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I Can See Spirits


I don't know how to start this I'm only 15 and I have seen spirits. When I was 8 years old I saw spirits of a family, at certain times, everyday which they would sit down in the lounge and sit around a table and eat their dinner, and all of a sudden disappear like there was nothing there.

Then when I was 10 or 11 seeing things in my head like a movie of my friend with his friends in a car crash, and then to only find out that he was in a car crash a few weeks later and died, I was speechless, I didn't know what was happening, I felt sick and dizzy just knowing the fact that I saw what was happening before it happened.

At the age of 14 talking to a friend, then got information in my mind about her, her family and I told her to ask me questions and so on... I got all of them right about her past and her family names, which I had no idea what they was because I only knew this girl for a couple of months.

Now I'm coming to 15, I keep seeing this older lady, in my room staring and looking like she looking for help, then all of a sudden she's on her knees and nearly about to cry and disappears. But then after it keeps replaying and replaying like she's acting it out again and again.

For a week now, I find it hard to get to sleep because I know there is a spirit in my room, that needs help but I don't know how to help.

Every night I wake up all sweaty and I can't move, then after when I wake up again it's in the morning by then, I have writing marked on my arms, it's like when you lean on something it marks on you, well same thing but it's like someone's marked it on my arms as a message, but I cannot read it, and it's only a word every day on the other arm.

I really need help, I'm a teenager, with these powers, and as I commented on someone's story I got a reply back from another person saying that I am like derek acorah, and that I was strong, I have also done tests, they say I am strong and my ESP level is high, don't know what it means I just want help so I can get information so I know what I can do to help spirits.

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The following comments are submitted by users of this site and are not official positions by Please read our guidelines and the previous posts before posting. The author, SunderMic, has the following expectation about your feedback: I will participate in the discussion and I need help with what I have experienced.

zxcsdiana (1 stories) (1 posts)
13 years ago (2012-02-09)
Heyy there! You aren't alone at all (but you probably knew that form all the replies you've gotten).
I've always believed in ghosts/spirits since I was young. I'm 18 now and I've encountered a spirit, or maybe it was more than one. I was 16 and my family and I had just moved into a new house- it was just me, my mom, my younger (by a year) brother, and my dog. Now it has been said that pets in particular can see spirits. I noticed right away that whenever I tried to get my dog to sleep next to me in my room, he would jump off my bed right away and sit at the door and scratch it/lightly bark at the door for me to let him out. Also, a couple of times, at night when I was in bed, I'd hear my name being called by someone in my room, sort of like a whisper. Another time, I had purposely lit two candles in my room and placed them on my dresser (this was again, at night at bedtime), and I literally said this as I laid in bed "Okay, whoever you are, I'm going to ask you questions, and if you answer yes, please make the flame of the candle flicker, and if the answer is a no, please leave the flame burning without movement. Is this okay?" and then the flame flickered. I know you're thinking- but... The wind or air conditioner could easily be moving that flame... But this was not the case. The flame stayed still while I was asking the question, and then when I was done they would either move or remain still. It was like I was having a conversation with someone that couldn't speak. Another encounter was when I was the last one awake in my house, watching tv. When I decided to head to bed, I placed a headband over my eyes because I used to like sleeping in total darkness. As soon as I placed it over my eyes and laid on my back with my arms around my head, something that felt like a little kid sit on top of my stomach... I opened my eyes and felt as if I could see right through my headband. A figure outlined in a purple-ish colour was on top of me. I freaked out and waited until it left. I actually FELT it get off and right away I turned to my side and then ran to my mom's room where I tried to explain what happened but ended then just burst into tears. My mom believes in spirits too, so she didn't think what I was saying was total hogwash. Anyway, my last encounter happened WITH my mom. My grandparents aka her parents were visiting from Canada, and they stayed in her room while she slept next to me on my bed. My dog slept with us, but on the floor on his blanket. I had a body length-mirror in my room, and it was leaning against a wall. At 4 in the morning it had fallen over, but instead of sliding down so that the mirror was facing up, it fell ONTO the mirror side. At first my mom and I thought it was my dog, but then we realized he wasn't even in the room. Till this day my family believes that there was someone in my room. The house we were renting was owned by a woman who was going through a divorce with her-then husband and had a child. They left a whole bunch of their belongings in the house, so we thought that maybe their child might have passed away. ANYWAY! If you took the time to read this, THANK YOU. I've been wanting to get my story out here for a while! Feel ABSOLUTELY free to reply!
Keeksopera (1 posts)
13 years ago (2012-02-07)
Hi there!
I have had many visions of a similar theme. Don't underestimate yourself by the fact that you are a teenager!
Try to do some research on the property, and see if you can find any information on the lady you are seeing. If you can, talk to her directly or in your dreams. Keep a diary of your experiences with her, and see if she can talk to you or show you how she is feeling.
charmsdes (7 stories) (19 posts)
13 years ago (2011-12-12)
The feeling of stiffness and the inability to move while you are sleeping is known as "sleep paralysis". It's not really common. Some say it's caused by stress. I have had end number of experiences like this. The first being when I was 11. I was woken up one night (coincidentally happened to be a full moon night because the light of the moon flooded through the curtains) with something jump on my feet. I opened my eyes and I saw nothing. Then I turned towards where my parents were sleeping (I had a small bed at the foot of their bed) I saw this shadow that looked like Pan (god of fields, groves, and wooded glens, also the Greek God of fertility and Spring) my first instinct was to scream but instead I covered my face with my blanket. I tried to remove the blanket but I was frozen, I couldn't move. I couldn't scream. I could feel a weight on my chest as though something was sitting on it and holding the blanket down. I could feel my heart pounding, I thought I was going to die. I tried to move again after what seemed like an eternity. I could move. I looked towards the spot where I saw the "Pan" creature and it had vanished. I slept at my parents' feet for the rest of the night.

