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Things Break When I'm Nervous


I will tell you a true story. I don't get on the internet a lot, once or twice a week, so if you comment, please be patient. I will respond. Years ago, I took an office test. It was a small employment agency, two typewriters (a year or so before pc's), two tables, two chairs for the test. I walked in and my first words were, "I'm sorry - I'm really nervous..." I kept apologizing and sounding like an idiot, but it came out.

So the test started. A timed typing test. The tester was required to watch to make sure no one cheated. Part way thru, the chair broke. So he moved me to the other table with the other typewriter, #2. I can type without looking up, and got most of the way thru, then glanced at my paper - no ribbon. It had ran out. So he, the tester, wasn't sure where the extra ribbon(s) were, so he moved me to the good typewriter (back to #1), and moved the unbroken chair over. So I started again. Well, I can't remember - something broke. Anyway, after fiddling around, he took the ribbon off #1, put it on the other typewriter #2 which was out of ribbon, moved the chair again, and told me, "Lady, I don't care whether you can type or not - just calm down and take the test - I'll pass you I promise! We really have a limited office budget and I just want you out of here..." I was still apologizing, and he watched me but was rolling his eyes. Well, other things like that have happened when I was nervous or upset, but this one struck me as the funniest. (Airplanes can be scary when upset so won't go there. Let's just say, if you're about to take off and one of those oxygen mask deals pop out, maintenance has to fix it which takes over an hour and you have to leave the plane. We were seated anyway - just starting to board.)

Since registering here, several things have gone out. One my washing machine and another my phone base with four little hand phones, and a few minor things. We've replaced them now. It must make me nervous being here... But hope I'll overcome it. If not, well, it might not be worth the cost. Anyone have any ideas for how to avoid this?

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The following comments are submitted by users of this site and are not official positions by Please read our guidelines and the previous posts before posting. The author, GlendaSC, has the following expectation about your feedback: I will participate in the discussion and I need help with what I have experienced.

