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Bipolar Manic Episode Vs. A Kundalini Awakening


I was diagnosed bipolar when I was 20 after having a "manic episode" during this episode I experienced voices giving me insight on psychic healing. I was told to stop smoking, stop eating, and that it was time to cleanse my body. I didn't eat or sleep for a week and all I drank was water. I also had out of body experiences and frequent conversations with a voice in my head telling me to research and study psychic articles.

I was really scared at what was happening to me so I went to a mental health place where they diagnosed me bipolar and put me on medication. Since then I have had 4 more manic episodes, which I believe might be kundalini awakening experiences.

I had these episodes both on and off medicine. In 2 of the "episodes" I saw spirits that I assumed were my spirit guides. In the last episode I experienced the "voice" inside of me would specifically tell me things that would happen up to a day or a week in advance. I also have visions where I asked a question and closed my eyes and literally saw the answer in my mind. For instance I noticed that I felt a presence around me so I began asking her questions. She led me to a article in the news about a person I knew whose wife and child had died. I didn't know they died, because he kept that from me, but I closed my eyes and asked her to lead me to the place where she died. The article gave me the name of a road that I had never heard of, and didn't know how to get there. When I closed my eyes I visually saw the place where she died, she told me to get in my car and drive and she took me to the exact spot and I got home without getting lost. While I was talking to her and driving, my whole body was vibrating.

I'm really wondering if anyone has experienced this sort of thing while in a "manic episode", and could possibly help me understand it more. I know telepathy is a scientific proven fact of life, but I really would like to figure out if these manic episodes I have are connected with a kundalini awakening and I would love to learn how to control these instances.

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The following comments are submitted by users of this site and are not official positions by Please read our guidelines and the previous posts before posting. The author, starzz1919, has the following expectation about your feedback: I will participate in the discussion and I need help with what I have experienced.

26michaelpatterson (1 posts)
9 years ago (2015-10-13)
hey starz I get manic to although I'm young and dumb... Not really I believe on the inside I have super powers. Or mabey even I'm the decendant of an egyptain god I would appreciate it if you inboxed me at 21.6michaelpatterson [at] then we can have an inhouse discussion about how to use the power without the power getting us int o place like jail hospitals and lost jobs cause I been all those places. But I still would rather be myself than to be on meds that kill yoy
starzz1919 (1 stories) (3 posts)
9 years ago (2015-07-11)
Pick a side? I'm forced to choose both as of right now I need both medication and meditation.

Medication brings me out of the manic episode/ awakening fast and I can separate the thoughts of what's not true and the thoughts of what's true.

Maybe my purpose in this life is to be able to understand how the system and doctors and hospitals make it worse. It would be nice if hospitals adopted meditation techniques instead of forcing medication. I am now 31 and have been to 22 hospitals lost 15 jobs and been to jail 12 times for little misdemeanors that are a result from mania episodes. My disability just got approved.

But I have been researching still all these years while experiencing these episodes. I have kept a livejournal since 2002 which can be read at livejournal: starzz1919
A lot of research is in that journal.

I have now been accepted to graduate school but don't know if I'm going to start yet. Its for photography. My photo website is please check it out!
Thanks for reading.

