I was wondering if anyone could shed some light on what is hanging around my bedroom at night while I sleep. A few weeks ago the early hours of my birthday I woke up twice for my baby daughter through the night only to see a hooded grey shadowy figure standing before me for a second before disappearing. I felt no fear at the sight of this figure and fell back off to sleep as though nothing strange had happened. I spoke with a psychic medium I have had to my house before who said it was my spirit guide. So that was fine, I was quite happy to have a visit from my guide on my birthday.
However, over the last couple of weeks I have seen what I can only describe as black shadow/smoke type shapes at night while I am in my bed. For example, first time I seen this I had not actually fallen asleep yet but opened my eyes and it was just there, above my partner. I was taken aback and started hitting it shouting "what is that!" and it just disappeared. I woke up one night to a tall dark one of these that looked about the size of a person but not the shape of one, I gasped and it disappeared. I woke up later that same night and there was a mass of this blackness just between me and my partner in the middle of the bed, once it realised I had seen it, it disappeared. This has happened many times. I was wondering what this is? I have been having some strange dreams lately and was wondering if this could be anything to do with it? For example dreams where I cheat on my partner or he cheats on me, or someone following me, looking for me, also strange ones that I cannot quite go into as one in particular was quite disturbing.
I have seen others stories of shadow people but this is not in the shape of a person at all.
I also see what I am sure is energy, and was wondering if anyone could also help me understand exactly what kind of energy I am seeing. Firstly, at night before I sleep I often see faces in my head of people I do not know which are usually sad. I have also seen faces of my partners grandmother and grandfather recently which where smiling at me, when I opened my eyes there were two transparent balls of what looked like energy (could you call these orbs? They weren't made of light) floating above my baby daughters cot, so I assumed this was them visiting my daughter, who they never got to see before they died.
I recently have taken a course in Reiki which has enabled me to see these currents of what I think are energy a bit more clearly. Where I am confused is that when I am sitting in my room on my own I can see one, two or several of these balls of energy moving around my room as well as constant movement throughout the air, and a flow comes from them like when you see heat coming from a fire or radiator. These balls of energy can often have colours coming from them - light blue, sometimes light green and sparks of colour. So am I seeing spirits? Or am I seeing my own energy? Or both? Is this spirit in energy form? These balls of energy can sometimes float from the corner of my room right over to me so I don't think it can be my own energy coming from that far away. Very confused. Could someone help?
Sorry about the length of this story but I wanted to make sure I had mentioned as much detail as possible.
Many thanks.