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Real Psychic Experiences

Kundalini Evolved


I'm writing again about this kundalini thing I have from the age of 6. You can read my other story. Now, the thing is it had evolved at a stage that I just think at it and it lasts as long as I want, no meditation, no concentration, no nothing, I can do it from standing up in a bus or home or everywhere, anytime. The big question is, from others experiences, can it be possible to heal myself or others? I was sick days after days. When I woke up this kundalini at its grates powers gave me some headakes some inner hot and tingling at my ends of my hands and toes, for 10 seconds or so. After that I was like healed, no pains, no caugh, no nothing. When I wake up my chakras, my back, hand and head hair rises up like a magnet or so. The second question, does this "power" comes with a responsability or a concecuence? I know this kundalini thing is the ultimate self peace and knowledgement, but are there some side effects? I mean, since I can wake up whenever I want, it stays there for a very long time, I do it everyday like, don't know, forever. Everyday since I wake up and go to sleep I feel this snake and chakras getting more and more powerfull, though making me think that I can do someting good with it, not just for me. And I am hypochondriac, I forgot to tell you. I think I'm sick of cancer, or get ill, or pneumonia, if I get cut on my finger I think I will die of infections or something like that. And I'm not a sensible guy, I mean I have been in the army in mud, bullet in my hand and so on. Now that I am home I'm scared of illnesses, but this kundalini helps me heal them. I think? What's your oppinion?

Regards, cr4k3r

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The following comments are submitted by users of this site and are not official positions by Please read our guidelines and the previous posts before posting. The author, cr4k3r, has the following expectation about your feedback: I will participate in the discussion and I need help with what I have experienced.

cr4k3r (4 stories) (14 posts)
13 years ago (2012-06-22)
yet again, I really don't know what to do with it. It frustrates me because it gets more and more intense... But for what? I didn't try healing anyone... But I can try, although I don't know how... I put my hand on his head? His chest? I just concentrate? This its getting more and more awkward 😜
WanderingWayne (4 stories) (107 posts)
13 years ago (2012-05-23)
There is a book called "Farther Shores" by Yvonne Kason, M.D. That can give you some answers to some of your questions. It is about "Exploring How Near-Death, Kundalini and Mystical Experiences Can Transform Ordinary Lives" There are exercises to help you cope with going through a kundalini experience and explanations of what it's like and what it can do for you, or to you.
CheshireCat (35 posts)
13 years ago (2012-05-08)
cr4k3r...if you want to kill someone... Go ahead feel free... This wouldn't be a free will universe if you didn't have such an option available... I wouldn't even consider it a 'dark side'... After all we kill cows, chickens and all walks of life on this planet with disregard. People think there so #s$ [at] # [at] divine... There not... There just another animal on a small marble of a planet. There are cultures around the world that kill and even eat each other in past times... It's just a cultural thing. Society and true nature of the nature of the universe are completely different. It's a dog eat dog world... Even in larger realities, it's all about energy much like atomic particles trying to stabalize by grabbing onto other atoms electrons. Feeling good or bad about your own nature and actions is something I think only humans deal with as an evolved thought process that over analyses in self reflection.
NaturalScience (229 posts)
13 years ago (2012-02-28)
As all your feelings are most intense, your wrath is fierce too, hence your thought that you could kill an offender within a blink... But I do NOT believe you really would do so.
You rather would first send some evil wish to the person who offended you, and after that you would feel a big brick of remorse within your stomach... You are over-emotional, that's all. This does not make you a bad person.
If you really committed violence in the past, you can wipe it out by doing good and by Prayer.
And if your violent trait exists only on the thought plane to-day, it is under control again and won't do much harm - except to your own well-being, if you give too much attention to it.
Divert yourself from your "bad thoughts" and don't take them for serious! They are only mental junk, made to be thrown away.
One can be hypochondriac about one's own character, or emotions, too. And this can become a very wearisome kind of "obsessive mental disorder". That's why I tell you again: divert yourself.
I am a doc. This is a medical prescription.
NaturalScience (229 posts)
13 years ago (2012-02-28)
I agree with Krislove: don't mistrust the feelings you have and which you call Kundalini phenomena. It is of no special importance whether they really are Kundalini or something similar. They obviously are good for you. I tell you also, don't confuse yourself with the "ego question"; if you feel a bit proud inside of having a special gift it is only natural, and also OK., as long as you don't hurt others' feelings by a haughty or repulsive behavior.
The fact you are a hypochondriac is due to your sensitivity. Many artists, authors, musicians are hypochondriac to the uttermost. They just feel everything in such an intense way that it scares them, especially pain and physical discomfort. Moreover, your Army time probably was traumatic.

If you want to make the most of your gift try to heal others.
Use animals or trees in your neighborhood which seem to be sick for trying it out. Lay hands upon them or "send them good vibes" by thought.
If you can see them recover thereafter, you got proof that the vibrations you feel inside are not only exaggerated normal body feelings but real powers.
If you don't see such results you can be glad at least you can have some more control over your own health than a normal person by using your body-awareness.
God bless you.
cr4k3r (4 stories) (14 posts)
13 years ago (2012-02-24)
yes, exactly... But let's get ontopic here... No more sorry for ourselfs 😁
Mubashir (285 posts)
13 years ago (2012-02-23)
[at] cr4k3r.Wow that's great. Well you are not a bad person at all. Everyone has some painful past but now its present and we should write a better and happy future.