Crystal k.
TommyObizzy (1 stories) (2 posts)
11 years ago (2013-08-28)
I had the craziest few months of my entire life starting around late November of 2012 and ending around April 2013. I started practicing tons of yoga and meditation out in Colorado. One night I felt like I left my body during mediation and that's when everything changed. It was like a switch in my brain turned on and I could see aura's, feel energy and astral project after deep mediation. I also could see people when talking on the phone's, I was a telemarketer at the time and every phone call I made I felt I could tell after hearing the persons voice, how old, what skin color, hair color, even color shirt and what they were doing. It was like my soul was with every person I spoke with, I was even able to
Accuratley tell people what color shirt they were wearing over the phone and where they were sitting. At this time also friends of mine who were in any trouble I felt I could feel there energy and I had an overwhelming sense that something was wrong. Anyone who was going through some sort of struggle I felt as if I could feel there energy and I was one with them. However during this time I also had tons of energy and felt as if I was going to become a famous Actor (because I do have dreams of acting) but I was so certain I would be in a movie or TV show it was un-realistic. The grandiose thinking is how I know it was a manic episode, however many of the expierences I had I feel were not dellusional and were actually spirtual awakenings. I could speak to my dead grandmother and to spirits in my meditation and they told me things I did not know before. Many of these things did actualy happen. Since then I fell into a sever depression gained weight, stopped yoga and can no longer even focus enough to meditate. I know what happened was an awakening of some sort and I was intutive enough to know some odd things that later I found out to be true... Very wierd expierence... I think it was my third eye opening up and I did expierence some psychic abbilites.
Higherfire (1 stories) (8 posts)
11 years ago (2013-04-05)
I used to have manic (more hypomania) when I was 16 and had no idea about spirituality. I enjoyed the high but the depression was too much to deal with. Years later I learned of the concept of Kundalini. I intuitively started to eat a Raw Food diet and had a full blown awakening where the peak lasted for about 6 months of Pure Bliss. It was like Ultra-Mania. Then I came down and entered an exhaustion phase where my entire body felt like it was eating itself from the inside out and I could hardly function.

Through all of it I learned about the importance of strengthening our mind/body/soul and coming to a balance with the food we eat. The Kundalini burned up all my resources to fuel it's trans-formative effects and when I ran out of nutrients I hit rock bottom.

Currently I'm "training" by eating super dense super foods and doing daily cleanses with herbs and vegetable juice. (100% Raw) And daily exercise to rebuild my body/mind to a higher homeostasis. The intense Bliss has subsided but I can experience it at night if I focus.

I feel Kundalini is active in all of us. The Manic episode we experience is just a piece of it trying to flow through. I just imagine if I had been educated before my awakening to "prepare" I could harness the energy and not burn up. But it's just all part of the process.

I just see "Manic" as being hyper... Like my 3 year old sis. It's like "adults" can't be hyper and act goofy and weird like kids do because it's against common society behavior. Little kids don't have the down because they are so young with high level of HGH (Human Growth Hormone) so they just come back to balance. Older people, after years of greasy foods and stress we can't handle higher levels of energy without feeling like crap.

So yes, I think Bi-Polar is an effect of Kundalini, since it's just like energy/chemicals and how our brains deal with the chemistry in this chaotic world.

Anyway this is just my 2 cents to add to the conversation...

"Biology of the Kundalini" by Jana Dixon amazing book.


I still read this book everyday for the past 4 years now trying to understand the chemistry of it all and how Kundalini relates to EVERYTHING we experience... For we are it. And in which ways our bodies respond to the chemistry is different for everyone.

djsiva (1 posts)
12 years ago (2012-02-12)
Hi there. I found your post while searching on Google for "kundalini and bipolar"!

Well, I am also diagnosed as bipolar, but once was diagnosed as schizo-affective.

Anyways, I noticed that you said that you did not eat anything nor slept for one week and only consumed water. Something similar happened to me as well. Before I had one of my manic episodes I consumed only water with a little bit of organic apple cider vinegar. In fact, it is an ancient Egyptian miracle cure. I lost 4 pounds in one day, but of course I gained 20 after being put in the mental hospital for 2 weeks in L.A.!

Anyways, what has happened is that all of your 7 chakras got rapidly detoxified and cleansed. This allowed for the Kundalini or chi energy to pass upward and activate your crown chakra and pineal gland to access some supernatural communication.

In fact, I heard a voice in a foreign language tell me 4 times, "Your real name is Sri Aurobindo!" This was before I knew or read anything about him! He was a great Indian Yogi!

Anyways, what I feel is that you had a "spontaneous Kundalini awakening".

I thought that I had experienced Enlightenment and that I was Jesus Christ and had entered Krishna Consciousness, uniting with all the women in the world.

Anyways, the key here is that you fasted for one week on only water. That is what activated all of your chakras. That is a great achievement.

