I really do not know how to start. I will be 25 in August. The older I get the more things I start to see. I know I can't post about spirit/ghost experiences on here per rules, but I have had those since as far as I can remember. Sometimes I see a flash of things directly before they happen. Sometimes I see things and if I do not write them down immediately I forget. Though I remember again when it happens. Often they are hard to figure out or put together, but if I write it all down, I can tell what it is. I see things before anyone knows. I knew recently someone was pregnant before she knew. I have also had dreams like my grandmother's friend was in a dream and one side of his face was messed up. When I awoke I told her, she then said she had spoke to his wife previously and he had been in an accident. The side I saw messed up was correct. I can't even explain the things I see that I forget though. They're so completely different. Everything is real everything does happen. I see spirits. Sometimes I believe they follow me. I have had so many things happen to me as far as other experiences. I just need help. My family is religious, as am I, but I was always told it's bad to pay attention to these things. I don't know who to seek for help, or what to do. I hope putting my email on here isn't against the rules, or else I would. I am confused, frustrated, and as I stated the older I get the more I see. My memory is bad. I was born during an eclipse. I do not know if that has anything to do with it or not, but felt I should mention it. The worst is when my mind is clear all the things that come to me, is there a way to control this? Thank you in advance.
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Seeing Many Things, Experienced Responses Appreciated
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The following comments are submitted by users of this site and are not official positions by psychic-experiences.com. Please read our guidelines and the previous posts before posting. The author, eclipse89, has the following expectation about your feedback: I will participate in the discussion and I need help with what I have experienced.
I also have had religious experiences. I have had dreams walking with Jesus. I also had an experience where I was being attacked by a demon in a dream, when I awoke, I still was he was on me pushing my face into the pillow screaming at me pushing my side too. When I fully came to, enough so to get up, I actually had scratches on my face and side. After that, is when I started getting closer to God. Call me crazy if you want, but I know what I saw and felt.
>>I think my family is kind of scared of me. My grandmother and step grandfather say they hear me late at night anywhere from 1-4 a.m. Calling out to them or talking to them... I don't know why? I am not dead! Lol
***I respect those who aren't religious and those who do not believe, so please be respectful of me and my beliefs please... Thanks in advance***
I wrote an article on my sister site about "Is this against my religion?" And while the topic was geared more towards astral projection, the principles still hold true. If you're interested, you can read it here:
As for developing this, there are some articles written under the articles section for your perusal.
Thanks so much for sharing.
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© The psychic medium story Seeing Many Things, Experienced Responses Appreciated is copyrighted to eclipse89. Edited by psychic-experiences.com.
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