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Real Psychic Experiences

My Dormant Abilities


I recently read some stuff on this site and was amazed at how I had some of the abilities and didn't even know. Sorry if I ramble.

A year ago, my emotions changed frequently, not in days, but in hours. In class, I used to feel depressed for no reason, then at another point, I would be very energized. One really weird experience was when I was extremely sad the whole day, I didn't even want to talk, until I came home to find out that my crush, got a boyfriend. I know it's kind of selfish to be unhappy about that, I should be happy for her (I am now), but I just was very sad. But is this empathy mixed with premonition? I wasn't sure, but it was pretty similar to other stories on here.

I also was able to have dreams that could predict the future, unable to control it, I freaked out whenever I was in the situation where it was exactly in the dream. And I read that Deja Vu is a form of premonition. The dreams weren't big or anything, little things like conversation.

During that same month, a tragic thing happened. Pain was everywhere and I was diagnosed with a tumor in my lower spine. Of course it was agony for 2 months, since it took that long for a doctor to find out. Resulting in two surgeries in the same area. My senses were heightened for a time while I was in the hospital.

In the hospital, I could smell things about a floor away (don't know if this is an ability). One scary thing was that I kept seeing this dark haired girl that was being held by a tall man. I cried deeply every time I saw them. It wasn't a dream, because I was wide awake at night. I would see them in a distance and try to reach for her to help, but when I do, they move further away. This occurred about 6 times in the month I stayed in the hospital. I told my doctors about this, and they gave me pills to suppress it and relax me.

Now that I'm discharged (2-3 months out already), my experiences diminished, yet I occasionally feel some empathy, but rarely. After reading the stories on this site, I heard that everyone had abilities, they are just dormant, so I just want to know if I could reopen my powers of empathy and dreaming premonitions.

So I'm wondering if anyone could give me some simple exercises to get me to be able to regain empathy and premonitions/dejavu. I would also LOVE to learn how to use telekinesis and see auras.

I'm also wondering if anyone believes in spirit guides and guardian angels, if so, I would like to hear their stories about them and what they do, and even how to talk to them.

Sorry for rambling nonstop, but I just find these abilities fascinating and just want to be able to use them properly, hopefully that one day I could could help someone with them.

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The following comments are submitted by users of this site and are not official positions by Please read our guidelines and the previous posts before posting. The author, Meowmix_Symphony, has the following expectation about your feedback: I will participate in the discussion and I need help with what I have experienced.

Lasker (5 stories) (48 posts)
15 years ago (2009-11-19)
Also, be careful where you buy your stones. If the stone contains bad energy or is poisoned by radiation, don't use it - it'll feel like kryptonite. The best practice would be to go to a shop, and then have the amethyst looked over by a jeweler, or a physicist.
Lasker (5 stories) (48 posts)
15 years ago (2009-11-19)
Sleep with amethyst stones near your head. You'll feel the boosting effects.
ChelseaDawn (1 stories) (13 posts)
15 years ago (2009-11-19)
The same thing happened for me. When I first went away to college my abilities started to diminish. But, this only is for a period of time. Your abilities WILL come back to you. They can disappear because of stress, big events, situations, etc. The cool part about it is they usually come back stronger!

Try meditation to get back into the groove:)
Meowmix_Symphony (2 stories) (13 posts)
15 years ago (2009-11-02)
Jlh27, I also believe in the supernatural things, like ghosts (both bad and good), and loud voices scare me D;. It happened once when something or someone called my name REALLY loudly when I was sound asleep, then I woke up the instant and my name echoed!
Jlh27 (2 stories) (12 posts)
15 years ago (2009-11-02)
I think you should try to meditate for half an hour or so everyday. When I do, I start to see sparkles around my house and sometimes get woken in the night by a really loud voice!
lost-in-my-own-mind (8 stories) (44 posts)
15 years ago (2009-11-02)
You seem very noble... I have some of the same questions as you do. My abilities aren't as strong as I would like them to be and I have been trying to find ways to strengthen them... I hope your futhering of your abilities becomes easier... Its nice for somethings to be easy every once in a while
Meowmix_Symphony (2 stories) (13 posts)
15 years ago (2009-11-02)
I tried the "ask for a dream" thing, and it doesn't seem to work... Or my dreams just aren't important enough =/

And for the empathy, I want to control it because I heard that if you're experienced at it, you can even change someone's attitude, so if my friend was sad, I could just take that pain away. I just don't want people around me to be sad, so once I do absorb that pain, it makes me happier because I know I'm helping.
Shakra (15 posts)
15 years ago (2009-11-02)
if your worried about your future, just remember your dreams are only future events that "could" happen. I've had dreams of being shot and stabbed and avoided them with life decisions. But good dreams that could happen are always good signs. If you want to be able to have those dreams, before you go to sleep, tell yourself what dream you want to have. IF you want a dream that tells you certain things, tell yourself to have them. You don't always remember them, but if it sticks out, you will.

As far as empathy goes, I'd say I would just forget about it. If you feel bad about something, It's never a good sign.
Meowmix_Symphony (2 stories) (13 posts)
15 years ago (2009-11-02)
Is there any way where I could practice empathy without another person around me? Like... I want to empathize easier, with no struggle, and be able to control it.
Lasker (5 stories) (48 posts)
15 years ago (2009-11-02)
There are more extreme methods, but first I would start with an Eastern medicine doctor.

But don't worry, this stuff never actually goes away.
Meowmix_Symphony (2 stories) (13 posts)
15 years ago (2009-11-02)
Interesting, but just yesterday, I tried to use some ability, I meditated and I held my mom's hand, I saw a forest. The forest was beautiful, clear and lit up. I told her and she said that it was because she was a tree element. =) I should ask someone to check out my "chi" flow.:O Thank you, good sir.
Lasker (5 stories) (48 posts)
15 years ago (2009-11-02)
Once you connect to the ether, you never disconnect, but damage to your meridian system will need to be repaired.

Seek out a Eastern medicine doctor to have a look at your energy flow.

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