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Real Psychic Experiences

Don't Be Sad, Mommy


Before I tell my story, I'd like to give you a little bit of background about my son. First I need to mention my daughter and son have different dads. I was 35 when I got pregnant with my son; after having lost 3 babies in less than a year. Dalton was my second, and last, miracle which explains my profile name. Now, enough of that.

Dalton didn't speak clearly until he was 4. At 2 he started "talking" but not in a language that anyone understood. Even those of us who were in daily contact with him didn't understand a whole lot of what he said. He made animal noises like you wouldn't believe, but as for talking. Nope, didn't happen. As he got older, it started to concern his dad and me. My daughter talked at 18 months and even though I knew all kids are different, I was really starting to wonder if there was a speech problem.

Before enrolling Dalton in speech therapy (which he ended up not needing), I consulted with a woman who most would consider to be "unconventional" and she told me when Dalton was ready for me to understand him, I would. Now, she never met my son in person, just through me. She also told me (whitebuffalo - this is why the tears when I read your story) that my son has been on this earth several times before; that he has an old soul.

I told this woman one day Dalton was "talking" to someone I couldn't see or hear, in a language I couldn't comprehend, and that I didn't understand one blessed word that he was saying. We don't have any friends, neighbors, relatives who speak another language, so it wasn't that. He was clearly conversing with someone in "their" own language. During this "conversation," Dalton turned to me and spoke very clearly. I don't remember what he said, it really isn't important, but I remember how shocked I was because just seconds before he was talking in an unknown-to-me language, and then turned to me and spoke clearer than he ever had. After I told her that, she told me not to worry. That Dalton was talking to the Angels and, of course, they have their own language. Apparently I wasn't meant to be a part of that conversation.

I don't know why I didn't ask him who he was talking to. Maybe because he did it so often, I was just used to him talking like that. She also told me Dalton is very "in tune" to me and that his destiny is to be a healer and I am supposed to make sure he finds his path.

This woman also told me my son is one of the Crystal Children (which I knew absolutely nothing about; had never heard those words in my life) and explained that there are Indigo and Crystal Children and that Dalton was part of the latter group. I asked her if all children were one or the other and she said, "Not all children are Indigo or Crystal; just those who are chosen." And she explained to me that we are in the age of the Crystal Children. She said that Crystal Children are most recognized by their eyes. I never really thought too much about Dalton's eyes. Yes, they were beautiful, but I just figured that was because of his dad. She recommended a book dedicated to Indigo and Crystal Children; having been told I have a special child (Of course he is special! How could he not be? He is my son!) I bought that book before leaving her shop. Shortly after being told about the "eyes," my son and I were at a strip mall and a woman passed us. She turned around, came back to us and told me my son had the most beautiful eyes and she couldn't "get over" how amazing they were. They were almost mesmerizing, she said.

A week before I turned 40, something very bad happened in our family. (No, it wasn't me turning 40! I'm one of those women who proudly states my age. Could be because my son is still little, don't know. But my age doesn't bother me.) This affected me so strongly that I was afraid I would never recover. The sadness I felt was so overwhelming at times I felt it was going to consume me. A few months after this happened, I was rocking Dalton to sleep; probably more as comfort for me than for him. Anyway, I was sitting with my head back against the rocker/recliner, eyes closed, trying not to think about anything. Absolutely nothing. I was so tired of being sad. I just wanted peace right then. It was one time in my life I think I was able to put everything away and just bask in the love and comfort of my child.

Dalton was lying on my lap with his butt against my belly, head on my right arm, and legs against the left arm of the rocker. (Sounds uncomfortable when I describe it, but it was the way he always laid when I rocked him.) I was just gently rocking us and had been for awhile when he suddenly spoke. We hadn't been talking at all, just rocking, and I wasn't expecting him to say anything. I honestly thought he was asleep. I couldn't understand what he said because he was facing away from me, so I said, "What did you say, Little Man?" He turned to me, sat up, and placed his hand on my face and said "Don't be sad, Mommy. I'm okay. You'll be okay, Mommy, don't be sad." That's when I cried.

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Miracles51031 (2 stories) (26 posts)
13 years ago (2011-01-27)
Callie - thank you. Those are very kind words and I appreciate them so very much. There are days that I have to stop, just like every other parent, and remember how lucky I am. Today is one of those days. Between getting home late, which in turn made everything else late (dinner, homework, shower, etc.), we were rushed and it seems like I didn't get but a few minutes with him. For some reason your words hit me where I needed them. I'm going to go lay down with my son now, who has been asleep for over an hour, and just hold him.

Thank you.
Callie (68 posts)
13 years ago (2011-01-24)
I always found the Indigo/Crystal children concepts very intriguing. When I was researching the 'crystal city', there were references to it in regards to the Crystal/Indigo children.

Weeping at that point would have been very cathartic. He fulfilled his job of the little healer well:) Both by coming to be your son, and to be there for you when you needed him the most.
Miracles51031 (2 stories) (26 posts)
13 years ago (2011-01-24)
Ananda - I wish I could tell you that what Jewell is singing sounds like the words my son said, but it's been so long I really don't remember 😢. I do remember the sounds of the words were beautiful and they were not in a language I had heard before.