HeathRandelByrd (1 stories) (4 posts)
15 years ago (2009-05-07)
Hey, It's so comforting to finally find people who experience the same things I do. I see flashing lights around me, others in the mirror. When it first started it was only around orange objects that I was wearing or had been in contact with. Then it started getting to where I could look directly at em and at times when my energy level was really high I could see them at night, but mostly they're around places where there is light. They're no distinct shape, except when I stare at something. Like in the last house I lived in I'd be using the restrioom and looking at the shower drain and if I looked next to the drain I'd see a bright light the shape of the drain. Also in the morning I have seen the bright light in the shape of the bottom of my shoe where I had just stepped. In the morning here lately they are real erratic, no distinct shape or pattern, just flashing all around. At times like now I feel high almost. Like I'm light headed for no explainable reason. When I color pics for my daughter, read my Bible they're the strongest it seems. Can someone give some guidelines as to how to enhance this ability or maybe explain a little more. I don't mind typing but I'd prefer to talk in person or on the phone. It's faster. I have free long distance so I can call you or you may call me at 817-770-1704. I have more to tell but will stop for now.
vanillalove (guest)
16 years ago (2008-10-17)
wow... Its actully so cool you know... If you can learn to control it, you can make broken things when you want 😁 lots of people telling that meditation can help you 😁
I want to ask you something... I saw that you are helping lots of people... Can you help me too if you can please? I'm always asking this to people, I know I'm annoying but I really need help. Http:// here is my story... There is something writen like your experinces too. 😳
danruss2 (1 stories) (1 posts)
16 years ago (2008-09-15)
hey I couldn't figure out where else to comment so I am commenting here sorry. But yeah I totally see lights not just at my house it happens all the time to me at work, libraries, other peoples houses, basically anywhere there are lights. But this doesn't happen all the time. I am constantly waking up though and hearing people talking or moving in my house. My mother actually heard two women talking once in the office at like 3 in the morning. I do though think that you are right about the aura thing. I also can just tell things about people that I don't even know and I also can feel things are going to happen a minute or two before it does. My feelings are also crazy lately. I can feel if my parents just got home or if something bad or good is about to happen. I can also sense peoples emotions when no one else can. Is this just stupid stuff or am I actually developing things? 😲 😲 😲
GlendaSC (5 stories) (1475 posts)
16 years ago (2008-03-26)
I think that just admitting the problem, though it's illogical, and writing it is therapy. I try to take deep breaths. It's always seemed a stupid problem to me, but aggravating. Sometime it borders on funny. I had a total stranger tell me not to get on a plane. My car window wouldn't roll up. We got it up but it took nearly 30 minutes. He was very patient. I told him my tire blew getting there. He was my shuttle driver. Then his shuttle, he drove me and the baggage from the long parking lot to the airport wouldn't start. They came and jumped it. I was very nervous about a seminar I was going to and emotional. It was a seminar about dealing with problem teens, and expensive. I felt it would help and got there. Being a mom is heartbreaking sometimes. An airbag in the plane popped out. We had to leave and let maintenance check it. But I made my connection so no biggie I guess.
GlendaSC (5 stories) (1475 posts)
16 years ago (2008-03-26)
Princess - people call me the "calm one..." I have suitcases fall off shelves from other rooms. I'm not really nervous much. I think nervous is just strong energy wanting to be released.
GlendaSC (5 stories) (1475 posts)
16 years ago (2008-03-26)
My latest, greatest wreck was my cell phone. Had a cell phone 6 years, two or three of them, update now and then. Well started a new job. Out went my cell phone. Being busy didn't bother messing with it. Days later we had a storm. Then days later got a day off. Took it to the place where I had gotten it. She said it was the storm and reset it and replaced the battery. I nodded. Sounded good to me. Messed up before the storm, but this was easy.
Katie (guest)
16 years ago (2008-02-18)
hi when I'm mad something bad happens. Like if my dad winds me up with his singing something bad happens. Like I say stop it dad before you give me bad luck next thing a coat falls downstairs and I'm just walking upstairs it lands on my head and my cereal goes all over me! If I have a argument something happens to that person they fall or something. When I'm stressing something falls like the box of ear buds that has happened 3 times in a day without me touching them. I would say spirits just love winding me up.
dragonman1010 (1 stories) (9 posts)
16 years ago (2008-02-17)
i would say that you have a strong telekenesis that is more powerful when you want to realy get out of somewhere which would cause it to try to make little distractions or problems to get you out of it. I would say you should just try to convince yourself that everything is fine. All it is is your psychic spot trying to get you into a comfortable place by getting you out of the uncomfortable place.
6senses (1 stories) (6 posts)
16 years ago (2008-02-11)
You'll just have learn how to calm yourself, otherwise when little things go wrong, you'll have to fix a million other problems. It's a great opportunity to be able to do that, just do some therapy or something! 😊 πŸ˜†
danielle (guest)
16 years ago (2008-01-29)
Often when I'm frustrated my computer shuts down.
but I was wondering if it was only with electronic stuff or with mechanial stuff. These following things have happened when I was stressed or under pressure( at different times), my sewing machine broke, two of my tvs broke, I have to change my light bulbs quite often, coffee machines... Its like theyr fuse just pops. (And they were all relatively new things)
princessmme (6 stories) (3 posts)
17 years ago (2008-01-05)
Well, obviously there is a problem of breaking things. I break things too, but it's not like a psychic power energy thing. I'm just a clutz.😳And part of the reason I am a clutz is because I get nervous. I don't break anything anymore now because I've learned how to control my nerves. You just have to settle down with your problems and have fun with whatever you're doing. I will most likely always have fun because I'm still young and have yet to learn about things of the world. But you just have to know that you can't tense up about every little detail there is too life. You just gotta get through your fears, and accomplish the things you can.
Northstarwandering (2 stories) (5 posts)
17 years ago (2008-01-05)
I kind of do the same thing when I'm truly upset. I crashed my entire middle school's computer system once, at work the printer/copy/fax went nuts, a store radio only played static--on all stations, and lights and my emotions don't react well together either. I have noticed that it happens more when its a strong emotional response, I can be annoyed, sad, or whatever and nothing happens--but things go all to hell if I lose my hold on my feelings.
GlendaSC (5 stories) (1475 posts)
17 years ago (2008-01-04)
I think your brother in law might just be a bit afraid. That's a normal reaction. Scares me sometimes too honestly. I never "do" bad stuff, try to prevent it, but I have found a protective thing around me or in me. Unless someone is really bad, they back down and stay away. I'm very peaceful and hate when people yell or argue. It's just our nature - we are who we are born to be. I don't chant or gaze into crystal balls. Just have always been this way. My guess is that your mother is an old soul. Not sure. That's just what I feel.
kristy39 (guest)
17 years ago (2008-01-04)
hello I loved reading what you had to say. My mom is a lot like that. She can do things to. My brother inlaw said she makes things happen that are not good. She wishes for things and it comes ture not long after.
GlendaSC (5 stories) (1475 posts)
17 years ago (2007-12-31)
One day the hub and son were out working in the yard, and I was running to the mall. There had been gang violence there, and warnings. My son said, as I was about to leave, "Should mom go there by herself?" He kept working and said, "If someone attacks your mother, I just hope she's in a good mood..." Well it hurt my feelings honestly. Much later, I found it kind of funny. Much later.
