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Heat Absorption- Healing?


Out of curiosity I wanted to try to see if I can heal. So, I took my friends hands even though I honestly didn't believe it would work. First, I started feeling vibrations. Which, wasn't surprising to me since I am sensitive to vibrations and I am able to see sound waves. Then, I could feel her energy, then my energy entering into her. Then, my body (starting from the hands) started getting warmer.

This was only a Minute and 51 seconds (we timed it) and she pulled away. Her body was REALLY cold, and before that it was warm- normal.

She was already sick, but she seemed to got worse after that.

I noticed that I always was able to absorb heat from my surroundings but I haven't really noticed until now.

Is it possible I can use this to heal? Or is this just the complete opposite, and can't be achieved?

Any information on this?

I understand if I'm not meant to heal, but I honestly would like to since I see death a lot. (I'm a psychic, and can see when people die)

I have known I was a psychic since I was really young, and focused on my abilities, and remained determined to strengthen them.

I know a lot about abilities, but I don't know different types of healing. I heard about elemental healing though. My friend heals, and she can absorb heat as well, so just looking for some answers. I don't want to hurt anyone.

After doin that, her whole body felt ice cold. I have no explanation for that. Its also possible I didn't do that I guess, but I just need some answers (:

Thank you (: ~Kira

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PathR (4 stories) (1274 posts)
11 years ago (2014-06-29)
It may be to take time meditate, as you have certain abilities that require nurturing and aligning with methods of recycling when you are doing protection and nurturing yourself. I say that as you are obsorbing energy you are pulling out that and resetting it then releasing it.
KiraAnkoku71 (2 stories) (4 posts)
11 years ago (2014-06-17)
Thank you for all the help:) 😁
So, I don't know If I posted this lol, but I can see peoples energies. Not auras, but energies of other people with abilities. Theres only three types, Light, Dark and 'Balance' which is half dark, half light.:)
Anyway, the friend I was trying to heal Is Balanced, and I'm a dark. When I was trying to heal her, I could see my dark energy (which doesn't mean anything evil by the way, lol) and it was leaving my body and into hers, which usually makes people feel sick, then her body went cold.
Days after that, my friend who can see energy as well said my energy looked lighter and hers looked darker. After a couple of days it went back to normal.
And I was really confused since I tried to absorb heat from items but it didn't work, but when its winter I feel like I'm absorbing heat.

I'm really confused.:P I guess this gives me hope that I can heal:P
PathR (4 stories) (1274 posts)
11 years ago (2014-06-11)
Even though your friend felt cold and felt worse.
Areas like Homeopathy/massage, healing can cause an appearance of getting worse, this is a cleansing process as everything surfaces. As if pushing everything up.

I once pushed a pressure point combined with energy.
The man complained he became worse. His symptom a headache. This pulled the toxins up for they were the underlying cause of the headache. He called me a witch.

A different man who had gout around his foot and ankle due to cardiovascular disease, Gave me a strange look, as if he as afraid as he witnessed gout leaving his leg and foot. Yet he did not experience any discomfort.

People can become afraid when we speak of activity around the heart. Then return and ask if we did anything? After they were seen by a Cardiologist for a MI. When we had spotted the abnormality while administering healing.

If you do not practice taking others energy to replenish your own, then you would not be able to hurt another.

If you are aware of your own physical, spiritually and emotional needs and deal with them.

So you would be consciously aware of siphoning energy
From others with an intent.
PsychicJR (8 stories) (541 posts)
11 years ago (2014-06-08)
Oh I didn't see that 😊 sorry (I'm wtitein this to getto fifty but the aApril prank got me on here)
AmberEyes (2 stories) (116 posts)
11 years ago (2014-06-08)
I kind of tried to explain it in the post but maybe I didn't do a very good job. It was just basically wondering if you could do healing with all elements not just pyroK 😊
PsychicJR (8 stories) (541 posts)
11 years ago (2014-06-08)
What was the random thought you had I'm curious andiI'm never curious
AmberEyes (2 stories) (116 posts)
11 years ago (2014-06-08)
You're welcome. And don't be sorry it was really interesting. 😊

Your dream made a random thought pop into my head. So in your dream, pyroK was linked to healing right? Supposing this is true, imagine if all the other elements could contribute to healing. So like, water could sooth it (like how I can take away heat and bad energy from areas). Air could take away burdens and make them lighter (since it doesn't weigh much). And earth could balance them all out because it is stable and powerful like large rocks or mountains.

