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Real Psychic Experiences

I Dialled My Future Phone Number From Another Country


I have had a couple of experiences when I was younger that makes me think now looking back that I could have had a natural psychic ability that could have been worked on.

When I was around 5 years old and living overseas as my Dad's job caused us to move from country to country every year or so (I currently live in Australia) I was at a friend's house and whilst sitting on her couch with her she was distracted for a while talking to her mother.

On the couch was their telephone and for some odd reason I decided to pick up the phone and dial a number (I can still see the vision as if I were dialing the number again and can remember the number clear as day). The number I dialed was an international number to Australia and a man answered and I put the phone receiver down but not onto the phone (so the call didn't hang up, I simply left the receiver on the couch).

Not quite sure why I did it but a couple of weeks later I was back at my friend's house and her mum started yelling at her about a large phone bill and said "did you dial this number? International calls are expensive! Who taught you how to dial this number?" and she read out the number and in my head I thought "oh no! I dialed that number!"... So being a typical 5 year old I slunk away and said I had to go home to avoid possibly getting in trouble haha. So I went back down the street to my house.

About a year later we moved back to Australia (to a different state and city than we had previously lived) and when we moved into our new house our phone number was that exact number that I dialled and we lived there for years.

I have thought about this every now and then over the years and thought how did I know to dial an Australian international number at 5 years old and can it really be coincidence that it happened to be the exact same phone number that we ended up getting when we moved back to Australia?

I had another experience that same year that I dialed the number - in the house we were living in overseas I once went to walk into the kitchen and like an old movie projector playing a film on the wall to the right of me I could see out of the corner of my eye a cockatoo bird in a cage squawking and flapping its wings then when I turned my head it was gone.

3 years later my mother came home one day with a cockatoo that she out of the blue decided she wanted to buy whilst out grocery shopping and we had that cockatoo "Grace" whilst in the house that had our future phone number I dialled when I was 5.

Maybe the years in this house was really crucial to my life? I just thought it was so weird

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Mada7 (1 stories) (3 posts)
6 years ago (2018-11-30)
Nice! Try to meditate and focus on how your mind will have received something in a day or two, maybe you will get results. I believe you either have a in/direct connection to the future in this universe or someone has manipulated you into dialing that number and has sent you that image. Who in that case? Probably an alien...
Avon1 (26 posts)
10 years ago (2014-09-26)
I don't believe your psychic gifts have ever left you completely. It seems to me the place you lived in then was very special indeed, and more than that you were meant to be living there at that time. The cockatoo could the reincarnation of a spirit from the other side too.
Winter_Solace (109 posts)
10 years ago (2014-09-24)
Oh wow:/ Well that sure sucks. I know how it is, since that's happened to me too... I think I was 7 when all my abilities sealed off as well. I'm working on reawakening them now, which is nice since I haven't felt so spiritual in a looong time since I removed this block that was put on me for maybe about 2 almost 3 years. I have been having small faint visions here and there about myself from the near future, recently. Maybe God is comforting me because what I saw is uplifting and very positive. It seems my life is starting to become better because of me staying positive now after doing away with that negative mindset that I built up over time. Maybe that might help you too?

I hope you have a great week:)

Take care!
annamariecook (2 stories) (2 posts)
10 years ago (2014-09-24)
It was really bizarre and I always remember it so well as well the cockatoo we ended up owning.
I've had visions and dreams of upcoming events such as the school sports carnival in first grade and I remembered dreaming of a particular race and remembered the people who crossed the line and in what order and how they reacted and it happened exactly like that. The last time I had any of that happen though was when I was around 6 years old during first grade - after I turned 7 I never had any of these visions again: (
Winter_Solace (109 posts)
10 years ago (2014-09-21)
Wow that is awesome that you have these visions of your future. Funny that your friend got in trouble haha. Have you ever had any other visions of the future?

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