest)
14 years ago (2010-12-02)
You do sound like a healer. There seems to be several types of healers, ones that have extra energy and can transfer it to heal people. Or ones like you that take peoples poisoned/corrupted energy and clean it, which also makes the person feel amazing. Yet people can get addicting to that feeling thus they became attracted to you.
Mel33 (guest)
14 years ago (2010-12-02)
What about taking in people's negative energy? I did it for years and never realized what I was doing or why I would feel so bad (mentally, physically, emotionally, just overall) after being around certain people, but they would feel great afterward.
Then one day I was speaking to a good friend of mine I was telling him that I couldn't understand why I was feeling the way I did. He told me that I was an empath and that I also had a tendency to soak up negative energy like a sponge. He seems to think that I have the potential to be a healer. I'm not so sure, but I did start to notice after taking breaks from certain people and/or large groups of people I would feel a lot better. Then I started practicing to ground energy to the point that I would do it even when I was with people and felt I needed to.
At some point I was better able to differentiate between my emotions and others. At times when I felt someone really needed it I would purposefully take in their negative energy, but then I started realizing that some people almost always have an endless supply of negativity no matter the circumstances. And so I started steering clear of these people because I felt that they were toxic.
I had a few actually stalk me for awhile. It was odd... I mean I was always very polite and I just told the people that I needed some time to myself to get things done and whatnot. Some of them actually threatened me, used guilt trips, screamed at me, and so and so on. I'm not sure if I actually had a question. Lol, I'm just rambling. Though, if you have something to say about it then by all means please do so.
Darkstar (guest)
14 years ago (2010-12-02)
They could be aware of it, most of the time psychic vampires feed on people close to them aware of it or not. If anything it was subconscious just like breathing.
Mel33 (guest)
14 years ago (2010-12-02) you believe every energy vamp is aware of what they're doing? Yrs ago I knew someone that would make me feel extremely drained, sick to my stomach, I would get headaches, and feel very dizzy. So, I asked him if he was a psychic vamp. He said you feel that, huh? Then he told me that he was sorry and that others had told him the same thing, but that he couldn't control it and was unaware that he was doing it until it was pointed out to him.

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