Thank you.
AnandaHya (guest)
14 years ago (2011-01-23)
Miracles, I was wondering if you thought Jewel spoke the language of angels too. Since your son seems to, I thought perhaps you saw some similaritities. She is one of the closest singers to mimic some of the songs I've heard angels sings and wanted to see if you thought so as well.

WB, yeah I thought Wizard of Oz but didn't want to hurt anyone's feelings because I hear a chorus of laughter every time I think of it. Don't know the cause, could be a bunch of people (or just one tech savy person) pulling your chain?
Shaolin (1 stories) (212 posts)
14 years ago (2011-01-23)
Yes it honestly took you a whole hour and a half to bring that up. You never knew what eric could have done until someone managed to put a bug in your ear that I'm actually correct. You see during the time left in my post limit, I was emailing people. I honestly found the ones that are thinking they are making nice points against my assumed lack of credibility are the ones who are notorious trolls when someone doesn't just kiss their butt and agree with them, at least to whatever extent they are satisfied with.

BY the way, my name is not the english version, it's honestly angelic. But, young forest means a forest that has room to grow. I'm trying to help others find the truth, and in that definition of my name, I'm a forest that will sprout and become fully grown if not burnt down or hampered by insects or disease.
DCinAZ (guest)
14 years ago (2011-01-22)
"And yes, Eric had no personal power, but the links he had were made by, you guessed it, a spirit being who does not wish humanity well. Eric, to be honest was referred to as "truth" by spirit beings I spoke to long before I even came to this site, years, in fact."
Seriously, are you still thinking were not past that point? Maybe you should catch up to us now. We are more "street smart" than that.
DCinAZ (guest)
14 years ago (2011-01-22)
Pushy, pushy, pushy.
Get a new puppy Shoalin (or whoever you'll morph to next).
Maybe you want to rest for a while, I'm sure you're ears have started to steam up.
Just remember, we know who the troll is around here, no matter how many different IDs you show up as.
You just can't help tripping over yourself, oh wise one, can you?
Shaolin (1 stories) (212 posts)
14 years ago (2011-01-22)
I have no power, ok. Sorry, not going to even try to debate with a troll. It's honestly a waste of time.

Learn to troll.
DCinAZ (guest)
14 years ago (2011-01-22)
I don't think he's got anything left. Just the same old tired, excuse. "I know you are but what am I?"
The guy has a serious addiction to this website simply because most of the posters are younger and he thinks he's got an edge. It all comes down to EGO. That's all. He grows his ego from his percieved vision of himself being bigger and smarter, but he blows it every time with his massive hissy fits and his refusal to see that no one believes he has any power whatsoever.
Cripes! He doesn't even have any abilities to speak of, he's just playing at being a con man. And even that is laughable.
bbdeathspark (4 stories) (617 posts)
14 years ago (2011-01-22)
I am NOT going to get into principal "crap" right now, but I think I know exact what. I had this pondering in my mind. Eric says that what he and his slaves/group is the new world order, so its probably referring, to the Wizard as the "good people" and the NWO as Eric and those people.
Shaolin (1 stories) (212 posts)
14 years ago (2011-01-22)
Whitebuffalo, them all saying the same thing sounds like a seriously synced awareness, or someone sent you the emails from 3 different accounts. I know we both know there are trolls here. However, the change itself is very real.

And yes, Eric had no personal power, but the links he had were made by, you guessed it, a spirit being who does not wish humanity well. Eric, to be honest was referred to as "truth" by spirit beings I spoke to long before I even came to this site, years, in fact.
whitebuffalo (guest)
14 years ago (2011-01-22)
Not the same exact E-MAIL, Cosmo, just THAT phrase. The rest of the e-mails were similar (asking for something or the other) but either AFTER the written in name (or, if they did not "sign" it, where it SHOULD have been). The time stamp on them would indicate that two came in at the same time and the third was mere minutes later.

Shaolin. Right, right. I got you. But they ALL said the same exact phrase. No word deviation in the slightest. JUST that. Almost like the motto of some secret club or something. Know what I mean? Thank you for your added words of wisdom. This change IS a very tangible thing. I just pray everyone is ready for it.

Well now. There is something I did not think of, Moonshine.

To quote someone ELSE on this site... "Food for Thought"
Thank you, all of you.

And I gotta agree. The power of suggestion is a strong one. All Eric EVER had was fear of the Unknown and feeding that fear with more fear.
Shaolin (1 stories) (212 posts)
14 years ago (2011-01-22)
I think we're all well aware you're a troll, DC.

