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Real Psychic Experiences

Psychic/claivoyance Death


Shortly after the divorce of my wife many friends confided in me of the persons who had been with my wife. I had been in denial for many years but began to see how and why things had developed during our 13 years of marriage.

In my attempt to be a good father and husband, I was always looking to develop my skills in whichever way I could and quickly learned by watching others. With a young family, my wife and I were always trying to improve the living standards by creating special space for one another.

I felt it was important for the family and I to have a large garage area we could all use for various projects. To this end I did all the initial work of planning, drawing and getting the supplies of building materials to build a large garage. As the building materials were being stored in our back garden, my neighbour directly behind my garden asked if I needed help.

This young man was an Italian I believe, slim, fashionable with an insatiable appetite for women. Although he was married with 4 young children and had a beautiful wife, I could see he had eyes for my attractive wife also.

We both began the construction of my garage, it was hard physical work on top of my own demanding professional career. Many times my wife said he had been there all day during the time I was in work away from home. It was completed in about three months and was a great addition to our home and family.

As part of the divorce settlement I moved out of the family home but over the next few years saw and had conversations with my ex neighbour. During these years my wife admitted a short affair with this man but I never showed it or spoke to him about my knowledge.

One evening, I was talking to some of my friends in a public house having a quiet and enjoyable drink, when I saw my ex neighbour enter the room. As he walked up to the bar area to order a drink I had a very strong and determined voice telling me to 'Tell him now'. I had never had such a strong feeling before, so I walked up to him. I told him for the first time I knew he had an affair some years earlier with my wife whilst building the garage. I don't know why but I also told him that I had to say it now as it couldn't wait.

Nothing more was said as he walked out.

Three days later I was informed he had died of a heart attack playing golf.

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The following comments are submitted by users of this site and are not official positions by Please read our guidelines and the previous posts before posting. The author, etrguy, has the following expectation about your feedback: I will read the comments and participate in the discussion.

carriwill (8 stories) (98 posts)
7 years ago (2017-11-22)
Wow, now that is amazing. The voice was possibly God telling you that so he could repent before he died. Possibly.

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