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What an Astral Voyage Is Like


I felt inclined to share what an astral voyage feels like (to me anyway) to others. It's not the longest, most significant, or oddest of my voyages. But it was pleasant and perhaps helped me understand the most about my relationship with my body during this time, and it was pleasant.

I have left my body several times. At first it scared me to death, at least the times I have gone far and fast. At first it was like intense wind sucking me out, but now I just understand these experiences and relax. It seems that I went on short trips a long time ago but thought they were just weird dreams. In the year 2000, I went on a few to large planes, went into them, then later saw the aftermath of their crashes. Later, a day to seven days, a plane did crash that fit all the criteria. This freaked me out. I fought off astral voyages, literally, battling to not have them by staying awake and fighting off the feeling of my body preparing. I said "No!" in no uncertain terms.

Just this year, I've had them again. I've felt them trying again and relented. Hence, I came on this site. I heard the term "astral voyages" which I had never heard before and decided that sounded like my "flying..." Flying was my home made term for these trips. Most of the time I relent. They still scare me a little. I want to share one with you.

A couple of months ago I was asleep in bed. My husband was there, sound asleep, and had a slight cold. I woke up about 4 a.m. I think, then started to doze. I was rested and in that half alert phase. Then, I felt myself going rigid a little; it's a little like that. I knew that was the feeling. I recognized it and said, I'll go, thank you. It still scares me just a little.

Then, I felt myself leaving, my body. That sounds absurd, but I felt it. It had happened before. I lifted out and knew I was away from my body. Now, I zone out watching TV. I drive that way sometimes and make myself focus. During this, I feel very alert. Like I am taking a test, very awake. I even ask myself if it's a dream, but then tell myself, well no and laugh sometimes because that seems so dumb because I'm so awake; it doesn't feel like I am asleep at all.

I went to a sky. It was very black, lovely, and there were stars, many of them, flashing. It was peaceful. I just wanted to stay there. This was the place, in all my trips, I really wanted to stay in most of all for some reason. A face kept flashing but I wasn't sure. I asked, someone near me, if it was really a face. I got the impression that my question was funny. Then, I went back.

Well, I felt myself re-enter. It was so lovely in that sky. Oh, forgot about the music. I could hear singing there, far away. I wanted to go find it, but realized I was where I should be and shouldn't leave to find it. I loved the singing though. I strained to figure out the words, but it was too foggy or far away. It was great though.

Well, here I am back and a little upset, and I said that I wanted to go back! I begged actually. I had never said that before. To my surprise, I got to lift out again!

I went back to the same place! That was so neat. I just kept looking around and hearing the music. Then my husband sneezed. I heard him from a long ways away. This is interesting but at the time aggravated me thoroughly. I thought, "I can't stay here if he keeps doing that. I can't be here and awake too!" It made me a little angry. I looked around again and said thanks. Then he sneezed a few more times, loudly, and I was sucked back in again. It took a second, or less than one. I woke up wanting to punch him, but knew it wasn't his fault.

Last night I had a dream; I think just a silly one. Well, I had been wondering for awhile what just regular dreams seemed like. It's been awhile. I remember wondering if I should get some message, during it, or if it was just to show me what a silly dream was like. I think it was just silly dream or maybe a mix. I got something from it maybe. Still thinking. I had a short "trip" (voyage) night before last but it was short. I remember fussing and saying, "Is that it?" But, on the one before that, I think my body got really tired and has to rest. Still, I begged for one and was probably a pest. I use to have them at least once a week or more. The long ones, I have to rest from but I don't like it.

I just wanted anyone curious to read about one.