GlendaSC (5 stories) (1475 posts)
17 years ago (2007-12-31)
We use to work at the same place, years ago. Over time, people would call or approach me and "ask" me things. I never thought much about it. Use to it I guess. Anyway, the same ones did it quite a bit. Apparently one of them told him that I was weird, and it bothered him. He's protective a little. Funny how you try to help people then they pay you back in that way. Not all, but some. Has happened before.
Edmund (578 posts)
17 years ago (2007-12-31)
Oh... Your change that you feel is you are becoming more and more aware that there is more than book smart. You were always attracted to I.Q. And got good grades yourself but deep down you started to realize that the spiritual answers that you seek are really not found in a book... That they are felt in the soul and even though they may not have an equation attached to them there is a need to satisfy the soul not only the brain. So fill the void... Nothing wrong with being psychic... Just tell the old man its Womens intuition !
Edmund (578 posts)
17 years ago (2007-12-31)
The presence is an Angel that watches over you and most members of your family. Its not in this dimension so to speak but can be if it wanted to. Again it stands behind you and to your right, best location that I can give. When reading your last post you mention a change coming... This is true I am more psyc. Senstitive than I have been in years and I see more children that are being born with this gift. I would venture to say a new level of awareness is happening. Sad to say much more evil is afoot also. 😐
GlendaSC (5 stories) (1475 posts)
17 years ago (2007-12-30)
It really bugs me when things I like break. I get what I like and keep them forever. With my daughter is was mostly small stuff. Ususally my blow dryer. Lately, it's been bigger... I feel a change happening for some reason.
GlendaSC (5 stories) (1475 posts)
17 years ago (2007-12-30)
I don't blame this site. I blame me. I've let this go for years and now realize, I should have researched and spoken with people long ago. I'm a little upset with myself. And, I'm not sure how much to share with the hub and discuss. That's a biggie. He knows how I am. Knew before we got married, clearly. But it worries him a little. Still, marriage is sharing. Struggling a little in that area.
GlendaSC (5 stories) (1475 posts)
17 years ago (2007-12-30)
hotandcold - keeping a list. Well, our patio set, I know for a fact because we've moved twice, is over 15 years old. It was faded and painted it with tectured spray paint a year ago, again. The last time I was here, a wind came and bent the table. I guess it caught the umbrella. I knew to wind it down (the umbrella but forgot) - which I've never had to do - but didn't. It happened the first time that I was here, but didn't bend the table. The umbrella just blew out of the table holder. No rain or storm. Now, we may to pitch it. I hope we can "unbend" it. Waiting for the hub's verdict.
GlendaSC (5 stories) (1475 posts)
17 years ago (2007-12-28)
I apologize for being so long winded. Just nice to tell it without any big deals being made or felt. My hubby gets kind of a frightened, what's next, look. He does his best, and I think he's sensitive a little - just doesn't admit it. Anyway, shutting up. I want to hear your stories, Edmund, and others. I'm really a listener. Nice to share stuff a great once in awhile too. Haven't done that much.
GlendaSC (5 stories) (1475 posts)
17 years ago (2007-12-28)
I supose, all in all, that is the most interesting thing to me about this. Who is this presence? I've always wondered. I think a great grandfather medicine man that I've just known about a few years, but always known... But maybe not. Maybe a guardian angel, or both. I would like to know. I could share stories all day for days. This is another true one - military.
I was bored too death in my tiny high school. No advanced classes there. Anyway, did college later and the army right after graduating. A southern belle type in for new people. Loved and protected by family and friends, as all of us were. Anyway, got to basic. The rest of my platoon were more street savy, and I was made training leader because I went in with a stripe. Went pretty smooth, but they did mention a few odd things that I never noticed. The drill sergeants, after a few days, acted a little odd around me. I remember thinking that. A few times, me and another person went after necessities as the PX, otherwise we trained or stayed in the barracks. We left for the rifle range early, 5 or 6 a.m. It was snowing and cold that month. Second coldest winter in the history of Alabama someone said. Our platoon was to load onto the buses first one morning - great no waiting for another bus in formation. Moving around to keep warm was better. Being a detail person, I laid all my stuff out neatly the night before. The next morning, it was like jelly around me. Couldn't find my stuff. Disconnected. Didn't care. Because of me we were late. My drill sergeant went nuts. Article 15 when we got back, yelling. Loading last instead of first. All the girls in the platoon really mad. I didn't care - couldn't care. I had this disconnected feeling, and the bubble or whatever around me. Nothing mattered or affected me. So we moved our formation since we had to go last. My drill sergeant kept asking why I was late. I kept saying, "I don't know. I couldn't help it..." So that fueled the fire. So the first bus loaded. They left and we waited and waited. Then my drill sergeant left. Then came back and told us to go back to the barracks. Now, I knew something was wrong. This wasn't normal. I tend to get upset and cry easy, and I didn't mind being screamed at and threatened. So asked, "What's wrong?" Then grabbed the drill sergeant's arm (never great at the military authority thing) because I had to know. Well, that first group had loaded onto the bleachers at the top working down, as ordered. The bleachers weren't locked properly. They folded and people were in the hospital. Then the drill sergeant said, "You won't get an Article 15. How did you know - that would have been us..." I said, "I didn't know. I just couldn't help it..." Later I got moved to another platoon. My drill sergeant wouldn't hardly look at me after that. Things still happened - a lot of stress there. One of the sergeants took me off post for a haircut, unheard of, because I simply asked. No passes or favors, but if I was around, the drill sergeants were jumpy. I didn't know why. Five or ten years later, realized that was a pretty normal reaction.
Edmund (578 posts)
17 years ago (2007-12-28)
Glenda... Like you... Certain people in my family have a very strong spirit that watches over them. It is a family thing. Yours is strong, real strong and goes back a long time. In fact I am quite suprised that you never mentioned it in your posts. It stands behind you and slightly to your right. You can only sense its presence. It has been with your family... Well forever... Remember your grandfather that came to you in your dreams ? Much more than a costume and a pocket of herbs, very few people who walked the earth had power like that 😐
GlendaSC (5 stories) (1475 posts)
17 years ago (2007-12-28)
Edmund, the telekinesis thing is new to me. Never really noticed it until so many things broke with my daughter. Then it became too obvious I guess. I never even knew I was different until I was 19. After high school (Had a's) was restless and went to the army. After a few wks., had the drill sergeants scared. I had always been around people who had known me forever, not living among strangers. I think it took several years just to figure out why they were scared of me after that...
GlendaSC (5 stories) (1475 posts)
17 years ago (2007-12-28)
I've always fought to "un-develop" it because my parents didn't like it and my hub isn't thrilled. I don't like scaring people either, usually. Sometimes it's good, if they're mean. Had a couple of times of that, but not many. The thought of developing it is interesting tho. Food for thought.
Edmund (578 posts)
17 years ago (2007-12-28)
Telekinesis as a rule of thumb first shows itself around puberty and because of the new raw emotions it could get pretty wild at times. I haven't seen a hollywood version of this but I have been around people who "things break around" which to me is a weak form of telekinesis. Usually as a person develops more emotionally it is better controlled. In fact you could get pretty good at turning some electronics on and off at will.

