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Other Realms


Do you believe that anything is possible? After discovering that I have the ability to cross into other dimensions, I do. Astral Projection has changed my life forever because it's the reason I came across this "spirit world". It's not really made of ghosts because the "people" there age, eat, sleep, etc. However, they have some amazing supernatural abilities (better telepathy than any of us could ever dream of having, levitation, strong premonition, etc.) and their houses float. Literally. And they have somewhat spirit-like powers because they often phase through one another.

These "spirits" (I don't know what else to call them) seem to be a mix between the living and the dead - with needs of humans and flight/intangibility of ghosts. Most of them look like humans. I try to visit them whenever I can. It all begins with Astral Projection. After feeling myself relax and drift out of my physical body, I enter the portal. First I see a seemingly endless quantity of rings of glowing golden light expanding over and over again. I feel a strong (and painful) pressure on my brow Chakra. I also feel an unbelievably intense... feeling. I can't really describe it. It's like gravity is pulling me; I'm flying; I'm falling; I'm spinning - all at once. It just feels like shifting to put it on simpler terms. And the feeling's the most powerful physical sensation I've ever had.

The spirit world (I'll just call it that) is amazing beyond belief. The spirits there can cross into our Earth dimension, but go through the same feelings I get when crossing dimensions. They communicate telepathically with me and with one another. I was surprised to see some of the ghosts I'd crossed over there, too. Apparently, after ghosts cross over, not all of them are reincarnated or go to Heaven. Others go here and haven't aged since they crossed over. They simply "live" in this dimension. I know it may sound crazy, but I know what I saw!

Danny, Chloe, (they're brother and sister), Jenny, (my cat who previously died) and some other familiar faces were amongst them. And there are also those that are born into that dimension, and even the ghosts of aliens there. (good ones, though) I've made more friends in that dimension than I can count! Similar to it (that I rarely visit because a demon named Lira's been causing chaos there and her foes don't want me getting involved) and although I haven't seen all of them; I'm sure there are many others.

If you don't believe my story, there's no need to comment. I know what I saw was real, my spirit guides and angels do too, and objects still move/lights still flicker whenever they pay me a visit. My sister (who's also psychic; I mentioned her before) also sees them and can describe every detail (hair color, names, eyes, history, etc.) exactly the way I see them. According to my angel, I'm supposed to pick up spiritual knowledge from them.

Thank you to anyone who is reading this and has a mind open enough to believe it. Maybe someday you'll visit them. Anything's possible.

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The following comments are submitted by users of this site and are not official positions by Please read our guidelines and the previous posts before posting. The author, Ghost_Whisperer, has the following expectation about your feedback: I will read the comments and participate in the discussion.

Candy_Jane (4 stories) (18 posts)
12 years ago (2012-02-16)
Lucky! That's so awesome! Wish I could do that! How do you communicate with your spirit guide & angel? My astral projection happens spontaneously,&Has been happening more frequently recently &i usually just wander around my neighborhood& home.
Explosion123 (33 posts)
12 years ago (2012-02-15)
Thats amazing!
And extremely interesting.
I believe you 1000%. Dang you're lucky...
jatashi (1 stories) (57 posts)
14 years ago (2010-09-10)
wow that's cool. Scary about the demons. Though it sounds like a cool experience being able to go and make new friends.
RougeElegance (guest)
14 years ago (2010-07-16)
I do believe that anything is possible. I have had a similar experience and it was profound!

I believe in you.

And like you, my sister also confirms what I see because she sees as well.

What a blessing 😊

-RougeElegance ❤
Fireheart1212 (4 stories) (21 posts)
14 years ago (2010-07-15)
It isn't crazy at all... I had this dream a billion times... Just I thought it was a dream through my consceice mind, And even as how scary these spirits look, I am starting to see them another way, I seen pictures of them... Even captured pictures of them in my room... And saw them as a scary face... But now that I read this I see them as people... Not dead ones...
angelmission (1 posts)
14 years ago (2010-04-06)
Hi Ghost_whisperer, thanks for sharing your story. I do believe in what you wrote because I had myself the dream for so many years, dreams of going to other world, not in this world, and have normal life like human being but none of them I know from this human life. They tell me things and we do it in telepathically way and we understood each others.

I keep asking myself if I'm normal, why the dreams are obviously not in this human life, but other dimension even though they are like human beings. I also have 1 (and sometimes) few companions in my journey.

