Since some time now have I been reading how psychics picture the "afterlife" and though I have explained a number of times that the "afterlife" is lived by our souls, it seems that a number of psychics have problems with this thought and wish to continue believing that they themselves will experience a life after death! That is fine with me. To those who are doubting that we continue living after our physical death I would like to send the following story, taken from my manuscript "Agony of Psychism":
May 14th 1986
My grandmother's soul was introduced to me today! I had been dreaming of her long before I had become a psychic and especially one dream of her was of great comfort to me. At the time I had already studied enough about psychism to understand the significance of the dream, namely that I was being "contacted" so that I could be given solace. My son had just been hospitalized, suffering through a nervous break-down, and I was in a lot of emotional pain. My grandmother had always been the MATRIARCH of the family, and I had admired her much. She appeared to me in my dream, handing me a loaf of bread - symbolic (to me) of LIFE. I knew then that my son would survive and felt quite comforted.
My grandmother's soul also let me know at another time that IT kept on existing pretty much in the same way as ITS person had, but IT had grouped with another soulgroup than my mother's soul had. Both souls groups lived in their psychic world as their persons had. Mind-wise, they created their own surroundings: Their homes, villages, small towns, and PRETENDED that they were their persons, leading their lives, going through these lives sometimes with a small-toothed comb, so to speak, to find out what wrongs to correct, what new lessons to learn with regard to up-coming lives, etc.
My mother's SOUL met my grand-mothers soul in 1986. Both had been living in their own groups, involving themselves in group business. Time on the psychic plane is non-existent and these four years meant nothing to these souls. I was told by my mother's soul that my grandmother's soul was still caring for an uncle of mine, his soul being a happy participant in their make-believe-existence, and to most souls this existence was very real. They believed that they were their PERSONS, existing on another plane of existence.
Our soulgroup had to very carefully change their thinking in order not to create too much of a psychic shock and very gradually all understood that their persons had DIED and they, their SOULS, had to prepare for another life.
My grandmother died at the age of 94 and had not been a psychic but I am sure that she had been close to her soul. She had been quite an important factor in my life, and I was so happy when I met her soul, who was very much like my grandmother, a very loving and beautiful spirit! My soul amalgamates with my grandmother's soul many a time during these meetings, and I feel twice loved. Today, May 15th 1986,
I felt my grandmother's hands! She had suffered from gout during her old age and my hand felt as if I had HUGE knuckles, my feet at another time felt very heavy! We discussed family matters... My grandmother had always been the matriarch of the family, as stated, and all family matters were discussed with her. I was told that my grandmother's soul also reigned on the psychic plane. My mother's soul had separated from the clan because she had moved to another part of the country two years after I had been born, and the family would get together for family re-unions but in general, these souls did not leave their persons!
After my mother's death her soul remained with the souls of my brothers and sisters and their families.
One of my brothers died in a terrible accident. Not much of his face was left and his soul arrived on the psychic plane believing that IT was my brother, having NO FACE! IT was put into a long sleep-like state and when IT "awoke" IT found ITSELF in a "psychic" hospital which was created for ITS benefit. ITS first thoughts were: " I have no face!" The soul could not stand the thought that IT would have to walk about without a face! ITS "psychic" hospitalstay lasted about twenty of our years but the prevailing thought upon "awakening" was the above. My brother's soul then touched ITS psychic face and realized that it was there! IT exclaimed to me that the "nurses" (psyches which took on the shape of nurses) were so happy with IT. IT was now WHOLE again!
I was told by our soulgroup that there are always well-developed souls who help younger souls to adjust after their persons have died. In my brother's soul's case IT was even helped further: A big psychic mansion was erected and IT could experience being rich! My brother never had any earthly things to speak of and the soul, still believing that IT was HE, enjoyed this experience.
IT didn't need it for too long! IT moved away, started thinking about ITS past life, realized that my brother's conduct hadn't always been as good as IT had wished for it to be, especially with regard to my father, and my soul directed all family souls well to aid these two SOULS so that there could be a re-union between them, was successful in pointing out where KARMA had occurred. Both souls forgave each other and my brother could now think about another incarnation. IT moved into a "hut", organized for IT, since IT didn't need ITS mansion any longer, and contemplated ITS next life. All wounds with regard to the incarnation as my brother had been healed by beautiful souls!