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GlendaSC (5 stories) (1475 posts)
16 years ago (2008-11-03)
Mysti - I remember writing about the earthquake thing and wondering if it was close in some way. Usually within 7 days is my time limit for a feeling or "dream". Well got busy but realized there were earthquakes on Oct 16 in CA. I have distant relatives there and my oldest has been offered jobs there - which I told him worried me because of earthquakes...
GlendaSC (5 stories) (1475 posts)
16 years ago (2008-10-21)
Mysti - leaving to have lunch with a couple of friends. Talk to you again in a few days and let you know. Might email it though. Take care and good luck with the remodel!
GlendaSC (5 stories) (1475 posts)
16 years ago (2008-10-21)
Mysti - didn't dream this, but lately the ground has looked funny or felt funny to me. Shaky like. Maybe I watched some scary show, but I worry about an earthquake. I hope there isn't one! Don't get me wrong, I don't predict doom and gloom, but it's just a nagging feeling.
GlendaSC (5 stories) (1475 posts)
16 years ago (2008-10-21)
Mysti - I haven't tried. Not sure if I can. All my life have known things about people or events going to happen. Lost my very best friend because of it. Lost a guy I was dating in high school (no biggie), but people seem to resent this kind of knowing, even when it's helpful. So I make it a point not to pry. Voyaging I said no prying - going to see the kiddies was just a surprise. Once my hubby was on a business trip and went to the outside of his hotel, then said, NO, not going inside. But I might try. Not sure it's a good idea. I like seeing places though and otherworld people. To me, the biggest adjustment is the feeling of going from being able to go anywhere and feeling peaceful to being restricted. Cars, buying gasoline, worrying if you twist your ankle, hot and cold. For me on a voyage, it all feels easy and peaceful, just fun without hassles. It's a little startling, going through stuff and wondering how. But it's interesting. There are things to learn too. I haven't learned a lot, but a few things.

