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Am I Psychic Vampire?


I live in NYC since five years ago. Today I feel so sick and so tired and weird. I'm a Psychic Medium, I can read peoples palms and read tarot cards. I can feel peoples pain or anything around me that is in pain. I have being doing my research about psychic vampires this last day and found out I have many of the characteristics. I feel pain in my back, feel very sick. I don't like to sleep alone, I hate it. I feel better around people, much better. Guys always stare at me, they always try to be close to me. I feel like I'm a peace of meat and they are dogs fighting themselves to eat me. I feel happy and so energetic after talking to someone on the phone. We would of speak of hours if they didn't want to call short. I have read on how the Psychic vampires feed on people it is scary. I can feel energy and ghosts around me, I know I will start to see them soon. I have being depressed and I'm always hungry, I eat three times a day but still.

I'm a good person, a pure heart. My aura catches a lot of negative energy because I don't know how to feed yet. I'm desperate. I have a psychic tranic vampire friend but I don't want to tell him that I am one too. I'm awakening. I have this senses, I can hear things from very far, I can feel danger when it is very very close. I don't know If the reason why I tell people everything about them is because I read the lines on their palms or because I'm draining their energy. I always have headaches. I have taken pills to sleep, they work sometimes. I'm a witch and I wish I can use his ability to help other people not to harm them. Please help me, please. I have tried suicide.

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The following comments are submitted by users of this site and are not official positions by Please read our guidelines and the previous posts before posting. The author, psychickata, has the following expectation about your feedback: I will participate in the discussion and I need help with what I have experienced.

ikonserg (9 posts)
12 years ago (2012-12-01)
hmm...Will give you recomendation... Try to explore yourself fro 100%. All what you have - not under your control and understanding. ANYBODY can be treained to have that ability (just bielive that) You get it by yourself. So, its normal. But you do not understand youself. Read books about it. Examples. Time will make you understand more. And you will be happy, that its normal, and nothing dangerous.
Brandon6996 (1 stories) (27 posts)
12 years ago (2012-11-28)
Also do not try medication of any way. I recommend meditation or trying to contact your spirit guides.
Brandon6996 (1 stories) (27 posts)
12 years ago (2012-11-28)
Focus on what you want other people to feel, not how you feel or want to feel. Dig inside yourself and bring out happiness, then focus or imagine on your friend having that kind of emotion. They will soon feel it if you focus hard enough. Takes a lot of practice though.
Rosetta1 (1 stories) (76 posts)
12 years ago (2012-11-26)
Just try to focus on not absorbing people's energy. And if you really do such a thign, that means you can stop yourself from doing so. And for the guys, it could just be that you're really, really pretty so basically for them you WOULD be a piece of fresh meat.
Also, taking pills might not lessen the condition, but in fact make it worse over time.
vergil117 (guest)
12 years ago (2012-11-26)
i always thought the best way to stop taking in energy is to give it. I can give energy to people, but I get really, REALLY tired afterword and I feel like falling asleep or I get really sick. So things get really difficult for me to deal with. I don't know much about Psychic Vampires, but I DO know that you can control it. Hope this helps.

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