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I'm Seeing People Who Aren't There


I've been seeing people who aren't there. I think I'm just crazy, but I thought I might as well submit my story here.

I've always thought it was just my eyes playing tricks, but now they're getting more visible. I've been seeing these people dressed in old clothing walking around my house. It doesn't matter if it's day or night, they're always there. They'd be sitting in the same room as me, or standing by the door watching me, or just walking around. I've also been seeing bright blue silhouettes of people out of the corner of my eye. It thought it was nothing at first, but when I look at them directly they're still here, and sometimes they move.

I told my dad, since he believes in ghosts and spirits and stuff, but he just kept saying it was some ghost or something and it didn't really get me anywhere. I didn't realize it before, but I also saw these people when I was little. I thought they were real people just randomly walking around and doing stuff in the house, like they were supposed to be there. I even had conversations with them. It freaks me out to think about it now:[

For some reason I also see furniture that isn't there. When I was looking at houses to move in, I saw blue silhouettes of furniture. I didn't think anything of it until I saw a picture of what the house looked like before the people moved. The furniture I saw was the furniture in the picture. My friend didn't believe me until I described the furniture in the next house we went to. There's a whole other list of stories and weird stuff happening, but I don't want to make a whole wall of pointless text...

Lately this whole 'seeing stuff' thing has gotten worse. I almost had a heart attack because I saw this naked lady in my room the other day, she looked so real that I thought she was, and she tried to talk to me. I got so scared that I ran out of the house. I'm really scared when I see stuff now, and I just want them to go away!

I keep thinking I'm just crazy or it's some mental health disorder or something, but someone said I should post my story in this site.

I'm really freaked out. Help?

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The following comments are submitted by users of this site and are not official positions by Please read our guidelines and the previous posts before posting. The author, Opossum, has the following expectation about your feedback: I will participate in the discussion and I need help with what I have experienced.

KandiceJhn (1 stories) (2 posts)
12 years ago (2013-01-18)
I understand where you're coming from... I see people everywhere, too. No one else sees them. I don't know if they're people who passed away or what. They used to disappear before I could even really "see" them. But lately they've been staying just a few seconds longer. Just today I saw an old woman standing on this porch, and she waved at me. I waved back thinking she was someone real, and she smiled at me. I looked back, and she was gone.
Girasol (3 stories) (49 posts)
14 years ago (2011-07-04)
I have actually just written a comment on another story, I cannot believe you have also seen a naked lady recently. I woke up to one next to my partners side of the bed the other nite. I could not see her face very well it was in shadow, she looked very beautiful was there for a few seconds and then vanished. I am finding it a bit of getting used to seeing these things! A
Opossum (1 stories) (1 posts)
14 years ago (2011-07-01)
I've tried talking to them, but I don't think it's working. Lately things have been getting a little out of hand, and I'm really stressed out. My cat just mysteriously died last weekend, and now I'm having all these dreams that I'm seeing him around the house, scares the shiat out of me and I haven't been able to sleep very much: (

I've been depressed lately, and seeing stuff isn't helping. I've tried closing the gate (in fact, that was the first thing I tried) multiple times, but I don't think it's working. I'm going to keep trying. I'm also going to Utah next weekend, so hopefully being out of the house will give me a chance to sit and think.

Thanks for the help guys:)
angie111000 (1 posts)
14 years ago (2011-06-28)
First of all you are not crazy. Next to help you cope with what you can do you could always meditat. Also you can find out what is keeping the spirits on Earth and help them if you can:)
Erin1011 (7 posts)
14 years ago (2011-06-28)
Wow! That's all I can say during this post. I have had many... Many things happen in my life and I even see fuzzy outlines of what I believe are spirits, but to actually see them in their clothing and all is just amazing! You need siome guidence in how to control it. I'm fairly new to this "understanding" but your story makes me very interested in "you"
Keep sharing:)
pokestitch (12 posts)
14 years ago (2011-06-28)
there are two possibilities with your ability.
1. You can see into and communicate with the past...!
It's no big deal. Just meditate on closing a gateway. Picture a wall with a gate. Push the gate door closed and lock it. You can always come back and open it if you want to by reversing this process.
2. You are seeing spirits who are somehow stuck to the particular space.
No worries, I see spirits too. The easiest way to get rid of them is to help them do/figure out what they have to accomplish so they may leave the space. Of course this involves getting in touch and working with them. Try not to be scared those spirits do not mean harm to you... Otherwise you would already know.
AngelObr (4 stories) (41 posts)
14 years ago (2011-06-28)
Well I've never seen a naked ghost so I am not sure about that but you are not crazy. You said you had conversations with them when you were younger so you should try to talk to them again and ask them what they want.

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