I think, like our personalities, we all might go to our chosen places. I've always been fascinated with space a little. It makes me sad to see those gone and have to leave them again. I don't know if it keeps us stable, but I think it's important to know there are others who are kind and to try to reach for God. I can't "make" myself voyage, but I can ask. But, there are rules, places I'm allowed and some I'm not. I've been curious a few times and felt like moving onward but knew that wasn't allowed, not any farther. That's interesting too I think.
mystical2 (16 stories) (483 posts)
16 years ago (2008-10-21)
Hey. Was wondering about prayer thing. Before meditation and such I ask for protection and guidance. Have you ever tried this before voyaging? I believe God hears us whether we are speaking out loud or through thought. He answers in thought so why not hear in thought.
I am curious what you would see voyaging here spiritual wise. Have you tried yet?
Normally with alien abductions people normally go missing. I'm curious what I do when I go. They say we go see our loved ones on other side and such. I wonder if voyaging helps keep us body and soul stable. Sort of like when people travel and go to another country with extreme change of culture and weather. Many have a difficult time adjusting if there too long and get sick because of sudden drastic change. Curious if that is connected some how. Just another way of looking at it. I've asked many strange questions growing up starting at a young age. I guess going through what we do we tend to dig deeper than most.
GlendaSC (5 stories) (1475 posts)
16 years ago (2008-10-21)
I've watched a couple of alien abduction things lately, supposedly based on true life. Really frightening and depressing to me, but was curious if connected to voyaging in any way. Sure doesn't seem to be. I mean, my last one to my daughter, I stood fussing with someone that she looked too thin and I HATED her shirt. Terrible color, orange mellon. Then I started laughing because in the scheme of things, her shirt isn't a biggie - especially during a voyage. In a phone conversation later, she doesn't know about any of this so got to the shirt in a round about way, she told me it was salmon colored. Now does that sound like I felt scared or threatened? I laughed, hard.
GlendaSC (5 stories) (1475 posts)
16 years ago (2008-10-21)
Hey Mysti - I know about house refinishing, been there myself. Love wood floors though. I had to think about your prayer question. I don't do it "officially" enough though I do tend to do inside talk which I think is heard. Yesterday, I heard myself demanding. Not a pretty revelation. Maybe because I got to voyage some became that way. I use to ask for very little, safety, food, and now I ask to go a particular place, and almost demand. Ouch. So I need to get over myself and do more of the thanking and expecting nothing in return.
mystical2 (16 stories) (483 posts)
16 years ago (2008-10-20)
Getting pieces of information from the spirit world is a regular thing. Drives me mad Feel like an investigator at times searching for the other pieces. Just like with the chair thing I had, I was going in circles daily trying to figure out what it meant. Why not just be straight forward? Guess we'll never figure that out until our time comes. I can wait for a long time for
mystical2 (16 stories) (483 posts)
16 years ago (2008-10-20)
Sorry for not writing back yesterday. Was doing what I could to help with house. So much work to do. Our hard wood floors are almost done, taking forever. Since my middle son has been away we have had a chance to start updating somewhat.
Before he soaked up all my time, at least 90% and no exageration either. Can't wait until done. Getting new furniture and all. Actually kind of funny when we get older and things like this are
mystical2 (16 stories) (483 posts)
16 years ago (2008-10-20)
I don't mind you voyaging to me. I'm comfortable with that. It's Fine. I see nothing wrong with asking. Maybe you will see or feel what's wrong with me. Always worth a shot. Kind of curious if you would make it inside with problems we are having though. You may get pulled back out of the house. Let me know what you experience, at least what can be said anyway. Blessing will probably done in 3 weeks. If you find a house with no furniture in living room and construction, you are I have a question, if you don't mind me asking. Do you use prayers before voyaging?
GlendaSC (5 stories) (1475 posts)
16 years ago (2008-10-19)
I thought about this all day, and forget I asked. I never, ever go to people I know, especially the hubby. You trust people or not. I worry about you, but still no excuse. I did go to the kiddies, the grown ones, but didn't ask to and did ask to have their words blurred out. Just checking up I guess. I watched the movie "Taken" again, though it seems creepy to me. It's not the same.
GlendaSC (5 stories) (1475 posts)
16 years ago (2008-10-18)
And you are right - they do expect me to understand. I once shouted, a few time, I just can't read this... And they give us pieces which is frustrating to me.
GlendaSC (5 stories) (1475 posts)
16 years ago (2008-10-18)
Mysti - my voyages have always felt fascinating, fun, warm, and friendly. But I love learning something new, so that might have been used in some way. But they really felt loving. I can't imagine being "tested." Talk about a "holy terror" - I'd be one.
GlendaSC (5 stories) (1475 posts)
