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Real Psychic Experiences

Drained Energy?


Is it weird that here lately my friends are beginning to get upset with me and tired around me for no reason? Even people I don't know? Oh, yes. Perhaps I should explain first off.

Take Friday for example: Friday (April 2, 2010), I went on a class trip with my J.A.G class. (Jobs for American Graduates). We had competition in Opelika, Alabama. That is a three hour drive from where I live. Well, after the driving and such, we finally arrived. When we got there, there were eleven other schools from South Alabama. Oh, just seeing these people caused me to so... Er, hyper.

At any rate, I was involved with the J.A.G Employee Interview competition. I sat at a table with nine other students from nine schools. They were so energized and hyper as well. We began talking and getting to know each other and where others were from. I started to feel more and more energized as the minutes passed while the two people on either side of me, stopped talking after a while. I turned the Brian (apparently, he's from my rival school), to ask him why he wasn't talking. Just moment before, he was talking and was just as hyper as I was. Now, he sat there, his face had a blank expression on it. When I ask him what was wrong, he gave me this look that said "you should know". It scared me a bit so, I turned to the girl next to me. Like Brian, moments earlier, she was also talking and having a good time. Now she had the same blank expression as him. I didn't bother to ask this time.

Figuring they were just tired from the long trip, I left the table and made my way over towards were my best friend sat. Sitting with Brighyhen were three other members from my school. They were all hyper and excited for their competition which was the J.A.G Bowl. I sat between my friends Jeff and Billy, talking to Brighyhen who, was across the table. Just moments after that, Jeff started acting weird and ended up leaving. I turned to Billy, only to find him with his head down, very tired. This confused me. Just a moment ago he was telling me how excited he was for the J.A.G Bowl. When I asked him what was wrong, he glared at me and told me to go away. I remained hyper throughout the whole trip but, still a bit upset that my friends were mad with me.

Please, this is beginning to worry me a bit. What is going on? What is making my friends and, even people I don't know that well, dislike me after being with them for few moments. This never happen before until Friday. Can someone please help me?

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The following comments are submitted by users of this site and are not official positions by Please read our guidelines and the previous posts before posting. The author, AngeliqueBousier, has the following expectation about your feedback: I will participate in the discussion and I need help with what I have experienced.

bsuttles3922 (2 stories) (165 posts)
9 years ago (2016-02-12)
Its called psychic vampirism. It isn't bad, but you haven't had a chance to learn how to control it
AnandaHya (guest)
14 years ago (2010-12-18)
i don't have time to read all the post but don't drain others energy in hopes of boosting your own without permission. Its like spiritually raping them. Shorting their life and demeaning their human experience just so you can have a few minutes of a head/spirit energy rush. Most other religions have a clause about karma and not harming others.
Oracle101 (2 stories) (506 posts)
15 years ago (2010-06-25)
Believe what is in your heart.

I sense that you need to raise your confidence. Take time out to be on your own, learn to meditate,& get to know your Guides so that they can protect you and you can instead focus on feeling secure and content. Right now you are dealing with several emotions. Step back and sort through them, one at a time. Let me know if you have anymore questions.

Oracle101, Psychic and Medium for 43 years
Always happy to help others
For more advice on this subject and others click on my profile name to read my stories and other posts
epoy1984 (14 stories) (644 posts)
15 years ago (2010-04-13)

Oh and another thing. I had a friend here who is also a psychic vampire but he is not draining some energy to other people instead from trees,plants,rivers but he did not suck all of its life force. His name is revsilverson. Why not do the same thing.
HaVeN (guest)
15 years ago (2010-04-12)
AngeliqueBousier I am a very good psi vampire. I usally don't steal energy. My friends who are psychic laon energy to me. Eventually I give back. I can heal so I heal them too. My friend just recently found out she is a psi vampire too. I think you are a psi vampire like me. There are bad psi vampires in the world. I should know. My friend named wait he doesn't want it out there used to be bad but is now good. He decided to be on the good side.
AngeliqueBousier (3 stories) (22 posts)
15 years ago (2010-04-08)
But, that's it. I didn't have any sugar or soda or anything on the trip there or while I was waiting. I was on a strick water diet for that morning, because I had been sick during the time. For I got there, I was very ill, cranky, upset, and wanted to be left alone.

But, when I got to the conference hall were the J.A.G competitions were being held, I immidently felt happier and more energetic, despite my sore throat. I don't know why.

And, no. I don't want to lose it. I'm just a bit worried because I've been told this and this and, I'm just unsure of what to believe. 😢
Oracle101 (2 stories) (506 posts)
15 years ago (2010-04-08)

Oracle101, Psychic and Medium for 43 years
Always happy to help others
For more advice on this subject and others click on my profile name to read my stories and other posts
Oracle101 (2 stories) (506 posts)
15 years ago (2010-04-08)
You are not "losing it" (unless you want to).

