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Real Psychic Experiences

Vampire Curiosity


I never was much of a vampire person, I'm still not. I never watch vampire movies or anything of that sort. I think it's all just a big myth that people got interested in. My thoughts have slightly changed though.

My boyfriend has recently brought small hints to my attention about a few things that I'd love some answers and information about. One night we were talking on the phone, and he we were joking. I said, "Baby, you need to stop speeding, what if you die!" He answered, in a mumble "I'm already dead." I played it off as a funny thing. Then he goes, "Baby, I'm being serious, I'm a vampire." bluntly

I thought about it for a second, then I just changed the subject. The thing is, a lot of people just say 'Oh I'm a psychic' and 'Yeah I'm half demon'. It's all just people dreaming of what they want to be, very few people are actually as psychic as they say they are. I guess what I'm trying to say is that, people that are psychics, or whatever else most of the time won't admit it.

My boyfriend however, isn't a dreamer of that sort. He has his head on straight. Whenever he started mentioning different facts and details, It made sense.

Now of course, everyone knows that those superhuman vampires don't exist. No body has super speed and super human strength, or lives forever. I did some research online and I asked a couple other deep rooted friends of mine. Even though there is no such thing as our everyday "Hollywood vampire" evidence and proof supports that there can still be vampires and other mythical beings like that. I'm not saying I believe in them, however I am saying there are many other beings and things that we don't know about out there waiting to be discovered, and anything is a possibility.

Thanks for any information I get, I'll treasure every bit of it, and please, if you know a lot about this, I'd love an email.

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Jasmine9999 (5 posts)
6 years ago (2018-03-04)
Hi there,
Please email me jazz9898 [at]
If your still interested in this topic
brainboy (14 posts)
14 years ago (2010-12-21)
😢 murluxa you might want to email me as soon as possible I'm only 12 but trust me you might want to hear what I've seen and heard and your mind will change completely 😉

My email is badbrothersbrian [at] hotmail,com
kattunknown (guest)
14 years ago (2010-12-11)
i love vampires teehee I had dreams of helping vampires and even being hunted by one but it was always the other person to be hurt and I'm saved
lilylove (3 stories) (362 posts)
14 years ago (2010-12-10)
Darkstar what you just said is what I think is true. I do think that there is an illness or something like that that causes people to think that they need blood. I don't find it ok that some people have the urge to drink blood.
bbdeathspark (4 stories) (617 posts)
14 years ago (2010-12-10)
Oh hey, Darkstar, Not to go offtopic, but could you please email me?

Also, ontopic... Even if that were true, which crazed person would do it...
Darkstar (guest)
14 years ago (2010-12-10)
There is a mental illiness out there that causes people to believe that they need blood or something along those lines to live.

Others follow of ideas that blood is made up of life energy thus drinking it extends their own life.
bbdeathspark (4 stories) (617 posts)
14 years ago (2010-12-10)
"are not right in their mind"

Ugh, No offense but whenever I hear that for some reason I just get annoyed. Maybe its just that they classify psychics as that but there's SOMETHING...
lilylove (3 stories) (362 posts)
14 years ago (2010-12-10)
even if he was a genius he ended up starting some crazy myths that ended up changing over time and still to this day. People who say they are vampires and need blood to drink or that they will die if they don't drink blood are not right in the mind.
Darkstar (guest)
14 years ago (2010-12-10)
Vlad was a military genius, who used fear tactics to repel overwhelming Muslim forces from invading is kingdom and basically Europe.
lilylove (3 stories) (362 posts)
14 years ago (2010-12-10)
well then Vlad the Impaler was an idiotic moron who ended up ruining half of the people who say they are vampires and that they need to drink blood to survive. I also need to remind everyone that this has nothing to do with the psychic vampires only people who say thay are vampires and drink blood.
Shinigami0 (2 stories) (204 posts)
14 years ago (2010-12-10)
Lilylove- Ikr? That's flipping disgusting, not to mention dangerous and unsanitary.

