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Claivoyance, Heightened Senses. Have I Gone Crazy?


This is the first time I've ever talked, and I'm nervous. I'm 13, and think I've gone crazy. Please give me feedback. I just don't know. My friend and her cousin both have ESP too, and they want to learn how to develop their powers, so please give them feedback also. Now, me, I'm different. I see and feel things no one else does. I CAN SEE AIR MOLECULES, PEOPLE. I also can feel weird things, like vibrations from people, and their beating hearts. If I concentrate, I can move and manipulate fire, or even stop rain. And I have clairvoyance, I know a lot about people just by hearing their voice. I need help. Please, will someone please tell me if I'm crazy? I really don't know. I just need someone to talk to. My friend and cousin, however, I know are not crazy. Her cousin knows things before they happen. For example, he knew (without knowing it would actually happen) that he would get his two front teeth knock out by running into a swing set. And it happened. My friend, I'm not for sure she actually does, because no evidence was given. But she tangled up in this all the same, I think. Anyway. I might be developing the power to dreamwalk. I can control what I do in my dream, and from what I have researched, that is an important part of the process. I'm probably rambling right now, and I'm sorry. I'm just a little freaked out. Today was a day where I can feel things more, control less. It, or my mind, makes it pretty hard to get through the day. So, my conclusion: Am I crazy, and if not, what can I do to develop my powers?

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The following comments are submitted by users of this site and are not official positions by Please read our guidelines and the previous posts before posting. The author, BlackCat36, has the following expectation about your feedback: I will participate in the discussion and I need help with what I have experienced.

BlackCat36 (2 stories) (10 posts)
13 years ago (2012-03-26)
Why, thank you Rain! 😊 To Agstorms, that's okay. And to Symbol of the Dragon, I kind of agree. But With the fire, what I'm saying is I can manipulate fire, not make it. Big difference. So: What Are Orbs Again?
Rain (4 stories) (191 posts)
13 years ago (2012-03-25)
You aren't crazy and you're not alone. Although seeing all these posts already, I'm a little late saying it. 😊
Agstorms (183 posts)
13 years ago (2012-03-25)
[at] blackcat hahah sorry:) I just assumed:P Short commentttttttt
Symbol-of-the-dragon (4 stories) (68 posts)
13 years ago (2012-03-24)
The line between crazy and sane is very hard to define and matters largely on cultural perception. Scientists, scholars, and even some shaman identify "psychosis" in particular schizophrenia, as signs of powers. The crazy cereal killers that have kinds of psychosis often have underlying factors in their lives too, like abusive parents. You can research this if your interested, but like all best things, it takes years of hard research to get a grasp.

As for controlling elements and what not, I think it can be encouraged to some extent like rain dances, but I don't believe that people can do things like breath fire, at least not on the physical plane. On other levels or dimensions, I'm positive it is.

No rudeness ment. If some one could prove me wrong, I'm open to new ideas.
BlackCat36 (2 stories) (10 posts)
13 years ago (2012-03-24)
To Agstorm: Um, I'm a she. 😊 I know, that was random, sorry. And what are orbs, again?
BlackCat36 (2 stories) (10 posts)
13 years ago (2012-03-24)
Okay, first of all: please elaborate on aerokinesis?
Second of all: Can someone help me with my dreamwalking abilities? I have a lot that I need to develop, and it might help. To Ravenula: I'm not dissing you or anything, but I don't really think I'm seeing fairies. It's just not like that.
martha (5 stories) (89 posts)
13 years ago (2012-03-22)
A link of energies/particles that we see in the air, very interesting
Agstorms (183 posts)
13 years ago (2012-03-22)
[at] dreads he said he can stop the rain that's atmokinesis not hydro.:)
Agstorms (183 posts)
13 years ago (2012-03-22)
[at] blackcat try and learn aerokinesis or find someone that knows it and see of when you or they do it the particles move in harmony with your thoughts.
Agstorms (183 posts)
13 years ago (2012-03-22)
I know for sure that each element has a concioisness so mabye the slyphs are a collective concioisness (I think that's the term) and all are one with eachother to form the air
Ravenula (3 stories) (115 posts)
13 years ago (2012-03-22)
Hey devean, aren't you confusing orbs with sylphs? Orbs are like the consciousness of a disincarnate intelligent spirit, they come in many shapes and sizes, probably because of their unique aura in life so to in the spirit, the colours vary.
daveanscombe (2 posts)
13 years ago (2012-03-22)
Things have been happening recently that sound just like this!