Anyway, there's been numerous people who have at least referenced the "changeover." They realize what the fall means, and why it is necessary. If you need or want me to clear it up, you can contact me at my email. Cnsidering the current trolling, I don't want to put out more troll fodder.
cosmogal926 (3 stories) (73 posts)
14 years ago (2011-01-22)
Miracles, Dalton is a very intuitive child and he is so sweet too. 😊 The two of you share such a special and powerful bond. You are truly blessed, but you know that already. 😊 ❤
DCinAZ (guest)
14 years ago (2011-01-22)
Let's see, you put him up on that pedestal again? Because your ego can't take the fall.
Then you come back (reincarnated) from the "void" as this? Give me a break, it doesn't take an Einstein to figure you out
Miracles51031 (2 stories) (26 posts)
14 years ago (2011-01-22)
Cosmogal - thank you. Believe it or not, it brings tears to my eyes too. Of course the tears are always because of the reason for my near breakdown, but more because of his intuitiveness with me. It amazes me how he seems to read my mind sometimes.
Shaolin (1 stories) (212 posts)
14 years ago (2011-01-22)
DC don't turn this into a war, please.

Anyway, we can debate forever who did what to Eric. Fact is he did not have power per se, but he was linked to a few root essences of this universe. All he had to do was twist them to his will, he could have made life as we know it, life as he wants it, to the extent the essences effect.
DCinAZ (guest)
14 years ago (2011-01-22)
No Shoalin, I disconnected him. Don't flatter yourself so much you little troll
cosmogal926 (3 stories) (73 posts)
14 years ago (2011-01-22)
That a girl moonshine, put a positive spin on it. I like that 😁. I think you are on the right track there. 😉 ❤
moonshine (123 posts)
14 years ago (2011-01-22)
The only way Eric ever was a threat, was to intimidate young minds into believing he was all powerful. Psychological warfare, in other words. Plant the seed, feed it and watch it grow. He never had any POWER, just charisma.
Shaolin (1 stories) (212 posts)
14 years ago (2011-01-22)
Eric is no longer a serious threat, I disconnected him with some things he could have attached to his harmful will to make natural order more like pudding under a hot light.
moonshine (123 posts)
14 years ago (2011-01-22)
WB, here's what I think: Wizard=Eric and his minions

New Order= those of us trying to get this site back to it's intended purpose.

And just for the record, I thought of "ding dong the witch is dead" too! 😆 😆

Anyway, I hope that's what it means, because if not, then we going to have another mess to clean up!
Shaolin (1 stories) (212 posts)
14 years ago (2011-01-22)
Whitebuffalo, sometimes when things are going to happen, or start happening, or do happen, or there was something significant that did happen else planes, physical beings who are adept psychics find out about it at the same time, or about the same time. That event is definitely drawing near. I set my energy to intensify the closer we get to the "changeover," and right now it's intense enough to physically overload peoples nervous systems. Mind you that's an unaltered state of intensifying so I don't scan every two seconds to find out what's new.
cosmogal926 (3 stories) (73 posts)
14 years ago (2011-01-22)
WB, I have to admit I got the Wizard of Oz vibe from it too. LOL! On one hand it's meant to be taken at face value, on the other it could have a deeper meaning to it like what Shaolin posted. So you got the same exact email from different people? It could be the same person with multiple email accounts. Did they all come in at the same time, or one right after the other?
cosmogal926 (3 stories) (73 posts)
14 years ago (2011-01-22)
Miracles, I just read your story again, and eventhough we talked to eachother over email about it, I just have to say it tugs on my heart every time. ❤
whitebuffalo (guest)
14 years ago (2011-01-22)
Thanks Miracle. I actually debated it, started to post it elsewhere, and came back to you. Imagine that. I keep coming back 😊.
What you think, Cosmo? I am wondering if this may not be as "lofty" as it sounds. Only because there is no real feel of Higher Power in the words. Those of you who know what I mean, it just sounds a bit like... I do not know...
"Ding dong the witch is dead", to quote one of my faves. I almost actually heard the "tone" of that song.
Thank you.
whitebuffalo (guest)
14 years ago (2011-01-22)
Thank you, Shaolin.
I am wondering. What would be the connection with all these e-mail though? I see, and understand what you are writing, but... On another part of that same scenario, they would ALL write the SAME thing?
Thank you.
Miracles51031 (2 stories) (26 posts)
14 years ago (2011-01-22)
Ananda - thank you for your words. I agree that my son is unique and special ❤ in many ways. He's a wonderful little boy and I am blessed to be his mom. There are days that I'm anxious about his future, hoping I can do my part to make sure he stays on his path. We'll get there.

Thanks for the link to Jewell's song. She's one of my favorites, but I can't truthfully answer your question, because I'm not sure how you meant it.
Shaolin (1 stories) (212 posts)
14 years ago (2011-01-22)
"The gods will fall and their will shall be seen by mortals."
The reclaiming of the protection of the universe by the universe. In other words... These "gods" took over the "day to day" flow of the universe to an extent, the universe will get it back. "good and evil" will not switch supremacy, for in reality, there is no supremacy, except what is balanced.
Miracles51031 (2 stories) (26 posts)
14 years ago (2011-01-22)
wb - not a problem at all. You know you are always welcome to hijack my page 😉. Wish I had some insight on the Wizard, but I'm fresh out of insight.

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