Actually, the idea of Vampirism (drinking blood), was mainly propelled by Vlad the Impaler, also known as the first Dracula, and the other legends that arrose, due to his vicious disposition.
lilylove (3 stories) (362 posts)
14 years ago (2010-12-10)
people need to wake up from this fantasy of vampires drinking blood. If anyone drinks blood then something has to be wrong with them. Drinking blood is not normal people.
bbdeathspark (4 stories) (617 posts)
14 years ago (2010-12-10)
I agree, I mean seriously. BLOOD? Why Blood... I know some "legends" are based off of real life situations but this... Dare god...
lilylove (3 stories) (362 posts)
14 years ago (2010-12-10)
That a good point but still how can anyone even think about drinking blood that so gross seriously. Too many people are starting to get obsessed with vampires that are something else and even if vampires do exist I don't think that they have to drink blood or that its necessary. Maybe people back in the day wanted vampires to be scary so they started saying that vampires were bloodsuckers.
Shinigami0 (2 stories) (204 posts)
14 years ago (2010-12-10)
Time to add on knowledge of the human digestive system...

It is not natural for people to drink blood. Blood is not a natural substance that goes into the stomach. When the stomach recognizes an unnatural substance, especially in high quantities, it naturally will reject it, through vommiting.

Before anyone starts throwing the word "hemophilia" out here...

Hemophilia is characterized by abnormal amounts of blood that flow from an open wound or joint, which also greatly increases the risk of blood clotting.

And no, treatment DOES NOT involve ingesting blood. The blood from donors is infused (through injections into the veins) to the patient. Medications can also be prescribed for the blood clotting or damage to joints.

Now, it is possible for the human digestive system to ingest a small amount of blood- this is normal if you have a cut in your mouth, pulled tooth, nose bleed, ect. HOWEVER, you cannot ingest an amount that would be sustainable for proper nutrition.

There are people with the ideology that they are vampires- its kind of like an underground cult society. BUT, just like any person, they cannot consume large, sustainable amounts, and there is ALWAYS the risk of contracting blood-borne pathogens from donors- no matter how "immortal" and "undead" you think you are.
Rashidah (guest)
14 years ago (2010-12-10)

I highly doubt that her boyfriend needs a donor for a blood transfusion for a condition. Be for real. 😐

This is not Twilight.
bbdeathspark (4 stories) (617 posts)
14 years ago (2010-12-10)
Lol Rashidah, That's mean. Some people have actually needed literal blood, I don't understand exactly, but I had this "acquaintance" that when he didn't drink a certain substance, that isn't naturally drunk, he would get majorly sick. What if this is happening in the case of that person, but its blood instead.
Rashidah (guest)
14 years ago (2010-12-10)
Aaimee if her man likes to drink blood then that means he is a psychopath.

I mean, how twisted and sick can you get?
Aaimee (7 posts)
14 years ago (2010-12-10)
I don't think people have that strenghth thing or that speed stuff, but I think that a vampire is just someone who drinks blood... So if he says he is a vampire maybe he just means he likes blood and just trying to scare you?
Matrix_Wolf_Spirit (2 stories) (60 posts)
14 years ago (2010-12-06)
Well real vampires are not like the stories. They like regural humans and when in sunlight get burnt more or feel burning on their skin. How they are a vampire is from sucking energy from people. When they do this its through the aura people give off. Some are nice like the ones I know but some are crooked evil. So watch your back.

But than again your boyfriend could be seeing the new literture and thinking since most girl like the dumb book that I will leave nameless... So if he don't know about it he could be just acting as a vampire when he isnt. When the book came out people said they were vampires and I know they arent so yeah. He could just be acting it.

Need to talk hit me through e-mail.
BlindWind (2 stories) (35 posts)
14 years ago (2010-12-05)
Ummm, hate to say it, but something doesn't sound right with what your boyfriend is saying. There are real vampires out there but they're nothing like the stories. I know of a few and it took me forever to figure them out. I only learned the truth from my Wiccan teacher and she worned me to stay far away from them. They can't help that they need blood or energy but it's still dangerous to be near one.

Most of them are pale and they get sunburned pretty easally. The ones I know do have some psychic abilities but nothing like in the movies. They're very secretive and the ones I know at least, believe that fate is sort of a god.

