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Real Psychic Experiences

Able To Read Others? 2


I decided to break my story into 2 different entries. The first one was about the fact I could sense others emotions. As these emotions were experimented on by me I could dig deeper into their mind.

A few times I have tried this. I wrote about my one friend before. At first I sensed there was dread and depression consuming her. So I decided to dig deeper. To test myself. To try to understand why she was so unhappy.

After 20 minutes or so I had hit gold. I had realized her past has been clouding her judgment. She has been through cutting, suicidal thoughts, and many other stages of her life. These were horrifying as I tried to dig deeper. I almost came to the point where I almost busted into tears. Yes I am a guy who is 14. Her life is just that horrible.

So I reported back to her about what I had found. She was shocked as I knew more about her now than anyone else did. I had told her of the depressing things I learned. She almost started crying as I opened up the wounds she tried so hard to cover up. I felt so bad but in essence I also helped her. She was looking for someone to help her. Someone who she could always trust. She trusted me because I knew her so well.

So I have tried other times before that but only made it so far. This new experience I concentrated on so much more than before, only because I was worried. I only focused on her. It seems I had hit her core. Now I am helping her through her tough times and she seems to be happier. Not seems so much as I can sense and feel that she is happier.

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The following comments are submitted by users of this site and are not official positions by Please read our guidelines and the previous posts before posting. The author, jcdarkmist, has the following expectation about your feedback: I will participate in the discussion and I need help with what I have experienced.

Iunderstand (3 stories) (153 posts)
14 years ago (2010-04-24)
Yes. Eventually id like to travel and share my music with other cultures and also experience there's. Music for therapy is not anything I ever thought of, sounds very interesting. Music is very powerful. It combines all 3 of our perceptions at once. We can hear, feel, and think about a song all at the same time.
Musicismytherapy (2 stories) (8 posts)
14 years ago (2010-04-24)
Not to get off topic, but you're studying music too? I'm studying to be a music therapist.
Iunderstand (3 stories) (153 posts)
14 years ago (2010-04-23)
Be very careful about helping other people out. It can feel nice to sence when you make other people happy. Sometimes their happy emotion will transfer to people like us, empaths. Dont get clingy and be sure to separate yourself from others every once in a while not in a negative sence, its just a good thing to feel your own feelings and think your own thoughts. Absorbing to much of other people can really mess with your head. I have had a good bit of experiance dealing with people that are hurting. I myself have had a lot of problems with depression in my past. I'm not trying to discourage you from helping out anyone, just be sure to help yourself too. I like your screen name. I have a very deep and strong connection to music aswell, I'm going to school for it accualy. Another thing to watch out for is what type of music you listen to. Dont get caught up in a lot of emo music, it will sink into your sub-conscious mind and hurt you later on. As you help your friend keep this in mind, positive experiance produces positive thought, positive thought produces positive beliefs, and its our beliefs that biuld our worldview. The way you view the world has a great impact on the desicions you make. Be a positive experiance for your friend and help her to experiance positive things. Do things that neither of you would normaly every do. Read a book together or take a walk at a local park or nature trail. Connecting to nature sounds like one of those weird hippy saying but it is accualy a very good and powerful concept. Meditation is very good too. Try to connect to your sub-conscious mind by separating from conscious thought. Sometimes when we think hard about stuff our personal experiance and prefferance will cloud our ability to connect and relate to others, our individual ideas of what morality often cause many problems aswell. Christians are the worst about allowing their personal morality to hurt their relation to other people. I'm a Christian, a very devout one but I read and study many things and love is ALLWAYS greater and should be more important than law. God gave the law to man and man broke the law, now because we broke the law we are bond to its punishment. God also gave us Christ and we broke Him to but because He loves us and took our punishment for us we no longer have anything to fear. We must do the same as Christ and love others and not cast judgement on others by exalting our own ideas of what is "good" or "evil" over other people. One last thing, fear separates but love connects. Good luck bro, I hope reading this helps out.
Musicismytherapy (2 stories) (8 posts)
14 years ago (2010-04-23)
You are an empath, a strong one. Just one thing, don't help unstable people unless you know they're asking for help. I've found that unless people want help, they won't benefit at all from what you do. I know from experience that sometimes having someone know everything about you is scary, and the person could be afraid, overwhelmed, it could just make their depression worse.

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