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Sensing Energy And Auras


I can feel people's auras. I can't identify the problem but I can sense if a person is troubled, genuine, evil without speaking to them. I know when someone is hiding something from me or lying to me but the problem does not reveal itself. I get frustrated because I feel the energy but the answers are never there. It's like a mystery...I'm usually curious so I end up talking to these people. I feel as though I am my very own private investigator.

When I'm out and about, I see strangers, that I am either drawn to or the other way around, it gets very intense. We end up staring at each other but don't approach one another. That very night I will dream about that stranger. It's usually about having met them in my past life. Either they were a friend, teacher, foe, student etc. It doesn't only apply to people, but places as well. I can step into a house and feel at peace or uncomfortable. I can't pin point the reason either.

As well, I find that I can give and take energy from people. I do not drain energy, when I am tired I have a tendency to meditate and surround myself with a gold light or I depend on my rocks, one being a quartz for protection. I abide by


Lately it's hard to control my senses, it's on overdrive. It's affecting me because I can't seem to neutralize it anymore. I have tried everything and so far no luck. People are putting out negative energy, whether they realize it or not, I happen to be one of those people who can detect it. There was one technique that I was taught (mirror) imagine it covering myself and let it reflect back to the individuals. It worked for awhile. But it's not helping me right now.

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The following comments are submitted by users of this site and are not official positions by Please read our guidelines and the previous posts before posting. The author, Karmaphysics, has the following expectation about your feedback: I will participate in the discussion and I need help with what I have experienced.

Karmaphysics (1 stories) (10 posts)
14 years ago (2010-12-05)

Meditation does help me. Shielding with the mirror is good too except it only last for a couple of hours and it's draining. Meditation and imagining the mirror is the best combination. It can last for whole a week. Depending on the moon cycles. 😁
Karmaphysics (1 stories) (10 posts)
14 years ago (2010-08-20)

It does suck having this ability. Glad I'm not the only one who thinks so. I've learnt that with shielding (mirror) it takes up a lot of energy, constantly have to do it every hour. However, with meditation I'm good for a whole day.

