About a week ago, I had two very disturbing incidents happen while I was sleeping. The first incident happened while I was asleep peacefully in bed, I recall being in a dream state. In the dream I was walking through a field of tall grass on a hilltop, the sun was bright and I could hear birds chirping - nothing unusual about that. Then all of the sudden I become very aware that I am back in my bedroom, and I can see my unconscious body fitfully thrashing around on my bed - I suppose you could say I was having an OBE because I was floating above my body in my own bedroom. At that point, I became very aware that something felt wrong and that there was something or someone that intended harm. I recall thinking that I needed to immediately get back to my body, it was the most urgent feeling I've ever experienced.
Once I was back inside, still in a sleep state, I became completely aware that I wasn't alone. That's when I felt some type of male energy, for lack of a better term. I couldn't see a face or any form, but whatever this thing was, it started to communicate with me through images. As weird as this sounds, it was telepathically communicating what it was intending to do to me - it wanted to 'borrow' my body for a short time, whenever it pleased to. At that point, I was completely freaked out and I knew I had to wake up and end this!
The second time this happened (a few days later), the experience happened almost exactly the same way, but this time around I had the distinct feeling that this same presence was trying to pull my soul away from my body so that it could take over. Again, I was getting disturbing images, like it wanted to kick me out of my body and take over! This time it felt more intense and I felt like I was in a battle mentally and spiritually with this thing. I never saw what it looked like, but it kept sending me thoughts and images that it was much more intelligent than me - basically, it felt like it was trying to intimidate me and force me out of my own body. While this was happening, I felt like it was trying to rip me apart physically. Once again, I forced myself to wake up thinking that it would end this horrible experience, but once I was awake it continued!
I was awake; I physically sat upright in bed and scrambled to the edge of the bed so that I could get up, but now I felt this intense energy drain like I've never felt before and my body ached. Immediately I realized I needed to spiritually shield myself from this negative energy; it took what seemed like several minutes of prayer to get this thing to back off. That morning I performed a house cleansing from the basement to the attic.
I don't scare easily, and I don't practice astral projection because I have no need to, but I must say that this was the most intense experience I've ever had spiritually and possibly paranormally. I am not a bible thumper, but I do believe in prayer, and I feel that it helped me kick that presence to the curb. It shook me to my core, and now I'm looking for answers as to why this happened? Thanks for reading!
I think maybe, you might be responding to someone else by the name of LightMind?
Perhaps there's a glitch in messaging here?...
Take Care