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Real Psychic Experiences

The Little Blonde Vampire Girl


Dear readers,

It's a pleasure to me to be here and to explain one of my incredible experiences.

A few months ago, I was always dreaming or having visions about a blond little girl, she was always talking to an adult (her dad.) They were talking about a plan, I was trying to understand what they were talking about in the dream. Her dad was planning to send her to a school, it sounded like a ''mission''. She had blonde hair, blue/green eyes, she looked like a 10 or 11 years old girl. I also had visions about a family coming to the city where I live. I saw a man, a little girl, a person in a wheelchair and a HUGE yellow/orange moon behind them. It's her family!

After the dreams and visions, I was chatting with my friend on facebook and then, she told me: ''Hey! Guess what? There is a new student in my school'' I immediately felt weird without knowing why and then she said:''I will send you the link of her facebook, she's beautiful and I don't want her to be with my crush because she is prettier than me'' When I saw her facebook profile, OH MY GOSH! It was her! TOTALLY HER! I saw her father too! I recognized them! When I realized that I saw them in my visions and that I saw their arrival to the city. I couldn't say a word! I was SPEECHLESS! I have been investigating to see what I could find in her facebook and well, I was right! In some profile pictures, her eye color changed, one of her friend made a comment and wrote ''Hey, your eyes are always changing colors'' (IT'S NOT PHOTOSHOP) and I can easily recognize who is human and who is not.

And, Now, I'm afraid! Not for me, but for my friends, for the people that I know! How can I protect them from her without giving them details? My best friend doesn't know about her, she told me that she's afraid of her, when I asked why, she said ''I don't know, she's scary at school, the way she looks at me, she's weird! She never gives information about her. Etc.'' I need your advice! To be honest, this city is full of ''dark beings'' But, It's hard because I don't know what to do with what I know. PLEASE, Help me. Thank you.

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Comments about this clairvoyant experience

The following comments are submitted by users of this site and are not official positions by Please read our guidelines and the previous posts before posting. The author, Special_Unicorn07, has the following expectation about your feedback: I will participate in the discussion and I need help with what I have experienced.

Special_Unicorn07 (1 stories) (8 posts)
11 years ago (2014-07-15)
Oh I see! Thank you for answering MSmith82. I understand what you said, I am also an empath and it is not easy for me. I don't have friends (I do know a lot of people but my best friends are virtual friends and I have only one best friend I think, we live in the same city but she's a 12 years old girl and I'm 21). I'm always alone. People call me ''weird'' just because I don't hang out with friends or because I don't like parties etc. It's hard for me because when I enter in a room full of negative energy (Especially if they have bad feelings for me like ''hate'' etc) I feel that I'm suffocating and I have to leave the room to breathe. I think I will post my story about being an empath.
MSmith82 (3 stories) (55 posts)
11 years ago (2014-07-13)
Well I like to hang out with goths when I find some, because they are more laid back than most people. The only vampire I met was an emo that I couldn't get along with too well. He made bad and annoy jokes as well as drawing all the positive energy from the room, etc. So that's why I try not to hang out with rowdy people or people that like to do stupid things, because most of them have problems that they try to make everyone else's. With me having the ability of empathy I try not to make many friends so that I don't feel everyone else's problems. The school that I went to didn't have a good reputation so that helped too.
Special_Unicorn07 (1 stories) (8 posts)
11 years ago (2014-07-12)
MSmith82, Thank you very much for your advice. I appreciate it 😊 I think it's a great idea. I'll let her come to me first. Sorry to be undiscreet but, I would like to know if you have met a vampire too while you were doing that for years. You don't need to give details if you don't want to (I respect privacity) but I would appreciate if you could share an experience, a testimony or the results with me. 😳
MSmith82 (3 stories) (55 posts)
11 years ago (2014-07-12)
The only thing I can tell you is to befriend the girl and see what she wants. If it feels too unsafe back out. I've done that for years and it hasn't failed me yet.
Special_Unicorn07 (1 stories) (8 posts)
11 years ago (2014-07-12)
Shelia, It's not for her eyes. I know what you're talking about. It's true but, the problem is what I saw in my visions was ''strange''. In the visions, she was a vampire her dad and she were planning something ''bad''. After the visions, I thought that I needed to sleep because maybe I was tired but, I remembered who I am and that I have extraordinary abilities, then I thought ''Well, let's see if she is really going to that school, let's see if she'll come to this city and if I'll meet her'' and weeks later, I saw her, She's also a foreigner like me, we have mutual friends. That's what makes me wondering what should I do. I'm not crazy enough to scream ''AAAH VAMPIRES!'' no, I don't even tell people about them, I only share my story here. Only you and mother know about that.
Shelia (5 stories) (34 posts)
11 years ago (2014-07-12)
You probably have some connections to her. But this girl could have anything ranging from multi-colored contacts, or hazel eyes. Or even brown eyes. These eyes change color very easily to adapt to their surroundings so the person can see around where I live that's a normal thing to have. There's nothing to be afraid of.
Special_Unicorn07 (1 stories) (8 posts)
11 years ago (2014-07-12)
Oh NO! PsychicJR You didn't offend me 😆 Sorry if I made you think that you offended me. It's just that I had to explain it CLEARLY. And yes you are right! I know she has seen me too. But I'm cool, I'm just observing. I want to meet her personally to see what will happen for example what she has to tell me or her energy and aura etc. There will be thunders that day haha... 😜 OK, Seriously, it might be cloudy. 😊
PsychicJR (8 stories) (541 posts)
11 years ago (2014-07-12)
In my post I ment to are no such thing as Dracula vampires and I forgot to put a space so auto-correct changed it to vampires and for the premonitions some times your not the onlyone who sees them (like you and someone have the same dream and it came true) and sometimes they are visa-versa you seen her and she can see you (its like a window both sides can see) trust me on this and sorry if I offended you
Special_Unicorn07 (1 stories) (8 posts)
11 years ago (2014-07-12)
She and I haven't even met yet. Thank you for your comment PsychicJR but let me tell you that I KNOW WHAT I'M TALKING ABOUT 😉 I post my experiences here not to make someone convince me. Because I ALREADY KNOW. But I post my experiences just to share it with people who are supposed to have abilities and therefore, psychics. There are many types of vampires. Each vampire race has a name. And I'm not talking about movies stuff like Twilight or Vlad Dracula, Blade etc. And of course, Psychic vampires do exist but, the others are out there too. Just because you haven't seen them doesn't mean they don't exist. I am not a 3 years old little girl. I'm a down to earth young Lady. So, no need to ''take my emotions'' How would you interprete that if you had dreams/visions about someone you have never seen who's actually a vampire, and 1 or 2 weeks later, you have seen that ''person''? I don't think you would think it's because you watched a movie or just your imagination. 'Cause actually it's a precognition. And as far as I know, Precognitions are real! At least, MINES.
PsychicJR (8 stories) (541 posts)
11 years ago (2014-07-12)
I think she recived the same image of you like you did to her and thier are no such things as vampires the closest thing to vampires are psychic vampires (take your emotions)

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