I see things like this at 1.55 in this video link

Anyone pleas just e mail me for a talk about this
Daveanscombe2005 [at]

The things I see come right up to my face! I can feel heat from then and a breeze as they fly past me!...
The shapes are 90% sphere and now and again squares prisms ect ect all in like 3d I can walk around the objects ect ect

I really want to talk to people having similar experiances...
Ravenula (3 stories) (115 posts)
13 years ago (2012-03-22)
PS I can see white flakes of light floating in the air too... I don't think they are just dust or atoms... They're alive... Something is regulating the air and sky while we're not looking. There are forces at work in nature we don't see..."Fairies" working hard to keep the elemental world in balance. 😁
Ravenula (3 stories) (115 posts)
13 years ago (2012-03-22)
Do you believe in fairies? The air molecules you are seeing are known as "sylphs" which are air elementals... Here's a link:
Mubashir (285 posts)
13 years ago (2012-03-21)
You must mean small light blue color particles in the air. I see them too. I have seen blue,red,green,black,white particles. I was merely meditating for sometime and when I open my eyes my vision completly turned blue. Even sunlight was looking blue and I could see many particles of different colors. I could hear a long frequency like sound. I don't know how it happened but I am still trying to figure it out what it is.
BlackCat36 (2 stories) (10 posts)
13 years ago (2012-03-21)
Thanks guys for all your help. I'm sorry I took so long to respond, my family doesn't really approve of these types of matters...

Anyways, I do believe my potential is awakening, and I'm trying the meditating, I think it's working. Thanks for telling me I'm not crazy. 😆 It might be energy I'm seeing, I'm not for sure.
To Awakening in Crimson: I see little items floating around in the air that look surprisingly like air molecules. I don't know what they are, they just look like that.

P.S. I will try to contact my angel for help, but could you elaborate?

Thanks for everything 😁
Krislove (65 posts)
13 years ago (2012-03-03)
I think the first thing you need to do is find out why you are scare. Find out what your fears are and who gave them to you cause you should not be scare of these happenings. I used to be scare too but I've found out that my fears came from others who do not understand what I was going through. I think I know what you mean when you say you see air molecules because I also see something that I used to refer to as molecules or atoms. It may sound ridiculous to some but I think I know what you're talking about. I see dots and geometric shapes floating in my vision. It's kind of hard to describe. If you need help you can message me and I'd be glad to help you along. I think you're awakening to your potential. There's a lot out there that we're all not aware of and everyone has a different experience but hopefully some of my experience would be similar to yours.
Awakening_In_Crimson (guest)
13 years ago (2012-03-01)
dont get on edge, youre not going crazy. Sounds like youre going through a type of awareness. This happened to me, near exactly for a short period of time and then I was normal with my abilities grown in power. I think it's an awareness stage, not entirely awakening, which is huge... Mind elaborating on seeing air molecules?
Like what Dreads said... Embrace your abilities and meditate a bit. For the dreamwalking I would say your abilities range in dreams, then to physical manipulation, then a type of empathy.
Also try contacting your spirit guides, for some it might be an archangel, they will give you guidance toward everything in your life particularly abilities
Dreads (2 stories) (111 posts)
13 years ago (2012-03-01)
first, chill. You have to be calm. Let's see, to develop your abilites meditate. If you think you're meditating to much, you're not meditating enough 😜. But I don't think you are seeing air molecules, I hate to say that would be impossible because nothing truly is, but that sounds more like you can see the energy in the air as different colors. Your ability to manipulate fire/water sounds a bit like pyro and hydrokinesis; 2 abilities that I have been interested in lately. Pyrokinesis is the ability to manipulate heat/fire. Hydrokinesis is the ability to manipulate water. Clairvoyance is something I'm not very familiar with to be honest, unless I'm doing certain things, I can't really hear spirits.

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