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Am I Seeing Demons?


I've been getting things following me these things well one of them is a tall all black being or so and it has no eyes but a mouth and everytime the thing comes here it reaches for me and. Says its "taking me away" I don't know what it is I have been calling. It the it because I have no idea what it is and this has been happening for these past few months and the first time I have seen it the thing had two others with it the other one a type like woman/man I'm not sure the gender but it had eyes ringed in black like the only color is white on the inside and it had long black hair

With a twisted mouth it was frowning while smiling

The other was a huge beast type thing it was large and fury walking on its

Hind legs but its body alone looked like a dog it has some black fur but

For the most it barely had fur and its face it was like a skeleton dog face

Just the bones that's easier to say anyways it also had like human type hands

Carrying a skull also its tail was like really thin and boney I was quite shaken at first that's when I brought a knife with me to school thinking it would protect me

But all I out of it was a trip to the police station, and a trip to a psychiatrist

All because a girl saw it,

Anyways I need help as to why these things are doing this to me

Are they like trying to hurt me or help me or protect me

Also the things have talked before but I have no idea what they are saying I really have no idea, because I couldn't figure it out because of how fast they were speaking

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Awake (16 posts)
11 years ago (2013-10-04)
Not trying to offend anyone here, just saying it's never a good idea to read weird phrases off the internet. Some may be fine, but some may lead down very dark roads.
Awake (16 posts)
11 years ago (2013-10-04)
So after a good discussion with a buddy, who jumped back like I opened a vile of smallpox when I showed him this, that phrase can only be truly translated by the one who made it. On top of that it could be a contract, as one does not have to spell a demons name only pronounce it properly. Now this probably isn't that since you say you have used it before, it is probably just an old protection spell passed down through the years, but next time what if it isn't.
Zin (guest)
11 years ago (2013-10-02)
Came from, sometimes my spell check program on here is lousy.
Zin (guest)
11 years ago (2013-10-02)
I won't say it says that, I am not even sure were that translation can from. The first sentence even says repel.
Thulsa (1 stories) (34 posts)
11 years ago (2013-10-02)
Do not recite the incantation or phrase posted on this subject. This is what I mean about being careful in what you do or say. Sorry if anyone gets offended, but with age and experience comes wisdom. The phrase being used for protection is actually similar to ancient babylonian. It is a mash up of mainly European, Scandinavian and Asian Languages mixed up in code. It is the favorite of Satanist. It basically says that you will pay the price of the ten, not seven deadly sins and allow yourself to become a vessel for possession. You are also vowing to become a satanist and serve the devil and treat him as a friend. You are also promising to bring children in as sacrifices to the devil and will give their souls to him as well. This is what I mean about people being deceived by evil. I repeat do not mess with the dark arts. If you don't believe me break it down into separate words and phrases. You will find satanist like to perform a sort of word jumble to confuse the meaning of the text. I have studied languages to figure out codes in writings and documents. I hope this will help many people by allowing them to look a little deeper into things before jumping in. If you are younger and have an interest in this stuff please be careful. If you don't see something posted in a language you understand there are ways you can translate it. Don't mimic things because they sound cool. Look before you leap and investigate a little. Some spells chants and incantations are meant to be confusing and have double or many meanings.
Zin (guest)
11 years ago (2013-10-02)
I won't say it is a trend, of more activity I would imagine it is relatively the same, the difference is social media, that and those who are full of it. As for conjuring them, I find it doubtful that you did as such. Instead, if it is anything, it is a wondering spirit, that is just screwing with you to be frank. It has happened to me before, as long as you pay attention to it, it will stay and act up, if you don't pay attention to it, it will leave. Once again, the phrase I said below should work.
Thulsa (1 stories) (34 posts)
11 years ago (2013-10-02)
OK, I have read enough comments from people on this site to get the jist of what is going on. There is a trend happening everywhere and it is going to get worse. I have been on this earth a very long time now and have seen things go from bad to worse. More and more young people especially teens are starting to be affected by dark entities in some form or another. I have been doing battle with them more often than I want to lately. Yes they do exist and come in many forms, but can only hurt or bother you under these conditions.
1. You try to call or conjure them up either on purpose or playing games, and open a portal. This is not a game or something to play with and from then on will escalate.