It is scary while you're experiencing it and no matter how many times it's happened to you, it's one thing you can't get used to.
keys (1 posts)
13 years ago (2011-10-13)
I had exactly the same experience and when I was a kid I used to sleep "paralysed" as in I was in a coutious stage but then my body is stiff and can not move! I used to hear "hell speaking" like lots of noises of people trying to whisper at my ears and then I suddenly woke up with my eyes opened and a body that out of my control not able to move at all! Suddenly I can see clearly shadows and etc and I had to fight it off! So that my body can move again! I did used to wonder what what's real and what is not real! Since I m a christian I just thought perhaps I imagine things! Dont really bother but when I was 27yrs old I met my boss late father and then flew from London to Milan to find a his grave! Such a story! Almost sounds like I m a freak! Haha so eventually I accept perhaps there is something I have that is more than other people do! But even then nothing has tromendously changes in my life until this year when I turn 32! I met my master and I suddenly realised that what I have is a gift and what I discover what I have is only 1% out of 100%! My advice is fear nothing and you call upon GOD and an angel will comes to save you! Do your prayers every night before you go to sleep! After working on my meditation I hardly have any bad dreams even if my "soul" is out there and wondering in some "sureal" world if I met a bad spirits, I will call upon GOD and always saved by a bright light in my dreams! I must say I quite enjoy killing some witches in my dreams and feel strong compare to the dark forces/bad spirits! If you want to stop seeing them do meditation and fear "nothing"! Believe you are the stronger one and eventually the "fear" will shake off! Afterall I m more fear of intruder who is a real human being than some non-tangible living being in another dimension! Haha! I remember every times I have to deal with some "bad asses" haha I always tell them this " you can't hurt me because I m protected by god and you know this!" remember a witch trying to carve my heart out and I told her that you can never kill me because when I woke up the light will save me and I am the children belong to GOD! 😉 Everything is going to be fine my dear! Just believe me they can only mess up your mind it takes one stronger one which is us the "alive" being to get rid of bad spirits! I must say now I m stronger, I find it quite peaceful without getting disturb in sleep:) good luck
Psychicmzy100 (12 posts)
14 years ago (2011-08-13)
I've only seen one today! 😭 😭