And the solution is the same fasting.

The solution, in my opinion, is to do fasting more and more, such as every other day and slowly get used to the awakened chakras.

Then you won't get into delusion, but you will still be established in mania and have creative/spiritual insights and possibly abilities.

The key, though, is to feast and fast. When you feast, you ground your energy and boost your neurotransmitters. When you fast you cleanse all your channels and are able to live on the cosmic energy.

So I suggest a gradual cycle of feasting and fasting every 48 hours, instead of a long extended fast.

Anyways, it was great reading your post and best of fortune to you.
eddie511 (2 posts)
13 years ago (2011-02-04)
Hi like yourself I am both intuitive and manic depressive. I've come to the conclusion that it is evolution and clashing of gene's. That a person can be both intuitive and posses manic/depression gene's. But I have a theory that might help you and others. If your born intuitive and you posses clairsentience, and have manic depressive gene's you are automatically a budding medium You must believe in spirit guides and negative entities. Our thoughts either negative or positive right before we sleep set the frequency to these beings. Positive emotions like love courage, compassion, understanding, set for positive being, like spirit guides. But once you channel these positive or higher entities your biology is affected to change to hyo and then mania. Confidence, becoming fearless, musical, thoughts are fluid and even when talking, intuition is enhance by increase of energy, in mid hypo a person should have some conscious control over their dominate modality, clairvoyant, clairsentient, clairaudient, but in mania intuitions seems overly active and your body will become hypersensitive! This causes you to pick up positive and bad emotions from others then right before you sleep you are you are so distraught by what you know or understand or by what you felt that it comes out in negative thoughts while your about to fall asleep this sets the frequency to negative entities. So the next day feeling the same energy but thoughts are not as fluid and abilities are kind of off as in mixed signals. As you focus on the negative more and more because your making more and more mistakes every day. So right befor bed you reflect on the negative and fall asleep so you still channel the negative entities when you sleep. So you biology begins to change again because of the being you are channeling. You begin to loose energy and thought s begin to change to polar opposite. Negative thoughts or scenario's play out against you all the time and in the end even suicidal thoughts, If your lucky and have strong guides they will pull you back before you get that far. But your intuitive talents are severely weakened as a result but not lost! If you find yourself not running smooth do an a energy release of only grey or black engery escaping your body do this while day dreaming you'll begin to visualized from memories. The release is noticeable its like your palms get sweaty energy is up and beathing deeps have a song on that gets you in a dance mood the music will help maintain the emotion which reverts into your body as energy without the right energy level you cannot do it correctly. Remember switch songs to love or something positive do it while driving or walking but never by a person or a loved on! They will pick up what you release! After that visualize drawing in light from all around. This positive emotions allow this too happen quicker. I cut some corners but I hope it is vage enough so you can understand and research. Google: Spirit guides and levels. And read the post place on oct 21 2010. First one or second. P.S Logic will hold you back from spiritual development. Not pertaining to one religion but to all. Knowing this we can pull wisdom from all religions and see the bigger picture. Everything is connected
AnandaHya (guest)
14 years ago (2011-01-23)
Interesting, I would love to see what everyone thinks of the connection between the bipolar diagonstic and kundalini/ charka opening and awakening.

Personal experience: while subsituting I witness a person who has been diagnosed by polar, when he is in the manic stage, his charka's are wide open when he is in the downside, they are shut firmly.

A spirit explains the down time is so the body won't self destruct out of energy overload. Like a fuse box switch. Any truth to that statement I wonder?

If there is a connection what would help people use their abilities with out blowing the fuse?
starzz1919 (1 stories) (3 posts)
14 years ago (2010-01-27)
e-mail to PathR:

I read your response to my bipolar vs kundalini awakening story and you told me to e-mail you for more information that you might have on the subject. I also experienced tingling, the triad sleep pattern, in fact most of EVERYTHING on this site I have experienced during my "episodes" or "awakenings" and the only thing that brings me out of it is the medication.