2. You give them power through fear, anger, and Hatred. Anything that is the opposite of Love, kindness, empathy and temperance.

3. You romanticize or fixate on them and the power you think they will give you. It's not cool or trendy to worship dark things and ideas.

4. You try to bring attention to them in any way to other people to try and gain notoriety. They will use that as a weakness to get to you further.

5. You have no belief in a higher power or religion. I am not bible thumping or trying to convert people, but GOD is the only protection against real demons. GOD is real. The devil is real. Angels and demons are real. I have experienced all of them personally in the past.

6. Last but not least, You are venerable spiritually, mentally, and physically. If all of these items line up You are in danger and so are those around you.

I am not debating anyone just stating the facts as to what I have had to deal with to help other people in the past. There is a reason why in history people have had to perform exorcisms and cleansing. In the Christian religion there is an official Rite to be performed to exorcise demons from people.

Many demons or dark entities will first attempt to deceive or attack weak or corruptable people in their sleep first. Then they will start to mess with people in the physical world to instill more fear. Material things or objects really don't affect them unless it is a religious symbol. Magic and incantations won't do squat. It will only feed the demon and give it more power and credibility. The person performing the ritual will be deceived into thinking that they have power and control over the demon. The demon will play along only to deceive and use that person. I had a friend try to do this and paid for it dearly later. My friend was secretly practicing witchcraft and conjured up a horrible demon. The demon started terrorizing their whole family and killing animals on their farm acreage. I went to a sleep over at his house when I was younger along with four other boys. We were doing normal stupid stuff and started hearing noises all over the house that night. I tried to ignore it and went to sleep. I was not able to sleep much, because I was being messed with all night. I started praying and it finally left me alone. I never went back to his house again. Not much later his family moved out of that house and left. I never saw them again.
The point I am trying to make is don't mess with this stuff or give it power. If you are having bad dreams, nightmares, and visions, then you need religion in your life and turn away from bad paths and decisions. Evil begets more evil, and it becomes a vicious circle that becomes harder to break. Get help from anyone close to you.
Zin (guest)
11 years ago (2013-09-30)
It has worked on other Lessor Key demons, so I won't worry about any negative effects.
Awake (16 posts)
11 years ago (2013-09-30)
If you are dealing with a high level demon that could be fairly risky however. I wouldn't try anything that may provoke retaliation unless you know exactly what you are dealing with.
Zin (guest)
11 years ago (2013-09-30)
hmmm, well if he is here reading these comments, I would simply say, say the following: It seems to work for the most part from what I have heard.

A mi ven vas veda a satani. Ack men do mis manos vas tenda. Sin vas ka ten la. Todos vas con sin ten vackin say von mas. Osh ven dasin.

Alitoria mis veda a ebuis por todos ven kas.

Oin va ien con sy ten vos moy cen den von satanti. Ien sin ten coun nein ase ven orderna por daquin.

