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Real Psychic Experiences

Symbol Interpretation And Crows


Hey this is my first time posting something on this website so if this doesn't really make sense then, please just try to bear with me. This is about some of the things that have been going on since last year that has made me question if I had "psychic abilities" and well if I do I would love to know what exactly they are. Here are a few example of things that have happened to me.

This is something that has happened a lot lately; it has been going on for months (since roughly Feb. Last year) and it seems to be getting more frequent. Almost every time someone says something I say the exact same thing at the same time. The most recent one was really creepy/surprising with me and a friend both saying something and laughing EXACTLY the same, I mean the same tone and everything.

Another weird thing that has happened is that I seem to be attracting crows. They are everywhere, seriously. At school, on the street, at the bus stop, near my house, where ever I go. This started off at the start of last year when I was sitting on the oval with my old group of friends when a whole mob of crows flew over us cawing loudly. Now something made me want to pay attention to them, but when I did they flew off into the distance and made the shape of a skull, I was the only one that could see it. Later on that day I kind of fell out with those friends when I realized their true natures.

Now this is the thing that makes me think that I do have some sort of ability.

Some other things that have happened, which I won't go into too much detail, is that I can read and interpret symbols in the sky (basically the images that are formed in the clouds have some relevance to what has/or is going to happen that day), I have déjà vu almost every day, my dreams have a tendency to come true (and are in colour, supposedly most people dream in black and white, but I'm not sure about this fact), I can "read" people and can tell if they are trying to hide something or if they aren't good if I meet them for the first time and lastly I seem to be able to absorb other people's negative emotions and replace them with my own good emotions (sort of like a human happy pill).

Now like I said before I don't know if this is my imagination or what. I've been classed as an Indigo child (I kind of know what this means) by some people and apparently on both sides of my family there have been people who were practicing witchcraft (and some that were possibly convicted). Also a few people in my family apparently have experienced something strange, mostly seeing spirits. Please tell me what you think is going on, I would really love some opinions on this matter/s. Thanks.


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charmsdes (7 stories) (19 posts)
13 years ago (2011-12-15)
After reading your story I am quite convinced that crows could be your spirit guide. Animals carry a message of some sort. You should definitely look into this a little deeper. Read on Native American teachings you might find your answers there. Google it, everything is self explanatory.

Good luck!
dryadlady (2 stories) (22 posts)
13 years ago (2011-08-12)
interesting, as I attract crows too, where we lived before I told the crows to build their nest in the trees near us, and they did and they raised many families there. I attract all kinds of bird life and insects, frogs, foxes, deer, bats, butterflies dragonflies, my most recent was a brown winged dragonfly, seems its rare to see them resting, this one brought me a message which I needed at that time. Totemic animals and spirit guides are together helping man and womankind link in, if we all could be a Doctor DoLittle or animal whisperer it would be wonderful, but we can't unless we all hsve the gifts. I used to feed the wildbirds, and one winter, we had 13 magpies at one time feeding on the wall, we looked up the countryside rhyme for 13 magpies, I never did believe in such things, I still love magpies, I collect all feathers, but anything black and white colouring or all black get a bad press!
Deathshadow (guest)
13 years ago (2011-08-11)
Eagleclaw: Thanks for explaining about the aura connection. Now about those two ideas that you have on the symbols that I see are interesting. If it is one of them then I unfortunately have no clue as to which one it is 😕 if it is a PK ability then its something I'm not aware I'm doing. And with the other idea (very creative by the way 😊) well... Same thing basically... Well maybe I'll find out in time 😐