16 years ago (2008-10-18)
Mysti - I do think dreams are voyaging in a way, just lacking a piece, or pieces. I know in dreams that I don't feel the split. In voyaging, feel the split from my body which is maybe not a biggie. Mysti - I have recently gone, without permission, to my daughter but blurred out her words, requested it from my person with me. Not a spy. But do you mind if I try to voyage to you, as a female friend to another. Just to check on your health?
mystical2 (16 stories) (483 posts)
16 years ago (2008-10-18)
Something I've noticed and learned about the spirit world. What they say to us sometimes, they expect us to know or understand exactly what they mean. Their meanings may be different than ours. Does sound odd to us, but not sure if they meant exactly how we are taking it. Next time just listen carefully and pay close attention to everyone around you and what they are doing and especially how you feel during the time. If it made you uneasy and made you question something, I always say go with your instincts. Or if it is just the word that is bothering you, then like I said, maybe it isn't meaning how you took it. With the spirit world you always need to be careful. I don't want to scare you from voyaging in anyway. I mean if you think about it, we do it all the time even if we don't remember it. You just have the luxury of remembering.
GlendaSC (5 stories) (1475 posts)
16 years ago (2008-10-18)
Thanks for taking the time Mysti - good night. I hope the best for all of you, and that you aren't being to hard or "sensitive" on yourself.
GlendaSC (5 stories) (1475 posts)
16 years ago (2008-10-18)
Mysti - I almost ran over my dad. I was young and he wanted me to drive a hay truck, and I was not interested. He kept on and got in front of it. Then he told me to touch the gas. I was really sick of it by this time, so I did more than touch it. He managed to leap. I still remember him doing it. That was THE only time in my whole life that he got angry with me... Usually I was pretty docile. But it was close.
mystical2 (16 stories) (483 posts)
16 years ago (2008-10-18)
I promised my kids I'd watch a movie with them tonight. We have moving night at least once on the weekends. If I miss a note, I'll write you back tomorrow. They've been waiting for me, but wanted to talk with you for a while. It's been a while. Funny how we got on here at same time. I was in kitchen and thought I'd check to see if you wrote me. Surprise. Happens Talk to you later.
GlendaSC (5 stories) (1475 posts)
16 years ago (2008-10-18)
Was it a mistake to ask to see and talk with them then? I'd always wondered who they were honestly. I knew it was just an appearance, we can look many ways, but it made them more concrete. And they felt closer. I held their hands twice. But the occult statement bothers me - maybe it was to make me question. It's an ambiguous word.
mystical2 (16 stories) (483 posts)
16 years ago (2008-10-18)
Agression, anxiety, etc... From others stresses me out and triples my pain. With all the negativity in the air and not controling what I experience probably one good reason I have so much pain.
I could picture you running your butt off while I read what you Was dangerous though, but during the young years, kids think they are not destructable.
I was an honery child when I was young. My father would be working under his car and mean while I would be throwing his tools in the dumpster. He'd reach for the next tool and it wouldn't be there... Ha ha. I think I was 4 years old at that time. At the time, I thought it was funny.
GlendaSC (5 stories) (1475 posts)
16 years ago (2008-10-18)
Mysti - I know good people and bad ones are here, where we are at this time, it is very simple. Up there, I feel a little intimidated - not when I'm there, but later after thinking about it. Hearing the word "occult" and having it repeated, really bothers me. I do know there is like a one person, a major one, a creator person. I do know that today I didn't drive on a flat tire and have to buy a new one - I was warned and got a nail out pretty easily. I just don't understand the strange things. I've never felt that those helping me were bad, but maybe I'm wrong. I want to know who they are I guess.
GlendaSC (5 stories) (1475 posts)
16 years ago (2008-10-18)
Mysti when I work a lot 7-5, 8-5, 9-5, whatever, and work at home, I don't ask this stuff. Too tired. Perhaps that's why we have to work, to get less interested in what's going on around us. I still stay interested.
mystical2 (16 stories) (483 posts)
16 years ago (2008-10-18)
You know this is a difficult one for me. One of the reasons why I don't always freely talk to spirits. I think this holds me back from progressing, to be honest with you. The question that always gets to me, "How do I really know". In the Bible it says that evil can appear as the light. This stumps me. I do try to feel things out first. But that is a question I ask myself. I may be seeing the light, feeling the light, but is it really the light or is it evil fooling me. But yet it leaves and doesn't return and the next one comes adventually. But is the next one really a next one or is it the same making me think it is different. I really wish I could give you some answers on this one. But there is another way of looking at it too. God exists and God does have messengers who do intereact with us in some way. So for me to totally ignore it all and walk away is difficult. I feel we are meant to do something for a reason, otherwise God has the power not to allow it. Where there is good there is bad. Just deciphering it is the difficult part. I always pray and ask for guidance from God and ask him to help me make good decisions and to protect me and put me on the path I was meant to follow for good. Praying is good and asking.