Does your boyfriend fit any of this? If he is actually a vampire I don't know why he'd just come out of the blue and tell you. What exactly were yall talking about?

Please be careful around him until you figure out the truth. 😐
Ouroboros (1 stories) (29 posts)
14 years ago (2010-12-05)
Every so-called vampire, when questioned about traits pertaining to their alleged vampirism seem to always reply "that's just how it is in Hollywood" or something similar.

So if vampires in reality AREN'T like they are in fiction, then HOW ARE THEY?

We've got some person now saying that as a vampire, their abilities include weather control and sending their thoughts to others. These abilities are some of the last things I think of when someone mentions "vampire" (though I think Marvel comics take on Dracula could do those things...).

What's the definition of a vampire, then? There seems to be so much disagreement even among those claiming to be them. Is there any universal traits that it can be agreed all REAL vampires have?
Marluxia (2 stories) (6 posts)
14 years ago (2010-12-04)
As I have said, "I'm not a Vampire fan!" to those of you who happen to think I am, in fact I try to stay away from what everyone else is into. Since vampire's are the "new thing" I've opted not to be a part of it. And for all who this this is a big twilight "question and answer game for attention" your wrong, in fact I've never read a book of that stuff, never seen the move or nothing. I picked up the book, read the first four pages and said screw it. However, on a different note, I thank you for all the great comments that helped 😉
bbdeathspark (4 stories) (617 posts)
14 years ago (2010-12-04)
Besides, does he have the usual vampire traits, such as no toleration of sunlight, or sucking blood?

Honestly, I'll never know where people get that definition of no tolerance of sunlight. Might as well be full of glitter too then, eh?
zammynox (guest)
14 years ago (2010-12-04)
I personally think that he's just pulling your leg, because even if he was a vampire (not necessarily a Hollywood vamp) he wouldn't just bluntly say, 'I'm a vampire'
Besides, does he have the usual vampire traits, such as no toleration of sunlight, or sucking blood?
RookDygin (5 stories) (324 posts)
14 years ago (2010-12-04)

I know there are people like this, I have met one in all my time as a practicing witch (11 years) and later in life... So that's one in my 43 years...

If I may ask a few questions of one of the posters...


A few questions if I may...

How many 'donors' do you have? Or are you a psychic vampire and do not 'drink' blood? (A better way to state this... Are you Sanguin? And do you have a 'herd')

How did you 'learn' you were a vampire and how old were/are you?

How have you come by your 'powers'... You mention two, what others do you have?

I'll finish by saying... No offense to you Daktab... But Weather Control? Please...

(I know of group mediation processes that have had some interesting results in this area, but a single person being able to do something on this scale is a bit much for me to swallow.)


Dakotab123 (5 posts)
14 years ago (2010-12-04)
sorry if I sound rude I am just making a point... And look if your boyfriend really thinks he is one please have him email me and I can tell you if he is or if he is just pulling your leg 😆
By the way here is my email. *Rosey_rose42 [at]*
Dakotab123 (5 posts)
14 years ago (2010-12-04)
look lady I hate to break it to you but vampires are real I happen to be one... And no we are not what you people call the "Hollywood vampire" we are the real deal. Ok... Two of my ability's happen to be controlling the weather and sending thoughts to others... By the way where is your boyfriend does he know your writing about his secret, because I would like to talk to him please... Is he around. It is pretty simple to know if you are and there is really no way to be turned into a vampire... You just are or you aren't! 😠 🤔 😠
Xxpsychedout11xX (2 stories) (7 posts)
14 years ago (2010-12-04)
My advice is to research and read but don't go for fiction... That's difficult to do, but I've actually seen a vampire encyclopedia at libraries before. Another good thing would be to sit down and seriously talk to your boyfriend about it. Maybe you can decide then whether he's serious or not.
raffaele (4 posts)
14 years ago (2010-12-04)
as much as hate the concept of vampires and the whole twilight saga and the cult it has started. I believe that vampires exist in the bible it said that judas was condemned to walk the earth for eternity as a punishment for betraying jesus.

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