Does it mean I'll go back there after I die? If I came from different realm, so why I was born in this human form? Do the dreams explain my less emotional link with people (or even family) in this life? Is that because I was not belong to this world? Ghost Whisperer, could you please help me explaining a bit what's happening to me?

I'm 40 years old and originally from Indonesia and moved to Australia over 10 years ago.

Thanks in advance for your help.

Ghost_Whisperer (guest)
16 years ago (2008-03-12)
Actually, I've spoken with mine. Guardian angels are here to help you throughout this life in any way they can. They're pure, powerful and always have your best interests at heart. Some may have been with you in previous lives or God may have picked them because they'd work best with you. But it's kind of hard to learn about them unless you've met them or fully believe in them.
aramasamara (22 stories) (577 posts)
16 years ago (2008-03-08)

Thanks, but I am just unsure about having your own guardian angels, I know it sounds stupid for me to say that, but maybe it's because you don't see them as human or talk to you (in a human way), it's all feeling.

I was wondering if you might be able to tell me more, about these things people call angels? Someone once did this thing were they called on one for me while I was there, and I felt really uncomfortable, yet I can't deny what I felt when she did this (mind you this is another time from this and way less powerful) because everything did just 'clear' out.
Ghost_Whisperer (guest)
16 years ago (2008-03-08)
It doesn't sound crazy. I think your guardian angels were sending you a bit of the positive energy they constantly feel.
aramasamara (22 stories) (577 posts)
16 years ago (2008-03-06)
I know you all might think I am crazy, but is it possible to have expierenced being, put into a 'nonhuman' body (not a creature) and feeling what they felt for a short period of time. So, far as to go to as feeling an 'angels' (even though I can be a skeptic) energy itself... Because that's the only logical answer from what I viewed to even seem plausible. If anyone has a clue, let me know thanks!
aramasamara (22 stories) (577 posts)
16 years ago (2008-03-06)
Speaking of astral projection, I experienced something at 4:30 am on Tuesday, that I have never in my life experienced. It was not astral projection or anything describable of the sorts. I felt this amazing power of 'energy' or something that was so profound, and yet I was freely able to move my whole body, most describe astral when they first are subjected to being 'stabilized' not being able to move at first, then moving on past that stage. I did not even for one second not think I could move, while this was happening I wouldn't want to say I was flying, but the energy it was just amazing I cannot or will never be able to describe truly what I felt. I was still in my body, I could still move, I was still me and yet I felt another thing so crazy... While still knowing I was there. I see that most people forget themselves during astral or cannot move, this wasn't astral, but something completely different. I don't even know what to call it, I am still stunned.
Ghost_Whisperer (guest)
16 years ago (2008-03-06)
Not many psychics can turn their powers on and off right away, just keep practising and you'll get there. Everyone experiences astral projection in their sleep, but most don't remember or control it. There are commonly noises made when leaving the body, and the note you heard must have reminded you of it.
hotandcold (5 stories) (218 posts)
16 years ago (2007-12-27)
I haven't commented in a while! I jus thought I would tell yoiuh ow remote viewing was going...

Well, I can't turn it off or on yet, but I am seeing things more often and clearer.

And another thing, Is there a certain musical note when played for a certain amount of time can put you into meditation/ something like it? Because the other night I was doing that thing with the wineglasses, when you wet your finger and circle it around the rim and it makes that noise, and it made me feel like I was leaving my body.

I don't understand this, maybe you could help?
Magpyes (1 stories) (4 posts)
17 years ago (2007-11-04)
That is an amazing story. I hope that one day I can visit there and also have a great experience in another dimension. Thanks for posting!
Katie (guest)
17 years ago (2007-10-21)
The spirit world can be different every time every time you dream of it it is for me. Just different places I am at but they are usual dreams for me which don't add up. I have had up to 300 people in my dream I could see there faces they looked so clear. They were friendly towards me it was like I stood out everyone knew my name in that dream which out me telling them.
Katie (guest)
17 years ago (2007-10-21)
hi I dream of the spirit world it just like this and the people in it are like people in this world. I see ghosts in my house and guess where I recognise them from my dreams. They smile at me they are so friendly they wouldn't ever hurt me. I have had dreams like this all my life. They dreams like this they all control not me. I can't really have my own dreams because they are controlled by them. I dream about the future and dream about the spirit world that is all. I wouldn't know they were dead people in my dreams they just look like us they don't look like ghosts just people who are alive.
Ghost_Whisperer (guest)
17 years ago (2007-10-20)
Aw, thanks Kim and Charlotte! And I'm not surprised you have more than one gift, Kristy. I think you're all really gifted and special. 😊
hotandcold (5 stories) (218 posts)
17 years ago (2007-10-19)

I never knew you were the same age as me?!