I'm thinking about going on to get my masters in parapsychology and research this further... But I have talked to some psychologists about my idea of being in an actual case study with a psychologist, parapsychologist and a psychiatrist.

I have yet to come across anyone that seems to be interested though, and this is mainly because I have no idea as to where to start looking for people that do research in this area. I've also heard of a guy on you tube called "bipolarorwakingup" and his videos are rather interesting.

If you have any information that might help me find people who are interested in a case study, or doing research, or even listening to my theory, just let me know!
PathR (4 stories) (1274 posts)
14 years ago (2010-01-27)
Starzz1919 I applaud you for you. You have proved the theory. Drugs do not inhibit psychic experience. What is truly our path will come regardless of any disabilities through discipline and diligence.

I do realize there are many as your self and my mother In law, a full-on psychic and Bipolar, no one more gifted. I call a double barrel. Psychic and prone to manic episodes. So Yes, there are people with both Bipolar and psychic gifts.

The negative side is the repercussions of not being able to handle life without medications and the psychic activity not properly viewed, due to lack of training. But you are pursuing understanding and training.

Back to my mother in-law she spoke of seeing and feeling spirits, tingling and temperature changes.
I re-questioned my husband and he verified his mum spoke of energy shifts. You can goggle search, but my version is a little different. My understanding is similar to my mother in-law. You seem to be exhibiting Spiritual awakening as well as Energy shifts and the key would be to keep with your meds and study and practice, keep a book have your friend as a pacer monitor your Aura. Make notes to cross reference for any proof. Unless you have practiced extensive meditation or other methods to open energy within your self you would not be classified as Kundalini awakening.
Though the concept seems similar.

Kundalini or Spiritual awakening as an Eastern experience, but knowing a few people from India it is true that as most indigenous people walk close to the earth and are aware of their bodies plus a conscious connection of responsibility it is viewed as a normal experience, but most aspire toward self discipline and understanding of self and creator. This is common and not spoken of because it is transferred through oral tradition as well as in ritual or meditation/exercise practices. An understood phenomenon, among many indigenous people and an area that can easily be awakened. As for opening via Kundalini as AnneV stated it is a discipline, but one must count the cost as it in not a western way and does not always work well. Much will depend on the Yogi and the student which must be a training possibly 12 or more yrs.

As AnneV stated Kundalini is known in India practiced with meditations and different exercises which cause a cleansing, awakening of the spiritual psychie to open the veil of the spirit world.

Some people whom are full on psychics are born with an opening already, so any additional work enhances and brings understanding and discipline.

You will have to check with Universities in Parapsychology professors in your area. You may wish to check with Raymond Moody I understand he is not too far from you and is located in Alabama he can give you a referal. But beware that even the most intelligent and learned men can talk themselves out of believing in the paranormal has been my experience with a well known professor of parapsychology in UNLV whom is an accomplished author.

If you wish more info, click on my user name and email me so I can explain further.

PathR (4 stories) (1274 posts)
14 years ago (2010-01-27)
Starzz1919 I applaud you for you. You have proved the theory. Drugs do not inhibit psychic experience. What is truly our path will come regardless of any disabilities through discipline and diligence.

I do realize there are many as your self and my mother In law, a full-on psychic and Bipolar, no one more gifted. I call a double barrel. Psychic and prone to manic episodes. So Yes, there are people with both Bipolar and psychic gifts.

The negative side is the repercussions of not being able to handle life without medications and the psychic activity not properly viewed, due to lack of training. But you are pursuing understanding and training.

Back to my mother in-law she spoke of seeing and feeling spirits, tingling and temperature changes.
I re-questioned my husband and he verified his mum spoke of energy shifts. You can goggle search, but my version is a little different. My understanding is similar to my mother in-law. You seem to be exhibiting Spiritual awakening as well as Energy shifts and the key would be to keep with your meds and study and practice, keep a book have your friend as a pacer monitor your Aura. Make notes to cross reference for any proof. Unless you have practiced extensive meditation or other methods to open energy within your self you would not be classified as Kundalini awakening.
Though the concept seems similar.