[at] shapeshifter.I doubt he wants them to go through much pain. He meant that people complain on very small things and don't realise that there are people who are going through even much trouble.
shapeshifter78 (2 stories) (169 posts)
13 years ago (2012-02-23)
I know what you are talking about. You feel like they should really know how pain really feels like when they complain at little things. I feel the same way about someone on this site right now. I feel like I want to go into their mind and show them truly how it feels and hurts.
cr4k3r (4 stories) (14 posts)
13 years ago (2012-02-23)
Mubashir, I was in the army. Didn't kill anyone 😁, thank god for that. Maybe I'm bad because I made it and I think all the pain and suffer I have been trough, and I look at this kids and people... They don't know nothing about this world... Probably that's why I am feeling bad. Maybe I change.
Ladfyhawke (1 stories) (103 posts)
13 years ago (2012-02-23)
cr4k3r,This reality uses a lot of opposites to find balance. It is an outward illustration to our conflicts within. I see your disturbance over what you have seen,learned,and now carry with you. Healing is an outward balance of killing. But to heal the heart is to free the soul. It is time to look inside the people you see. They are children as you are.Misinformed,they are the products of this information. The cruelties of this world will not change easily (my prayer is that it could be quickly), but we are the energy that moves the wheel. Our sense of love, though fragile to us sometimes, should be the motive for these changes. Your healing others and finding the reason to love beyond your pain is the healing of your own heart as well. I am not saying become less a warrior, we need fierceness to drive back the dark. It is a different kind of fierceness,though.It is love, like an elephant mother has love for her child...We,together,are building the world we live in. We need you warrior. Blessed be, Ladyhawke ❤
Mubashir (285 posts)
13 years ago (2012-02-23)
Well this type of stuff happens when your spiritual balance is disturbed. You have a change of heart. If you are good, you will turn bad. If you are bad then you will turn good. Thats a temporary disturbed balance of your spirit. And by the way how many people have you already killed cr4k3r.
cr4k3r (4 stories) (14 posts)
13 years ago (2012-02-23)
i am a very very bad person allready 😢, I care about others and I put myself behind to help others. But if you wrong me at something I might kill you without a blink. Thats the part that scares me... If I hate someone I might kill him and laugh.
Mubashir (285 posts)
13 years ago (2012-02-23)
Hey cr4k3r. Since your chakra is fully activated and mine is not yet. You have healing powers and that's awesome. Overusing abilities will stress you out. When I try to use pyrokinesis, my body starts heating up but I am really stressed in the middle and have a huge headache. Maybe my chakra isn't fully activated.
As for the ego part I think he meant that if you have great abilities then you shouldnt let your abilities overwhelm you or you will turn into a bad person.
cr4k3r (4 stories) (14 posts)
13 years ago (2012-02-23)
well...thanks for your theories but... This isn't a quantum phisics, if you do some reaserch that energy inside you can't be described by medics... Like enstein sayd... Can you see your mind? You just feel it.
Mubashir I think when I dropped on the stairs that flow enabled itself.
Other opinions? And why is harmfull if I use it too much? And what's with the ego thing?
CheshireCat (35 posts)
13 years ago (2012-02-23)
I wouldn't necessarily call it kundalini. It could be spirit guides giving you the illusion of control while fixing your body. Your body's is not as physical as you may think it is... No different than you can't lay claim to where your thoughts reside, they just exist. You know where your body resides but not how, no different than a digital mario in nintendo land. Even the idea of your physical being a vessel that you ditch at some point is something of a misunderstanding of what your spirit really is. From my understanding your spirit literally creates the body form that you reside within. Your consciousness is what would be perceived as a much smaller and limited form of consciousness that you consider yourself. Even if you don't believe what I say, just do some research on quantum physics or rent the dvd 'what the bleep do we know' to catch up on some concepts of how physical reality really is not what it seems. On the plus side, yes you can heal from anything, self program yourself, stay up days on end with nill effect from the body and mind only to recuperate very fast... Been there done that. I also know just how startling it really can be to 'activate' chackras and have spirits fix things on the inside... My experience is that I should be dead many times over throughout my life... And they ask too much of me and seem to refuse to go away... So much for angels & spirit guides. Plus kundalini wasn't much fun, just wrapped me up in power that scared me to death to see in the real world... This mario found the warp tunnel and it was a bi [at] ch: (ce la vie --gods a sick F# [at] #
barry2962 (2 stories) (104 posts)
13 years ago (2012-02-23)
Once you face your fears... Your fears will cease to be. It also sounds like you fear death... Thus creating all your sickness phobias. You are an eternal being. You can never... Not be. Death is only the end of your vehicle. You are the energy that drives the vehicle. You will always be!
Krislove (65 posts)
13 years ago (2012-02-23)
Trust is the key. I think you already know the answers to all your questions. It's hard to trust but once you see how easily everything fall into place. Once you trust and it works you begin to trust it more. Give it time. Maybe you had a past life where you had already attain Kundalini and that's why it's coming back to you. Be careful not to get too caught up in the ego.
Mubashir (285 posts)
13 years ago (2012-02-22)
Wow that's awesome. Hey can you tell me how did you activate your kundalini? Well I think you are pretty lucky to have such evolved ability. You can use them anywhere anytime but you have to remember that you shouldnt use too much because its harmful for you. Its more like a gift and a responsibilty given to you by God. Its pretty easy for you to help people in need so help them as much as you can. Well take care and bye. 😁 ❤

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