But it was like white sparkles forming into something and then I blinked and it was gone! 😨
ZiShu (129 posts)
14 years ago (2010-12-16)
Hello, if you still come to this site I hope you see this.
I can help you with your ability of seeing spirits. I have friends who have this ability as well. Just send me an email. I hope you are alright after 2 years.
chicalatina449 (2 posts)
14 years ago (2010-09-23)
you definitely have a strong power. I must say that you have the courage I don't have. I mean the ghost that appear in my room when I was younger never did anything but this lady is kind of scary, I won't lie. Have you tried asking her what she wants? Also find your self a quart, I believe its a white one, to help you and protect you from all the creepy ghost out there.
Let me know how things go.
SunderMic (3 stories) (123 posts)
17 years ago (2008-05-21)
well I'm not realli sure to be honest, if your abilities get stronger as you get older, but like I mean when you get older you have a more understanding about your abilities, where when I was little I had to see these things that I couldn't explain and not been able to have any support because my mum wouldn't of understood. I think they only get stronger if you keep working on them and so on like meditating.
and about meditating what I did when I first meditating is just do sorta of the same thing you said about things in your room that you can't see but as you get used to meditating you tend to like dream if that makes sense, like has I can see the past and furter well, when it just comes into my head like a vision, but try getting a image like that in your head and focus on your abilities, and about the sleeping thing as well, its weird cause I never used to be able to sleep only for 10 minutes if I was lucky, but its got better now so that's But like if your sleeping like that with you feeling your've only had and 1 hour of sleep, its weird because I just always feel like if you feel you only had that much sleep its cause you've left your body if you know what I mean, like your soul if you want to say is like gone on a little holiday and left your body lol. Or may be just cause you may have done loads of things on the day and your really tired... Or may be your been drinking alcohol that day and gone in to some kind of coma lol.
pinkbabe63 (guest)
17 years ago (2008-05-17)
hi, thank you for the comment I have only just read it and I will try to do what you suggested. Also I would like to ask do you believe that your abilities get stronger as you get older because I am almost 13 and I think my abilities are getting stronger. Also because we have an extra curriculum at our school we also do work a year ahead of us and are apparently the top 20% in the country or something do you think being a bit smarter effects my abilities? Please answer as soon as possible and what you said about meditating do you think about an item in your room that you can't see because your eyes are closed? Oh and I also seem to have problems ...with sleeping I can have about 10 hours sleep but it only feels like 30 minutes or 1 hour and I am really tired do you know why this might be? I also think its amazing what you can do and hope that you can help people in the future. 😁
SunderMic (3 stories) (123 posts)
17 years ago (2008-05-03)
what are Frank and Myrrh rocks? Lol,
but if she is watching over me why would she because I don't know her lol
thirdeye (2 posts)
17 years ago (2008-05-01)
Burn some Frank & Myrrh rocks in your house. Also, when you see the sprit again, try to tune into the engery force around the woman sprit and ask her why is she here? You have to exercise the spirit of compassion to them. She may be here to watch over you, pray over you so you don't misuse your gift... Dont forget to write down your answers on paper. Let me know what happened ok.

