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Seeing People Who Aren't There In Physical Form


I'm honestly not sure whether or not this belongs in the ghost stories section. I don't know if the people I "see" are ghosts. But in general, I get a chill, like that electric feeling that makes your hair stand up, and I will start to feel someone watching me.

There is one male presence that does return now and again and does not have a friendly energy about him. Then there are random ones. Sometimes it's an old woman. Sometimes a little girl. I can't always "see" detail, but some are clearer than others. And by "See" I mean... I guess my third eye sees them? I know they are there because I can see them in my mind... Unless I literally feel them hovering over my shoulder from behind me, which I can't stand. But I don't see them as apparitions. Thankfully. I'd probably have a panic attack if I did.

I have tried to ask them what they want, but I don't get answers... Unless you count an energy of anger being somewhat thrust at me from them as an answer. It's as if they expect something from me but I can't hear it or maybe I just don't want to? I wish this didn't scare me as much as it does. I've had this happen since I was a little girl, only back then I did actually see a couple of things that scared me so bad. My instinct was to run away or hide under the covers.

A friend recommended I pray to the creator to send these "beings" into the light. It seems to help the situation temporarily, but doesn't seem like that much of a solution. It almost makes me feel guilty, as though I'm saying "I will not help you." And yet, I don't know how to help them. I would much appreciate some feedback from ya'll. Some ideas and encouragement (key word being courage:P) would be great. In the meantime I'm going to browse the other posts in search of some answers. Thank you so much. I'm very grateful to have found this site.

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The following comments are submitted by users of this site and are not official positions by Please read our guidelines and the previous posts before posting. The author, bluesnail, has the following expectation about your feedback: I will participate in the discussion and I need help with what I have experienced.

Renan-Spiritism (3 posts)
11 years ago (2013-10-27)
Read Allan Kardec. Take a look at the "Mediums Book". I'm sure it will help you a lot, my friend. =)
Roland12 (1 posts)
11 years ago (2013-10-27)
Hi everyone
I am very confused and scared. I am waking up to some very scary images, shadows and wierd people in bed with me. Their energy seems slightly teasing and frightening. I don't want to deal with this but others have said I have to. By the way I am female. Roland is my sons name.
harrypotterrules (1 stories) (89 posts)
11 years ago (2013-09-17)
All I can say that hasn't already been said that I think will help is to remind you not to use a Ouija board to contact these spirits because they will only answer your questions if they're evil. Remember to imagine a white light around you, and maybe get a priest to bless your house if you need one. 😁
spookgirl (1 stories) (1 posts)
11 years ago (2013-09-17)
that is so me but the ghost it helps me a lot since I'm the wierd girl but I met some who arent so nice and I still have brusis but it is ok smile through the pain right I guess. 😁
bluesnail (1 stories) (3 posts)
11 years ago (2013-09-13)
Thank you Thimiz! I think you're right. Kinda like tough-love. I will try that:)
Thimiz (1 stories) (24 posts)
11 years ago (2013-09-13)
You can try the song, "never surrender, kickboxer" to get you into a courageous mode.

In a sense however you're already courageous enough, a part of you isn't even fighting it. If it were with you, you would stand with your whole self and all the power you need.

I suggest you tell them they have to earn it, literally. I don't think its easy for you to be a channel for them if its out of guilt, and its only fair they lend a hand. They came to you, not the other way around. So write down, or just mentally decide to accept openings for good emotions and relations, so your kindness towards them creates an opening to the next world, not duty. 😊
arjay (1 stories) (5 posts)
11 years ago (2013-09-13)
hi bluesnail. I'm not sure what is that. But see ghost and demons have many form. Like the ghost they can form as orb. Maybe you can see them by using your 3rd eye. See seens I was 5 I accidentally do astral projection. And now I see and feel the beings and sometimes I can find locate them in the house. Maybe you see them but not accepting to your self that you see them try to accept it and be ready to what ever happen
bluesnail (1 stories) (3 posts)
11 years ago (2013-09-12)
Hi arjay, I am familiar with what you mean. That is how I saw a few of them when I was a little girl - as a translucent/smoky image. Currently that's not how I see them though. One guy is just a solid brown figure, but still only seen in my mind and his presence only felt and not physically seen. Others, like the little girl and old woman are in color. The old woman has long silver hair and a cream-colored robe. The little girl a blue dress.
arjay (1 stories) (5 posts)
11 years ago (2013-09-12)
hi. From you're story you're not sure what's you seeing. In my experience I see a old man standing in front of me and its not human because his body is like a smoke and transparent. Is that like what you see?
bluesnail (1 stories) (3 posts)
11 years ago (2013-09-11)
Thank you for your comments. I would love to hear more about your experience Lisa:)
ahafan02 (1 stories) (1 posts)
11 years ago (2013-09-11)
I have felt those kinds of presences around me as well but never evil or negative spirits. I have seen of a few ghosts in the past but they were both harmless (although they scared me to death at the time). Some people are really sensitive to such things as energy changes, negative and positive energy. Some people beam off so much negative (or dark) energy that it feels like a dark entity is following or attacking you.
leesah68 (1 posts)
11 years ago (2013-09-11)
OMG you just described me exactly! It sounds like whatever it is that we are, we are both the same. It makes me really happy to know that there's someone else that sees them the same way that I do. Anyway, my name is lisa and I live in California as well. Just the other day I had ancompletely new experience that is scaring me pretty badly. Id love to get your opinion on itnif you wouldn't mind listening to my story. Let me know and I look forward to hearing from you!

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