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Real Psychic Experiences

My Air Bending Story


My name is Gisselle and this is my story:

Ever since I was little I was able to control the wind. Like when I was five it was suppose to rain and I didn't want it to rain and the clouds was right there in then a few minutes later the clouds were gone and it began to be windy. Then when I was eight it was hot one day then I wanted a breeze to come then a breeze came. And when I was 10 me and my friends were pretending we could control the elements like in avater and I was able to push one of them back with the wind. And whenever I get mad the wind always come and get blow hard. Then when I was 11 and I was moving the trees back and forth with the wind and that is when I found out I can control wind. But the thing is whenever I control the wind and I make a really hard breeze I'm only able to slow it down but not stop it.

Later on I found out one of my friend could control wind when we were playing this game but when I told him he didn't believe me and my other two friend could control water and the have been practicing. One of my relatives he controls fire he can make fire go low and high and could take out fire with he's hands without being burn. My sister saw me controlling wind last time and she told my parents but they just laughed, and whenever she sees me doing it she says I'm a freak. If any more people out there that control wind please teach me new ways to control it better. The wind sometimes reacts to my emotions and whenever I got mad the wind gets harder and last time I made a small tornado. So please help me control the wind better.

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The following comments are submitted by users of this site and are not official positions by Please read our guidelines and the previous posts before posting. The author, akuma, has the following expectation about your feedback: I will participate in the discussion and I need help with what I have experienced.

crazy_girl (1 stories) (10 posts)
13 years ago (2012-07-06)
I can control wind to. I have lots of gifts like seeing human auras, sensing and seeing spirits, controlling wind, feeling others emotions/feelings, and telling the future. I haven't "mastered" my skills, but it really cool having them. Although sometimes it gets scary. Don't critisize me, but I used I threaten to commit suicide until I met a guy who could see spirits. I thought I was the only one with these gifts. So glad I'm not alone! I used to hate my life and wish I was normal, but now I love my life and am so glad I'm NOT normal! Like I said I'm glad I found this website and found people just like me! (:
elementgurl (guest)
15 years ago (2010-05-19)
XD oh and a Aeolus is it normal to see 50 demons in the same place. Sometimes I do small tornados like 5 ft sometimes but I have to take it out quick before it gets bigger.
Aeolus (2 stories) (45 posts)
15 years ago (2010-05-19)
Lol. Whatever, after that state of shock I went out there and made hand tornados because you got me really excited to try it. Lol And:3 right back at you! But I think it works better with the equals sign =3
elementgurl (guest)
15 years ago (2010-05-17)
yeah I got sorta mad that day Aeolus and yeah I made a tornado XD. I didn't relize at first but soon I relize it. So that's why I don't get mad XD its quite fun actually:3
PsychicStarter103 (3 stories) (12 posts)
15 years ago (2010-05-15)
Defiantly an Air Bender.
Check my stories out comment!
Also be careful with your powers, It's dangerous!
Aeolus (2 stories) (45 posts)
15 years ago (2010-05-15)
YOU MADE A TORNADO! Do you know how many people you can kill from that! I don't even make tornados! I'm practicing so I can make one but I'm not going to use it! I live and Michigan United States and we don't get barely any tornados. I think it's been quite a lot of years since we've had a tornado. That's why I don't want to cause one! Well just be careful.
elementgurl (guest)
15 years ago (2010-05-13)
hi ElementFireController13 I once made a tornado once that hit california not that long ago a few months ago I think? Oh my cousin is able to make fire go low and high making it high and small last time he burn me I'll ask him more ok ElementFireController13?
ElementFireController13 (6 posts)
15 years ago (2010-05-12)
Hey, could you tell me how your relative controls fire? Cauze that would be nice to get some advice, and try harder to make a tornado bigger and tell me when you do it, becauze my friend made a tornado hit Oklakoma in March of 2010. She says that if you make a tornado do that much damage, then your power if fullfilled, and you can do whatever you want with air.
elementgurl (guest)
15 years ago (2010-04-21)
lol.if you ever see a dark shadow,demons,or spirits in a place that means that they died right there.
Aeolus (2 stories) (45 posts)
15 years ago (2010-04-21)
oh than that's good. Now I can talk like a 10 year old again. I always use correct punctuation and spelling because I don't want any pervs finding out I'm 10. Lol anyways, I always see black shadows. One was driving a truck when I was running at the track and he stopped and stared at me. I think I was the only one who could see him because my mom was like, "what are doing keep going!" so I kept on running for the work out but the shadow figure kept on staring at me. I got freaked out because it seems like now the shadow figures are trying to be humans. So now I think they're spirits. Maybe the one driving the truck died in a car crash right there?
elementgurl (guest)
15 years ago (2010-04-20)
sometimes they walk up too me and then they disappear. Last time around 3 am I went in my parents room to get my phone then I saw a black shadow at the corner and it change to its human form then change back to a black shadow and ran straight to me then dissappeared. And I'm 11 I had to lie about my age to make an account.
Aeolus (2 stories) (45 posts)
15 years ago (2010-04-19)
Wow... 6 times? While you were sleeping? Dang that's a pretty low blow on their side. Demons are a bunch of deformed scaredy cats. They're so afraid they won't even show themselves, now they're so afraid they have to get people in their sleep.
elementgurl (guest)
15 years ago (2010-04-17)
Aeolus thank you for the info. And I know about the demons and I'm ready if one gets me, they try to kill me 6 times when I was sleeping.
Aeolus (2 stories) (45 posts)
15 years ago (2010-04-17)
Hi I'm Joseph, I'm 10 years old and can control the wind and a whole lot more. Are you a Gemini? Geminis if you know already can be hyper, always want to escape, and are on the search for that special something. If you are that would explain why you can't stop the wind. Your power represents your zodiac sign most of the time. Search in the search bar on your computer "zodiac elements and signs". The first link should tell you all about it. And try meditating but you have to focus on wind. When I meditate I think of the ki, psi, and wind energy in my body. Once I was focusing really good and the wind blew me sideways. I also think of strong gust of wind going through me, and making all the trees sway. But when you increase the more evil spirits and demons want you. Me and my friend get chased or stalked by a new one everyday. But there's one that is always trying to get us. I don't want to scare you but you need to be prepared.
elementgurl (guest)
15 years ago (2010-04-15)
lol good luck with your air bending rilan, and I will tell you how it goes.
Rilan (1 stories) (103 posts)
15 years ago (2010-04-14)
Good luck. Tell me how it goes. 😊 I'm glad it doesn't sound sappy, like something from a barbie movie, because it works more than any other technique, surprisingly.
elementgurl (guest)
15 years ago (2010-04-13)
thanks Rilan I will try that. And that is awsome how when you sing and the wind blows hard.
Shaddix101 (4 stories) (18 posts)
15 years ago (2010-04-13)
ohh I do not know about that but that interesting and I love acatar its awsome 😉
Rilan (1 stories) (103 posts)
15 years ago (2010-04-13)
I love Avatar the Last Airbender!

