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Element Control


This all started when I finished reading a book describing a kid with magic powers who has to save New York. I was imagining that while I waited for my mom to pick me up after piano lessons. All of a sudden a dog ran up to me made eye contact with me and the wind started blowing. I wished the wind would stop blowing in my face because it was cold and it blew four different ways other than the way I was facing.

From that day on I knew something was different about me. I started moving all the elements.

I think that people that can control all four elements have a main element then the three other elements. Well here's the thing; I the wind and storms whip around me there have been flash floods and like fifteen tornado warnings. Every time I go outside it starts lightening and storm clouds form.

Another topic is my friend has got the essence of a stag. She can sense the trail of stags and likes to eat clovers and dandelions. It is very freaky and my fiends think she and I are crazy (it doesn't matter much we call our selves the 'dork posse'). I am looking for people like me and my friend. I really need information. N-O-W! It's really important.

Also if you know anything about healing powers of crystals I'd like to know.


D.J. Controller of 4 elements, electrokinetic

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gacto (3 stories) (18 posts)
12 years ago (2012-11-26)
im best with water. Earth and wind are easier than fire and lightning and it depends on the day for light and dark. I would really like help beacuse sometimes I will drop out of a conversation and stare at a river or grass or something equal. After I fell rejeuvenated. Almost as if I were recharging myself. Id really like help.
Anonymous76 (19 posts)
12 years ago (2012-05-08)
i can control wind although I am still learning 😢

Also I can not vcreate wind I can only manipulate it. 😜
EarthNewbie (1 posts)
13 years ago (2011-10-29)
Im 12! Been feeling this for a while but I can feel earth in my vains if I'm in a bad mood plants go bad and trees sway if I'm in a good mood there's a nice breeze
windy (3 posts)
13 years ago (2011-09-27)
hey guys! I'm the same with wind and can ask it to do things but it is really difficult to do it on command and usually do it by accident.
A good way to practice is to meditate
Psychicmzy100 (12 posts)
13 years ago (2011-08-15)
I can tell you now... Wait, What's your sign?
😳 😳 😨

Then once you know your element practice it, Learn from it and yeah!
Agstorms (183 posts)
13 years ago (2011-06-28)
Funnybuny light isn't emotion it's controlling light photons and waves, with it you can change te lighting in a room or even shoot light beams from
Your hands although that would be extremely hard and take years to learn:/:)
funnybunnychowchow (1 stories) (49 posts)
14 years ago (2011-02-04)
I'm the writer of this expiriece and you must know that though the elements are enities they are enities that control the elements, not the elements themselves.

And everyone- I'm sorry for the confusion I know there are seven elements and I can controll all but one, water. Lightning elements are more electricity than actuall lightning. Dark and light are more emotions than actuaul elements. I'm not calling any element lesser in all truth I'm saying everything is not what it seems. Thank you so much for your comments

[at] Joe631 if you want to know I have a mentor who works with crystals and it might help her. I wouldn't insult people on here either (most have psychic powers). That wasn't a threat it was a warning. I don't easily hold grudges and don't mind sarcastic comments.
Joe631 (2 stories) (89 posts)
14 years ago (2011-01-17)
Well I'm not saying that "the law of one" is my belief I like to think I have no real ONE belief. I was simply using it to show an example of how the elements COULD be manifested to appear as if one is in control of them.

Im not going to sit here and tell people. EVERYONE PRAISE RA!

No not going to happen lol sorry. But I do think they those books to point out a lot of questions that are answered in a simple and quite believable fashion by "RA" so its peeked my interest as of late.