We all pass energy back and forth. Even objects carry energy (which is why I effect electrical equipment so often).

If and when you feel you are draining people around you, simply apologize to them, chuckle, and say you had "too much sugar, soda, or caffeine today" and then let them speak for a change. 😁

Oracle101, Psychic and Medium for 43 years
Always happy to help others
For more advice on this subject and others click on my profile name to read my stories and other posts
AngeliqueBousier (3 stories) (22 posts)
15 years ago (2010-04-08)
So... Is epoy wrong? I'm not a Pyschic Vampire, right? It's just me losing my mind, correct? I hope so... Just thinking about 'stealing' others energies makes me feel very upset. Please tell me I'm just losing it. I'm not a Pyschic Vampire like Epoy stated, right?
Oracle101 (2 stories) (506 posts)
15 years ago (2010-04-08)
Anxiety, negative energy, hypertension, and depression can all cause us to lose energy, feel drained, and can even effect and upset those around us.

I suggest finding ways to remain calm, and to slow yourself down. This also enables us to see, hear, and think more clearly. For example, when I feel upset it can draw even more negative energy to me. Whereas if I find an inner calm and open up my psychic eye I can then receive more clear information and my Guides and Angels will send people to me so I can help them. They know it is more difficult for me to help others if I myself am in distress and need a break.

(this is in answer to the question you had posted on my own story.)

Oracle101, Psychic and Medium for 43 years
Always happy to help others
For more advice on this subject and others click on my profile name to read my stories and other posts
AngeliqueBousier (3 stories) (22 posts)
15 years ago (2010-04-06)
Oh, um... Alright. Thank you so much. Hopefully this will help me. Thank you, once agian.

But, I am not a cute girl! 😁 😳 ❤
epoy1984 (14 stories) (644 posts)
15 years ago (2010-04-06)
"Calling Good Psychic Vampires for this girl needs help of her gifts".Do you believe in one and true powerful god? Namely jesus christ? Then if not you should believe now. I told you this because it will help you a lot through meditation. But before you meditate pray to god and archangel michael to protect you against evil spirits and demonic entities while you meditate. After you pray whisper this "I only welcome my spirit guides good spirits/angels to guide me. Evil spirits, demons you are not welcome".Then go meditate for about 10 minutes everyday when you feel energized and had 8 hours of sleep. Look for the meditation step by step on this site tell this to you so that you can somehow control your ability at will. It will help a lot. I learned from some psy vamps that they suck energy from living things. I am only giving you some hints but if you want to be very sure. Try to look for good psy vampires here on this site. Stay positive and always be happy always even though other people dislikes you. Good day to you cute girl 😊 😉 ❤
AngeliqueBousier (3 stories) (22 posts)
15 years ago (2010-04-05)
But... You said that they drain the energy from others. And, if I really am what you say then, this is causing my friends to get really upset with me. I really don't like it. 😨
epoy1984 (14 stories) (644 posts)
15 years ago (2010-04-05)
What I had learned from other psychic vampires was that they are not that bad, hence they only take a little amount of chakra for the maintaining their health and balance. You will meet other psy vamps here on this site later if you really are interested on this kind of topic. 😊 😉 ❤
AngeliqueBousier (3 stories) (22 posts)
15 years ago (2010-04-05)
Oh gosh... I hope I'm not no parasite. Stealing the life-force energy from those around me is such... A terrible "gift" to have. I mean... These people are my friends and, having them grumpy and mad just makes me feel horrible inside. Especially if I truely am er... A "psychic vampire". 😭
epoy1984 (14 stories) (644 posts)
15 years ago (2010-04-05)
A psychic vampire is a person who sucks energy to other person whose serve as a host and he or she as a parasite. That is what I had learned from this site. Try to read some stories regarding on this topic. Look alphabetically and try to search "Psychic Vampires" here on this site.
AngeliqueBousier (3 stories) (22 posts)
15 years ago (2010-04-05)
... Psychic Vampires...? Wait... Vampires aren't real... Are they? Okay... Hold on... What is a Psychic Vampire? 😕
epoy1984 (14 stories) (644 posts)
15 years ago (2010-04-05)

Why not search Psychic Vampires on this site. I read a lot of stories about draining energy psychic vampires here in the past or try search it at so that you gain more informations. Good day to you 😊 😉 ❤
AngeliqueBousier (3 stories) (22 posts)
15 years ago (2010-04-05)
Wait... Steal their energy? Wait, wait, wait... Could you mind explaining to me what you mean? I don't even know what is going on. I don't know what's happening. I don't know what I'm doing or why it's happening.
SilvesterCat10 (1 stories) (14 posts)
15 years ago (2010-04-05)
i know how you feel. I could do that stuff too. I can steal there energy but thet don't have to be around me. You should try it. If you try to steal people's energy it might help you get better at controling your power

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