Wow, your much more mature, and people tell me I am! You are very spiritually enlightened, by the sounds of things, too. We haven't spoken in a while!

Psyichckim (3 stories) (46 posts)
17 years ago (2007-10-19)
hello ghost whisperer,
are you really only thirteen? You seem so much older you are very mature for your age I'm very impressed I have atwenty year old who does not act as mature as you wow
much love,
kristy39 (3 stories) (34 posts)
17 years ago (2007-10-12)
thanks so much I will have to do that. I have a gift where I can hold people hands and tell them things but someone e-mailed me and told me I have more than one gift. I hope to learn what they are. Thanks very much for your help
Ghost_Whisperer (guest)
17 years ago (2007-10-12)
Sure, Kristy. Meditation is the best way to communicate with a Spirit Guide. Find a quiet, comfortable place free of distractions at a good time, clear your mind, and send out a question. (Their name, a decision you've made, anything) Clear your thoughts, focusing only on your breathing and let whatever comes to you come. It takes practise to become more perceptive, and you may not hear from them straight away. But pay attention to pressures on the left side of your body and pressures on the top of your head (signs they're trying to communicate with you). Sometimes they try but it's hard to listen. Meditating to visualize your aura expanding, sending energy waves to your chakras, and using crystals can increase clairvoyant abilities and make it easier to find your spirit guide.

I didn't need to do any of this because communicating with higher beings comes naturally to me, but it takes others time to find their spirit guides. Be patient. They will come when you need them, but it's never too early to try to contact them. Good luck!
kristy39 (3 stories) (34 posts)
17 years ago (2007-10-12)
i was wanting to know how can a person find there spirit guide. Can you please help me out. My e-mail is kristy_johns [at] I love what you have right. I was reading someone page and they said you help them find there's I hope you can help me
kristy39 (3 stories) (34 posts)
17 years ago (2007-10-09)
thanks for telling this. It realy kool how people can do things. There are so much I wish I could do or learn how to. I believe these things.
CVT6702 (15 stories) (111 posts)
17 years ago (2007-10-08)
I think this is a great piece of writing and I believe these things because while you appear to be a little more advanced in your psychic gift than I am, as a Psychic Channell I can verify some of these things from my own experiences.
Ghost_Whisperer (guest)
17 years ago (2007-10-03)
Don't worry, there are tons of ways to hone in on your abilities. The best and most obvious is meditation, and there's also Candle Magic, keeping a psychic journal, connecting with your spirit guides for more help, crystal scrying, using talismans, and just general practise. And who knows- maybe the "random bits" will play an important part in your life someday? Just try your best and that's all that matters. Pychic powers usuall strengthen over time. Good luck!

JBao (1 stories) (9 posts)
17 years ago (2007-10-03)
thanks for the link. Very interesting things. I wish I could be a bit more sensitive to abilities. I only get random bits that are weak comparatively.
TheSoloFox (guest)
17 years ago (2007-10-01)
Thanks for the link Ghost Whisperer, ill be sure to check it out. Good luck with everythng.
Ghost_Whisperer (guest)
17 years ago (2007-09-29)
Yes, and all the things you've listed. (as well as several others, but I can't think of them all off the top of my head) I've had a lot of practise with Astral Projection. If you'd like to learn more about it, I found a site that explains it well: And if you scroll down to the bottom it lists ways to do it. (I did it naturally, though- I must have had experience in past lives because I just "knew" somehow and researched later)
TheSoloFox (guest)
17 years ago (2007-09-29)
Ghost whisperer, your experience of astral projection strikes me as interesting. I cannot pretend to know much about it as I have never experienced it first hand, but have a few friends who claim to have the ability. My question to you is, are you proficient in any other area of psychic interaction (telepathy, remote viewing, empathy or being a medium when it comes to ghosts and things in this reality)?
Katie (guest)
17 years ago (2007-09-29)
I had a dream just like that last night truthfully. It scaring me They have been trying to tell me something is is a sign that they are waiting for us? Is it a sign we're soon going to die? I wrote a story if it gets published please read it.

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