Third Eye
SunderMic (3 stories) (123 posts)
17 years ago (2008-04-10)
oh right ok. Fair enough lol I'm not going to make you change that people are different and I alwasy get scared but I want to help them as well lol
GlendaSC (5 stories) (1475 posts)
17 years ago (2008-04-10)
SunderMic - from my experiences, and I don't see them a lot so limited, the ones here either are on a private mission, like my dad to help my mom pass on, or shadows that scurry. The spirits when I voyage are there to help me. I pester them with questions and sometimes get answers. Perhaps spirits just are not my "thing..." I tell the shadow things to leave. I don't like seeing them honestly.
SunderMic (3 stories) (123 posts)
17 years ago (2008-04-10)
lol it aint my fault if I get scared lol I mean I'm hardly scared now because I know they are in my house, and I know that they are like. 😆
Katie (42 stories) (369 posts)
17 years ago (2008-04-10)
lol your so funny! It depends on the ghost themselves because once I shouted and got scared from one because he kept walking towards me and walked through me so that was the only one which got me mad.
SunderMic (3 stories) (123 posts)
17 years ago (2008-04-10)
yeah that's what I think lol
thats why I want to improve and stop being such a scaredy pants lol and try and help them lol.
Katie (42 stories) (369 posts)
17 years ago (2008-04-10)
Is it me or is it weird to feel that ghosts/spirits are important as well. I feel like they are important and people who have passed away. I will always remember them and there still important. Spirits/ghosts are important because they need help and with out psychic people they wouldn't be able to get the help they need.
SunderMic (3 stories) (123 posts)
17 years ago (2008-04-10)
ok GlendaSC thanks but like if I spirit wants to pass on a message or needs help I got to do something if I can. And so like what did you do about this all at my age then? And what do you do now?
GlendaSC (5 stories) (1475 posts)
17 years ago (2008-04-10)
SunderMic - Many years ago, at your age, I did this stuff too. People tilt their head, look at you, and wonder... But, I never wanted visions of people who passed on. I've seen a few, but fought it off. I think we have this choice and ability if we insist. Being here, for people in my life now, seems more important.
aramasamara (22 stories) (577 posts)
17 years ago (2008-04-09)
Katie haha...that's too funny, yes the 'color' also describes the person's energy in general... As I am sure you figured out by now, some like to call 'energy signatures'.
Katie (42 stories) (369 posts)
17 years ago (2008-04-09)
hi I started staring at a object and I saw a outline around it and it was glowing around the object I was looking at. It was green.
Katie (42 stories) (369 posts)
17 years ago (2008-04-09)
He told me the full story today he said he heard a man voice saying something then he looked and there was a lady kneeing down on the side looking straight at him and she then faded away. Why would she go to him? Who was she? And why do spirits we don't know come to us.
SunderMic (3 stories) (123 posts)
17 years ago (2008-04-09)
lol well he might not see this lady, so if you see her first like destract him or something lol. Oh just say in your head like tell her to go away or something lol not in a harse way but you know lol
Katie (42 stories) (369 posts)
17 years ago (2008-04-09)
I looked in the glossary and it was a aura what I saw a aura it just described what I have been seeing for the past few months when I look at something. Omg can't believe this I thought there was something wrong with my eyes.
Katie (42 stories) (369 posts)
17 years ago (2008-04-09)
lol I think it will backfire onto them truthfully I have a feeling. My boyfriend saw a ghost of a women yesterday he said her legs were tucked in or something. I don't know what to do because I'm going round there and he only saw her last night. I might get information and I might see her as well. I'm excited in a way but bit nervous. What should he do cause I don't think he likes seeing this stuff. How can we stop this from happening. Last time a year ago round about this time I saw a ghost of a teenage boy at his old house and that boy followed me home and sat at the end of the bed. It might happen again with this lady.
SunderMic (3 stories) (123 posts)
17 years ago (2008-04-09)
haha my bad well I did, I knew derek was a fake but I really didn't think that the whole crew was and its annoying because they get all the names of the people that have died right becasue richard the historian person tells them what the names and everything is. And I was really annoying about that, I mean conning the public like that lol. I really do hope that when they start doing another most haunted series they get bloody haunted lol.
Katie (42 stories) (369 posts)
17 years ago (2008-04-09)
lol I always knew they were fakes then you went on saying you believe a bit which made me start to believe that they weren't fakes. I hate them just watch I'm going to get myself near them soon. See if they think its funny then.
SunderMic (3 stories) (123 posts)
17 years ago (2008-04-09)
lol. And yeah I hope so too lol

I knew like some bits was fake but like omg not all of it lol]

and there are other video's as well on youtube, where you see them actually moving things to make the noises lol but I can't remember what they are called lol.
Katie (42 stories) (369 posts)
17 years ago (2008-04-09)
I was trying to move a lid I kept staring and it started to glow around it green. Then when I went out of my room instead of yellow the light green I think that glow must of blinded me for a bit.
Katie (42 stories) (369 posts)
17 years ago (2008-04-08)
omg will they be banned as a tv programme omg I knew I had a bad feeling something was going to happen. Isn't it weird that I was just talking about most haunted 1 week or 2 week ago saying I never see anything on the web cam and nothing happens. If they were spirits then other people and us would see them. They are going to get haunted by spirits I hope because they deserve too.

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