Ha-lios a daquin por todos los vedas a zen.
Awake (16 posts)
11 years ago (2013-09-30)
The kid is taking knives to school out of fear. Things seem like they might already be fairly grim, but yes I would agree I wouldn't jump into trying to contact it or anything. If the image he finds of Glasya-Labolas happens to be what he saw however it would be better to catch it early.
Zin (guest)
11 years ago (2013-09-30)
I would just wait and see. One can easily jump to conclusions and bring in something when there was nothing to start with.
Awake (16 posts)
11 years ago (2013-09-30)
[at] Zin "Interesting, I would recommend finding the demons name out, now given what you said about it, it could be the demon called Amon, or one of his lessors, it also could be the demon Naberius, or Glasya-Labolas, or Buné or Marchosias." Seems you are familiar with this kind of thing too. Maybe it is nothing, but still better to be sure than take the risk. Would you not agree?
Zin (guest)
11 years ago (2013-09-30)
I won't worry about it, if nothing is happening. For in the end it may simply just be an illusion. So many jump to demons, when in fact it is nothing.
Awake (16 posts)
11 years ago (2013-09-30)
[at] Stayrr295 I really wish I could write these kinds of things off, but you gave a eerie description of Ipos. Again if you see me writing these names please do not say them out loud especially those of you who think you may be in direct contact as it could make things a lot worse. Why is it so many people on here have seemingly demonic encounters... I guess supernatural beings prefer supernatural people.
Awake (16 posts)
11 years ago (2013-09-30)
Look up Glasya-Labolas, you may have to track down a copy of "The Lesser Key Of Solomon" for an image. Do not say this name out loud, and if that's what you saw then best of luck I would call the church. That's the kind of stuff the Vatican would make a trip for if you get it confirmed locally.
stayrr295 (25 posts)
11 years ago (2013-09-02)
saraheilizabeth I see these things too, one was tall and had a human like face kind of mixed with an ape and a lion it was covered in white fur had menacing large icy blue eyes and large canines, it also had the legs of a bird and was smiling and frowning at the same time whilst standing on its hind legs, when I saw this thing it started whispering things with out moving its mouth the voice was very icy and sounded like trickling water, its eyes were unblinking and hungry, I saw this being with my third eye, it was at least seven foot. Can someone tell me what it was I was seeing? As this was one of many creature like things that have been following me around
jesselynn1027 (1 stories) (2 posts)
11 years ago (2013-08-31)
Sounds to me like you have "death" following you. Not meaning you will die, but have you ever heard the saying "Death Comes In Three's."? This has happened to me quite a few times, and no I am not dead. I am, however, a psychic medium, sometimes Death will come to me and start talking, what I do is ignore it. They will come as 3 or 2 or even a single person, depending on them. Death comes by suicide, accident and natural. One of each of the "beasts" are each of those.

In my experiences I'll always see three of them, they'll talk quickly to one another, then one will fade away. Then the two talk quickly together after a while. Then the one will talk quickly to "Himself". I have learned that ignoring them and letting them do what they need to do is the best solution. If you do wish to get rid of them, sage is always the best answer for me. Burn sage around your house and remember to always say that nothing negative can be in the places where you burn sage, only good and positive energy can enter. Last time I encountered the three's my great uncle died from natural causes, my cousin died of an accidental over dose, and an acquaintance of mine committed suicide. That's when I had enough and started to pray and meditate, and I haven't seen them at all since. Please feel free to email me with any questions or concerns, my email is jls102794 [at]

Have a great day, 😊 JesseLynn ❤
bristol (2 posts)
11 years ago (2013-08-29)
I am a 13 year old boy and I have 3 things following me as well its scary an old man in a hat looks wrinkles and grayish peach skin red eyes and an amish look and a creatue bald pointed ears an evil grin he tries to get into my house in my dreams if he does I start seeing stuff and hearing things in my house some times I have scary dreams I'm having convulsions and speaking in tons after feeling a weird sensation the stuff is like english backwards but I can some how under stand it warnings mostly and a girl follows me as well but she's ok and I've been seing her in my dreams and hearing her since I was 3 its terifing but maybe it will get better just wanted to let you know that I know how you feel
Naomi483 (1 posts)
11 years ago (2013-08-29)
Hi there.:)

I am 18 years old and I have been able to see spirits ever since I can remember. I have been seeing those tall, featureless black things for better part of my life. Through experience and research, I have gained a fair understanding about the spirit world, among others.

I have come to understand that, depending on their energy (or just the feeling you get from seeing them, if you cannot feel energy distinctly), you can tell whether they are simply human spirits or demons.

Judging by your description, what you are seeing may be a mid-level demon with two familiars (lower-level demons who serve higher ones).

Unfortunately, knives - or any kind of material defense, for that matter - will not help you here. And, if you feel so scared, it is probably because they are not there to do you any good.

Have you been through a traumatic experience recently? Can you think of any event that may have changed had a negative impact on you right before you started seeing these things?
These creatures are probably feeding off any negative energy you have begun to release recently. Either that, or they have found you to be an emotionally available target that embraces fear easily, a feeling that generates a kind of energy they love to feed off of.
The only way to get rid of them is to stop giving them what they want, which is negative energy. To do that, however, you must help yourself first, hence my previous questions.

Furthermore, have you met someone new before you started seeing these things?

Do feel free to let me know if you have further questions, or if you wish to contact me.

Best of luck and stay strong.:)
sarahelizabeth3 (7 posts)
11 years ago (2013-08-28)
Email me at sarahcampbell1234577 [at]
I see dark things also

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