Im more interested in hearing about these other 3 elements "Light, Dark, Lighting"

Im waiting to read about those theories:)
bbdeathspark (4 stories) (617 posts)
14 years ago (2011-01-17)
I'd beg to differ about the elements being lesser, what was the word? "just not on a conciuse level that we are." Personally, I think the elemental spirits are on the same level, if not higher than us. Then again, I don't even agree with the law of one, so there could be some "arguments" or an obvious display of beliefs against each other, as you base your debate off of the Law of One, while I base mine off of my knowledge of the elements. Who knows who'll win?
Joe631 (2 stories) (89 posts)
14 years ago (2011-01-17)
Also the scientific proof to back up the possibility of these "entities" is that at the exact moment of death for every human being we lose 21 grams of weight. This is not the last breath you exhale or you removing your bowles at the time of death. No its simply unexplainable to scientists and thus many have come to the conclusion that in fact 21 grams is the weight of the human soul.

Look it up if you like:)
Joe631 (2 stories) (89 posts)
14 years ago (2011-01-17)
Ok back to the point of this soon to be debate:D

First ill make some comments on the new material I'm reading up on. "The Law of One"

From these books it is expressed that there are a number of densities of being that we all shall pass through on our great journy to meet the infinite creator of all.

The first density is that of the elements, water wind earth and fire

The second density is that of trees planet life and animales.

We are currently in the 3rd density of being. The mind/body/spirit complexe as we are considered by "others"

The 4th density is that of "The Law of Love" and it is quite a beautiful density and happens to be that of the being we all know as "Jesus of Nazareth" this was a 4th density being that came to our world in hopes to express the joys and love of the next density we have yet to experience. Clearly we werent ready for it then and still arnt even ready now as our planet is having difficulty transforming the 3rd density beings to 4th density worlds at the time of the "harvest"

5th Density and above is tricky I haven't gotten to that part of the books yet.

The one known as "RA" is of the 6th density of beings and his people "The Brothers and Sisters of Sorrow" are trying to make the transformation to 7th density bringing them 1 density way from being one with everything that exists EVERYWHERE

The 8th density is when we become one with the infinitie creator and are then a small part of every living thing in every density.

This is all from the readings of "The Law of One" and its meant to merely be theories to some and others simply WHAT IT IS so to speak.

So in effect what I'm getting at is YES it is possible to "control" if you want to use that term the elements as they are living entities just not on a conciuse level that we are. So that's where I was going with my examples of densities and how it ties into this new debate:)
Joe631 (2 stories) (89 posts)
14 years ago (2011-01-17)
Simply seeing how many people remember it that was all lol nothing of suggnificance here LOL my spelling SUCKS if anyone hasnt noticed. I was classified "dislexic" I spell em how they sound haha but reading more helps so I try and read every now and then. Mostly military fiction and history.
DCinAZ (guest)
14 years ago (2011-01-17)
A little off topic? Waaaay down the road and around the corner from the topic Joe. Where are you going with that? 😕
Joe631 (2 stories) (89 posts)
14 years ago (2011-01-17)
Not to get off topic but anyone remember the Ranger Rick mags? I got like every one of em in my drawer I used to read them all the time when I was a lil kid. Those are VERY good for a growing child seriously I used to look at those for HOURS and I didn't know what they were talkn about I just looked at the images of all the animales in all their different forms. Truely awsome mags.
Joe631 (2 stories) (89 posts)
14 years ago (2011-01-17)
DC man did you get my email yet! Lol I'm still waiting to hear from your experts 😆
DCinAZ (guest)
14 years ago (2011-01-17)
Yeah, when you look at National Geograhphic magazines that have a lot of pics of lightening, most are taken in Arizona or Florida. You just get better pics in the wide open desert.
I've heard the lightening from the ground up theory before, doesn't hold water. (LOL)
But I could be wrong. Who knows?
DCinAZ (guest)
14 years ago (2011-01-17)
We do need to get back to that debate they never got to have though, let's see if we can set that up again, and some simple ground rules about... You know 😉
Joe631 (2 stories) (89 posts)
14 years ago (2011-01-17)
Lighting = wind and fire taken to such a speed and combined thus your lighting;)

Darkness and light? Are you talking about that large object in the sky mankinds come to commonly call "the sun" O_O how is this an "element" please id love to hear your theories:)

I actually forget now but I do remember while actually paying attention one time in highschool they said lighting dosnt even come from the sky but rather from the earth and up. Then the lighting itself you see is merely the trace of the pattern the actually effect took in going up to the sky. Something along those lines:P if you want Ill go dig up a more accurate definition of lighting.