Controlling the wind is called aerokinesis. I can do it too, but the wind is tempermental on me. Some days I can do it perfectly and some days I try all my techniques and look foolish because nothing happens.

I have the same problem with being able to accelerate the wind, but not stop it. My friend seems to be able to stop it. I think a lot of people can control the wind. If you want a practice partner, you can prove your abilities to someone and get them to start practicing. Then you can have contests where you try to blow each others' hats off.

I know this sounds really silly, but whenever I sing an ethereal song, the wind picks up dramatically. There was a girl who didn't believe me when I said I could control the wind. I wanted to make sure I used my most foolproof technique to prove it to her. So I sang and the wind blew so hard we almost fell off the hill we were standing on. She was flabberghasted.

I also make a wispy wind sound that kind of has pitch. Its like somebody who doesn't know how to whistle trying to whistle. When I blow hard, the wind blows back. There's an instrument that looks like a bunch of flutes attatched to each other and it makes the same sound. I have a theory that it can summon the wind so I'm trying to get one.

I believe that either the wind itself is alive, or there are spirits in it or connected to it, because when I talk to it, it responds and acts so much like it is listening. You might want to say hi sometime to help with your aerokinesis.

I absolutely love Rain. I control the wind best on a day when its either raining or its cloudy and smells like rain. If you're a sun person, it might not work for you, but if you like rain, try it on a rainy day.

And, moving your arms around in an airbender like way often works.:)

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