Kundalini or Spiritual awakening as an Eastern experience, but knowing a few people from India it is true that as most indigenous people walk close to the earth and are aware of their bodies plus a conscious connection of responsibility it is viewed as a normal experience, but most aspire toward self discipline and understanding of self and creator. This is common and not spoken of because it is transferred through oral tradition as well as in ritual or meditation/exercise practices. An understood phenomenon, among many indigenous people and an area that can easily be awakened.

As AnneV stated Kundalini is known in India practiced with meditations and different exercises which cause a cleansing, awakening of the spiritual psychie to open the veil of the spirit world. Some people whom are full on psychics are born with an opening already, so any additional work enhances and brings understanding and discipline.

You will have to check with Universities in Parapsychology professors in your area. You may wish to check with Raymond Moody I understand he is not too far from you and is located in Alabama he can give you a referal. But beware that even the most intelligent and learned men can talk themselves out of believing in the paranormal has been my experience with a well known professor of parapsychology in UNLV plus an accomplished author.

If you wish more info, click on my user name and email me so I can explain further.

starzz1919 (1 stories) (3 posts)
14 years ago (2010-01-27)
I do feel like the drugs are just covering up my psychic awakening, but I do show a lot of signs of a "manic episode" so I cannot rule out that option.

The first time my episode happened, it wasn't anything that I induced myself. My thoughts changed, my energy changed, a friend even told me that my aura kept constantly changing colors. I kept having panic attacks (which are now under control) but I didn't even know what a kundalini awakening was when it first happened.

I know this is sad, but I feel that if I don't continue to take meds, I won't be able to hold a job, or even function normally in life.

When these episodes happen, I forget things at work that I do everyday. Sometimes I get paranoid about people I know and am around, on top of all that there are a lot of psychic symptoms that have actually increased in the past 2 years.

I'm positive that I'm both bipolar and extremely psychic. I just need to know how to go about controlling the psychic experiences that I have so maybe I can learn to distinguish the difference between a manic episode and a psychic, or kundalini awakening.

What I REALLY am looking for is a person who is schooled in the realm of psychology and also in the realm of parapsychology.
AnneV (4 stories) (1064 posts) mod
14 years ago (2010-01-26)
You're playing both sides of the human society fence. On one side, you're experiencing Eastern religious experiences (they are actually for all humans to experience but the Eastern religions don't downplay them) with out-of-body experiences, verifiable information from a spiritual guide and so on. Then, on the other hand, you're seeking Western mental health answers to an Eastern religious experiences. You will continue to receive Western solutions (drugs, diagnosed mentally ill and sent to a counselor or worse to a ward) for esoteric experiences.

Of course you are scared by what you're going through. Most people in Western culture are afraid because they are ignorant. Where is any of this taught in our schools? It's not. I have a friend who lives in India and astral projection, Kundalini, and meditation is all mainstream knowledge that all their kids grow up with. It's just a post or two ago on this site where a young person was being reprimanded by his Western religious parents for committing a 'sin' for merely meditating (like Christ never meditated!) It's a wonder anyone gets beyond the amoeba stage of spiritual development around here.

If those drugs were working that they gave you (basically to kill any hope of you spiritually and metaphysically developing) then you'd not be experiencing anymore of your visions, but you are. It is who you are! We are spiritual beings living a physical experience.

It is specifically stated in any Kundalini book, especially from Eastern authors, to NOT awaken your Kundalini on your own because you don't know what you're doing. You even said you were so freaked out that you ran to a mental health organization. That's not how to go about it if you wish to continue pursuing Eastern esoteric knowledge.

You have to pick a side. Do you want to stick with fear based, ignorant Western philosophies that drug our psychics or do you want to follow your inner instincts and start doing some serious research into other belief systems that more closely match your verifiable experiences?

I grew up Catholic so I know all about fear and ignorance. At about the age of nine when they couldn't answer my questions, I went out on my own and started learning for myself what was really going on out there. I'm now in my 40's and know that most information fed in this society us is junk. You already know in your heart this but need some validation so here it is.


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