Darkrai99 (5 stories) (23 posts)
15 years ago (2010-05-27)
I've been in a similar situation like you are now. You have a highly sensitive gift and you have to be aware of it constantly. I know... It sucks when you feel so much negativeenergy surrounding you, but, what I did was shield my energy away from the others. That way, the negative enrgy wouldn't drain me. For you, if shiled or "mirrors" don't work as well, try meditating or cleansing your energy.
isisevangeline (3 stories) (172 posts)
15 years ago (2009-11-11)
You are highly sensitive. I could see that as being a curse, but you should also see it as a gift.
Karmaphysics (1 stories) (10 posts)
16 years ago (2009-06-15)
Did you receive my email? The first email I sent you failed. My second attempt supposedly went thru, I was able to send it. I will check out the book you have mentioned, as well hold back on the crystals.I've been meditating with the white light and so far so good. I feel a slight shift in my energy field. I don't feel so drained. Thank you ❤
PathR (4 stories) (1274 posts)
16 years ago (2009-06-13)
Karmaphys I truly believe that the problem may lie with the Tibetan crystal or any crystal that has a point serves as a wand
Pulling in energy if the point is not positioned in a certain way, or if too close to the body before body is cleared in meditation. If you use clearing check out:
Chelation in Barbar Brennans bk! Please do not use crystals until you feel your normal self, then slowly impliment. I will work another week or so.
But if you do not work with me it will be for naught! Best wishes!-signing off
PathR (4 stories) (1274 posts)
16 years ago (2009-06-10)
Hi I would be happy to work on you distantly. Thanks for the information reply.
Some of the crystals you used are powerful, I can see the combination. I encourage you to keep meditating with grounding as you do with mother earth.
May I suggest you use sky/white/creator energy as it burns/clears. Put the gold on hold and crystals! I was
Told gold has to do with subtle energy which is all around us. The grid that moves over the planet. I am loosing you though all the emails filling this site. Click on User name to my email, I will send info you requested:chakra clearing. Blessings
Karmaphysics (1 stories) (10 posts)
16 years ago (2009-06-09)
Before I meditate I usually clear the surroundings by burning incense. I'm in a lotus pose, inhale and exhale gradually becoming in tune with my body, mind and surroundings. Then I visualize a gold light enveloping my entire body and I expand it throughout the whole entire room. My other method consist of the same steps only I would root myself to the ground with branches and take energy from the earth. If I lie down I usually have an amethyst with me. I put it on my third eye for a couple of minutes and then place it under my pillow. I follow the same steps as above. During meditation I am able to clear my mind, focus and concentrate. However, when I am out of the state the negative energy comes flooding back. I can't seem to put it into words. With herbs I've tried sweetgrass, and I bathe with lavender, use it for aromatherapy. I also carry rocks that I clear on a regular basis. Tourmaline, fluorite, Tibetan quartz,ametrine,apache tears, botswana agate and petrified wood. The combination is very powerful and has helped me in the past. I will try realigning my chakras somehow. Is there a specific method you use for realignment? I would be grateful if you sent distant healing, it would mean alot. Thank you for your advice.❤
PathR (4 stories) (1274 posts)
16 years ago (2009-06-09)
Hi Karmaphysics the lower layers start,physical,emotional,mental which are aligned with chakras and progress up.
We interact with subtle energy and astral, plus cording people for information. Most healers books have a picture. I checked out your energy field and 2 lower centers are misaligned and the 3rd eye is affected, therefore causing neg to be magnified. I will send you distant healing if you like? I'm actually curious how you meditate, as your the 2nd person on this site in 2-3 weeks with the same situation. I prepare:sage,rosemary,sometimes lavender, sweetgrass after clearing to burn around body, plus clear living area. Seems Revsilver uses an herb to drink, I use sage plus some others internally. Blessings
If you are more comfortable seek out a healer to work on your energetic aura/chakras... Blessings
Karmaphysics (1 stories) (10 posts)
16 years ago (2009-06-08)
I think you have put it into perspective for me. There are many layers that I have to somehow peel away. With patience comes results. I noticed you mentioned herbs. What kind do you burn for clearing? I usually burn incense. Can it also have something to do with my third eye chakra?
PathR (4 stories) (1274 posts)
16 years ago (2009-06-08)
You stated it does not work.
Only from my experience we grow energetically so it requires more time/patience when we've reached bottom, adj layers.
I've had to impliment a few methods and change them all the time. Your energetic field holds more as we work with crystals, so its like a tank. I am able to rebalance, but I am working on just maintaining. Rebalance 1-2 days.
PathR (4 stories) (1274 posts)
16 years ago (2009-06-08)
Karmaphys sorry for word errors its early here. I work in a health scenario. I have noticed spiky energy bits, at facility as well as at my home when I clear it with herbs. Our homes need blessing/clearing plus work area which has helped me. Blessings
PathR (4 stories) (1274 posts)
16 years ago (2009-06-08)
Karmaphysics, I understand what you said about the methods: The key is to find your own center, even in this there is a balancing act. It takes work and understanding of how we as individuals act/react to others. I still believe in a monthly cleansing with herbs, and if I do healing work and I have clear my home, of residual debris.
If people are confrontational pull energy from us as well. I have found that there are layers and when I clear, it is going by the individual lays so this does take time to reset:phys/emotionally/mentally etc. Phys/mentally/emotionally/spiritually. Blessings
CeeDee (1 stories) (36 posts)
16 years ago (2009-06-07)
I should have said get a pet, that's what I have think when I wrote to you. However, I don't know why this has came to my mind.
Karmaphysics (1 stories) (10 posts)
16 years ago (2009-06-07)
Thank you for the advice I appreciate it. In the past I've tried all the methods you have mentioned, it doesn't work. I don't understand why?
Karmaphysics (1 stories) (10 posts)
16 years ago (2009-06-07)
Thanks for the insight. I feel blessed that I have this ability but sometimes it's a bit overwhelming, especially the negative energy. I realize that we meet people for a reason whether good or bad. Either we learn from them or the other way around. My heart is in the right place and I am more than willing to help others. The only thing that concerns me is their bad intentions towards others or myself. I know there needs to be bad in order for good to prevail. At this point the negative energy outweighs the good. I am trying to find balance and I can't seem to. Maybe God is trying to tell me something.
Karmaphysics (1 stories) (10 posts)
16 years ago (2009-06-07)
I was wondering if you can expand further on the animal comment? I don't understand what you mean.
PathR (4 stories) (1274 posts)
16 years ago (2009-06-06)
Karmaphysics, I am just sharing a few things that might help!
Empathetics sensing energy.
Energy sometimes absorbed by us can collect in our energy field.
A prevention try a figure 8 made of white light. You in one hoop, the other over the person your speaking to. Cut at the end of the conversation, this can help with not collect spiritual debris, taking residence within your energy field clogging.
Meditation with the help of mother earth grounds releases/clears debris-downward.Creator/sky energy balance-upward plus clear, close chakras, visualize protection at end.
On Auras trust your instict, ask for verification. Basic study of colors definition a good color chart will serve as a main point to reference from. Ask yourself if you have any restrictions looking into peoples back years?
Donni (24 posts)
16 years ago (2009-06-05)
Dear Karmaphysics, I can understand you quite well. In today's world more then any other there are more troubled people, searching and basically just trying to hang on. We were all put here for a reason and that is to learn. Some are not as advanced as others, all are at different levels. Everyone we meet in life has been put in our path for a reason. Reach out and never shut anyone out, for you may be the one person that can make a difference and change their life for good and give them hope. Don't run in fear, a smile can do wonders. Remember that you have never walked in the other person's shoes. Everyone has a story to tell. Put the protective white light of God's Holy Spirit around you and step out into the world with love in your heart, as we have been instructed to do. You'll feel blessed and so will others because of YOU. D. ❤
CeeDee (1 stories) (36 posts)
16 years ago (2009-06-05)
I suggest to be with positive persons most of the time, if this is possible, ressourcing yourself.
Just got an idea of an animal but I don't know if this is pertinent.

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