Usually around the holidays as much as I love being around family and friends the difference in the daily grind is enough to set things off... Powerfull emotions will set psychics into high gear. Your surrounded by people who you care for and a lot of them so not only do you get filled up with the holiday food but your extra senses get filled up also.

So you have to find some time for yourself to unwind both physically, mentally, and psychic-lly or you will break lots of stuff 😁
GlendaSC (5 stories) (1475 posts)
17 years ago (2007-12-28)
I had a very happy teen year time, and no one ever got on to me for anything really. I once jokingly asked my brother if dad was in the mafia or something (later) because I could do about anything in school. He never said too much about it. The rule was, you couldn't leave the high school campus at all - any student below the seniors. But once or twice a month, I would crave Dairy Queen hamburgers and leave and eat there in tenth and eleventh grade. It was walking distance, less than a mile. I remember waving at the Principal. No one else in those grades did it, but for whatever reason, never occurred to me that I might get in trouble until later... A few years, then had the question for my brother. He just looked away and didn't say anything. I never noticed anything strange, but looking back realize it.
GlendaSC (5 stories) (1475 posts)
17 years ago (2007-12-28)
Hi - thanks for the responses. The house is quiet so getting here a little more - love it! To be honest, I've ALWAYS been the last to notice when I do things, like breaking things or knowing things. Maybe I forget on purpose, though others tend to remember when I open my mouth. Then they comment, and I go - oh yeah. Maybe that's a protective thing. I do know anger and nerves affect things around me at times, or seem to. Don't know about other moods. Haven't noticed, but keeping a log is a very good idea! Thanks. I'm pretty mellow and low key so was never a real issue until my daughter hit her teens and had some problems. Then the repair bills soared. She sent me an e-mail which made me a little angry once, and I was writing her back, two pages. After about 1/3 page thought, I'm upset, should probably save this in case. About that time an old suitcase that had been on a shelf in the closet six years untouched fell from the closet. I heard the bang and went to see what fell. Then got back and forgot for a line or two to save. Wrote, and remembered, but before I could, the power blinked off and I lost it so started over and saved and made myself try and stay mellow. I do make it a point to stay calm. And sometimes when things stop working, like our vacuum a week or so ago, if I leave it alone and wait for awhile, it will work again. My hub says this isn't logical, but he's seen it. I joke that they need to rest. Sometimes things are just broken permanently.
Edmund (578 posts)
17 years ago (2007-12-28)
Glenda... Must have been interesting around your house when you went through puberty... I believe that you can control it, this comes with age... And you know this site didn't help to break the washer... Your under stress... Husband /kids/x-mas you don't need a psychic to tell you that... 😐

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