Just a side note, I always have lots of random thoughts going around in my head and what people say always prompts me to go 'IMAGINE IF...' And then I talk a lot of rubbish! So my idea probably is a load of rubbish but yeah I'll still share it... 😉 😆
PsychicJR (8 stories) (541 posts)
11 years ago (2014-06-08)
Thank you and you were a help you reminded me I had this dream (I forgot it until you posted) an old female was inside a cane (if I had to guess she was around her90's) and she was sitting in the middle of the cave with a bleeding deer infount of her she pressed her hands agensed the deer and for a strange reason her hands turned red or emmiting red right after that she said "I'm happy you came" I was not able to ask what do you mean I was paralized not in fear but in wonder and she said "You know healing is a mixter of love heat like flames and purification" and like in the karate kid she created the flame with her hands and put it in a cup and held the flame in the cup and put it on the deer's side where the wound was but when she put it on the flame disappeared and the cup absorbed this black smoke and she said "fire can destroy but can also fix if used correctly" then I woke up in the way if I had an experience not a regular dream

So I guess that pyroK is healing with the cup her hands and the heat and sorry for the langthy post
AmberEyes (2 stories) (116 posts)
11 years ago (2014-06-08)
I don't know, maybe both? I'm usually always burning hot compared to everyone else. But when I take in energy through my hands I heat up even more where I channel it. Usually I just keep it in my hands. I've never tried pyroK so I wouldn't know if mine is down to that or healing either...

Don't the two energies feel different as they do different things? Maybe you could tell that way. Sorry I haven't been much of a help 😳
PsychicJR (8 stories) (541 posts)
11 years ago (2014-06-08)
AmberEyes in the earlier post you said you can use healing to stay warm I'm always warm I think I told you I can be in a low temp. With a t-shirt can this be the healing or pyroK
AmberEyes (2 stories) (116 posts)
11 years ago (2014-06-06)
Vampire part just means they drain energy off of other people, intentionally or not...
Kristaannem (4 stories) (44 posts)
11 years ago (2014-06-06)
PhysicJR where does the term physic vampire come from? I obviously understand the physic part but where did the vampire part come from? Does it mean the opposite of what they attempt?
Like how she tried to heal her friend but made her sicker.
PsychicJR (8 stories) (541 posts)
11 years ago (2014-06-06)
I need to tell you this my mom in the past dated a psychic vampire he was pale at first and he had a lot of negative energy but he saped out our energy (for a strange reason he couldn't sap mine) and the longer this went on the more negative energy their was and at this time their was a bunch of black orbs but promise me you won't do what I mentioned it effected everyone in our family and brought a lot of negative energy and spirits so be carefull
Best wishes PsychicJR
AmberEyes (2 stories) (116 posts)
11 years ago (2014-06-06)
Yes good luck. Don't try anything too ambitious to start off because if it goes wrong the risks outweigh the potential benefits. Maybe do some minimal practice on yourself so you don't accidentally hurt anyone else but still take a lot of caution. Energy work gone wrong is not nice at all...
KiraAnkoku71 (2 stories) (4 posts)
11 years ago (2014-06-06)
Thank you (: Ill see if I even can heal. I am able to feel energies as well, so that's useful.
AmberEyes (2 stories) (116 posts)
11 years ago (2014-06-06)
It could be used as healing if you were to drain negative energies but you would have to learn your limits, how to differentiate between different energies and how to get rid of the negative energy from yourself afterwards.

I can do both. I can give energy to heal people emotionally and to balance out their energy. But I can also take energy, for example, if someone has a fever or a headache, then I can take the negative energy causing it and dispel it so that it doesn't harm anyone anymore.

So I give out heat when I want to give energy with my hands, but I take energy and make the area cooler when I'm getting rid of negative energy, also with my hands. It comes in quite useful when you feel a cold coming on but you don't have time to be ill! 😊
KiraAnkoku71 (2 stories) (4 posts)
11 years ago (2014-06-06)
Ya, my friend is a drainer (psi vampire), however she drains Different form of energy than what I drain (if that's what I'm doing). Which, I do see how I could be, and most likely am, a drainer. I was hoping it may result in elemental healing/heat healing, but a part of me doubts it, and think I'm not meant for it/:
PsychicJR (8 stories) (541 posts)
11 years ago (2014-06-05)
What you posted makes me think that you are a psychic vampire I'll post a link of what it is its hard to explain


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