GlendaSC (5 stories) (1475 posts)
16 years ago (2008-10-18)
Mysti - I honestly don't know. When I was growing up, young, there was a barren field behind the house. I remember my mom telling me to be back by dinner, and I'd go walking and sing. I'm a terrible singer. But it sounded happy and be gone all day, a lot of days. Mostly I just walked and felt happy - but hours? Days? I guess Amish kids must do this, but I was alone a lot. It makes me wonder. Once a bad guy, older, started following me down a road, and I thought it a joke. He stopped one day, jumped out of his car, I was waiting, and I started running and hopped a few fences until he pooped out. I knew he wouldn't be able to touch me. That is a little weird now, thirty years later. I still do this - anyone too aggressive is like too funny to me.
GlendaSC (5 stories) (1475 posts)
16 years ago (2008-10-18)
I will add that my impression was peace, happiness, and a longing to stay there. I felt totally at ease in a profound way.
mystical2 (16 stories) (483 posts)
16 years ago (2008-10-18)
You are still having alien experiences, just in voyaging now? Has this happened before? I know you said this was a new thing, but wondering if there is more of a connection to what has been happening.
GlendaSC (5 stories) (1475 posts)
16 years ago (2008-10-18)
Mysti - this is a little weird, but bare with me, I was once on an astral voyage with a person. Of course he probably wasn't quite like "Joe the Plummer" because our bodies were both disconnected in some way. Anyway, he frowned a little, and said, "If you choose to be on planet Earth, then you need to be occult." Well "occult" to me is a bad word. Really. It means bad people and spirits so looked it up and it meant a power out in the universe. I want the good one of course. There are bad ones. I thought that I had misunderstand, shocked, and asked him to repeat it, and he did. So now I wonder if my astral voyage people are good or bad. I know they have felt nice to me all along, when I was a kiddie and growing up, but maybe I'm wrong. Or maybe bad ones are moving in, or maybe I'm missing the boat totally.
mystical2 (16 stories) (483 posts)
16 years ago (2008-10-18)
I know I've asked a lot of strange questions in my life time. It is how we learn and helps us get a new view of things. Feel free to ask me anything no matter how weird, strange, dumb or whatever you think it is. I won't judge.
My cat did something so funny today. Couldn't find the cat food. Gave her a little dog food instead. It is small just like her cat food, even same shape. She walked over to the bowl and put her nose down to eat. Then all of a sudden her ears went straight back and she jumped back away from the bowl. Then she started creeping back to it again with her back hunched up in the air, hair sticking up. When she got back to the bowl her left leg came off the floor then she slowly walked backwards hunched up and took off. Never thought food would scare a
GlendaSC (5 stories) (1475 posts)
16 years ago (2008-10-18)
hey Mysti - in my way, I am questioning, all of it. Odd things have happened to me since I was two. They still do. I want to understand it. When I was 17 was on a date and something "unusual" flew over our car out in the boonies of AR. I thought how odd that we would see this "craft" out here and I am like I am and let it go. So did my date - he was about to graduate college and go into a profession so really let it go. Makes me wonder a little. It was like no big deal, just unexplainable in any way for that time period and for now. How are you?
mystical2 (16 stories) (483 posts)
16 years ago (2008-10-18)
The "alien" thing has been a question I've asked myself. There was a situation in Glen burnie, Md that happened years ago where people swear they saw an alien of some kind. The man who is blessing my house has also seen this. Actually part of his neighborhood witnessed it with him. I have also seen a true story about an alien abduction. It was an older movie as well. Probably the same one where contractors are being acused of hurting/killing the man missing, but one day he shows up out of no where. He was in some type of bubble up there, kind of slimy and said he thinks they brought him back to earth because they didn't like him. He gave them a difficult
Some thing is definately out there. I've heard that we are not the only living planet God has made. We chose the hardest planet to live on, here on earth. We are all strong souls in some way or another. Just what I've heard anyway. There is so much out there that we are unaware of. Look at the fields farmers have found in the mornings with all the symbols and designs. Scientists are studying them still today. Perhaps we can't find them in space because they are'nt visible. Just like spirits coming out of vortex's and such, why can't other beings. It kind of brings back the theory of other dimensions. I suppose they're curiosity about us is just as much as ours is about them. Guarantee, if it hasn't happened already, our scientists would be doing same to them as they do to us.

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