Eagleclaw (386 posts)
13 years ago (2011-08-11)
Your welcome. Abilities (powers) usually run in famillies. You can learn from eachother. Give this website address to your brother
It will help him to fine tune his ability and one day to teach you.
cleocleo4 (guest)
13 years ago (2011-08-11)
Thanks for the help and I think powers run in my famly becaus my brother is a little bit Electrokinectic! 😕
Eagleclaw (386 posts)
13 years ago (2011-08-11)
OK. If you feel that he is alive than I trust your judgement. If he is alive than he is sending a PSI to you. That may be him but his PSI may be the dove with very stong talans. And, the yellow claw marks may be his signature symbol. If you truly want to meet him than the next time you see the claw marks tell them to tell the man that you would like to meet him. And, when you do meet him don't forget to give him a happy pill if he needs it.
cleocleo4 (guest)
13 years ago (2011-08-11)
I don't think the guy is dead and if hes not Id like to meet him some day and sometimes when I close my eyes I see bright yellow claw marks
Eagleclaw (386 posts)
13 years ago (2011-08-11)
The dove may possibly be this man. Sometimes these entities come to us in a way that will not make us fearful of them. Hence the man and the stone. He is giving you a clue as to what he is about.
cleocleo4 (guest)
13 years ago (2011-08-11)
I started seeing the dove after I met this strange guy in my dreams and found this strange stone with 3 claw like marks on it.
cleocleo4 (guest)
13 years ago (2011-08-11)
I started seeing the dove after I met this strange guy in my dreams and found this strange stone with 3 claw like marks on it.
Eagleclaw (386 posts)
13 years ago (2011-08-11)
The crows are to send messages. The dove may be of your spirit guide and/or someone who has passed on and wants to keep an eye on you.
cleocleo4 (guest)
13 years ago (2011-08-11)
I used to attract crows but now I'm attracting a dove. BTW doves don't live around here! 😕
Eagleclaw (386 posts)
13 years ago (2011-08-11)
It sort of does & sort of doesn't. Everyone has a aura that surrounds them. When you meet someone you slowly connect with their aura so that you can feel the vibes that they are sending at all times. Thats how some people will have a dream that something happened to someone because they are aura connected.
And the symbols that you can read are not shown to you by any spirit. It's one of two things. The first is that you have PK ability to arrange the clouds to show symbols but most people that have that can change the weather but not make symbols. And, the next one is that you have a connection some how with other life forms (aka alians) who communicate to each other with the sky. Some humans are walking around and not knowing that they are not 100% human. So, that's my idea.
Deathshadow (guest)
13 years ago (2011-08-10)
Hey thanks for the comments.
( [at] AnneV)
I looked into the whole animal totem thing and I guess they are my guides (when I think about it). Also regarding the quantam physics quote that does make sense, basically everyone sees something different even if they're looking at the same object. In my case images in the clouds which people normally don't tend to see.
( [at] Eagleclaw)
What you wrote about me being intune with other people's spirit sides that does make some sense, but sometimes (rarely) this happens with people I only just met. I don't know if that makes a difference or not though. 😕
I have dug around my families history a couple times, but its always the same thing. Just some people on my father's side just dabbling in the occult, sometimes with really bad consequences.
Also what is your idea on the "sky symbols"?

Again thanks for the comments 😁

Eagleclaw (386 posts)
13 years ago (2011-08-10)
The fact that you say something at the same time as others is because you are intuned with their spirit side. You are not attracting crows but they are attracted to you. Crows always send messages of something that is about to happen if someone is open to it. They have a knack for it. The fact that you can interpret symbals in the sky is a very special gift that you have. You should talk to your familly about each of their abilities. I feel as if you are at the age where you are coming into your own. Sometimes the abilities do not show up until one is ready to embrace them. I'm sure if you check into your familly history you will find out many answers. I have an idea what the sky symbals are but is is you who needs to confirm it. Hope this helps.
AnneV (4 stories) (1064 posts) mod
13 years ago (2011-08-10)
Your ability to interpret symbols in the sky is interesting, rather reminds me of tea leaf reading. I look at tea leaves and think "I see a bunch of tea leaves" but somehow someone else gets some interesting picture. You know what this makes me think of (and it's just a theory) but what if this is like quantum physics where "everything is part of everything" which means if we develop our psi senses, we can interpret anything from anything. Some people can see things in clouds, other tea leaves, scrying in a mirror, and others in yet another different way. Maybe the underlying principle is the same?

I love crows and ravens too. I have a huge collection of them (not real ones, just like carvings or knick knacks). I dream of them too and when I do dream of them, they are doing really amazing things like flying into dimensional vortexes and what not. Maybe it's your totem guide?


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