I WILL SAY THOUGH! When lighting storms are in my area I'm highly receptive to them and I honestly don't want to go outside cause I feel like my odds of getting hit are a lot higher these days... Thats just my own personal prefrence though LOL I can feel the traces and tell you where the next bolt will be if we were in a storm together lol
Joe631 (2 stories) (89 posts)
14 years ago (2011-01-17)
O_O psychic debates oohhh this sounds like fun 😆 🤔 and heres the rest to complete the 50 word minute lol
bbdeathspark (4 stories) (617 posts)
14 years ago (2011-01-17)
Sure, but Wayward is busy at school and I don't like triple teams lol. But you know this is a subject I'm sensitive on... 😐
DCinAZ (guest)
14 years ago (2011-01-17)
Is this where we're going again today? Because if so, let me see if we can round uo Shini and Rook and you go find Wayward. Let;s just make it a big ole party, okay?
I'm up to it. You? 😊
bbdeathspark (4 stories) (617 posts)
14 years ago (2011-01-17)
Lol, joe, if you don't believe there 7 elements, try talking to darkness or light or lightning. Not trying to force it on you... Just that the 4 element thing is mainly part of human myths, while realistically they're 7.
Joe631 (2 stories) (89 posts)
14 years ago (2011-01-17)
Also if you know anything about healing powers of crystals I'd like to know.

Where did you come about this information... Seriously Id like to know...

Also for the record there are 4 elements. Earth Wind Water Fire. These being of the 1st density of beings. Thank you...

Second no one "controls" the elements for they are living entities just as a tree is alive. Thus we can simply "ask" them to do things and manipulate them only slightly and its more of an agreement of the two then a manipulation to begin with. Its as if you said to the wind stop blowing on my face and the wind said "sure no prob buddy"

As funny as that just sounded it is in fact the truth though. Think about it and look up "The Law of One" if you haven't already because you sir are already uncovering the secrets within these books with your question to crsytals and their healing effects on the body/mind/spirit complexe's that are known at HUMANS;)
bbdeathspark (4 stories) (617 posts)
14 years ago (2011-01-17)
*cough* Maybe, you have an "affinity" for the Earth. Have you ever tried talkign to her/it (depending on how you view things). The earth has VARIOUS spirits, and I'm sure you can contact atleast one. But you do NOT "control" the elements. They don't have to listen to you.

(Using school library cpus rocks)
Rashidah (guest)
14 years ago (2011-01-17)
Just simply meditate. It is that simple. Meditation can help calm and soothe you. It has been medically proven.

As for the earth thing. I have no idea where you are coming from 😕
earthisme27 (3 posts)
14 years ago (2011-01-17)
can I use earth to calm me
or sooth me like meditating? Pleez help
earthisme27 (3 posts)
14 years ago (2011-01-17)
i also attract bugs alot. Every spring I get like ten ticks a week and large flies fly around my head when I go hiking. I like to climb. Is earth my element because it realy seems like it.HELP! 😕
Rashidah (guest)
14 years ago (2011-01-17)
No you cannot. Sorry to burst your bubble. Everyone has some form of connection with the earth and other elements. That does not mean you can control it. 😐
earthisme27 (3 posts)
14 years ago (2011-01-17)
i don't have dreams about my element but I can feel the earth element surging through my vains. I would like to know how control my element. Can I control plants or rocks or something like that?
bbdeathspark (4 stories) (617 posts)
14 years ago (2010-12-10)
Also... There are 7 elements, and not everyone can manipulate them [Naturally at least] and not everyone who can manipulate it can manipulate all of it. The 7 elements are: Light Dark Lightning Earth Wind Fire Water~

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